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Text Chapter 940 Great changes in Lion Heart City

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    For Mu Feng's behavior, those who studied alchemy puppets in Tianji Continent were filled with gratitude.  It was the information that Mu Feng and the girls brought back despite the danger last time that allowed the alchemy technology of Tianji Continent to restart.  Now, Mu Feng directly moved the great treasure of the Flying Castle over!  Although when the demon army occupied it before, Professor Gujiguji was also destroying it while doing research, destroying some useful information.  But these can all be recovered and rediscovered.  What Mu Feng brought back this time made the alchemy technology of Skyrim Continent take a big step forward. More importantly, the production speed of usable war puppets was doubled!  Such an improvement is equivalent to greatly strengthening the strength of the coalition forces, which is equivalent to everyone being happy.  Originally, Earth's soldiers could be resurrected after death and then leave the battlefield and go home. This was unfair to Skyrim's native race soldiers who only had one life.  So the two sides are actually slowly brewing some conflicts.  But now Mu Feng has successfully suppressed these conflicts with his own achievements and reputation.  The admiration of Mu Feng by the soldiers of the Skyrim race made them temporarily forget the differences between the two sides, and truly regarded him as their commander-in-chief, and they became more obedient in carrying out tasks and orders.  Unlike before, when Mu Feng commanded them, he had to go through their superiors.  This is a kind of recognition that makes Mu Feng feel comfortable and feels that everything he has done before is in vain.  I don¡¯t know what the demon army is still doing, but at least the impact of the defeat of the army and the internal ghost incident on the coalition forces seems to have been slowly eliminated during this period.  The coalition forces reintegrated into an indestructible whole.  This is exactly what Mu Feng and the girls most want to see.  If there are many conflicts within the coalition, how can they fight against the powerful demon army?  The war is still in the early stages and has not yet transitioned to the mid-term. The big reason is the demon army's shrinking action and various small private actions.  In comparison, it seems that the demon army is more cunning.  However, Mu Feng understood that it was because the coalition forces were strong enough. Otherwise, with the style of the demon army, they would have faced them head-on and crushed them directly.  At the same time, Mannoroth finally took action.  The first person to be shot was the human being, the backbone of the Alliance of Light!  Humans, who were already powerful, became a single family for a while after the elves declined slightly. It was not until the elves recovered some of their strength under Teresa's governance and the help of Mu Feng that things finally got better.  However, even now, humans are still the most powerful.  Because humans are more beautiful and not as flashy as elves.  Most people cannot accept dwarfs, so humans account for half of the players in the Alliance of Light.  The remaining third is elves, and the last part is divided among the remaining races.  With the help of so many human players, the prosperity of human beings will naturally be normal.  In particular, Lionheart City, the largest city in mankind, is even more majestic and has slowly regained a sense of prosperity.  "In this case, the aristocratic class naturally reappeared among humans. These descendants of the powerful human beings gradually became corrupted, allowing Mannoroth's dream demons to find an opportunity to invade.  Among the human nobles, several have been controlled by nightmares and become slaves of Mannoroth.  Now, Mannoroth plans to make a big move and attack Lionheart City, the main city of mankind.  Mannoroth has never forgotten the incident where the demon army that relied on the portal to massacre the main city of elves had never forgotten it, and now he could finally do it again.  Furthermore, humans have sent a large number of troops into the coalition. Although Lionheart City is magnificent, there are not many real troops.  The coalition forces are far away in the dark highlands, and it is not easy to reinforce them here.  Now we are in big trouble.  Mannoroth secretly lurked near Lionheart City, and then sent out the dream demons to awaken the humans who had long been controlled and began to take action.  Mannoroth, who built the portal, has already found Alai. All it takes is for these human nobles to find some reason to leave Lionheart City and come to the outskirts, pretending not to care and get these things into the city.  Then choose a perfect location to build the demon teleportation array again.  In this way, the demon army can come to Lionheart City through the demon portal and kill them!  With such a mix-up, all races in Skyrim know that their rear areas are not safe, and they will definitely allocate some military forces back to their own racial defense.  Retreating during war will undoubtedly arouse the anger of the Earth's military. We came to your land to help you fight the war, and you actually withdrew?  Do you still want to fight?  Mannoroth¡¯s purpose is naturally to arouse hatred between the two real camps of the coalition.  Although each other such as the Alliance of Light and the Dark Tribe.  Every major country on earth has conflicts.  But the coalition forces are mainly divided into?There are two forces, one is from the earth, and the other is the aborigines of the Skyrim Continent.  Now, what Mannoroth wants to do is to intensify the gap between the two sides, so as to give the Demon Legion a greater chance.  After all, on the battlefield, the army of Skyrim Continent is actually the main force. This is the main battlefield of Skyrim Continent. There are still too few qualified soldiers that can be recruited by the Earth's conscription.  The plan is still proceeding according to Mannoroth's ideas, and the materials for building the demon portal have been transported into Lionheart City in batches.  But now is not the best time to open the portal. If you want to cause greater damage to Lionheart City, of course it is best to do it at midnight when everyone is asleep By midnight, those who have been corrupted and controlled by Mannoroth  The nobles took action and began to build portals in the slums that no one cared about.  Soon, the portal was set up and demons began to rush out of it.  And these nobles who opened the portal quickly disappeared, as if they had never been here, because in the subsequent plan, Mannoroth still needs the status and power of these people among the top human beings.  Of course, they will not directly transform the undercover into a demon like what was done in the main elf city.  The number of demons rushing out from the portal is increasing. The first demons to rush out have already entered the slums and began to massacre the poor people who are still sleeping in their dreams.  Soon, wailing and fire woke people up, and finally someone discovered that a large number of terrifying demons had appeared in Lion Heart City, the main city of mankind!  "It's demons. Why did they appear in Lionheart City?" The guards of Lionheart City also quickly got the news, but their number was only enough to maintain stable law and order in Lionheart City. They wanted to eliminate the demons and close the portal.  It's impossible.  As a last resort, after reporting to their superiors for help, they rushed forward regardless of their own safety.  If they don¡¯t rush forward, the demons will spread very quickly, and soon the entire Lion Heart City will be filled with demons, causing heavy damage to the human Chow Chow who has no power to resist.  With their lives, if it can be delayed for some time, more people will be saved.  With the sacrifice of the Guard soldiers, someone could finally escape from the devil's hands. The entire Lionheart City was full of people running wildly.  The old king had just finished a meeting about the war and went to sleep when he was woken up.  When he heard that the demon army had sent a large number of demons to Lionheart City through the portal, he immediately collapsed on the bed in fear and was unable to issue orders.  At this time, the eldest prince who had to take orders in the face of danger was also a guy who was afraid of death. In addition, with the advice of several noble children who usually played together, he actually directly issued an order to return reinforcements to the human army in the frontline coalition forces!  "What! Is this really an order from the eldest prince?" Among the coalition forces, the person in charge of the human army was the old king's most trusted general. He was very sad when he heard the news that the old king had fainted, but he learned that the eldest prince actually ordered  When he led the army back to aid Lion Heart City, he was so angry that he vomited blood.  Now that the coalition forces are advancing, this battle is a key battle to eliminate the demon army. How can he be allowed to lead the human army to evacuate?  This is a betrayal of our allies!  At this time, the army is in the dark highlands, and it is impossible to deal with the fire from far away.  Any king with a little bit of common sense would know that he should give priority to mobilizing nearby troops.  For example, the navy on the sea did not join the coalition because these forces could not effectively fight on land.  But the number is also a million, which is enough to deal with the trouble in Lion Heart City.  You must know that Lion Heart City is the best seaport on the Skyrim Continent. When Mu Feng went to Lion Heart City, he took a boat from the Elf Tribe's map.  Navy ships can sail directly outside Lionheart City and pour artillery fire on the demonic legions in the city.  Then, as long as the portal is destroyed, the remaining demons can be quickly eliminated.  "General, what should we do now?" the old general's men asked the old general. He was the only one who could make a decision at this time.  "Hey let's go back!" The old general closed his eyes and made a painful decision.  It should be impossible for the old king to stand up and rule again.  The eldest prince will be the new king in the future.  This is the first order issued by the new king in a crisis. If he does not implement it, basically he, his generals and everyone's family will be torn apart under the wrath of the new king who has survived the disaster.
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