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Text Chapter 984 Found the trace

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    turn down!  Unexpectedly, Mu Feng was directly rejected by the mysterious goddess Hipper before he even said what his suggestion was.  "Your body and soul now belong to me. I am the only one who can command you, understand?" It turns out that she has not forgotten this relationship.  "So, I have the final say on what to do. As for changing a body, it's much more difficult than you think. The fragments of my godhead are highly integrated with yours, and it's difficult to separate them. Even if we are separated,  , not just anyone can withstand my huge energy," Hipper explained to Mu Feng.  In other words, although there is still hope for Mu Feng to regain his freedom, this hope is very slim.  "Um" After hearing Hipper's explanation for the first time, Mu Feng realized that the problem he was facing was definitely much more serious than he had thought before.  It feels a bit elusive to regain control of my body.  While speaking, Hipper had leveled a large area of ??the death glacier, and all the demons living in it were naturally dead!  Hipper's current strength is even slightly stronger than Mu Feng's at his peak!  Even the soul-burning skill had already been turned off after killing the mysterious man.  "In short, now let's build a base outside the Death Glacier and slowly kill all the demons in this Death Glacier!" Hipper had already thought of a plan. As for what Mu Feng said, she didn't  Listen in.  "Hey" Mu Feng could only sigh and had no other choice.  Who told Mu Feng to give up his body and soul to others?  Now everything is decided by others!  "After searching for so long, there is still no trace of Mu Feng. What should I do?" On the girls' side, the situation was even more anxious.  Although Mu Feng left intact at that time, there is still no more trace or information about him, which inevitably makes the girls worried.  "Perhaps there are some mistakes in the scope of our search. I think we need to re-discuss it." Considering everyone's ability, we should have discovered something in so many days.  Judging from the behavior of the strange guy occupying Mu Feng's body, it doesn't seem like he would suddenly be impressed by someone who did nothing.  Then, the scope of everyone's search has deviated, and the real traces of the other party have not been found.  "Qin Shuang, you should retell what happened at that time without missing any clues." Now, the only clues that can be used as clues are Qin Shuang and Alexstrasza who witnessed Mu Feng  A girl who transformed and fought against a mysterious man.  "This is what happened" Qin Shuang and Alexstrasza, who also wanted to find Mu Feng quickly, complemented each other and recounted what happened that day.  Although they have already heard it once, the girls still hope to find new clues from it.  "It seems that the soul that has taken over Mu Feng's body also hates the demon army. Otherwise, it would not torture the mysterious man like this, but not kill him immediately after gaining an absolute advantage!" Finally, the girls found a  Very strange place.  That was Mu Feng, who had already possessed his body at that time. He tortured the mysterious man for a long time and finally killed him when the other party no longer wanted to resist and dodge.  It can be seen from this plot that the soul that has occupied Mu Feng's body is indeed full of hatred for the demon army.  Since he hates the demon army so much, it seems that where this soul will go and what it will do after occupying Mu Feng's body is revealed "He must have gone to the world after the Dark Highlands now to kill more people there.  Devil!" Finally, someone guessed the most correct result.  "Then let's take action!" Now that they have guessed this possibility, the girls don't want to wait even a minute.  "I think we should bring the Flying Fortress with us, it might be useful!" At the same time, someone suggested that after finally passing, the Flying Fortress is not too slow and can be used as a means of transportation.  Mu Feng was also worried about what the girls were doing, although it was through Sivir that he left a message to comfort the girls.  But Mu Feng didn't have enough expectations about how effective these words would be.  Now that he had just learned from Sivir that his body might even be used by Sivir until eternity, he missed the girls even more.  Having lost the protection of the coalition forces, the girls relied on the Flying Fortress and slowly moved towards the depths of the Dark Highlands. However, their destination this time was not on the Dark Highlands, but in the area behind the Dark Highlands!  No one knew what kind of danger was waiting for them there, but for Mu Feng, they were willing to take such risks.  Sivir¡¯s strength is astonishing, but the Death Glacier seems to be a vast area with a large and dark plateau, just for her aloneIt is really a long process to completely eliminate the demons on the Death Glacier.  Until now, the demons she has destroyed are only a drop in the bucket, no, maybe not even a drop in the bucket.  After all, this is only the super periphery of the Death Glacier. Those relatively low-level demon deaths cannot even attract the slightest attention from the top of the Demon Legion.  "These demons seem to be many, but compared to the demon army that invaded the world I created, they are still pitiful. My world is much more advanced than this Skyrim Continent. It is a much broader continent." Xipei  Goddess Er began to reminisce, and of course the only audience was Mu Feng.  "The demon that invaded your world must be more powerful, right?" Mu Feng said.  "Of course, compared to the mysterious man before, he was not even worthy of carrying my shoes compared to the demon leader I had the final battle with. At that time, I had to face the siege of five or six such powerful opponents alone  " Hipper continued to recall.  Mu Feng found that this goddess was too powerful.  No wonder just a small piece of Godhead can help him reach the pinnacle of humanity.  "Hey, it's a pity that I lost in the end." Hipper was silent.  "Then you haven't summarized the reasons for your failure?" Mu Feng took the opportunity to ask.  "I'm still not strong enough. As the ruler of the plane at that time, I let myself go too far. I never focused on getting stronger. I didn't lose so miserably until the demon army came to attack." "No, I think you failed.  The reason is the lack of reliable companions! If you had a few strong companions, you would have been able to drive away the demon army." This is a completely different view between Mu Feng and Hipper.  "Really?" Hipper smiled, noncommittal.  Mu Feng discovered that changing Hipper's subjective thoughts was not something that could be done overnight.  In this way, Hipper continued to clean up the demons, while also chatting with Mu Feng boredly, talking about more things that happened when she was in her own space.  Mu Feng, on the other hand, has always wanted to persuade Hipper to open his mind and accept help from the girls.  This way her wish can come true faster.  Maybe there is a way to find a female body.  However, Hipper was determined to do it alone.  She simply couldn't listen to Mu Feng's suggestion and still wanted to come alone.  And her ongoing actions of destroying and destroying demons finally attracted the attention of the demon army.  Some high-level demons began to appear.  After all, she was only one person, and the demon army didn't seem to want to send more demons out to capture her.  But Hipper¡¯s strength is amazing enough.  The legendary boss who came to cause trouble was simply not enough to watch, and he was beaten severely in minutes!  During this period of time, the girls finally drove the flying fortress through the dark highlands and arrived on the death glacier.  Parking the flying fortress near the edge of the dark highland, the girls began a new round of searching for Mu Feng's traces.  ¡°Compared to before, it¡¯s much easier to find this time.  Although the Death Glacier is huge, Hipper has been fighting here for many days, using the strategy of killing everyone and destroying them all.  The death glacier was turned into a mess. As long as you pass by, you can clearly see the battle scenes and the corpses of the remaining demons everywhere!  Sure enough, things are much more serious than imagined!  The girls finally found evidence that Mu Feng might be here!  "Okay, now we finally have a clue, and we don't have to search blindly. The plan will change next. Let's search along the traces of these battles to see if we can find Mu Feng. But we must pay attention, if Mu Feng is found  Feng, don't go up and talk to him alone. No one knows whether he will attack like us now, right?  "As Mu Feng's first wife.  Although she was excited, Qin Shuang still gave instructions to everyone.  "Don't worry." He was only slightly injured, but if he was really attacked, it would be a big sin if no one went back to report the situation and let Mu Feng go away.  Girls don't do that.  However, there are still many demons in the Death Glacier, so girls with lower abilities are not suitable to go out to look for Mu Feng. They can only stay in the Flying Fortress and wait for news.  This building that was driven over finally had some effect.  It was not sent in vain.  Of course, many of the powerful alchemy puppets among them have also been repaired to some extent by the grateful Tianji Continent alchemists during this period.  His skills are much better than those of the demons, so his strength has also increased greatly.  If you really want to fight, this can be considered a moderate force.
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