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Chapter 1499 [The First Air Combat of the Republic of China (1)]

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    Once there are more than ten thousand people, there is no limit.  Standing on the runway of Longhua Military Airport, more than thirty aircraft are lined up on one side of the runway at a time. Compared to the insignificance of people, there is also an illusion of boundlessness.  Especially after the engine started, the deafening roar made people feel as if they were being put into the machine.  When Bai Jianwu saw this scene, he felt unreasonably proud and firmly believed that his importance to Zhili and Marshal Wu had increased a lot.  At this moment, he selectively forgot about the negotiation with Bayama Zao.  Wang Xueqian is a big shot, and in Bai Jianwu¡¯s opinion, he should be on a higher level than him.  Of course, this was before he became the Prime Minister of the Cabinet. If Wu Peifu kept his promise to Bai Jianwu after the Zhili-Fengtian War and persuaded Cao Kun to let Bai Jianwu form a new cabinet, and when he suddenly became the Prime Minister of the Cabinet, then Wang Xueqian would be nothing more than  It's a scumbag.  This was just wishful thinking in Bai Jianwu's mind when he was fine.  "But within the Zhejiang faction, Bai Jianwu's identity is nothing more than the general counselor of Commander-in-Chief Wu Peifu's mansion, and he is a follower.  Wang Xueqian and Wu Peifu both have the status of commander-in-chief and are the leaders of a force. They should have an equal relationship Therefore, there is no need for Wang Xueqian to come forward for details like this.  As long as he nods to agree to the deal, someone will naturally discuss the details with Bai Jianwu.  For example, the guarantor, how to pay, uses the salt tax of that year as the payment method.  Of course, you can't give no money at all. The real money has to be seen at least, so it is inevitable to withdraw part of the reserves from the bank treasury of the 'Bank of China' and 'Bocom'.  Originally, Bayuzao was not qualified to participate in the negotiations at all, let alone have full authority to accept it.  But the problem is, when this guy heard about the multi-million business deal, he became excited instantly and volunteered to negotiate with Bai Jianwu.  He also used his performance in selling aviation lottery tickets to tell Wang Xueqian that he was a qualified candidate.  Only he knows what the aircraft needs and which accessories are the most profitable.  Bayu Zao, a young technical prince who has fallen into money, faced off against Bai Jianwu, who is always following the trend of the people. The two of them are evenly matched in fighting power, but in terms of time, Bai Jianwu still lost to Bayu Zao.  Because Wu Peifu was waiting for the plane he got from Shanghai, and he couldn't wait without delay.  If Bai Jianwu waits until the end of the war, it will be meaningless no matter how low the price, no matter how favorable the conditions, and no matter how large the quantity is.  But when he met a Bayama who was desperate for money, what else could he do besides being itchy with hatred?  "The engine of the aircraft is the key. The service life of an engine is limited. It is recommended that each aircraft be equipped with an extra spare It is not expensive at all, each one is only more than 20,000, but it gives the aircraft an extra guarantee.  They are all weapons used in war. Reliability is the most important thing. If you prepare a spare engine, it will last for at least ten years! " "The barometer is the most important altitude measurement instrument. It is necessary to prepare more auxiliary fuel tanks.  It¡¯s an important piece of equipment for long-distance operations. It¡¯s impossible to do without it!¡±¡­ How stupid does it have to be to buy a spare engine for an airplane?  Bai Jianwu believed that the negotiation with Bayuzao was a nightmare. Bayuzao was thinking about Bai Jianwu and instilled in Bai Jianwu the idea that more protection means more chance of winning.  But the latter was obviously ungrateful and did not want a foolproof guarantee.  This made Bayuzao very disappointed. In other words, Bai Jianwu negotiated the contract before his throat was about to vomit blood.  In the previous two hours, the Beiyang government had issued a presidential decree to remove Lu Yongxiang from his position as Jiangsu military governor.  This is meaningless. For many warlords in the Republic of China, they did not care about Cao Kun's attitude at all.  Especially the local forces in the south. Isn't that a local overlord with heavy troops?  Can Cao Kun cancel it if he wants to?  But Lu Yongxiang is different. He is surrounded by direct forces. After receiving Duan Qirui's order to suppress Wang Xueqian and being exposed, Lu Yongxiang lost all his allies in Jiangsu and was unable to stand alone.  Lu Yongxiang, who was willing to leave, had no intention of resisting at all. According to the troops he had, he could start a war.  But the war, whose outcome was already foreseen, was meaningless to him.  At the same time, he showed great disappointment with Duan Qirui's political compromise. This disappointment placed great pressure on him in his official career.  Differences in political views and instinctive fear of Wang Xueqian made him announce his resignation without much resistance. The Jiangsu army waited for the Zhejiang army to take over.  This result made Bai Jianwu very dissatisfied. Wu Peifu's original plan was to turn Lu Yongxiang and Wang Xueqian against each other. The two sides would fight in Songhu. No matter who wins or loses, it will ultimately weaken the military strength of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and prepare the ground for the Zhili clique's army to move south in the future.  Prepare.  But Lu Yongxiang gave up his choiceOtherwise, Wu Peifu's plan to watch the fire from the other side was ruined.  Bai Jianwu, who was slightly disappointed with the failure of Jiangsu and Zhejiang's instigation, planned to let the plane take off in the afternoon and strive to arrive at Nanyuan Airport before evening.  Although Bayuzao showed a greedy attitude at every turn when negotiating the contract.  But I have to say, this guy is really passionate about airplanes.  Most of the aircraft parked at Longhua Military Airport are models developed by him, or simply imitated British aircraft.  Especially when he was the director of the factory, these aircraft were finished products from the Jinhua Aircraft Manufacturing Factory and had experienced the naval battle at the mouth of the Yangtze River. They were all sold at once, and it was definitely a feeling of emptiness and reluctance in his heart.  However, the old would not go away and the new would not come. He was still determined to ensure the best condition of the aircraft and at the same time gave Bai Jianwu some reasonable suggestions. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Where Can You Get Any After-Sales Service?  Bai Jianwu was very worried about Bayusao's enthusiasm. He didn't know if this person would get money from places he couldn't see?  "Mr. Ba, the contract has been signed. I hope you can fulfill the terms of the contract." Bai Jianwu looked indifferent and indifferent, which was inconsistent with his demeanor as the general counselor of the army.  Bayuzao, however, was like a father who wants a daughter, with mixed emotions and hesitant expression on his face: "I wonder, Councilor Bai, have you prepared a route from Shanghai to Yanjing?" "Route?" Whenever Bayusao said that he had never  When he hasn't heard the word, he should worry about the money in his pocket.  But the problem is, he really has no money.  The Bank of China and the Bank of Communications, the former is the purse of the Beiyang government, and the latter is the purse of the "Transportation Department" in the Beiyang cabinet, have been squandered by him, and he reluctantly signed the aircraft purchase contract.  Looking at Bayuzao's eyes, Bai Jianwu couldn't stand firm again. It would be difficult for any self-proclaimed smart person to face the other person's eyes that looked at him like a fool.  Well, Bayuzao is really good for Bai Jianwu. Of course, when he encouraged Bai Jianwu to order spare engines, he also had the same expression: "The route is very important, just like in the navy, what does an opened route mean?"  Bai Jianwu couldn't keep up with the other party's thinking and thought hard.  "Safety." Bayuzao's angry look hurt Bai Jianwu's self-esteem again, but he had to listen: "For a ship, there will be countless dangers on the vast sea.  Storms, tsunamis, and especially reefs. And a mature route turns navigation from adventure to transportation. Do you know what a route means to an airplane? " "Planes fly in the sky.  As the old saying goes, the sea is wide enough for fish to jump, and the sky is high enough for birds to fly" "Surface, stupid!" Sure enough, Bayuzao seems to never give up on customers from the depths of their souls, and never tires of it: "You  Knowing that an airplane is flying in the sky, what if you don't notice a mountain in front of you? Current airplane technology can only guarantee flying at an altitude of three to four thousand meters, but sometimes in order to avoid clouds and other weather conditions, you have to choose to fly at a lower altitude.  The high mountains on the ground are like reefs for aircraft. When the speed is very fast, just a layer of clouds, or fog, can cause misjudgment. By the time it is discovered, it will be too late.  "Mr. Ba, are you being too alarmist?" "It's not easy to happen when the visibility is good, but it's hard to tell when the visibility is bad, so having a route is crucial for the entire flight formation."  "Ba Yuzao paused and asked: "Do you have such a safe and easy-to-use route?  We arrived in Shanghai safely.  Even an honest person will get angry if someone repeatedly uses taunting skills to increase the hatred value, let alone a person like Bai Jianwu who has a flamboyant personality?  He immediately retorted: "Mr. Ba, you are a naval technical talent trained by the country, and later you went to the United States to study aircraft manufacturing. It's just that you don't want to serve the country. You still want to take advantage of the country. Do you still have the ethics, justice and integrity?"  Bayuzao was angry. He was a technical talent who paid great attention to after-sales service. He felt that his good intentions were being treated like a donkey's liver and lungs: "Consultant Bai, you don't understand airplanes at all. Do you think I am alarmist? Go find a pilot and ask.  "A long-distance flight of 1,000 kilometers is important to the route." "If it deviates from the reference object, the plane will fly out of fuel. Think about the difficulty of making an emergency landing." "And our route?  It is arranged along the Pingjin Railway, and more than ten ground contact stations have been built to ensure that correct channel information can be obtained in the shortest time. ¡±¡­ Bayuzao said a lot in one breath, and even Bai Jianwu felt a little like an honest man being pushed into a hurry, and he couldn¡¯t help but doubt whether what Bayuzao said was true or false.  "Colonel Zhou!" Recruiting the top commander of the Nanyuan Air Force who was also the person in charge of receiving the aircraft, Bai Jianwu asked: "Colonel Zhou, how long until the fleet can take off?" Colonel Zhou didn't know why, he just  I am still studying the flight route with several squadron leaders. If the weather permits, the risk will be greatly reduced. However, the distance from Shanghai to Yanjing is too long. How can the climate be the same?  "Counsellor Bai, wait a minute, we are studying the route." Colonel Zhou said matter-of-factly. He is a professional. Even though Bai Jianwu has face in front of Wu Peifu, when it comes to life-related matters, he must be listened to as a professional.  .  Route?  Bai Jianwu felt nauseous as if he accidentally swallowed a fat blowfly when he was panting. It seemed that Bayama had said the same thing just now.  "You mean the route is very important?" Bai Jianwu asked in a low voice.  "Of course." Colonel Zhou said matter-of-factly, resembling authority: "Long-distance sailing is inherently dangerous. Fortunately, it is a formation flight. As long as there are no problems such as falling behind, and the course does not deviate, it should be easy to reach the destination.  Big problem." "What if the route deviates?" "The plane crashes into a mountain and everyone is killed; it depends on God's luck in making an emergency landing. Of course, it will be much safer if the aircraft engine is flooded.  , It was basically scrapped.¡± In the ten years he has been in the Air Force, Colonel Zhou has never encountered the actual combat subject of long-distance flight. On the outside, he responded calmly, but he was still nervous in his heart.  Bai Jianwu did not believe in heresy: "Didn't you say that you can land on flat farmland, and there is basically no threat?" Colonel Zhou asked puzzledly: "Senator Bai, where did you hear this? When Zhou was studying in the UK  Landing on the grass is very safe, but the problem is that the British pastures are very flat and you can't see the end at a glance. You can land wherever you want. Go to our countryside and see who doesn't have ridges on the farmland.  Who doesn¡¯t dig a ditch? When a plane flying at nearly 100 kilometers per hour lands, its front wheel gets stuck in the ditch and cannot flip up?  The panic of the rest of my life.  Shaking with anger, Bai Jianwu said a name between his teeth: "Yuan Zhihang told me" "Oh, you are him" Bai Jianwu nodded with difficulty.  Colonel Zhou looked understanding and nodded solemnly: "This is why we came to receive the plane and he was at the airport to look after the house." "What do you mean!" "I no longer have any planes for this lunatic to ruin and ruin other people's planes."  It doesn't matter if you don't take your own life, it's terrible! But this guy is really lucky and was not seriously injured, but two of his co-pilots are dead." Colonel Zhou thought for a while.  He ordered: "I have asked him to take the train back with you. We won't need him on the plane this time." Bai Jianwu's eyes changed, obviously suppressing the anger in his heart. He did not expect that he could arrive in Shanghai safely.  It¡¯s not that he chose the plane, it¡¯s that he was lucky!  Immediately, he set his sights on Bayama Zao: "Make a price!" "Twenty thousand!" "I don't want a lottery ticket, just treat it as a donation to the Aviation Committee, ten thousand, just ten thousand, one more person  No way." Bai Jianwu's expression looked like he was eating someone, which made Bayuzao feel a little frightened. Fortunately, he was already a three-pole fishermen, and he would make money if he could catch them.  An hour later, the fleet finally took off. Two days later, the largest air battle in the history of the Republic of China started on the edge of the Great Wall.
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