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Text Chapter 1020 Waiting for the birth of new life

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    "FinallyI gave birth to you" After Alexstrasza finished giving birth, she returned to her human form. The girls carried her back to the Flying Fortress and placed her properly on the bed.  She lost a lot of energy with this egg left, and she might not be able to get out of bed for several days.  Everyone wiped the egg clean and put it on Alexstrasza¡¯s bed.  Then they all gathered around, curiously looking at the egg that was emitting this glistening white light.  Because it is the egg of a giant dragon, this egg is very large, even reaching one and a half meters in height, and one meter in diameter at its widest point.  I have never seen such a big egg before.  Mu Feng gently placed his hand on the egg, and could even feel the slightest tremor in it!  With the help of supernatural perception, it is easy to judge that what is inside this egg is not the original yolk and egg white, but a little guy that has almost fully developed.  I believe it won¡¯t take long for her to break out of the egg!  "Let's hurry up and make something delicious for Alexstrasza." When Alexstrasza had a stomachache and was about to give birth, it was time to have breakfast, so she hadn't eaten yet.  Now just to keep this egg, a lot of energy and physical strength have been spent, and there is an urgent need to replenish a lot of food.  The food has been prepared long ago and is just below, including ten roasted whole lambs, roasted whole cows and roasted suckling pigs.  But the now weak Alexstrasza could only lie in bed and eat.  Fortunately, Saeko stood up at this time.  Because of her ability to handle weapons and being a Japanese girl, she has a large collection of knives.  Now she was controlling everything to fly up, and then she waved the originally complete food below, and finally turned it into small pieces of meat that could be easily eaten!  The rest is much simpler. The girls only need to put the food on the plate and feed it to Alexstrasza bit by bit.  Only two people were needed to do this. The remaining girls had been busy all morning and were already hungry, so they changed shifts and had breakfast themselves, allowing Alexstrasza to eat enough food.  .  After eating, Alexstrasza fell into a deep sleep, and it would take a long time to recover.  The remaining people were reluctant to leave and continued to comfort the born egg.  Because this is the first child born to Mu Feng!  Some girls even held the egg gently in their arms, hoping to speed up its hatching.  Although Alexstrasza once said that the eggs of dragons are different from those of other creatures, the little life will crawl out on its own without hatching for a while after being placed there.  But everyone still can't help but do it.  When such an important thing happened, other things didn't matter. Mu Feng didn't bother to go out, so everyone just circled around Alexstrasza and the egg for the whole day.  By night, no one was interested in playing the game, because we had agreed to play together, but now Alexstrasza couldn't play, so we gave up.  It just so happens that I¡¯ve been tired all day long, so why not have a good sleep.  Because of the influence of this egg, two girls who were not pregnant secretly attacked Mu Feng at night, hoping to become pregnant with Mu Feng's child.  The next day, Ye Mengmeng and Lan Feiling also knew about this, so they came over to see the eggs laid by Alexstrasza. There were more and more people in the Flying Fortress getting older.  It wasn¡¯t until three or four days later that Alexstrasza recovered.  You can also play games at the same time.  Although he turned into an egg and left Alexstrasza's body, Zulong can still use his spirit to communicate with Alexstrasza, so Alexstrasza is not worried at all. How long will it take for the little guy to truly  of breaking out of its shell.  Until then, everyone can only wait with peace of mind!  After Alexstrasza recovers, everyone can finally enter the game again.  This period of time has put them far away from the first group in the game.  But it doesn¡¯t matter. Mu Feng, who has just been promoted to father, doesn¡¯t care about this at all. Now he just wants to kill time and play with the girls.  He has already gained too much fame and fortune, so he doesn't care about them anymore.  As for his ranking and the like, of course he cares more about when the little guy will be born.  By the way, Mu Feng¡¯s two children are not simple One is the Ancestral Dragon, the former overlord of Tianji Continent, and the other is Hipper, the goddess of creation who thought she created a space.  These two people used to be more awesome than Mu Feng.  But now, there is no doubt that they will be Mu Feng's children.  Chuchun¡¯s belly now looks like it¡¯s three months old, but Hipper is actually?Depending on the seeds of life in the belly in early spring, the birth time may be much later than normal earth children.  Even Mu Feng and Chu Chun are actually normal human beings.  During this period, except for games and meals, Mu Feng would basically spend time with Alexstrasza, and of course their children.  Because the little guy has been able to communicate with Alexstrasza since he was very young, Mu Feng also knows that she can understand, so he will try to talk to her.  Let¡¯s talk about fun stories about playing games and fighting together.  It looks like a perfect family of three.  This scene certainly made the other girls blush and want to be pregnant with Mu Feng¡¯s baby.  However, Zulong and Hipper both have divine power, and it took their divine power to allow Mu Feng to enter the soul with one shot.  Because the real Mu Feng is a super strong man, it is difficult for him to leave an heir, so he must work hard.  Since then, the girls who had a relationship with Mu Feng were no longer reserved, and always agreed in twos and threes to spend the night with Mu Feng.  Why not come one by one?  Because the current cotton clothes are too strong, one person simply cannot satisfy Mu Feng, and will be so tired that he almost faints.  It's better to find a good sister to share the burden together, so that everyone can be happy.  Mu Feng did not exert any influence in the game, but Star Guardian and Mie Sansheng were very popular. As they were both Mu Feng's uncles, the two former enemies soon became friends and talked about everything.  friend.  Especially when Mie Sansheng took the Guardian of the Star to drink wine, he was able to lead this kid into evil.  Nowadays, Tianyu no longer forces players to choose their faction like in Tianji, and the two once hostile forces have finally united.  It has become the most powerful force in the Chinese gaming industry since it disappeared from the world of beauty!  After Qin Shuang¡¯s introduction, many elites from the world who originally wanted to follow Qin Shuang also joined in, which further strengthened this force.  But what¡¯s interesting is that Xingchen¡¯s name was eventually left behind in the name of this force, probably just for the sake of Mu Feng for a few years.  After all, without Mu Feng, there would be no stars as they were before, and there would be no Huarong Tianxia later, let alone the stars as they are now!  In this regard, Mu Feng only gave a few words of encouragement to his two uncles.  After all, he is no longer interested in fighting for the world. He has everything he should have, so why are he still fighting so hard in a game he designed?  It is better to enjoy life well.  In this way, the melancholic wind that once shone slowly faded out of everyone¡¯s sight, just like it did six or seven years ago.  Now there are only stars in the sky, and even the beautiful world has begun to slowly fade in people's memories Time passes bit by bit The most nervous thing for Mu Feng and the girls now is of course Zulong.  The little guy¡¯s egg is broken!  Finally one morning, Alexstrasza told everyone the good news.  The little guy feels that he is fully developed and will break out of his egg today and officially come into the world!  "Great!" Mu Feng and the girls cheered. They had been waiting for this day for a long time.  Finally became a reality today.  How could this not make Mu Feng excited?  So on this day, Mu Feng didn't want to leave the crystal clear white giant egg even if he was eating.  Because he didn't want to miss the birth of his first child!  It was an absolutely memorable day.
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