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Chapter 1480 [Ruthless]

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    If Wu Peifu had put the Third Division on the battlefield and deceived him, and there would have been no losses, Guo Songling might not have believed that the other party was trying to support it.  However, the two sides fought fiercely in the Jiumenmen, Tiandu Ridge, and Baihegouzi areas. Whether it was the Third Army commanded by Guo Songling on behalf of Zhang Xueliang or the First Army under Wu Peifu, including elites like the Third Division of the Beiyang Army, it was king versus king.  , the collision of generals.  In fact, we can get a rough estimate of the casualties on both sides.  The casualties of the Zhili army were also high. Guo Songling could judge this from the tragic situation on the battlefield.  "As for the Fengjun Third Army, if it continues to fight, it will be at the end of the war The huge casualties also give Guo Songling a headache.  The troops need to rest and replenish, but no one dares to secretly take a breath, because Guo Songling understands that whoever takes this breath first means losing the battle, and he must grit his teeth and persevere.  Wu Peifu is the promoter of this battle and the person who has the initiative on the battlefield. He naturally understands that Fengjun can no longer hold on.  Because the First Army was also severely dragged down, without the input of the Third Division, this battle would have been lost.  With almost equal strength, the Feng army has been able to stand on a par with the Zhili army, and it is still an elite force.  Even the Third Army of Fengjun, commanded by Guo Songling, was the elite of Fengjun. However, in the previous battles, Fengjun was not defeated by him that time.  Unexpectedly, he has grown to the point where he can arm-wrestle with himself.  Late at night, Wu Peifu's eyes were like lightning, staring at the mountain pass in the distance. The battlefield had become quiet, and there was not even a trace of fire.  But for this ordinary pass among the many mountain passes on the Yufu front line, the soldiers on both sides felt a shudder.  After a long time, Wu Peifu exhaled a long breath and whispered to himself: "We can't let him grow up anymore." "Commander, what did you just say?" However, Wu Peifu's inner thoughts were actually very loud.  Low, probably only he can hear it clearly.  So Bai Jianwu, the confidant standing behind him, didn't hear it and asked casually.  Many people don¡¯t understand why Wu Peifu, who has been in the officialdom for twenty years and has met countless people, has so much trust in Bai Jianwu, who was not directly trained by him. In just two years, he promoted this relatively young staff member in the political arena to the commander-in-chief of the Eighteen Provinces Allied Forces.  Consultation.  It is undeniable that this status is equivalent to recognition of Bai Jianwu as his successor.  And the little-known Bai Jianwu, how could he be so virtuous and capable that he would be so appreciated by the most powerful person in the direct line?  "If we knew that Bai Jianwu had served as a staff member for Lu Rongting, Li Chun and others.  When Wu Peifu took over Bai Jianwu, he had already passed through several hands To put it this way, it seems that Bai Jianwu was a concubine and was sold to several houses.  Of course, Li Chun was not included. He died suddenly while serving as the governor of Jiangsu.  But who is Lu Rongting?  He had close contacts with the Kuomintang in his early years and was the number one figure in the old Guangxi clique.  The once most glorious force controlled the provinces of Guangxi, Guangdong and Guizhou and was the mainstay among local factions in the south.  It was he who blocked the direct troops from entering South China.  Even after everyone rebelled and separated from their relatives, they had to leave Guangxi.  But his status as a staff member could easily arouse suspicion.  Wu Peifu is nominally the number two figure in the direct line, but Cao Kun cannot match him in terms of military strength.  After Cao Kun came to power, the Zhili clique gradually formed several major factions. The Luoyang clique was headed by Wu Peifu; the Baoding clique was of course Cao Kun's housekeeping force; and the Tianjin clique, as Cao Kun's helper in handling the political arena, also stayed together to keep warm, but this faction was destined to  They are useless because they don¡¯t have an army.  There are also miscellaneous military identities, such as Feng Yuxiang It's hard to tell who this guy is.  There are also veterans such as Wang Huaiqing who form their own group.  If Ni Sichong had not reached his end, he would not have made the Anwu Army the target of Wu Peifu. This army was the largest among the miscellaneous, with 80,000 troops and good equipment.  Through several continuous expansions and recruitments, Wu Peifu has increased the number of troops under his control to more than twice that of the Baoding faction.  Although Cao Kun is the president, if Wu Peifu, who controls hundreds of thousands of troops, wants to start a new army, he can defeat Cao Kun in a minute.  It was precisely because the gap in strength became more and more obvious that Cao Kun once doubted Wu Peifu's loyalty.  This caused a controversy about military funding, although the cause was Cao Kun's dissatisfaction when he discovered that Gao Enbo, the director-general of the Ministry of Communications, had allocated twice as much military funding to Luoyang as to Baoding.  (The Ministry of Finance in Beiyang is much poorer than the Ministry of Transportation. Local taxes cannot be raised, and the customs and salt taxes cannot be decided, so the funds for the year are limited. On the contrary, the Ministry of Transportation is sitting on the dividends of most of the railways, terminals, and ships in the Republic of China, and is extremely rich.  )&nbspCao Kun also sensed the crisis and attacked Gao Enbo. Later, Wu Peifu did not attend Cao Kun's birthday. The two sides were at war with each other for a while, but in the end they settled.  This Bai Jianwu played a big role in it.  Many people know very well that the message sent by Wu Peifu was probably instigated by Bai Jianwu.  Supporting Cao Kun's leadership position and unconditionally accepting any orders from Cao Kun not only established Wu Peifu's subordinate status, but also completely reassured Cao Kun.  After that, Bai Jianwu became even more favored and suddenly became the number two figure in the "Wu Clan".  This battle against the Great Wall is directly related to the foundation of the battle. Bai Jianwu even appeared at the frontline headquarters as Wu Peifu's deputy.  In the absence of Wu Peifu, coordinate the overall situation.  It's a pity that he doesn't understand military affairs, so he is just a guise on the front line, and the generals don't pay too much attention to his orders. Fortunately, he also knows that the generals below him are disobeying the orders and being too demanding, which does him no good at all.  The reason why he still took credit and appeared at the frontline headquarters was because Wu Peifu made him a promise when he was proud. This promise was to give Bai Jianwu the power to form a cabinet after defeating Fengjun.  This is also the day when he fully expects the Zhili army to cross the grassland and march straight towards Huanglong, and the army will enter Fengtian City with great vigor.  As long as that day comes, Bai Jianwu, such a little-known figure, will suddenly become a hot new political force in the political arena of the Republic of China.  However, with the battle situation on the front lines in recent days, Bai Jianwu could not see the dawn of victory at all. Instead, he felt that Wu Peifu seemed to have given up on himself and had the idea of ??breaking the pot. People like him had no foundation in the political arena and could only rely on relying on someone.  A big shot, a guy who can show off his ambitions, is most afraid of meeting an unreliable master.  But the decision made by Wu Peifu in front of him makes people doubt whether Wu Peifu's brain has gone crazy and he has gone too far He is worried that his dream of forming a cabinet is about to be ruined, and his tone is quite depressed, but the main idea is that he is thinking about Wu Peifu.  Worried: "Commander, the soldiers on the front line can hardly hold it any longer. The casualties are too great. What if" "There is no such thing as an emergency. If you can't hold it anymore, I have to hold it. Otherwise, why would you need the Military Law Office?"  "Wu Peifu's tone was as cold as the cold wave in late autumn.  Bai Jian Wu Peifu's determination could not be shaken, but he still tried to persuade him. After all, his status as a distinguished figure was tied to Wu Peifu. Any possible collapse situation would make him very nervous: "How about another transfer?"  "No, now is the time to compete with others. Everyone is on the fire. Whoever can't stand it first will die first." Wu Peifu looked back and looked at the appearance.  Bai Jianwu, who can be said to be extremely handsome, sighed: "This is the fate of soldiers, you don't understand. Only in the most difficult times is the critical moment that determines victory or defeat and life and death. The troops of the five brigades cannot move. This  If I take advantage of the elite Fengjun in front of me, the outcome will inevitably be regrettable. Don¡¯t worry, Fengjun will be completely defeated after this battle.¡± It has to be said that Wu Peifu¡¯s confidence in many situations is easy.  Infecting those around you.  This time was no exception. Bai Jianwu's heart was surging when he heard this, but he still couldn't help but worry. There was no way. This was a common problem among literati, worrying about gains and losses in the face of opportunities.  Especially in the Republic of China, the psychological quality of literati was generally worse than in any previous historical period.  On the one hand, with the advent of the Republic and the disappearance of the emperor, the ethics and ethics that have lasted for two thousand years can no longer continue. Traditional literati are confused, and the cost of finding a way out is often lost. The most representative one is Mr. Kang Youwei.  On the other hand, the huge impression caused by the impact of Eastern and Western cultures has caused many literati to go to extremes and deny everything, which is naturally equivalent to driving themselves into a dead end.  When hope is shattered, people become extremely fragile, such as Wang Zhaoming.  Also, more people have embarked on the path of exploration But these have nothing to do with Bai Jianwu. His current mentality is to wait for the fruit to ripen. Everyone who passes by the tree will mistakenly think that he is an opponent who comes to steal the fruit.  Compared to Wu Peifu, he can still sit still. At least on the surface, he does not seem to have broken through the bottom line of defense in his heart, and he is still at the stage where he can pretend.  But as his opponent, logically it should be Zhang Zuolin.  However, it was Fengjun general Guo Songling who commanded the battles on the front lines of Yuguan and Fuzhou. Compared with Wu Peifu's sophistication, Guo Songling's spirit was also the reason why he was able to fight Wu Peifu to an even tie for more than a month, but the war was about to be decided.  , but he had nothing to do because he had no more soldiers to use, so it was inevitable to be anxious.  However, it is not that there is no army to supplement at all. There is still a regular army on the front line that has not been put into the battlefield. This force is Fengjun's Fourth Division.  This oneThe army also has a more obscure title: Young Marshal Guards.  This is the life-saving unit left by the old commander Zhang Zuolin for his own son. Whatever good things are good will be sent to the Fourth Division. The division has nearly 20,000 people and is also a unique elite unit in the Feng army.  But this unit was not put into the battlefield.  This is what Guo Songling had in mind. Now that the young marshal has returned to Fengtian, what happened to him being a teacher and making decisions for his students?  So there was this scene that happened at the Chifeng frontline headquarters. Guo Songling was sitting on one side of the conference table in the war room, and on the other side were two brigade commanders of the Fourth Division, Song Jiuling, commander of the 27th Brigade of Fengjun, and Song Jiuling, commander of the 27th Brigade of Fengjun.  Luan Yunkui, commander of the 19th Brigade, both had uneasy looks on their faces, because less than one meter away from them, there was a pistol placed on the conference table.  This gun was pulled out by Guo Songling from his waist. As generals of the Fourth Division of the Fengjun Army, they were very familiar with this pistol. This gun was not Guo Songling's gun at all, but Zhang Xueliang's.  Song Jiuling also complained about the young marshal's behavior of buying from both sides, but he could only keep it in his stomach.  He is a subordinate and a trusted general. He should support, support and even implement any decision made by the young marshal.  But when the war situation was not clear, the young marshal's behavior of leaving the front line really made him feel quite unsatisfied.  "And you still have such a big support for Guo Songling. Brothers are your bodyguards!"  Wouldn¡¯t it be okay to say a few more words of instruction?  It really didn¡¯t work, and Zhang Xueliang was also in a dilemma. Although Fengjun¡¯s numbers were staggering, many of the local armies were transformed by bandits. The main reason was that Fengjun was unable to encircle and suppress them, so he could only recognize the opponent¡¯s status, and that was all.  This battle was on the Great Wall defense line. Zhang Zuolin had already mobilized all the elites he could mobilize. It can be said that Zhang Xueliang could not mobilize any troops when he returned to Fengtian.  Even the transferred soldiers were recruits and third-rate troops with the lowest combat effectiveness in the Feng army. On such a cruel battlefield, these troops were no worse than the others.  Because as long as there is a defeated army, there will be a squad, a platoon, and a company Therefore, regardless of whether it is Guo Songling, Song Jiuling and other frontline generals, they all understand the fact that there are no reinforcements.  Luan Yunkui secretly glanced at Song Jiuling and complained in his heart: "Although you are also a brigade commander, you also have the status of deputy division commander. If you don't speak up, what will I do?" On the contrary, Guo Songling spoke first: "Han Qing leaves.  The front line returned to Fengtian to mobilize troops, and before leaving, he handed me his rifle. I think you should understand what he meant. I promised that the Fourth Division can withdraw from the battlefield as long as it persists until reinforcements from Fengtian arrive. "  Song Jiuling's expression changed, and she couldn't help complaining about the young commander Zhang Xueliang.  "When you left, at least tell the truth to your brothers, leave a gun behind, and say nothing. What's the matter?"  Facing Guo Songling, who even Zhang Xueliang was afraid of, Song Jiuling slowly said: "The situation of the Fourth Division Chief Guo should understand that I can't make the decision." Guo Songling glared and said: "I didn't let you make the decision!" Then he said gloomily.  He said: "You just need to obey the order." "No one can touch the soldiers of the Fourth Division without the Marshal's order." Song Jiuling is not scared. The Fourth Division is the Marshal's guard, even if Guo Songling is  He is the teacher of the young marshal, but he is not qualified to command the Fourth Division without the command of the young marshal.  Besides, the gun Guo Songling held in his hand was just the young marshal's gun, just a gun. Did he really think it was Shang Fang's sword and the gold medal imperial order?  What if What if there is a big turmoil in the future? If someone comes with a broken gun and wants the command of the Fourth Division, can he really give it to him?  In the future, when the Marshal returns to the Fourth Division, no matter whether the battlefield is a victory or a defeat, what will be left to the generals of the Fourth Division will definitely not be any praise, but the loss of the Marshal's trust. This is the biggest problem Song Jiuling faces.  His original intention was to ask Guo Songling to send a report to Fengtian and let Fengtian's order come down.  But Guo Songling is also in trouble!  When the battle reached this level, he knew that it was not the command that could make up for it, but a test of the endurance of the army. The battle line could collapse at any time and at any time.  According to Guo Songling's understanding of Zhang Xueliang, his favorite disciple is likely to react conservatively rather than forge ahead.  So, it¡¯s better to ask than not to ask.  ¡°If you don¡¯t ask, at least Guo Songling can still hold on, but if you ask, it¡¯s likely to be a withdrawal.  This was a fact that Guo Songling could not accept. He was so close to victory, but fell short at the last moment. This was the reason why he blocked the door with Zhang Xueliang's gun.  "You must obey the order. This is the full command power left to me by the young marshal." "Only with a warrant or telegram can I mobilize the fourth division to rush to the front line. Otherwise, never think about it." "You are disobeying orders on the battlefield.""" Guo Songling's gloomy face was filled with gloom. "Then what surprised everyone was that this man actually picked up the pistol, turned on the safety, pointed it at Song Jiuling and gritted his teeth and said ferociously: "Are you giving the order or not?  "The soldiers from the divisional security company who heard the commotion rushed in and found that the deputy commander was pointing a gun at the deputy commander. They were also stunned. Luan Yunkui secretly complained. He knew that Guo Songling, a master whom he did not recognize even his relatives, really dared to shoot.  ! It doesn¡¯t matter if you kill Song Jiuling. If you point the gun at me again, won¡¯t I be in trouble? Song Jiuling can¡¯t die. Even if Luan Yunkui finally obeys Guo Songling, Zhang Xueliang will not let him go at this critical moment.  No longer able to escape: ¡°Deputy Commander, I have something to say.  "    "speak!  " Bite the bullet, Luan Yunkui said: "I think Deputy Commander Song Jiuling is no longer suitable to take over the temporary command of the Fourth Division. Please use the deputy commander's duties to confine Deputy Commander Song Jiuling" Guo Songling looked at Luan Yunkui curiously, with his heart wandering.  Three words: weak but he likes it.
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