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Chapter 1492 [Boss Ba]

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    Holding a stack of colorful banknotes, oh, I said it wrong, it was a lottery ticket. Zhang Zhenfang, the former governor of Zhili under the Beiyang Military Government and now the chairman of the Salt Bank, has eaten more salt in his life than children eat rice and noodles.  , but for Wang Xueqian of Zhejiang, he can only look up to the sky and lament. Taking history as a guide, a bastard like Wang Xueqian should have been struck to death by lightning a long time ago. There is no reason why he should still be alive and well.  In the officialdom of the southeast, even bribery was manipulated by a group of Wang Xueqian's men.  I have seen people giving antiques as gifts.  There are also cars given to beauties.  There is also a smile for yellow and white things.  ??Has anyone ever seen someone asking for help and buying a designated lottery ticket?  "You dare to say that this guy is not asking for bribes? A good aviation talent has been so weak under Wang Xueqian. It's annoying and hateful!" Zhang Zhenfang stared at his son with a pair of dead fish eyes.  His son, Zhang Boju, one of the "Four Young Masters of the Republic of China" who was selected by the Shanghai Bund newspaper in the first issue of the Republic of China, thought for a while and told his father a very cruel fact: "Dad, this is between you and me.  How can it be called asking for a bribe? Besides, the lottery ticket is a jackpot. If you can win the prize in the box of lottery tickets next to it, you may be able to get the highest amount of aviation tickets from the previous issue.  The bonus has reached an unprecedented 150,000 yuan, and I heard that the bonus in the bonus pool has exceeded one million. If you are lucky" Zhang Zhenfang looked at his son with evil eyes and asked fiercely: "Yours.  Does it mean that I still made money? The lottery tickets I bought for 10,000 yuan can make you a millionaire?" Millionaires are very important to ordinary people in the Republic of China, even to all the middle class, and to most capitalists.  It's a sum of money that can drive them crazy.  But for Zhang Zhenfang, he has long been a multi-millionaire. One million more or one million less means nothing to his life or the Zhang family.  He knew his father's temper very well, and he was not angry because of the dark officialdom in Zhejiang. He was mad because he bought a bunch of useless things.  This will happen to anyone who is forced to buy a lottery ticket worth ten thousand oceans when asking for help. Zhang Zhenfang is not a special person.  Boss Ba is so willful and weird.  Boss Ba is none other than Ba ??Yuzao, the former director of the Mawei Shipping Bureau seaplane manufacturing plant who was driven to Shanghai by Wang Xueqian.  "Bayuzao is the leader in the aviation industry of the Republic of China. No one who knows anything about the aviation industry of the Republic of China will doubt this.  In terms of ability, this guy is definitely a master, a genius-level master.  In the field of aircraft manufacturing, using British engines to create more advanced aircraft than the British equipped with the same engines is a good proof.  There is no way, everyone has shortcomings.  The same is true for Bayama Zao. As a core technical talent in the national defense industry, he has a very fatal character flaw. He is too good.  Speaking of which, technically speaking, Bayama Zao can be described as a genius without exaggeration.  Not only that, his management skills are also obvious to all, and he also has great experience in the development of the aviation industry.  We know that there are ways to develop if we have money, and there are ways to develop without money.  But the problem is that this man has always had an obsession in his mind, wanting to use the aircraft he designed himself to defeat the aircraft of the British and American powers.  And what he likes to do most is to participate in air shows, wanting to embarrass the great powers on the largest stage in the world of aviation industry If he were a British man, he would enjoy world-renowned glory; if he were a Frenchman, he would be awarded the French Lord of Honor  , became a celebrity; If he were an American, he would have been cheered at the patent office, and then gathered countless wealth; But Ba Yuzao was just a man from the Republic of China, and the Chinese people understood the truth of having a treasure in his possession two thousand years ago  .  But the problem is that Bayusao doesn¡¯t understand that his stubborn national pride will allow him to amaze outsiders while leaving a reason for others to kill him.  "Bayuzao would not believe this kind of thing. How could there be so many scandals in this world?"  But the problem is, those dirty darkness will not become brighter because of an extra meter of sunlight; those ugly hearts will not become noble because of a person's kindness; and those jealous anger will not become noble because of the gap.  And become a reason to rise up.  In this world, most people choose shortcuts, and the best shortcut to destroy a genius in the opposing camp is just to send a killer.  Bayusao couldn't see this problem before and wouldn't think about it.  But when he found himself in an unspeakable dilemma, he had to think.  Coupled with the insinuations of Wang Zhu and others, Bayama Zao, who is already extremely smart, will?I don't understand, even Wang Xueqian doesn't dare to use him.  A smart person is good at this. If he understands it clearly, he will naturally know that he is wrong.  But for Bayama, his bad luck has not passed yet.  Wang Xueqian is not that kind of generous elder. He and Bayusao were only connected because they were both students studying in the United States.  But it is not worth Wang Xueqian's unprincipled compromise with Bayuzao.  In this world, no one can make him compromise like this.  Bayusao naturally does not have this qualification.  ¡°He didn¡¯t have all the qualifications, so he had to face a problem.  The punishment will continue, and he will continue to be the chairman of the preparatory committee of the entire aviation committee.  The activity of selling aviation lottery tickets in Shanghai still needs to be prepared.  As a technical man, he suddenly became a financial man. Bayama transformed quickly.  Of course, he has also begun to learn to take shortcuts and knows how to make people pay a price by asking for help.  What happened to Zhang Zhenfang is just one of them, but such good things are not easy to come across.  In fact, Bayuzao's life is not a disappointment. For example, Wang Xueqian clearly told him that 10% of the income from selling lottery tickets belongs to retail agencies, exchange agencies, and other personnel, and 55% goes to lottery tickets.  Fund, this money belongs to the lottery players; the remaining 40% is the aviation committee's preparation funds.  How to spend this money has basically been agreed upon.  Develop new types of engines.  How much does it cost to develop a new engine?  Moreover, the theory needs to be demonstrated, and the cycle is not short. Two general directions will trouble many technical experts.  But in front of money, this is all fake.  What to do if you have no money?     three million.  This is the most basic research and development fund for Bayama to find an engine that surpasses the existing engine and can send a two-ton all-metal fighter to the sky after passing many verifications.  Half of them also require the purchase of high-precision machines.  None of these can save money, and they cost a lot of money. Buy good ones, but buy expensive ones. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Of course, at Mawei Shipping Bureau, Bayusao didn¡¯t have such thoughts.  At that time, it was already a blessing to be able to imitate the aircraft they designed in the American Aircraft Company.  But with the issuance of the aviation lottery, when a large amount of money poured in like a tide, Bayama found that his dream would soon be realized. It was really stupid before.  He also thought that the aircraft he designed were better than those of the British, French, and Americans, so that the aviation industry of the Republic of China would develop.  If you want an industry that can only make ends meet for a long period of time with only military procurement to achieve leapfrog development, you must invest a large amount of capital.  Only with first-rate technology can we produce second-rate products.  And the aerospace lottery, which he looked down upon, gave him the opportunity to realize his ideal. According to Wang Xueqian's promise to him, all funds raised by the aerospace lottery can be used as funds for the research and development of his new aircraft. This money is unbeatable.  No matter how much the amount is, it will become the Jinhua Aircraft Manufacturing Factory's research and development expenses for the all-metal aircraft, codenamed 'Dragon'.  Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, only he himself understood when Bayama Zao, a genius in the aerospace industry, completely degenerated into a greedy vampire.  If your R&D funds are three million, you should spend them sparingly. This is the national version.  If it is five million, it can be used openly. This is already a hardcover version.  What if it¡¯s eight million?  A proper rich version.  Bayusao is an ideal young man, and his goal is to become a rich man.  However, even though the aviation lottery income is amazing, it is still a bit far away from his big goal.  ??Then move towards the best goal. The technical reserves will be completed, the R&D team will be built, and the design will be perfectedthe aircraft made by the British, French, and men are in the sky, educating these foreign devils in every minute.  In the eyes of outsiders, he is just a technical genius who degenerated into a greedy capitalist.  Only Bayuzao himself understands how much he loves the blue sky.  For this goal, what¡¯s wrong with being shameless?  You can ask him to do something, and buying an aviation lottery ticket that satisfies him will not count as a bribe, but it will be a contribution to the aviation industry of the Republic of China.  What Zhang Zhenfang and others don¡¯t know is that Bayusao has learned to disguise, and a good technical talent has developed into the version of an agent plus a profiteer Since Zhang Zhenfang has paid such a large sum of money, Bayusao calls to find out.  The situation of Bai Jianwu.  ¡°Letting such a person spy on the enemy is a stupid thing that no political group can do.  Bai Jianwu's identity also destined him to seek medical treatment in a hurry, rather than intentionally offending the Zhejiang Army's military authority.  Letting people go is just a matter of words.  Originally, the matter was over here, but Zhang Zhenfang appeared in Longhua in his Cadillac car.After the show, when he saw Bai Jianwu, the "Xiao Ge Lao" with a chicken coop hairstyle, he just snorted coldly. The two of them didn't have much friendship, not before and never in the future.  This is Zhang Zhenfang's idea.  Unexpectedly, Bai Jianwu relied on him.  First, he apologized for the inappropriate words in his previous telegram.  Then he told Zhang Zhenfang that he still wanted to help.  Angrily, Zhang Zhenfang, the former coach, raised his foot and cursed: "I owe you something, don't I?" He said he didn't want to help, but the problem was that Bai Jianwu's expression was firm and there was no such thing as giving up.  He patted his chest and said: "The government is preparing to issue national debt again. The Salt Bank is the only issuer, using the second year's salt tax from the two major government banks, Bank of Communications and Bank of China, as collateral." According to previous transactions.  , the issuing bank can earn a sum of money, which is equivalent to a commission.  If it is a tax mortgage, you can still earn some money, which is a bonus.  According to past rules, Zhang Zhenfang would probably agree, but to Bai Jianwu's disappointment, the old man shook his head like a rattle and kept saying: "I am dying and my eyesight is dim. You also saw that I took my son with me.  Just let him get familiar with the bank's business. When he is familiar with it, the old man will withdraw from the bank and live his life. "Bai Jianwu is a real villain. People like him will judge the situation and adapt to the trend. Anyway, he will be weak when he is strong and weak when he is weak.  Being strong is what a person like him should do.  "After hearing Zhang Zhenfang's excuse, Bai Jianwu, who was about to lower his head and say soft words, his eyes were red with anger, and he almost pointed at Zhang Zhenfang and cursed: "Old thief."  Who doesn't know that Zhang Boju came to Shanghai for something else.  Everyone in Tianjin's dandy circle knows that Mr. Zhang was blinded and spent 50,000 yuan in one go. The three landscape paintings of Shi Tao's later years were all fake.  The liar who made the fraud is named Zhang Daqian. This person is here to find the liar and has no intention of taking over the Salt Bank.  But one thing is certain, Zhang Zhenfang is definitely richer than Sheng Xuanhuai.  Don¡¯t think that the richest man in the Republic of China was Sheng Xuanhuai. His family fortune of more than 10 million taels of silver was a lot, right?  Bai Jianwu can even count the invisible rich on one hand in Yanjing and Tianjin, and compare them to the richest man in the Republic of China.  For example, Cao Kun, Zhang Zhenfang, Zhang Xun, Cao Rulin and others are worth tens of millions.  Even looking at the unknown Zhang Xun, some good people have calculated that his family wealth is at least 50 million silver dollars.  This is such a huge number, can Sheng Xuanhuai compare it?  Bullshit.  It¡¯s just that the newspapers didn¡¯t dare to report it.  If it is reported, there will be big trouble.  Zhang Xun was imprisoned for more than a year. Thinking of the past when he was deceived by Li Yuanhong, he became furious and planned to take revenge.  Then in the Tianjin Concession, he bought the entire block around the mansion of former President Li Yuanhong, who was living in seclusion in Tianjin and waiting for an opportunity to counterattack Yanjing. Then Li Yuanhong was confused.  Because opposite any window of his house is Zhang Xun's real estate.  As long as Li Yuanhong is at the window, Zhang Xun will soon appear, singing a shabby Peking opera and pretending to be Zhuge Liang to piss off Li Yuanhong.  In the end, the former president had no choice but to move back to his hometown.  ??If you have money, you are so willful, don¡¯t ask why.  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????OUT off Zhang Zhenfang's skill was comparable to that of a young man when he danced just now. Does this old guy have the nerve to say that he is too old to run around?  The real reason is known only to Zhang Zhenfang himself, who is not optimistic about Cao Kun.  Don't look at the third war between Zhizhi and Fengzhi. Zhizhi won the first two times.  But the problem is that the hidden diseases hidden behind the victory are clearly exposed in the eyes of old politicians like them.  Fengjun suffered a disastrous defeat for the first time, which was really suspenseful. Fengjun almost even had his nest taken away.  But the second time, Fengjun failed because winter came and it was too cold outside the pass.  It is also not suitable for field combat.  ¡°It¡¯s hard to say whether Zhili can survive the third time.  Once Fengjun enters the customs, it will not only bring disaster to the Zhili Clan, but also banks and large commercial banks that have financial dealings with the Zhili Clan will be implicated.  An unpayable debt is enough to cause a headache.  Zhang Zhenfang has no intention of continuing to invest in Zhili Cao Kun at this time.  This is also the reason why he is in Shanghai.  Northerners have never been used to the cold winter in the south.  What¡¯s more, it¡¯s an old man like Zhang Zhenfang.  Bai Jianwu had no choice but to offer enough benefits to move Zhang Zhenfang, but the price seemed too high.  He didn't even realize that many people had begun to dislike Zhili.  That is to say, he still firmly believes that 'Jade Commander' can fulfill his promise and let him form a cabinet after the army annihilates Fengjun.  Bai Jianwu had to show enough sincerity. If he wanted an old fox like Zhang Zhenfang to take the bait, he had to pay a sufficient price: "The British felt the anti-British sentiment of the Republic of China and have decidedAbandoning its shares in the Kailuan Mining Bureau, HSBC was forced by the British government's attitude to also indicate that the Kailuan Mining Bureau was an asset belonging to the Republic of China.  Logically speaking, as a property left in trust by the Qing government, HSBC should not have the requirement to redeem it from the Republic of China.  But the other party's excuse was that HSBC invested a lot of money to purchase mining equipment General Manager Gu has gone to the UK to discuss this matter. According to his estimation, the shares should be redeemed at a very low price.  " "You told me so much, is it possible for me to buy it?  "Zhang Zhenfang didn't think he had a chance to get involved in this large coal mine located around Tangshan. However, Bai Jianwu's story aroused his interest, and the old man's cloudy eyes brightened a lot. "Ten percent, this is what I can promise you.  largest stake.  It's also because Zhang Gong's identity is very loud in Beiyang. Otherwise, even if I want to give it to someone else, I won't have the courage, because such a promise cannot be fulfilled at all.  "Bai Jianwu gritted his teeth and said that it was obviously very difficult for him to get this share of the shares out. Because there were more wolves and less meat, so many people were watching. As for robbing Zhang Zhenfang's family property? All the senior officials of the Beiyang Military Government did it.  Don't come out, because once you do this, it will be an excuse for others. Zhang Zhenfang can keep such huge profits. But Zhang Zhenfang smiled like a chrysanthemum: "I will do anything for the government.  "But Zhang Zhenfang didn't give it for free. He immediately asked his entourage to hold a box of lottery tickets and put it in front of Bai Jianwu. The latter looked confused. "Bai Jianwu couldn't guess what Zhang Zhenfang meant? Please subscribe, please."  Monthly ticket, please recommend, good friends support me more, thank you!
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