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Related works Chapter 027 Morale strengthens in the rain

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    When he came back, it started to rain heavily. Looking at the military area getting closer and closer, Xiao Lingfeng came back to his senses. This time, because he challenged the Falcon Brigade, this was also the end of his military career.  After getting off the helicopter, all the members of the Falcon Brigade stood neatly on the muddy training field. Xiao Lingfeng felt warm when he saw Cui Yong coming to pick him up.  Turning around and walking to the neat queue of the Falcon Brigade, Xiao Lingfeng bowed deeply. This was a sign of respect for the soldiers. You don't have to ignore them just because you beat them.  Standing up, with the rain hitting his face, he could only vaguely look at the faces of the soldiers in front of him. Xiao Lingfeng shouted at the top of his lungs: "Did you lose?" Apart from the sound of rain hitting the ground and splashing, there was nothing else.  Can't hear it.  "You did not lose to me, you lost to yourself. Everyone will say that raising an army for a thousand days and using it for a while, but how many can do it? Now you have failed, but whoever loses is honored, I tell you  He is the world's top snow leopard, and I can kill the black bear." Xiao Lingfeng sighed and said, "Do you know why you lost?" "I tell you, it was your arrogance, and you used all your methods on the battlefield filled with smoke.  All can be used, only the winner is king. The rules in this world are determined by the strong. If you want to become stronger, you must find the reasons for failure and improve to make up for it. " "You think you are standing here to give.  Do others think so?" "Do you think you can defeat me like this?" "Although I am young, I am a passionate person. If I can't bear even a little failure, then I really look down on you.  "Special Forces!" "I believe that as long as you can find reasons for failure and face failure calmly, success will be in front of you." "I will serve as your instructor starting tomorrow. Do you have any objections?" Xiao Lingfeng shouted loudly.  .  There was no response from below, and Xiao Lingfeng yelled again: "Is there any?" "No, no, no." Three convincing and shocking answers showed the mood of these soldiers.  Soldiers are the backbone of a country. A strong military makes the country strong. Like Russia, 60% of their fiscal budget is invested in the military. The United States is awesome, and Russia will take care of you.  "The military camp is a place where the strong are respected. As long as you have enough strength, you will be respected."  Although these were a big blow to Falcon this time, Xiao Lingfeng's deep bow had already resolved a lot of anger.  If you want others to respect you, you must have strength, not just stand there for show. If this is a battlefield, then everyone is dead, so what's the point of anger?  Looking at the formation standing opposite, Xiao Lingfeng shouted loudly: "Gather here at five o'clock tomorrow to gather and disperse." With the disbandment, those sturdy figures standing in the rain curtain quickly disappeared.  "Although you lost to You Rong, you have won respect. This is what Xiao Lingfeng said in his heart, but he did not say it out loud.  Cui Yong and Huang Ming walked over. Huang Ming smiled bitterly and said, "You dismissed me just like that. You are better than the teacher!" Cui Yong next to him also gave a thumbs up.  The three of them walked in the rain, their silhouettes getting longer and longer.  "Ling Feng, Ling Feng" Someone called him in the dream, and Xiao Lingfeng asked in a daze: "What's going on?" "Damn it, I said you are too arrogant. You asked people to gather at the training ground yesterday.  , you can sleep without worries now!" Cui Yong said with a smile.  "Oh, what time is it?" "It's five o'clock now." "Damn, why didn't you call me earlier!" He turned over and put his clothes on and ran outside.  Cui Yong followed, he wanted to see what tricks this guy could do.  The sky was slightly white, it was the darkness before dawn. Looking at the neat formation, Xiao Lingfeng said to the crowd: "Combat preparation draft, the sandbags will be assembled in five minutes." The formation instantly dispersed and ran quickly towards the arms warehouse.  Some were very fast, returning in just over three minutes, watching the formation in front of them slowly recover.  "Spread out, two meters apart from front to back, left and right." The formation spread out again. "Tie up your sandbags and dig a pit with a diameter of 60 meters and a depth of 60 meters in front of you." No one in the team spoke and could only hear "  Swish, swish, swish" The sound of digging the earth.  "What are you going to do?" Cui Yong asked in confusion: "Did you dig them out and bury them?" "Haha, you guessed it right." Xiao Lingfeng replied with a smile.  This is the basic skill of spring leg training in ancient times. With sandbags tied to your legs, you jump out of the pit and repeat back and forth.  After more than ten minutes, everyone had a pit in front of them. Xiao Lingfeng was very satisfied, and then issued an order: "JumpGo.  "Those soldiers jumped out after receiving the order. Although they were puzzled, facing the talented people who destroyed the entire Falcon Brigade, these soldiers were puzzled, but they would not ask. "Jump out.  "Most of the soldiers have jumped out, but there are still a small number who have not jumped up. If there are no sandbags on their legs, there should be no problem. "Those who have not jumped up, continue to jump until they jump out.  You dig another ten centimeters deeper. If you can't jump out, dig deeper. If you can't jump out, just keep jumping.  Until what time to jump out, I used to wait for you to reach an average height of more than one meter tomorrow morning.  "Xiao Lingfeng said calmly. A soldier in front asked boldly: "Instructor, what is your record?  "    "Oh, I do not know.  "Xiao Lingfeng replied softly. Such an answer made the soldiers think that Xiao Lingfeng just didn't want to say it. On the desert island, some soldiers had seen Xiao Lingfeng jump to a tree three or four meters away. Seeing Xiao Lingfeng turn and leave, next to the soldier  One of the soldiers said: "How high can the instructor jump? Can you tell me?  Second-hand goods.  "    "Why?  "The soldier asked in confusion. "I'm afraid of hitting you.  "The soldier who spoke had seen Xiao Lingfeng's terrifying jumping ability, as if there were springs under his feet. He stopped talking and continued digging. In the past, he could achieve the instructor's overdue goal. "What's the use of asking them to do this?  Doing leg exercises?  Cui Yong asked with a puzzled face. "I plan to expose them to ancient martial arts."  "    "What?  Ancient martial arts?  " "What's the matter, you want to learn?  " "Of course, I believe you won't forget me!  " "Not sure!  Xiao Lingfeng said with a bad smile: "I'm leaving here soon."  " "Didn't you say you wanted to wait until school starts?  "Cui Yong's face was full of doubts. "I can't wait any longer!  " "Oh no, I found that you are a complete pervert. What else can you do? We are all brothers. Could you tell me in advance?  "Cui Yong blinked at him. "Oh no, brother, I am not Brokeback Mountain.  This set is of no use to my brother.  ¡± ¡°I¡¯m so careless, you¡¯re here to beat me up!¡±  "After saying this, Cui Yong regretted it. He was so brazen in saying such big words in front of this outstanding person who challenged the Falcon Brigade. Isn't that just showing off in front of Guan Gong? Feeling the wind coming from the punch, he subconsciously blocked it.  Cui Yong took a step back, flicked his wrist and said: "Just so so!  " "It's only 20% of the strength.  "Xiao Lingfeng said with an evil smile. "Oh no, don't hit people like this!  " "What happened to you?  Beat me!  "Xiao Lingfeng tempted Cui Yong. Of course Cui Yong could recognize his position, shook his head and said: "I don't fight with perverts!  " "I have some bad news for you.  "When Xiao Lingfeng said this, he looked at Cui Yong who had no expression and continued: "I plan to let you go out and join the underworld in the future. I am behind the scenes.  " Cui Yong heard Xiao Lingfeng's words and shouted unhappily: "What, you want me to join the underworld?  Damn it, this is such a waste of natural resources!  " "Do you think the underworld is so easy to mess with?  "Xiao Lingfeng shook his head and said: "If you think so, you are wrong. I am going to support a large gang. It can be said that the entire Chinese underworld world, such as the internationally famous Yamaguchi Group of Japan, the American Mafia, and the Skull and Bones Society, etc.  The national mafia and other transnational underworlds.  " "I heard you talk very enthusiastically, and it seems that you are quite promising.  "Cui Yong was a little shaken. "It's not just a head start, it's a big head start!  You see, China is peaceful on the surface, but there are several or more gangs in every small county or city, but they are not a big deal.  I want to put you in front of the stage. If you need anything in the early stage of development, come to me. Also, wherever the Tang Dynasty branch opens, you have to control it.  I want to use the Tang Dynasty as a pioneer.  You can use the Tang Dynasty as your backing to radiate around.  By controlling the underground world in this way, pornography, gambling, and drugs can be achieved.  It can even reduce crime. Do you think it has helped?  "Xiao Lingfeng seduces this man who has justice in his heart. "You want to fight against pornography, gambling and drugs?  " "Do you think I'm that big?  I am not a savior. I will only reduce it appropriately, but not eliminate it.  "Xiao Lingfeng vaccinated this guy in advance. If you don't say it now, if you say it at that time, it is very likely to cause unpleasantness. "Let me think about it!  " "Actually, you can contact your former comrades now. What do you think they are doing?  " "Okay, think about it and I'll give you an answer.  ¡± Seeing that figure slowly disappearing, Xiao Lingfeng¡¯s lips curled up.Wipe on your evil smile, this world is destined not to make you lonely.  Xiao Lingfeng knew that Cui Yong would definitely agree, because during a chat, Xiao Lingfeng accidentally found out that Cui Yong had a girlfriend before joining the army. After he entered the army, the girl broke up with him, and he only found out when he went back to visit relatives two years later.  This woman actually joined an organization of red girls and did everything from taking drugs to prostitution.  Cui Yong learned through his former classmates that this girl was not his own will at first. Someone else added ingredients to her ladies' cigarettes, and she was raped by several men when she went to a bar.  Knowing this, Cui Yong wanted to kill those people, but the woman had already broken up with him before he joined, so although he felt regretful, he had no impulse.  Now you can say to a girl that you are in love with me, you give me money, and I will cross my legs.  So Xiao Lingfeng knew that Cui Yong would definitely agree.  Xiao Lingfeng took a puff of cigarette and murmured, "Long Hai, I'll be back soon, wait for my tarts!" PS: Please give me flowers, collections, distinguished guests, anything!  !  !
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