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Chapter 1482 [Big Net]

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    After obtaining the supplementary strength of two brigades, excluding the regiment that followed Zhang Xueliang back to Fengtian, there were five full regiments, Guo Songling was high-spirited and mobilized before opening the station in front of tens of thousands of soldiers.  ??Enter Tangshan from Funing, and then you will reach Tianjin.  Guo Songling's eyes are persistent, her expression is solemn, and she has the kind of concentration that comes from going to the bathroom to the critical moment In the game world of later generations, there is a popular saying, called holding back the ultimate move!  Of course, in the Republic of China, any kind of lofty behavior in later generations would be reduced to manual labor due to technology.  The same goes for speeches!  The same goes for shouting slogans!  Among the black and white images with snowflakes in the documentaries of later generations, historical figures have their hands on their hips, looking like they have strained lumbar muscles. Their movements are exaggerated, but they seem to be concentrating all their strength on all the strenuous efforts, which makes ordinary people in later generations.  It¡¯s hard to believe, why don¡¯t you just shout a few slogans?  Is it so difficult?  Don¡¯t tell me, it¡¯s really so difficult.  Not only is it strenuous, but even if the strength is used to feed milk, the effect may not be good.  Don¡¯t believe it yet, let me ask you, when there are no loudspeakers, can a person shout in an open place with his own voice and be heard by thousands of people?  What if the number of listeners increases to 10,000?  The fact is that even if you shout at the top of your lungs, not even half of the people will hear you.  Proclaiming is not only a physical activity, but also a technical activity.  ??First of all, you must stand on the upwind. If you stand on the downwind, don't bother. It won't have much effect if you are exhausted.  Qi condenses in the Dantian, resonates in the chest, turns into a stream of clear air, and breaks through the throat Someone asked, is he so amazing?  Yes, it¡¯s so powerful. If you don¡¯t know the trick, you¡¯ll only be humiliating yourself.  Guo Songling has practiced cultivation and knows the samadhi involved, but even so, he still has to make some preparations.  Soldiers' voices are often exercised, and there are few officers who don't have a loud voice.  But even after years of training, speaking in front of tens of thousands of people is still an insurmountable threshold.  Guo Songling did not dare to look down upon him, so he stared hard, and when his face turned red and his neck became thick, he shouted: "Capture Yuguan!" Tens of thousands of people roared: "Capture Yuguan!" Then Guo Songling shouted: "Capture Wu Peifu alive!  " There was a strange pause at the scene, and then there was a loud shout: "Capture Wu Peifu alive! " " Enter Yanjing City! "  No one knows where Guo Songling's confidence comes from, let alone capture Wu Peifu alive.  Now, even defeating Wu Peifu on the battlefield has become a luxury hope for the generals.  Wu Peifu, who lived in the 13th year of the Republic of China, had the blessing of being invincible. At this time, saying slogans like "Capture Wu Peifu alive" is tantamount to launching a map cannon, which is nonsense.  But for Guo Songling, as long as he breaks into Yuguan, Yanjing City is already under his nose.  Fengjun didn't have to worry about the railway from Tianjin to Yanjing. Because of the issues left over from the "Xinchou Treaty", Britain, Japan and the United States all had troops stationed along the railway.  Before World War I, that is, before the European War, the Eight-Power Allied Forces were actually eligible to garrison troops around the railway from Tianjin to Yanjing.  If it weren't for the redistribution of interests by the world's top powers after the European War, there would be even more foreign military camps on this stretch of railway.  It won't be like now, with only the military camps of the United States, Japan, and Britain.  Although the military camps of these three countries next to the railway are average in size, the garrison is not larger than one regiment, but the dog hunting depends on the owner. These three military camps represent the face of the three major naval powers in the world, and the Beiyang government does not dare to offend.  In the Anhui War, Wu Peifu once commanded the army to attack Tianjin but failed because the Japanese used barracks along the railway to help Duan Qirui guard the flanks. Unexpectedly, in the end, the Anhui army had grudges that were difficult to resolve due to problems with military pay and supplies.  , and finally the entire line collapsed.  "However, if it were Fengjun, the Japanese would not only not block it, but would even enthusiastically clear the way for them.  The Japanese have been looking forward to this day for who knows how many days. Anyway, Zhang Zuolin's trick to deceive the Japanese is that the military service is not as good as that of Yanjing, which is not justified and cannot give the best guarantee to Japan's interests in China.  This is Zhang Zuolin¡¯s provocation plan. Anyway, he will hold on to it and first take over Japan¡¯s loans and military equipment to arm the army.  Otherwise, relying on the tax revenue from the three northeastern provinces, it is possible to expand the army by 200,000 in just two years?  Can Zhang Zuolin afford so many troops?  However, in the past two years, Zhang Zuolin also found that it seemed unlikely that Fengjun would not enter the customs again.  The main reason was that the strength of the Fengjun army expanded too fast, and the three eastern provinces did not need hundreds of thousands of troops. Zhang Zuolin found that he could not afford to support hundreds of thousands of troops.  Unlike other provinces in the Republic of China, the governors of the three eastern provinces are very low!    Don't even think about being a military governor. The only real commander in the three eastern provinces is Zhang Zuolin. The commander-in-chief's office will not come up with the idea of ??demarcating an area for his generals because the territory is too large, with military and government control.  Power of appointment and removal.  There are only a few large cities in the three eastern provinces. Apart from Dalian, which is controlled by Japan, Fengtian and Harbin are the only ones left.  Because Harbin is in the middle of the Middle East Railway and has water transportation from the Songhua River, and Lao Maozi has spent a lot of thought on it, it is not surprising that Harbin can develop.  But around Harbin, in addition to forests, there are swamps The population density is simply not comparable to that of Liaoning and other places.  As for Fengtian, it cannot be separated at all. This is the home of the Zhang family and his son. If it is separated, wouldn't Marshal Zhang's mansion be built on someone else's territory?  In addition, the three eastern provinces are sparsely populated, and their total population is even worse than that of Henan province.  Even though Zhejiang was plagued by disasters during the Republic of China, as several large-scale plagues caused the population to stagnate, its population base of more than 20 million was not incomparable to the provinces in the three eastern provinces.  And population determines the tax revenue of the Republic of China, with agriculture as the main economic model. Another big problem is that the lower the population density, the greater the difficulty and cost of taxation.  Zhang Zuolin definitely has no financial knowledge in this area. He just stood in front of the map of the three northeastern provinces, his eyes turned white, and he saw that most of the areas on the map were not worth taxing Damn, what does this make him, a commander-in-chief?  mix?  It¡¯s not like you¡¯re just hanging around in a barren land, right?  Since the Qing Dynasty, the three eastern provinces have been the ideal places to distribute and exile troops. Don¡¯t ask why? ????????? Is it scary to be in Ninggu Pagoda?  Are you happy being neighbors with tigers and blind bears? ???????????????? If you don¡¯t even have a firearm to hear the sound in your hand, and you hold a bow and arrow, do you still think that the forest is full of treasures?  ¡­ This is just a sideways proof that although the three eastern provinces have fertile land, their population is indeed far behind that of the Central Plains, let alone the densely populated Liangjiang, Lianghu and Sichuan Plains in the Republic of China.  The most embarrassing thing for Fengjun was that the county where the brigade-designated unit was stationed had a smaller population than the people in the military camp.  For example, Helen, where Tang Yulin was stationed, had a population of only more than 10,000, but he had tens of thousands of troops under his control.  This is nothing new in Fengjun.  If Fengjun does not expand, the placement of his generals will be a big problem.  Therefore, Zhang Zuolin showed a seemingly strong interest in the Japanese government's repeated instigations.  It's a trick of not doing anything, and both parties have requirements in this regard.  To describe it in a popular way, dry firewood meets fire, and the old bachelor hooks up with the young widow.  Zhang Zuolin also felt that if North China was included in the scope of Fengjun, it seemed that the major conflicts within Fengjun could be resolved.  It can be said that nothing Guo Songling did on the front line escaped Zhang Zuolin's eyes.  It is not a big mistake to gather the young marshal's guard without permission. In fact, this outcome was already destined from the moment the young marshal left the gun.  Guo Songling is not the kind of stubborn person, and his judgment of the situation is very clear.  His only flaw is that he cannot stand being stimulated, is full of thorns, and has an arrogant personality. He will not give anyone face when he spreads hysteria Of course, in the eyes of big shots, especially the Northeast King Zhang Zuolin who commands the side, this kind of shortcoming is simply not worth mentioning.  It's not a mistake.  ¡­On the contrary, it is a huge advantage.  A commander-in-chief is afraid that his generals will form a group.  Yes, not only Zhang Zuolin sees it this way, but also the Young Marshal's cheap teacher Xu Shichang. However, this person has differences with Zhang Zuolin in his usage of Guo Songling. He thinks that he needs to suppress it and at least sharpen his edge. He is the Zhang family's father and son.  A precious sword.  It's a pity that Zhang Zuolin didn't listen. It was the time when Fengjun was recruiting people, so it was very difficult for Zhang Zuolin to suppress a leading general.  This uncle's identity is much more advanced than Zhang Zuolin's, and his vision is even more sinister.  Regardless of the fact that in the political arena, he is a kind of outsider. This is because of the unchangeable fact that the political arena of the Republic of China is a stage for warriors. The generals are trying to show their faces and sense of presence.  But for a politician, especially a politician with a Hanlin status, even if he once became the head of state or the president of this country.  But without a military base, he has no voice at all and can only become a sounding board for major forces.  Xu Shichang is like this.  The same is true for Mr. Sun Da.  The only difference between these two people is that Xu Shichang admits it and never resists; while Mr. Sun Da has an uncompromising character. He can run away but will never admit defeat.  Before the Kuomintang established its own army, Mr. Sun Da stood in the political arena of the Republic of China and made all the changes.  But what about the ending?  Still have to run away.  ??Run to Japan.    Run to Hong Kong.  Running to Nanyang The "Kuomintang" without a strong army can only be the leader in the political drama of the Republic of China, not even a supporting role.  Regardless of the Yunnan Army and the Guangxi Clique, the southern army had supported the "Kuomintang" and regarded Mr. Sun Da as its leader.  But this kind of leader is like the tablets placed high on the shrine when brothers fight over family property in the ancestral hall. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Talking about your ancestors, if it's really a life-and-death situation Let's forget it.  No, Mr. Sun Da can become a flag and a high-ranking tablet, but neither the flag nor the tablet should have the thought of getting a share of the pie.  But Mr. Sun Da is a politician after all. How pitiful would he be if he did nothing?  Precisely because the political changes he wanted could not be given by the southern warlords, Mr. Sun Da and his "Kuomintang" always became isolated at critical moments.  More than ten years after the founding of the Republic of China, the famous Mr. Sun Da accumulated more than ten years of political experience and gained a reputation as "Sun Paopao".  No wonder Mr. Liang Qichao ridiculed the "Kuomintang" in the newspaper as: a distant party.  Once you smell danger coming, apply oil on the soles of your feet and run faster than anyone else.  Then use public opinion abroad to deceive the good young people at home to work for the "Kuomintang".  But is Mr. Sun Da willing to endure failure again and again? It is definitely impossible.  Mr. Sun Da is a politician and the leader of a force.  What politicians of this level need is to instill their own political ideas and make them the national policy of the Republic of China.  And if you want to get to this point, you must enter the center of the political arena of the Republic of China.  It can be said that before Chen Jiongming captured the city of Guangzhou and established the Guangdong Army, the Kuomintang had no foundation whatsoever.  Without an army, we have no confidence to speak.  This is the tragedy of the literati in the political arena of the Republic of China. They can keep their spirits up, but it is difficult to shake the status quo of warlord separatism.  That is to say, after having the Guangdong Army, Mr. Sun Da had the confidence to launch the Northern Expedition.  Of course, this may be another great success.  Because before Mr. Sun Da came up with this idea, the Guangdong army did not have the strength for the Northern Expedition.  With only one division, no matter how elite this division is, can it still fight the entire Beiyang Army?  It has to be said that although Mr. Sun Da has a broad vision and sufficient ideal support, his growth experience has caused him to have some limitations in many cases.  One could call it revolutionary romanticism, but it lacks rational weighing.  The vision for talents is even more worrying.  But Xu Shichang was different. Before Guangxu was under house arrest, he was a member of the power center. As a member of the Hanlin Academy, his knowledge of officialdom and observation of talents were certainly not comparable to that of Mr. Sun Da.  Moreover, at the end of the Qing Dynasty, even the Qing court began to find that the feudal dynasty had become unpopular, and it was urgent to change the original political system.  If it weren't for the fact that the princes, princes, and ministers had huge differences over the distribution of power, the Qing court might have actually come up with the constitutional monarchy.  In terms of vision, Xu Shichang is no worse than Mr. Sun Da, and he is even better at observing people.  But after all, Xu Shichang did not have the support of the army and lacked sufficient foundation.  But even so, Xu Shichang's influence in the early Republic of China was unshakable by many big figures in the military.  If you want to be thick-skinned, Xu Shichang will not leave the position of president, and perhaps Cao Kun can only stare.  ¡°But if all his experience was passed on to the young marshal, Zhang Xueliang would only need to learn 30% of it, which would be great.  He once commented on Zhang Xueliang that many generals in the army, such as Guo Songling, were not very optimistic about him.  Because this person was too sharp and sharp, it was a pity that both the commander-in-chief Zhang Zuolin and the commander-in-chief Zhang Xueliang believed that Guo Songling's poor interpersonal relationships could not shake the status of his father and son in the Fengjun.  I think he is a talent that can be used with confidence.  At that time, Xu Shichang thought of Nian Gengyao, a very famous general from the previous dynasty Of course, Guo Songling's military exploits are definitely not comparable to Nian Gengyao, but if he continues to grow and is not suppressed, it may have immeasurable consequences.  .  Moreover, Guo Songling is more dangerous and extreme than Nian Gengyao back then.  These words of Xu Shichang will naturally not say such an old -fashioned person.  Zhang Zuolin was a little happy to learn that Guo Songling was determined to make a desperate move and fight Fengjun. Perhaps the entry into the customs he had always dreamed of could come true this winter.  But he never imagined that a big net would fall over Feng Jun¡¯s head
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