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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> The ultimate evolution of bacteria

Volume 1 Chapter 17 Discovered

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    The moray eel suddenly looked like a giant python.  Because most of its body was still in the passage, only the head of this giant moray eel could be vaguely seen.  The head of the giant moray eel is as sharp as a spear, and its mouth is very huge. There are several rows of hoe bone teeth in the mouth.  This kind of teeth is like a hoe. As long as the prey is bitten, almost no one can escape.  What is even more terrifying is the upper surface of the body of this giant moray eel.  Moray eels are scaleless fish and have no scales on their bodies.  Normally, it secretes a viscous liquid that is very lubricating.  But at this time, Wang Wei discovered that the skin of this giant moray eel was as hard as leather.  On the chest of the giant moray eel, there are two blade-like fins.  For ordinary moray eels, these two pectoral fins are used to balance the body, but for this giant moray eel, these two pectoral fins are like two sickles, which can easily cut ordinary fish.  "What kind of moray eel is this? Why is there no such species among the moray eels I know?" Wang Wei asked doubtfully.  In his previous life, Wang Wei did research on moray eels. Wang Wei knew basically all moray eels.  However, under Wang Wei¡¯s careful observation, some problems were discovered.  This huge moray eel¡¯s body is wrapped in a thin layer of blue ice.  Although the ice slag is very thin, it accentuates the original color of this giant moray eel.  If the ice slag is removed, Wang Wei can recognize what kind of moray it is at a glance.  "If you remove the ice slag on the body, the body color of this conger eel is brown. If you guessed correctly, this conger eel should be Baiji conger eel, the largest conger eel in the conger eel family." Wang Wei said thoughtfully  .  The Baiji moray eel, also known as the brown moray eel, is brown all over and is an extremely ferocious carnivorous fish.  It can be found in many places on the earth and is not a particularly rare fish.  ??However, the largest bagel moray eel is only two meters.  The ratio of height to length is 1:17.1.  In other words, a 1 cm tall bagel moray eel can reach 17.1 cm in length.  Thinking of this, Wang Wei couldn't help but take a breath of air.  The highest part of the body of the Baiji Moray eel in front of me is 30 centimeters.  Even the narrowest point at the tip of the mouth is about ten centimeters.  Calculated according to proportions, this Baiji Moray Eel is over five meters long.  "It's three times the size of the ordinary Baiji Moray eel. With its ferocious personality and leather-like skin, it is definitely the dominant one in this coral reef group." Wang Wei couldn't help but sigh.  Fortunately, this Baiji Moray Eel is trapped here, otherwise, he would not have allowed himself to be free outside for so long.  The Baiji moray eel seemed to have discovered something unusual about the red plant and swam out of the channel.  That huge body was like a giant python, swinging back and forth in the sea water.  Everywhere he went, there was an icy air.  Like a king, Baiji Moray inspects his territory.  First, he looked at the blue ice crystals above his head, and then he looked at the red plants.  However, in the process, Wang Wei discovered a detail problem with Baiji Moray.  When looking at the blue ice crystals, the bagel moray eels were almost very close, almost clinging to them.  But when looking at the red plant, the Baiji Moray looked at it from a distance and did not get closer.  "It seems that this Baiji Moray has also suffered the scorching damage caused by red plants, so it is so afraid of red plants. The reason why its body is covered with blue ice slag is probably to reduce the pain caused by red plants." Wang Wei  Thinking.  Physical evolution is certainly a good thing, but it will inevitably lead to the opposite.  At the beginning, Baiji Eel was affected by red plants and his body began to evolve.  But at that time, the bagel moray evolved very slowly, and its body size was only very small.  Although there will be some pain, it is ignored under the influence of blue ice crystals.  Therefore, Baiji Moray continued to use red plants to evolve itself.  With each evolution, the body becomes slightly larger.  When in pain, blue ice crystals are used to restore the body.  Unknowingly, this Baiji Moray Eel was so big that it couldn't get out of the hole.  Under the long-term influence of red plants, the cells of Baiji Moray have also undergone earth-shaking changes.  The evolution speed of cells is too fast, causing individual cells to expand too much.  The result is that the body of the Baiji Moray Eel is as if there are tens of millions of ants biting back and forth.  That kind of pain made Baiji Moray gradually become afraid of red plants, and he did not dare to approach them easily.  Even though we were far away from the red plant, the swelling of the cells did not disappear, and the body of the Moray Eel was still in great pain.  In desperation, he had no choice but to cling tightly to the blue ice crystals.  Rely on the therapeutic effect of blue ice crystals to repair body cells.  So whenWhen Weiwei saw the Baiji Moray Eel for the first time, the whole body of the Baiji Moray Eel was covered with blue ice slag.  "The cells of the conger eel have evolved to the limit. If they are closer to the red plant, if the cells evolve again, the cells in the entire body of the conger eel will burst in an instant, directly leading to death." Cells are the most basic form of biological formation, and some  Living things can still survive even if they are split in half.  But as long as the cells burst, they will die instantly.  Thinking of this, Wang Wei is no longer so afraid of Baiji Moray Eel.  In the past, this Baiji Moray Eel was irresistible to Wang Wei.  At this time, Wang Wei found the weakness of Baiji Moray, and with a little use, he could deal with Baiji Moray.  After swimming back and forth in the cave for several times, no other creatures were found.  The red eyes of the Baiji Moray eel are like electronic eyes, still not missing any place.  "My bacteria are less than one millimeter, so I don't believe this Baiji Moray Eel can" Wang Wei stopped immediately before he finished speaking.  A strong mental power was suddenly released from Baiji Moray's body. This mental power was much stronger than Wang Wei's.  It came so suddenly that Wang Wei didn't even have time to react.  "No, this Baiji Moray Eel actually has spiritual power. It's dangerous now." Wang Weiwei said in shock.  ?If you observe it with the naked eye, it is difficult to detect the existence of Wang Wei.  But if you use mental power, the result will be different.  Under the visitation of mental power, even creatures the size of viruses will appear within the scope of mental power visitation.  Wang Wei did not dare to stay and swam out of the cave.  At this time, Wang Wei just hoped that Baiji Moray wouldn't care about him.  After all, there are many giant bacteria in the entire cave.  Normally, the bagel moray eel would not pay attention to these bacteria.  Baiji Moray¡¯s mental power swept through Wang Wei¡¯s body, and Wang Wei¡¯s bacteria behaved like ordinary bacteria.  One moment left, one moment right.  Generally speaking, it is swimming towards the outside of the cave.  But just when Wang Wei was about to reach the entrance of the cave, Baiji Moray discovered Wang Wei.  Baiji Moray used his mental power to scan back and forth several times, and at first he also scanned Wang Wei's body.  However, they were treated as ordinary bacteria and did not pay attention.  But after several mental visits, Baiji Moray noticed that Wang Wei's bacteria had moved more than ten meters in three minutes from the beginning to now.  It should be noted that ordinary bacteria may not swim one meter in a day.  Baiji Moray roared angrily and rushed towards Wang Wei.
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