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Volume 1 Chapter 60 Attack

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    Thousands of piranhas quickly charged towards the three suits and helmets.  However, when they approached, these piranhas did not attack Wang Wei and the others.  Instead, he left after rotating around the three pieces of clothing and helmets for a few weeks.  Seeing these piranhas leaving, Wang Wei breathed a sigh of relief.  The teeth of these piranhas are weaker than those of ancient piranhas.  Don't bite the clothes and helmets, it can still be done.  After all, Wang Wei's dragon suit and helmet were not reinforced, and the outer protection of the ancient piranha was not added.  "We finally left. It seems that in the eyes of these piranhas, the three of us are not living creatures." The clothes and helmets are clothes and helmets, not living things.  Equivalent to armor, mainly used for fighting.  "Next, be careful. Terrestrial creatures are different from marine creatures. The size of marine creatures can vary greatly. That's because in seawater, they don't need to support their own skeletons. On land creatures, the bones support the body. So the body size varies greatly.  Not as big as the marine creatures, but in terms of strength, they are not weak at all," Wang Wei said sharply to No. 2 and No. 4.  Wang Wei once watched a program in which a hungry polar bear jumped into the sea and hunted a beluga whale among a group of more than a dozen beluga whales.  It should be noted that the beluga whale is about five meters tall, while the polar bear is less than three meters tall.  Even though the difference is nearly twice that of a polar bear, it can still hunt a beluga whale after jumping into the sea water, which shows how powerful the polar bear is.  Because of the limitation of land, terrestrial creatures are generally smaller than marine creatures.  When Wang Wei lived, the largest elephant was the African wild elephant.  And in the age of dinosaurs, there were huge dinosaurs.  Even the largest dinosaurs are not as huge as the whales encountered at the bottom of the sea.  However, dinosaur bones are much denser than whales.  In terms of strength, it must be even more powerful.  ¡­¡­¡­¡­ Continue along the Amazon and encounter anacondas, piranha, giant catfish and other creatures along the way.  However, these are not the creatures Wang Wei is looking for.  In Wang Wei¡¯s mind, there are three types of creatures that he most wants to devour in the Amazon rivers.  Hippos, crocodiles, electric eels.  The hippopotamus has a thick body and two teeth second only to those of an elephant. The strength of a single hippopotamus is more powerful than that of a crocodile.  Moreover, hippos have a very violent temperament, and even the slightest behavior may irritate hippos.  However, hippos have legs and are very fast on land.  If he couldn¡¯t find a hippopotamus, Wang Wei would have no choice but to settle for a crocodile.  Compared to hippopotamuses, crocodiles have lived on the earth for hundreds of millions of years and are said to be older than dinosaurs.  Creatures like crocodiles, after hundreds of millions of years of evolution, have almost the most powerful ability to survive.  Whether it is reproductive ability or other aspects, crocodiles are very powerful.  In the end, the gene Wang Wei wanted to absorb most was the electric eel.  The electric eel is a very strange creature. Its body is like a generator. It can discharge electricity when it encounters danger or hunts.  The electric shock emitted by an electric eel is enough to kill an adult.  In addition, the electric eel is very large, so it is not afraid even if it encounters a creature much larger than itself.  "Although the explosion of fire bugs is powerful, it cannot always be used. The best way now is to find other means of attack. Electric eels are the best choice." Wang Wei has long been fond of electric eels.  interest of.  In fact, there are many creatures with the ability to discharge electricity, but most of these creatures rely on discharge to protect themselves.  There are very few species that use electric shock to hunt, and electric eels are one of them. This shows how powerful the electric eel's electric shock is.  Unconsciously, Wang Wei had traveled nearly a hundred kilometers along the Amazon.  River beaches appear from time to time on both sides of the bank, but these are not what Wang Wei is most concerned about.  "In the Amazon river, caiman is one of the top predators. However, the Amazon is so big now that it is not easy to find caiman." Wang Wei said to No. 2 and No. 4. ???????? Through the observation of the mental power network, there are no caimans or hippopotamuses within a radius of one thousand meters.  Although there are some creatures with legs, they are not what Wang Wei has in mind.  Suddenly, Wang Wei took No. 2 and No. 4 and discovered something unusual.  The trees that were very noisy all around suddenly became quiet.  The anger around him suddenly became dull.  In the feeling, Wang Wei felt as if he was being stared at by some animal, which was very uncomfortable.  "What kind of creature can't be detected by mental inspection? It seems that mental power is not omnipotent!" Wang Wei said to himself, and immediately told No. 2 and No. 4 to be careful.  This feeling of being peeped on made Wang Wei very uncomfortable.  But there is no way to find biological signs, just likeIn the surrounding environment, there are biological attacks at any time.  "Wang, have you noticed" Number 4 carefully surrounded Wang Wei and asked in a low voice.  "Don't make a sound. This creature is probably observing our vulnerabilities. When we are distracted, it will attack immediately. Be careful, no creature in the Amazon is ordinary." Wang Wei whispered.  Being able to follow Wang Wei quietly shows that this creature has a strong latent ability.  In Wang Wei's knowledge, there are many creatures in the Amazon that can do this, but there are only two creatures that can make Wang Wei feel a sense of crisis.  Amazon anaconda and caiman.  Both of these creatures are cold-blooded and very dangerous.  An icy chill surrounded Wang Wei and No. 2 and No. 4, and everything around them was so quiet.  The sound of flowing water from time to time made Wang Wei very nervous.  "Grandma, if it's an anaconda, I'll run the risk of being swallowed alive. Anacondas are not caimans, and they swallow everything they eat. If they swallow it directly, I will be in danger."  Wang Wei couldn't help but shudder as he looked like he was being swallowed alive.  In the past, there were too many movies about giant snakes.  The most beautiful one among them is the Disaster of the Wild Python.  The image of swallowing a creature alive and then spitting it out is still vivid in my mind.  It seems that the suppressed feeling has reached satisfaction, and the surrounding atmosphere suddenly changes.  From dull to sharp.  In the surrounding trees, it seemed that they were affected by this aura, and large numbers of birds flew up in fright.  "Be careful, this creature is about to attack!" Wang Wei reminded No. 2 and No. 4.  As soon as he finished speaking, a huge figure suddenly jumped out more than ten meters behind Wang Wei.  The long body is about fifteen meters.  Its body is thicker than that of an adult, and can devour most creatures.  The two long fangs make the whole creature very ferocious.  The twisting body is as tough as a whip.  "Anaconda!" Wang Wei exclaimed.  The anaconda jumped out of the water and rushed directly towards Wang Wei.
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