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Text Chapter 938: Old acquaintance, Flying Fortress!

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    While flying, Mu Feng discovered something special.  And this place happened to be where Mu Feng had been.  In a previous world mission, Mu Feng led the girls here and took away some information about the alchemy puppet!  Because of this mission, everyone has gained a skill that can summon alchemy puppets!  The strength is greatly increased.  This is the moving castle that has always been in the area controlled by the demon army in the dark highlands!  What it contains is the epitome of the highly developed civilization in the history of Skyrim Continent, and the inheritance of alchemy puppet technology!  Unexpectedly, Mu Feng, who had long forgotten where this place was in the Dark Highlands, would end up here again by some strange combination of circumstances!  I remember that I left in a hurry and was almost trapped here by the reinforcements of the demon army. I didn't take all the information with me.  Now that I'm here again, I just want to go in and see if there is any information worth taking away.  You know, the Alchemy Puppet is now a considerable fighting force in the coalition forces.  ??Alchemy puppets are products of alchemy that have no intelligence and no life. They are worth less than the Earth soldiers who must return to Earth after dying once. They are real consumables.  Moreover, under the research of Tianji Race, the mass-produced alchemy puppets not only have good attack power, but also have low cost. They have already formed a certain scale among the coalition forces.  If you can find some information on strengthening the alchemy puppets here, it will increase the overall strength of the coalition.  There are so many alchemy puppets, and the changes brought about by strengthening them a little will be a huge enhancement.  Thinking of this, Mu Feng immediately flew downwards, intending to see what else was left here.  I remember that this place was occupied by a little green-skinned demon before. All the information was studied and some battle puppets were produced for the demons to eat.  But that time, Mu Feng and the girls couldn't kill that guy.  I wonder if there are still demons stationed here.  With Mu Feng¡¯s current strength, he wouldn¡¯t be killed by the devil¡¯s reinforcements at any time like before.  We landed at the door of the ruins of a huge building. From the outside, it seemed that the place had been deserted, and there were no demons guarding it outside.  But Mu Feng remembered that there were many automatically activated alchemy puppets wandering around inside.  Because they use thousands of technologies, those alchemy puppets are much more powerful than those made by the coalition forces.  Sure enough, as soon as the heavy door was pushed open, a piercing alarm sounded.  Several beams of light suddenly shone through the entire hall, illuminating Mu Feng. Then a large number of repaired alchemy puppets appeared, surrounded Mu Feng, and launched an attack.  "Master!" The ball flew into the air, and then shot countless missiles from behind, instantly exploding in the group of alchemy puppets. Hundreds of alchemy puppets instantly lost their ability to move.  Nowadays, the damage caused by Qiuqiu cannot be the same as before.  At the same time, two weapons appeared in Mu Feng's hands and joined the battle group. It is only the first floor now. Remember, this building has several floors. The higher the level of the alchemy puppets that appear, the higher the level. There are even legendary levels.  The alchemy puppet cannot waste time here.  Most of the alchemy puppets on the first floor are cannon fodder. Both Mu Feng and Qiuqiu can deal with a large area by themselves. Now the two of them are clearing them together at an astonishing speed.  After all, they are just some battlefield elite level things, mixed with some silver and gold bosses.  They were all supposed to be boss level in the past, but they were destroyed during the demonic invasion and were repaired to a lower level.  Later, Mu Feng and the others invaded again, and after repairing it, it became even worse. After all, the demons were not that smart, and their hands-on ability was even worse.  The fragments on the ground are all useful things. Now that he has a lot of time, Mu Feng puts all these things into the space package.  Unexpectedly, after being integrated with the game, space packages can also be used on the Skyrim continent.  It evolved from the original package of the game character. You can access various things at will. Compared with the past, only things recognized by the system could be put in it. Now it is more convenient.  After cleaning up the corpses of the alchemy puppets on the ground, Mu Feng was not in a hurry to go to the second floor because he remembered that he had gained something on the first floor last time and wondered if he would have any good luck today.  Because he doesn¡¯t have deep research on alchemy puppets, he is not particularly sure which things are useful and which are useless.  But it doesn¡¯t matter, Mu Feng¡¯s package is big enough to carry everything that seems useful.  Just like that, Mu Feng quickly packed everything he could into his backpack like a robber who had broken into a house, and then started to walk towards the second floor.  Like the previous situation on the first floor, after the alarm system was triggered, all the alchemy puppets in the entire building that were still able to move have already taken action, but they cannot leave their place due to the rules.He was guarding the floor, so he was waiting for Mu Feng.  This was not a problem for Mu Feng. He just let Qiuqiu come over and fired a shot from the giant cannon on his right arm. It instantly opened a gap and then turned into a stream of light and flew into the second floor.  At the same time, another battle began.  Compared with the first level, the difficulty of the second level is much higher. Basically, they are all boss-level alchemy puppets.  But now Mu Feng's strength is much stronger than when he came here before.  Although there is no help from the girls, there is Qiuqiu. Now Qiuqiu is also in the top three, very strong.  Together with Qiuqiu, Mu Feng slowly cleaned up these alchemy puppets.  In order to take them back as materials and templates, Mu Feng no longer used powerful attacks. If they were all broken into pieces, there would be little point in taking them back. Therefore, he still used a more civilized way, using physical attacks!  Within two minutes, Mu Feng and Qiuqiu had dismantled all the at least four to five hundred alchemy puppets on the entire second floor.  Then it became the material lying quietly in Mu Feng's space backpack.  What¡¯s important is that this was once a library, called the National Library of Dalaran.  Therefore, there are many interesting things here, not only things about alchemy puppets, but also some records about magic.  It took Mu Feng half an hour just to pack away the books that the demons found useless, because there were so many things here "Huh I'm exhausted." Although it was just the next step.  Moving and then putting away all the books is still a big job.  During this period, even Xiao Xi came to help. She carried a heavy book with her small body to Mu Feng and put it into his space backpack.  Now Mu Feng and Xiao Xi were exhausted and had to take a short rest.  Fortunately, when Mu Feng left the coalition camp, Chuchun had made a lot of delicious food for Mu Feng, and put them in the space backpack that could prevent the food from spoiling. Now it is time to take it out to eat.  Finding a clean place, Mu Feng and Xiao Xi took a good rest, leaning against the empty bookshelf.  Of course, Mu Feng would not forget Xiao Xi's contribution and threw five pet cakes to Xiao Xi.  Due to several upgrades, the pet cake that Xiao Xi originally needed to hold with both hands is now only as big as its head. It is no problem to eat five in one go!  Who knows that her belly is actually connected with a strange space.  It seems that among the girls who are with Mu Feng, there is no one who cannot eat Fortunately, Mu Feng has made a lot of money, otherwise he really can't afford to support so many foodies About half an hour passed before  After the break, Mu Feng stood up from the ground, and Xiao Xi also flew up from Mu Feng's arms and came to Mu Feng's shoulders.  We have just reached the second floor. Mu Feng remembers that this building seems to have four or five floors. There is still a long way to go. I hope that the future harvest will satisfy Mu Feng.  The alchemy puppets on the first and second floors are just appetizers.  As Mu Feng, Qiuqiu, and Xiao Xi continue to go deep into the National Library of Dalaran, they will encounter more powerful enemies.  Mu Feng remembered that there was originally a boss on the second floor. It seemed to be called the Earth Core Lava Beast. It was a very powerful boss. It took everyone a lot of effort to kill it.  However, there must be only one Earth Core Lava Beast. After killing it last time, the demons did not let other monsters take its place. That's why Mu Feng was able to clean up the alchemy puppets here so easily and took away so many.  books.  The third floor is an alchemy puppet factory. Here, there are many alchemy puppet parts piled up. Some of these are irreparable in the first place, and some were broken by Mu Feng and others before they had time to repair them last time.  There are still unfinished semi-finished products on many workbenches. It seems that the demons evacuated in a hurry, so there are such semi-finished products.  There was not even a shadow of a demon visible on the entire third floor.  Instead, dozens of boss-level alchemy puppets surrounded him.  Compared with the mini-boss below, these are the real boss-level alchemy puppets, because they are all legendary level!
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