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Text Chapter 935: Encounter

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    Maronos had not fully participated in the war before, but now it has finally revealed its claws and is ready to implement its plan.  In its view, the coalition's strength on the frontal battlefield has surpassed that of the demon army, and it is impossible to decide the outcome head-on.  "However, the composition of the coalition is complex and is a collection of forces from many aspects. It is not particularly difficult to break up the alliance.  Especially for the aboriginal races of the Skyrim Continent, it is even easier.  Because, for so many years, Mannoroth has never given up on confusing important figures of various races in Skyrim.  In fact, now he has managed to control a few people who might turn the tide of the battle.  Now, it will activate these mines that have been buried for a long time and give the coalition forces a new blow.  Having just cleared away the demons that had invaded the interior, the coalition forces were beaming with joy.  Even the demon army's continuous small-scale sweeps were ignored.  Just regain the lost land bit by bit.  Compress the space occupied by the demon army.  One day the demon army will have to choose to confront the coalition forces head-on.  Because at that time, the headquarters of the Demon Legion would be surrounded by the coalition troops who came knocking on the door.  A large number of new test potions have been produced. You only need to add some to the bonfire burning in the camp, and the burning gas will carry the power of these potions.  All demons that try to sneak in will be activated under the influence of the potion and be directly caught and eliminated.  Nowadays, many demons are killed like this every day.  But Mu Feng began to feel inexplicably worried.  Because it was the same atmosphere before the last time the coalition forces were lost.  It's really puzzling that demons can be so stable.  "Why don't we go and investigate." In the end, Mu Feng, who was absolutely confident in his own strength, decided to go and investigate in person.  Although a modern detection network has been established, the devil also has ways to deal with it.  In the core area controlled by the demon army, it is still shrouded in fog, making people wonder what kind of activities are going on inside.  However, Mu Feng has the strength and speed to escape completely, so he can go and check it out in person.  It would be best if you can find some clues. If not, killing a few powerful bosses secretly will weaken the demon army's strength to some extent.  "I'll go with you." Qinshuang was not surprised by Mu Feng's actions.  Just like many times before, Mu Feng was willing to take risks alone for everyone.  But now, she hopes to be able to communicate with Mu Feng.  "And I, with the three of us traveling together, I believe the devils can't do any tricks." Crimson also hoped to go and upgrade the little pet in her arms.  "No, if it's the three of us, the target would be too big. Moreover, I always feel that the devil's eyes and ears are still hidden in the core command level of the coalition. If the three of us disappear at the same time, it might lead to a sneak attack by the devil lord.  . "I don't want that to happen." If the demon lord attacks, the only ones who can really fight are the fifth-level warriors.  If Tier 5 is short of manpower, I don¡¯t know how many lives of coalition soldiers will be sacrificed to repel them.  This is definitely not what Mu Feng wants to see.  By leaving Qinshuang and Crimson behind, Mu Feng felt more at ease with the army at the rear.  I believe there will never be any problems.  "Okay" After hearing Mu Feng's explanation, the two women also knew that although the coalition forces seemed to be strong, they still had a considerable disadvantage in terms of high-end combat power.  Mu Feng was already very stretched when he left, so they couldn't leave.  In this way, Mu Feng temporarily left his post as commander of the coalition forces and went to the depths of the Dark Highlands near the headquarters of the Demon Legion to investigate for information.  In the game before, Mu Feng also received similar tasks.  However, the flight system had not been enabled in the game at that time, so Mu Feng always rode the Obsidian Wings and ran slowly.  Now, it is a world where reality and games merge.  Mu Feng can directly use his own powers to spread out a pair of flame wings and fly freely in the sky.  The original dark highlands were the richest land in the Skyrim Continent, but were eventually corrupted by the demon army.  Since the dark clouds that have covered the Dark Highlands for thousands of years have dissipated and been purified by the sun, the corrosion of the Dark Highlands is slowly disappearing. Although the previous beautiful scene has not been restored, some clues can be seen.  Using the flame wings to soar in the sky, Mu Feng was fortunate enough to be the first person to witness all this.  In some places, green has even begun to slowly grow.  Those are the toughest weeds, but with them, the vitality of the dark highlands will be restored faster and faster.  Although, after the war, all people on Earth must evacuate Skyrim Continent.  But after all, this was the place where I had stayed in the game for more than a year. Mu Feng felt extremely happy to see that this place had become beautiful again.  Of course, Mu Feng will not forget this time alone.??The tasks shouldered by travel.  That is to find a way to find out what the demon army is doing recently so that the coalition forces can be prepared.  If you want to find out this, of course the best way is to go to the base camp of the Demon Legion.  Mu Feng uses his superpower to fly very fast, but the Dark Highlands are really big, almost as big as a continent on Earth, and it¡¯s not that fast to fly to the destination.  On the way, I saw a lot of bosses, and Mu Feng killed them all regardless of their strength.  When it comes to the head-on confrontation, it can be considered that part of the strength of the demon army has been reduced.  First of all, of course, it is to see if we can find where the main force of the demon army is.  Various high-tech military detection methods were used, but there was no trace of even a large-scale demon army on the dark highlands.  But everyone knows that there are obviously a large number of demons living in the dark highlands.  So where did these guys go?  Now, it¡¯s up to Mu Feng to find the traces of these demons.  After everyone's efforts, there are only two possibilities.  One is that the demon army has concentrated all the high-level demons that can fight and deploy into the fog-covered area.  The other is that the demons have established a transportation network underground, allowing all movements to occur very deep below the ground.  Make it undetectable by all reconnaissance satellites and other technological means.  Mu Feng feels that the second possibility is very high.  The demons cannot remain in the fog and wait for death.  He must have been planning something all along.  Then, you need to find their entrance into the underground passage.  Mu Feng brought a smiling signal robot with him. As long as he found an entrance and put it in, it would wander around in the passage and display the map of the passage.  The most amazing thing is that this kind of robot has the ability to replicate itself.  You can collect the right materials to copy yourself, and then there will be not one, but a large number of small robots roaming the passage.  Soon the entire underground network will be controlled by the coalition forces.  In this way, the coalition forces will find the direction of attack.  Detonate a few nuclear bombs above the underground passage where demons gather, and they will be buried alive no matter how deep they are hidden.  That kind of feeling will definitely not be pleasant.  The perception of a fifth-level expert is very powerful. While flying now, Mu Feng is actually using his perception to check the situation below the ground, hoping to find signs of demons' activities underground.  In this way, even if the entrance cannot be found, it is still possible to blast a hole with brute force.  Anyway, just throw in the little self-replicating robot and you're done.  But this doesn¡¯t seem to be going well. The demons haven¡¯t made any big movements below the ground. Mu Feng hasn¡¯t found any clues yet.  This may also be related to the fact that it is still far away from the real hinterland of the demon army. Mu Feng is not in a hurry and continues to fly into the distance.  But at this moment, Mu Feng felt a terrifying aura slowly approaching in the distance.  To be on the safe side, he stopped flying and waited for the other party's arrival.  The strong men of the coalition forces should all be in the coalition formation at this time, and only he has escaped.  Moreover, the oncoming aura is very evil and unfamiliar, and there is a 99% chance that it is a strong person from the demon army.  " Moreover, the only person who can make Mu Feng feel dangerous is one kind of guy, and that is the demon lord of the demon legion!  "Who could it be?" Mu Feng thought in his heart.  Could it be a mysterious lord whom I haven't met yet?  However, the big guy soon appeared.  With a figure as big as a mountain of meat, he actually has a pair of devil wings on his back, and he can fly in the air. It's really unbelievable.  And this guy is actually an old acquaintance of Mu Feng, Maronos!  Mu Feng flew with his aura hidden, but Mannolos was habitually arrogant because this was still an area controlled by the demon army.  How could it have imagined that it would meet Mu Feng here?  In fact, the reason why it came out from the demon legion¡¯s base camp alone this time was to contact the people who had previously bewitched the Skyrim race and ask them to make some small moves to break up the coalition forces.  But it was unlucky and bumped into Mu Feng who also came to cause trouble!  He was directly blocked on the road.
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