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Chapter 1451. Big fight (11).

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    <!¡ª¡ª> ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ When Huo Zhengyuan was introduced to the Dongyuan study by the servants of the Song family, he saw Zhou Shangjing and Song Chengren still pointing around the map of Nanjing and discussing the follow-up countermeasures.  Even when they saw Huo Zhengyuan enter the study, Zhou Shangjing and Song Chengren did not stop talking. Song Chengren still pointed at various locations on the map and kept talking, while Zhou Shangjing raised his head and glanced at Huo Zhengyuan, first nodded and smiled, and then waved.  Huo Zhengyuan was invited to stand nearby and listen, but he had no intention of avoiding it at all.  Seeing the attitude of Zhou Shangjing and Song Chengren, Huo Zhengyuan couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't understand what the two old foxes were planning, but he still bowed respectfully, and then walked to Song Chengren to stand and listen.  Then, Huo Zhengyuan heard Song Chengren's serious voice.  "The group of dead soldiers who are wanted by the Nanjing government only has about ten people. They should be only a very small part of the entire dead soldier organization. A few days ago, a mysterious person passed the news to us through the Liang Gang, saying that  The scale of that dead warrior organization was much larger than expected, with at least two hundred dead warriors! And the leader of this dead warrior organization was Jiang Xiao, a notorious bandit who should have been beheaded by the court and abandoned long ago!  The most important thing is that Jiang Xiao did not know for what purpose. Even though he knew that Nanjing was under martial law, he still secretly sneaked back into Nanjing" As Song Chengren told his story, Huo Zhengyuan was keenly aware of it.  It seemed that Zhou Shangjing and Song Chengren, two old foxes, were secretly observing the changes in their expressions.  "Obviously, Zhou Shangjing and Song Chengren both speculated that Huo Zhengyuan had secretly revealed the news to them, so they deliberately mentioned it in front of Huo Zhengyuan, obviously wanting to take the opportunity to test Huo Zhengyuan's reaction.  In fact, Zhou and Song's guess was correct. It was Huo Zhengyuan who arranged for Hu Xiao to contact the Liang Gang and revealed to them more information about the "Chaofeng" organization and Jiang Xiao's existence and movements through the Liang Gang channels.  It was so that when necessary, the "Zhou Party" forces could be used in time to deal with Jiang Xiao and the "Chaofeng" organization.  But at this time, Huo Zhengyuan thought that the time had not come yet, so naturally he would not admit it. After realizing that Zhou Shangjing and Song Chengren were secretly observing him, Huo Zhengyuan immediately looked confused, as if he did not understand what Song Chengren was talking about at all.  , even completely unaware of the existence of the "Chaofeng" organization.  Seeing that Huo Zhengyuan did not show any abnormality, Song Chengren frowned slightly, but his expression was as usual the next moment. He raised his finger again and pointed to a location on the Nanjing map, and said slowly: "If this news is true, it means  There are still more dead soldiers hiding in the dark in Nanjing City! And after various tests, I think this location is the most suspicious!" Huo Zhengyuan looked down at the position of Song Chengren's finger, and found that it was a section of Nanjing City on the southeast edge.  The city wall is the entrance where the Qingxi water system flows into the city of Nanjing.  As a smart man, Huo Zhengyuan immediately thought of something and his eyes flashed.  Song Chengren continued: "This is the entrance where Jiuqu Qingxi flows into the city of Nanjing. Where the city wall and the river overlap, there is a sluice blocking the internal and external access. It is under the full jurisdiction of the first battalion of Nanjing defenders! It is currently the time of plum rain.  During the season, floods broke out of the embankments a few days ago, and the water levels of all the rivers in Nanjing surged. Even the Qingxi River, which had gradually dried up in recent years, quickly restored its shipping capacity. And I thought about it!  , I think that if Jiang Xiao wants to sneak back into Nanjing secretly, this location is the best breakthrough point. He only needs to control and bribe the military attach¨¦ responsible for the jurisdiction here, and he can temporarily open the floodgates without anyone noticing. Although  It is impossible to pass through a large group of people, but it is enough for two hundred dead soldiers to sneak in. Therefore, I sent people to search this location today, and also arranged a few smart people to carefully observe the defenders here!  The situation here became more and more suspicious!" Zhou Shangjing raised his old eyes and observed Huo Zhengyuan for a moment, then asked: "Oh? What is suspicious about it?" Song Chengren said coldly: "All parties in Nanjing City.  Among the forces, the Nanjing garrison has always had a low status, and they have always been respectful when in contact with the Song family. The military attache in charge of this section of the city defense is named Tang Kun.  , The greedy and lustful villain has never dared to disobey my Song family! But today, when I sent people to search this place, this Tang Kun showed obvious resistance and was completely unwilling to cooperate with the search.  The searcher only took a brief look and asked him to drive away with a strong attitude. He also said that the outside world should not be allowed to pry at will near the garrison area, which was completely inconsistent with his previous temperament!nbsp; At the same time, there are many warehouses and a privately built dock in this area, all of which are properties under the name of the Grain Gang, so the Grain Gang has also arranged for a leader to manage this place. The leader of the Grain Gang is named  Cai Tan has a good reputation. It is said that he is a good old man who takes care of his family and is filial. Therefore, he has always had a bad relationship with Tang Kun and Tang Baihu, who has a very bad reputation, and they often have conflicts But this time, facing me  The search team sent, Cai Tan and Tang Kun had an unprecedented unity of position and tacit cooperation, and they wanted to drive the search team away as soon as possible When these signs were combined, they naturally aroused my suspicion!  Maybeboth Tang Kun, a hundred households in the garrison, and Cai Tan, the leader of the grain gang, have been bribed and controlled by Jiang Xiao, so Jiang Xiao and his dead men can return secretly without anyone noticing.  The city of Nanjing is now hiding within the jurisdiction of these two people, accepting their protection and cover!  Although all these things are just my speculations, this kind of speculation can completely explain all the suspicious things, so I think we must focus on investigating this location next, maybe we will find something!  "After hearing this, Huo Zhengyuan finally couldn't control his expression. His face changed slightly, and his eyes were full of thinking. Combining the information on his side, Huo Zhengyuan couldn't help but agree with Song Chengren's conclusion and thought that Song Chengren's words  The speculation is very reasonable. According to Tang Cheng, Jiang Xiao met him secretly twice, both in a awning boat on the Qingxi River. Therefore, both Tang Cheng and Huo Zhengyuan also inferred that Jiang Xiao and his men were dead.  There is a high probability that he is hiding somewhere along the Qingxi River. But Huo Zhengyuan originally thought that he could only have this information, but he never expected that Song Chengren could use various suspicious signs despite insufficient information.  He also deduced a similar conclusion, and also cast suspicion on the Qingxi River. Moreover, Song Chengren's inference was even more accurate, and he directly found the most likely hiding place of Jiang Xiao and his dead men, and even found the most likely hiding place for Jiang Xiao and his dead men.  He also speculated on the specific way in which Jiang Xiao and his dead men secretly sneaked back into Nanjing, and who was protecting and protecting Jiang Xiao and his dead men. But in this way, it meant - Jiang Xiao and his dead men.  The dead soldiers under his command will soon fall prey to the two old foxes Zhou Shangjing and Song Chengren. They will be unable to escape under the dragnet set up by Zhou and Song, and the "Zhou Party" forces will be able to find them one step ahead.  There is conclusive evidence that the seventh prince Zhu Hejian secretly raised the dead, and then completely controlled the prince's dethronement, took the opportunity to manipulate the situation in the temple, and took all the benefits. As for Huo Zhengyuan himself, even though he had exhausted all the agencies and prepared a lot of back-ups, it was certain!  Thinking of this, Huo Zhengyuan couldn't help but lose control of his expression. Although Huo Zhengyuan quickly regained control of his expression and regained his ignorant look, he still didn't seem to understand.  What was Song Chengren talking about, but the change in his expression at this moment still did not escape the dim-looking old eyes of Zhou Shangjing and Song Chengren. Then, a hint of meaning flashed on Zhou Shangjing's old face, and he smiled and nodded: "  A greedy and lustful garrison from Baihu, and a filial grain gang leader who cares about his family. Both of these people are easy to control and bribe Although there is no evidence for all these speculations, they must be guarded against!  ¡°Master Song, it¡¯s up to you to come forward and contact the Nanjing garrison and grain gang to find out the truth as soon as possible. If your guess is true, then immediately mobilize all parties to kill Jiang Xiao and his dead men!  There are also several suspicious locations in the west of the city that cannot be missed, and no fish that slips through the net can be let go!  It's now the twilight hour, and I hope you can arrange everything before tomorrow's chen hour!  " Song Chengren nodded, and also gave Huo Zhengyuan a meaningful look. After Huo Zhengyuan raised his eyes and looked at him, he nodded and smiled at Huo Zhengyuan, then turned around and quickly left the room. " At the same time, Zhou Shangjing also once again  He looked up at Huo Zhengyuan, his expression full of admiration, and asked proactively: "Zi Gu, you have been in Nanjing for more than three months, right?  Since I came to Nanjing on an inspection tour, I have been wanting to meet you, but you have always avoided seeing me, as if I were a savage beast But why are you willing to take the initiative to visit me today?  " After hearing Zhou Shangjing's joking and inquiry, Huo Zhengyuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and secretly complained: "I've been avoiding you, not because you, an old fox, are too clever in your scheming skills. Once I come into contact with you, I will  There is a high probability that I will be taken advantage of by you, let you reveal the secrets in your heart, and take all the benefits from you?  Although I pride myself on being smart, I have no confidence in front of you!  After waiting until today, I finally made up my mind to meet you, I was fully prepared in advance, but I still fell into the trap. The secret information I collected with great difficulty was all used to make a wedding dress for you!  " While thinking deeply, Zhou Shangjing was extremely respectful on the surface, bowing his head and saying: "I heard that Zhou Shoufu is not in good health, so of course I should come to visit you Judging from Zhou Shoufu, your spirit is indeed far lower than when you were in the capital.  , and I hope you will take care of yourself.  " Zhou Shangjing sighed and shook his head, with a trace of sadness flashing across his expression. But the next moment, Zhou Shangjing's words caused Huo Zhengyuan's complexion to change uncontrollably.     <!¡ª¡ª  ->
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