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Chapter 1494 [Why]

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    Everyone has shortcomings, even those who stand at the top of the pyramid are no exception. Even if they are extremely intelligent but have poor emotional intelligence, they will still suffer the consequences of failure and waste their years in despair again and again.  The same is true for Bayama Zao. He is a smart person, at least in terms of IQ. There is no doubt about this.  But his shortcomings are equally obvious. In a semi-military, semi-bureaucratic system, he is not smooth enough.  This would have been a fatal mistake.  Fortunately, his father-in-law was able to protect him from some wind and rain.  Even after going through ups and downs, such as selling aviation lottery tickets in Shanghai, it was a process of realization for him. He found that the eyes of the great powers were cold and cold, and this coldness only targeted those they thought they could enslave.  .  Just like after the naval battle at the mouth of the Yangtze River, the British frantically wanted to spy on the technology of Zhejiang's aircraft manufacturing industry. Only then did he realize how ridiculous his original idea was.  Time and time again, he heard stories of casualties and casualties as British intelligence agents were exposed.  This kind of thing happens almost every day in that small town in Zhejiang.  It was revealed from the letters exchanged between Wang Zhu and Wang Xiaozhong.  Bayuzao was sweating coldly as he thought that if he were in Jinhua, he might become a breakthrough point for British intelligence agents.  The idea of ??defeating the European and American powers on the world stage is really ridiculous. This is not a war of one person, but a war between a country and a person.  In front of the state machine, talent and fame are ridiculous labels that can be easily torn off.  If he brings his self-developed aircraft to the Paris Air Show, the Brussels Air Show, and the London Air Show, and makes his colleagues from the European powers lose face, the result there will be only two paths left for him.  The first rule is surrender.  Article 2: Destruction.  It took Bayuzao a lot of time to understand these truths.  It's not that his IQ is not enough to help him understand these laws clearly, but that his inherent habits have kept him on the wrong path for a long time.  But when he really understood this, besides breaking out in a cold sweat, he began to have nightmares, and the nightmares followed him for a long time.  This is actually the same as ordinary people. If they are cooking at home, they forget to light the pan on the fire and go to do other things.  When the oil pan turns into a raging fire, even if there is no loss, the flames are quickly extinguished, and the person will be frightened for a long time.  What should I do if there is a fire?  Bayama was like this for a while, doing nothing, but after discovering that what he had always wanted to accomplish had an ending that could kill him, he began to become nervous.  Not long after, he found that his courage had become smaller. The problem was that he was scared out of it.  Who can I talk to to reason with you?  But Bayuzao didn¡¯t dare to say this to anyone, not even his closest wife.  How could it be possible to say it out loud!  "Madam, is your husband a coward now? You scared yourself to death" If you say this, your status in the family will be overturned as never before. As a man, if you don't have the courage to show off outside, it doesn't matter.  .  But when I got home, I found that I was also very suffocated and would go crazy.  If Wang Xueqian could see the troubles in Bayusao's heart now, he would definitely nod with relief and say: "This guy finally realized it!"  I don't know.  This is not seeking death, what else could it be?  As a technical man, especially a technical man who has mastered high-level military technology, Bayama Zao's life achievements should not be flowers and respect at all, but hidden research behind the country.  Because the more outstanding he is, the more people will want to destroy him.  According to Wang Xueqian's life plan for Bayusao, this guy should hide in the busy assembly workshop of the aircraft factory or in his own office, wearing black wide-rimmed eyes, with a cold light shining behind his eyes, constantly improving.  The 'big killer' in my heart, when the war comes, I don't need Britain, Japan, and France to marvel at the exhibition. It is enough to let the pilots and elites of these countries be thrown into hell one by one.  .  Fortunately, he woke up in time. The reason why he was not summoned by Wang Xueqian was because Wang Xueqian did not know that Bayusao had become a qualified national defense talent.  Not the angry young man who just joined the Zhejiang Army.  Precisely because the perception of danger has increased, when he saw Bai Jianwu for the first time, he realized that the other person seemed to be dangerous.  Don¡¯t ask why?  Like a herbivorous animal, when a carnivorous animal comes into view, the fear in its eyes at that moment is enough to explain everything.    When Bai Jianwu asked for fifty fighter jets, this fear completely enveloped him.  A few planes had no effect on the domestic political forces of the Republic of China.  Their role was nothing more than window-dressing, but once their numbers reached a certain level, aircraft, which were just naval reconnaissance equipment when Bayama was a student, experienced unprecedented changes in their battlefield status.  This is a super weapon that can increase the army's attack power by one level.  Even if the plane carrying the aerial bomb does nothing and leaves the bomb on the battlefield, the destructive power it can cause is not what ordinary army heavy artillery can achieve.  The shock wave generated by the explosion of an aerial bomb weighing 100 kilograms or even 200 kilograms can kill any living animal in an area.  This is impossible for army artillery to achieve. Unless a train gun like Germany is produced, with a caliber of 280 mm or even a larger caliber, such damage can be achieved.  This kind of combat weapon was extremely expensive equipment before the advent of aircraft.  The symbolic meaning is more important than the destructive power on the battlefield.  But the emergence of airplanes has made this level of destruction cheaper. At least the two can produce similar effects.  It is conceivable that after these aircraft enter the Zhili army, what kind of changes will it bring to Wu Peifu's combat power?  Not only the Feng army will be threatened, but even the Zhejiang army may pose a great threat.  This is not an order that Bayuzao can decide at all. Even if it can get a large amount of funds for the Zhejiang Army and the aircraft manufacturer, compared with money and life, the latter is obviously much more important.  He didn't want to listen to any benefits offered by Bai Jianwu at all, because no matter what, there would definitely be a place for him among the unlucky ones in the end.  After feeling the crisis, Bayuzao was not sure to stay for a moment longer.  Saying goodbye in a hurry His life in Shanghai is easy, comfortable, and even full of contentment.  But Bayamazao's wife knew that her husband was not as happy as he wanted, and he seemed to be getting further and further away from his career.  But she had never seen her husband with a pale face. He hid in the study as soon as he got home. One night passed, Bayuzao was still in the study. When he opened the door, the acrid smell of smoke and the choking smoke made this person so sad.  The mistress of the house felt uneasy.  "Tamazao, if you are really unhappy, tell your father and let him think of a way to transfer you back to the aircraft factory. Even if you are transferred back to Mawei, it is better than standing in Shanghai wasting time." In the eyes of his wife, Tamamo may  It was because of my career that I felt great panic.  But Bayusao shook his head and said: "No problem, I'm fine in Shanghai. In fact, I can return to the factory at the end of the year without my father-in-law's help." "What about you?" Bayusao smiled bitterly: "I just suddenly realized that I might  I fell into a trap and was a little overwhelmed!¡± ¡°Can you tell me?¡± The wife wanted to share her husband¡¯s pressure.  But this kind of pressure is not something she can share, and the cause of the matter may not be as simple as the wife thinks.  What Bayuzao was afraid of was whether he should tell Wang Xueqian Bai Jianwu's request?  If you don¡¯t tell him, he will continue to be in panic all day long.  But the question is what if Wang Xueqian finds out later or gets the news from someone else's mouth?  "But let him speakhe was afraid that Wang Xueqian would feel that he had selfish motives.  The ashtray was filled with cigarette butts from the night. When my wife opened the window, sunlight poured into the room, and the wind blew the curtains, fluttering slowly.  With a tearing pain in his throat, Bayusao slowly said: "Maybe I have encountered a problem that I can't handle, and this problem may make the King Governor unhappy. What I am hesitating about now is whether I should  Tell him about this!" "It doesn't seem serious. This is a woman's intuition. Bayuzao's wife has a noble status and is the daughter of the former Navy Chief Sa Zhenbing.  Lao Sa liked to do this kind of thing. When he saw a young talent, he couldn't help but marry his daughter to him.  Although Sa Zhenbing did not do well in the Beiyang military government and even belonged to a group of people who stood aside, there is no doubt that Sa Zhenbing, who has long served as the chief of the navy of the Beiyang cabinet, must be one of the top wealthy families in the Republic of China.  one of the.  If it were not for the weakening of the navy, his status could even be improved a lot.  Since she is a young lady from a big house, she naturally has a set of comforting wisdom, and Bayama Zao's wife's method is to tell stories, and they are true stories: "My father has always carried the rise and fall of the entire navy on his shoulders. But so  After many years, not only did he fail to develop the navy of the Republic of China, but there was even a split between his father and the navy after leaving Yanjing.The first thing I said to my mother when I got home was: I thought I could do something, but in fact I found out that whether I do it or not do it is the same.  In fact, we all understand what he means. One person cannot carry the hopes of a large group of people. Only by working together can hope become a reality.  "Ba Yuzao was a little confused. He found that he seemed to be a bit confused: "What do you mean?  " "Since one person can't carry it, then find someone you can trust to share it with.  I just don¡¯t know where your pressure comes from. Is it work?  Or politics?  "    "politics!  " "Then tell your boss. If your boss can't do it, tell the most powerful official you can.  What you can't do may be just a small decision for them.  "    "May I?  "    "Certainly possible.  "  Compared to Bayuzao's fear, Bai Jianwu fell into anger. He was a very courageous person. When he found out that the person he was begging for was a softie, he poured out his anger in front of Zhang Zhenfang.  If looks could kill, he would have been promoted to the murderer king long ago: "No, Bayusao is too timid, I guess he doesn't even have the guts to contact Wang Xueqian.  Wang Xueqian must be contacted and the deal must be finalized within three days.  " "Three days, fifty planes?  " Zhang Zhenfang is not Bayusao. He is not a technician. He is a general when he is in power. In his eyes, politics is just a tool to realize his own power and independence. Regarding war, he may not be as good as the staff.  Keen sense, but with such a large number of aircraft and such a tight time limit, no wonder Bayuzao is nervous. This is a material needed for the war, and it must be like this at a critical moment in the war. Zhang Zhenfang is not optimistic about Bai Jianwu at all.  This guy didn't even think about it. The aircraft factory is not a matchmaking factory. There are always large quantities of ready goods in the warehouse that are too late to be removed. Aircraft worth tens of thousands of yuan rarely have double-digit semi-finished products in the assembly factory.  Even if he worked overtime, he couldn't complete it within a few days. Zhang Zhenfang didn't understand the manufacturing process and construction period of the aircraft, but he was familiar with the artillery. At least the manufacturing of artillery was easier than that of aircraft, but fifty artillery pieces required a company.  The large arsenal has been busy day and night for at least two or three months. It is estimated that the number of aircraft is similar. If the factory cannot make up the number, it can only find five from the Zhejiang Army.  Ten planes? There must be. Zhang Zhenfang even thought that the number of military planes at Shanghai's Longhua Airport could be collected. But the problem came, if such a number of planes did not fall into Wu Peifu's hands.  , did not go to Yanjing. Did it fall directly into the hands of the hostile forces around the Zhejiang Army? This kind of malicious speculation cannot even be said to be malicious in the political arena, but it is something that everyone does.  Only when you think about it can you understand the value of kindness. But neither Bai Jianwu, Zhang Zhenfang, nor Wang Xueqian is a kind person. As the subordinate relationship has been broken, there is absolutely no reason for Wang Xueqian to increase Wu Peifu's strength in the air force.  In the end, it is very likely that these inadvertent weights will become his biggest trouble. Just when Zhang Zhenfang was about to laugh at Bai Jianwu's stupidity and ignorance, the phone in his room rang. Soon after picking up the phone, the old man's face changed rapidly.  After several times, his eyes finally fell on Bai Jianwu. Even Zhang Zhenfang found it incredible that the other party actually responded and called. But while holding the phone, Bai Jianwu felt his heart beating faster and faster.  "My name is Chen Brai. You should know my identity. I just want to ask you a question. Why do you think he will sell you fifty planes? You only have one chance. Think about it before you do this."  Telephone.  " Bang The other party actually hung up the phone without any warning, not even a polite word, it was just a question from above. At this moment, Bai Jianwu's heart shattered like a glass falling. He felt endless  Humiliation seemed to turn into mocking faces, surrounding him, and wanton ridicule came like a tide (To be continued)
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