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Text Chapter 943 Meeting the Four Elemental Gods

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    Seeing Mu Feng and his opponent's legendary boss rushing into the lava for one moment and flying into the air for the next, I knew that Mu Feng was having a great time fighting.  Qin Shuang did not bother him, but turned around to help the army deal with the tens of millions of demons.  The devil's individual strength is still too strong, and now it is in a narrow underground space. It is still difficult for the coalition to fight.  Not as smooth as on the ground.  Especially these demons are accustomed to the underground environment. To them, the lava with such a high temperature is the same as the most ordinary warm water. The thickness of the skin of the holy demon can be imagined.  However, all this was relieved after Qin Shuang joined the battle. Qin Shuang casually fired a super electromagnetic gun combined with the lightning arrow skill, and he could directly penetrate an unmanned passage.  Because all the demons in the path of the electromagnetic cannon were directly evaporated The strength of the fifth-level powerhouse was clearly revealed at this time.  The coalition forces also launched a wave of attacks under the leadership of Qin Shuang.  At this time, Mu Feng was fighting the legendary boss back and forth.  Although they are both legendary level bosses, this is a powerful boss that can control millions of demons. It is completely different from those long-crushing alchemy puppet bosses in the Flying Fortress.  Mu Feng even felt that he had misjudged the opponent's strength.  It is very likely that this opponent's real strength has surpassed the legend and reached the level of half-legend.  Dodging the opponent's heavy punch, Mu Feng, who had already fully activated his skills, hit its chest with a fist burning with green flames. The two of them fell into the lava like meteors, and a beautiful flame exploded.  flower.  Rushing into the lava, Mu Feng used his own fire power to separate the lava from himself because he was a controller of fire powers.  As for the opponent, I don¡¯t know how many years he has lived here, so he will naturally not be hurt by the high temperature of the lava.  In this way, the two continued to fight back and forth under the lava. The huge shock caused by the strong man's battle made the lava continue to erupt like a fountain, and the scene was spectacular.  ¡°Bang!~¡± In the end, Mu Feng kicked his opponent away again and rushed out of the lava.  "It's almost time to end." After playing almost, Mu Feng also became serious. The two artifacts that he had not taken out before fell into his hands. The supernatural flames quickly wrapped them, and a pair of gorgeous wings composed of flames spread out behind his back. The speed  Raised to the limit, before the legendary boss even hit the ground, it had already passed through its body and cut it in two!  Afterwards, Mu Feng summoned the ball to join the battle, and came to the mysterious crystal of the beast's skull, studying it while waiting for the battle to end.  A battle worth tens of millions would take at least two or three days to end completely.  However, with Qin Shuang's help, this speed will increase several times.  As a fifth-level powerhouse with lightning powers, Qin Shuang slaughtered demons faster than Mu Feng.  The war ended in smoke. The demon lords did not appear, but Mu Feng still felt their anger coming from the distance.  This is the feeling of a fifth-level strong man.  Being able to do things that make those guys unhappy is the most satisfying thing for Mu Feng.  At the same time, the news of this great victory and some video messages were quickly spread to the coalition forces. The originally tense coalition forces finally became inspired by this victory.  The Earth and Sky soldiers who had previously disliked each other were now able to drink happily together again.  The danger that might have caused the coalition to fall apart was temporarily suppressed by victory.  In fact, the mysterious person hidden in the coalition forces knew about Mu Feng's operation immediately.  But he refrained from taking immediate action because it wasn't as good an opportunity as it seemed.  It takes half a month for the army to move, which is very fast for a fifth-level powerhouse.  Whether attacking the road where Mu Feng attacked or attacking the coalition base camp, the coalition forces could quickly provide reinforcements.  Now, unlike before, almost all the demons hidden in the coalition forces have been uncovered. It is simply impossible to secretly obstruct them.  It will only expose yourself directly.  But it doesn¡¯t matter, this is just to suppress the conflict temporarily. This conflict may still break out again at any time, as long as it uses some tricks Mu Feng and Qin Shuang, who were supposed to return quickly after the battle, did not leave immediately, because here  There are still so many secrets worth studying.  Of course, the bone marrow and crystal powder that had been collected by the demons were directly put into the bag.  However, since it is a good thing that the demon lords are eyeing, it is not easy.  The mysterious crystals that are too huge to fit into a space backpack, and the marrow of giant beasts that have yet to be developed, are all precious resources.  Especially the mysterious crystal, which is stuck in the hard skull of the giant beast and cannot be taken out at all.  This should be n times more valuable than the marrow of that giant beast.  It seems that we can only dig it After thinking about it,?It seems that the best way is to get out the skeleton of this giant beast, at least the skull, and then take it away entirely.  As for destroying the skull, come on, that's something even the demons can't do But now is a time of war, and it's not that easy to get someone to dig it out.  Before leaving, Mu Feng put his hand on the mysterious crystal that had been destroyed by demons for tens of thousands of years and was still hard, and felt it quietly.  "PlopPlop" Mu Feng seemed to feel that in the mysterious crystal, there was an extremely weak breath of life, as well as a faint beating heartbeat.  The feeling was so weak that Mu Feng even thought that he had made a mistake.  However, as the other person's heartbeat and his own heartbeat slowly unified to the same frequency, Mu Feng finally confirmed this feeling.  "Are you still alive? It seems I have to find a way to rescue you." Mu Feng pondered.  "What's wrong, Dad?" The battle has ended long ago and it is a safe period.  So Mu Feng always puts Xiao Xi outside, so that she will be more comfortable, and Mu Feng will be in a good mood when he sees Xiao Xi's cute appearance.  Seeing Mu Feng's strange behavior, Xiao Xi, who was as curious as a baby, immediately asked.  "There seems to be a cute little guy inside this crystal" Mu Feng said with a smile.  "Then let it out, dad!" After hearing that there was a cute little guy, Xiao Xi immediately became serious and was full of curiosity about this little guy.  "Maybe not, look." Mu Feng took out a pair of his artifact moon blades and slashed them hard on the mysterious crystal, but he was only able to cut out some crystal shards.  It's much faster than the demons mining it.  But to get to the point of getting the little guy out, it probably won't be possible without one for a year or two.  After all, the dead beast was so big that the huge skeleton alone could hold an underground palace and city containing tens of millions of demons.  You can imagine what a huge guy this was back then.  Maybe he was the ruler of the Skyrim Continent at that time Because it was underground, the skeleton of the giant beast was not fully displayed. Mu Feng couldn't even guess what this big guy looked like from the skeleton Maybe only at the beginning  The four elemental gods of creation, earth, water, wind, and fire, were able to answer Mu Feng's questions.  It's just that they are all at Teresa's place now.  This time I should be able to see Teresa again when I go back, and I¡¯ll be able to ask the four elemental gods for advice.  Since it couldn¡¯t be taken away or opened, Mu Feng stopped staying and left directly with Qin Shuang, returning to the coalition headquarters, where he was needed more.  With the speed of Mu Feng and Qin Shuang, they are much faster than the flying army.  Qin Shuang only has the flame crow mount, but not Mu Feng's flame phoenix.  The Flame Phoenix was faster, so Mu Feng asked Qin Shuang to ride with him, which was also a chance to develop a relationship.  Recently, due to the war, we haven¡¯t been together so affectionately for a long time.  Mu Feng was beaming with joy when he returned to the coalition headquarters. Of course, the reason for this is indescribable.  To Mu Feng¡¯s joy, Teresa finally managed to defeat the nobles in the elves who were afraid of death and returned here.  "Teresa, you came back just in time. I happened to have something to find you." "Oh?" Unexpectedly, the first thing Mu Feng did when he came back was to look for her. Teresa was very happy.  The two went directly to an empty room in the Flying Fortress.  "What on earth is going on?" Theresa blushed, wondering what Mu Feng was looking for her for.  "Um, can you invite the four elemental gods of earth, water, wind and fire to come out? I have some things I want to ask." Mu Feng found that Teresa seemed to have misunderstood something.  Although he really wanted to have something happen with Teresa, now was not a good time.  It would be better to wait until the war is over and he can marry this peerless goddess with both beauty and wisdom back home in a glorious manner.  "Huh?" Unexpectedly, Mu Feng's purpose was this. Teresa was stunned for a moment before she realized what she was doing.  He took out the Compass of Gods and Demons from the package he carried with him, and awakened the four elemental gods of earth, water, wind and fire in it.  When we dealt with the demon lord before, the strength of the four elemental gods of earth, water, wind, and fire was greatly damaged. They have not recovered yet, so they are not suitable for fighting.  "Four gods, long time no see." Mu Feng greeted them with a smile.
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