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Text Chapter 1408 [Someone from a certain place]

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    If Hu Shi, who likes to win over people, hadn't been the matchmaker, they wouldn't even be sitting at the same table to eat.  But in the final analysis, the two have the same status, but their treatment is completely different. Professor Zhou likes to communicate with young people, supports their ideas, and is a leader of young students.  He has a special temperament, fortitude and sensitive national pride, which are very easy to attract young people.  Most of such people are impulsive in their character. He chose to devote himself to education because he believed that studying medicine could not save a terminally ill country.  But in this case, he would not be able to obtain a graduation certificate from a medical university, only a graduation certificate.  But young people all believe that he has a spirit in him, an indomitable spirit that supports young people's dreams.  Young students all like to be close to Professor Zhou, but what about Professor Chen Yuan?  At the age of 26, he received a doctorate from the University of London. In the 1920s, the University of London was definitely more popular than Harvard and Yale in the United States.  Before he returned to China, universities from all over the country were extending olive branches, hoping to take this young talent into their arms.  Professor Chen, who was proud and arrogant, chose Yanjing and liked to use the pen name Xiying to write commentaries.  Although his literary talent is good, he is disgusted with young people's participation in demonstrations and other petition activities in his heart, and believes that these are cowardly activities that have no benefit except causing trouble for the authorities.  It is strange that this kind of character would be liked by students in the Republic of China.  Yanjing is also an area with the most frequent and active student movements in the country. It has eight national universities and is the city with the highest concentration of universities in the Republic of China.  In addition to private universities and church universities, the number of college students is also the highest in the country.  The diplomatic weakness of the Republic of China has always caused great dissatisfaction among young people.  Parade.  Petition.  Since the founding of the Republic of China, it has never stopped.  From this point of view, they are not the same kind of people at all.  Speaking of which, Professor Zhou and Professor Chen have always had a close relationship. In fact, Professor Zhou doesn't like Professor Chen. This can also be reflected in their salary and income.  Chen Yuan, a PhD student at the University of London in the UK, has a salary of 380.  Professor Zhou, studying abroad at rb Sendai Medical University, two hours shy of graduationsalary 120. ?¡­ ?Why?  Yes, why?  Why are those from the University of London superior to others?  It¡¯s very common for two people to have similar jobs.  As the saying goes, where there is oppression, there is resistance.  But both of them are cultural people, what about Mr. Zhou?  I don¡¯t think it¡¯s okay. After all, it¡¯s reasonable for Chen Yuan to spend so much money to study in the UK. The investment is huge and the income is high.  Moreover, he also earns a lot of royalties. Calculated every month, the financial gap is not that big.  What¡¯s frustrating is that Chen Xiying still shows off her superiority from time to time. This kind of pretending to be superior is very aggravating.  But in fact, their quarrel this time was not caused by their daily dissatisfaction, nor was it caused by the originally discordant relationship between the two parties.  But one of the two was forced, and the other was too casual.  Historically, the scolding war between Chen Xiying and Professor Zhou Shuren originated from the "Female Normal University Trend". What later completely ignited the two people's anger was the "March 18th Massacre". Professor Zhou Shuren even wrote an article "In Memory of Liu Hezhen" for this purpose.  "Jun", which set off the second anti-imperialist and anti-feudal movement of the Republic of China, but these are all for later.  Logically speaking, in Yanjing in the 13th year of the Republic of China, although Zhou Shuren and Chen Xiying disliked each other, there was not much conflict.  The trigger that ignited the fuse between the two people has not yet completely emerged.  However, the two natural enemies met and began to attack each other's character and morality.  In fact, the reason that leads to their different opinions is very simple. Professor Zhou Shuren is a leader of young people, and his prestige among students is unparalleled.  From the comparison of evidence between the north and the south, and the contrast caused by the country's development achievements, industrialization, and popularization of education in recent years, young students see hope.  Students in the Republic of China were born in a restless society, eager for change, and eager to make the nation strong through change.  But the cruel reality made them collapse and despair.  From a standpoint, Mr. Zhou is on the side of the students, has a radical personality, and is very dissatisfied with the actual authorities.  But Chen Xiying is on the opposite side, which is not unrelated to his repeated ridicule of the student movement.  And zj¡¯s policy strategy gave the young people of the Republic of China hope, the hope of a strong country.  A local government can gradually establish a fragile but thriving large-scale industrial era through financial support and bank support.  There is no reason why the central government should be bent on surrendering to civil war.  Therefore, students in Yanjing can¡¯t sit still in school.?Whenever they feel restless, they will have a channel to vent their anger by marching and petitioning.  Chen Xiying, who was originally brought in by Hu Shi and was not satisfied with supporting Wang Xueqian, was not happy, and Zhang Shizhao also did not agree with the student movement.  The two of them published an article in the newspaper. The content was not long, but the tone was quite strong. It probably denounced the students' petition as an act of chaos, and the government should be beaten or scolded.  Anyway, Chen Xiying's character simply looked down on student petitions. He even disliked school teachers and professors who supported student movements.  Professor Zhou Shuren is the banner of the youth of the Republic of China. If students want to petition, he will never say a bad word, but will provide support in public opinion.  Originally it was just a small conflict, with everyone blaming each other from their respective standpoints.  But here I have to talk about another person, Zhang Shizhao.  This person is well-rounded in official circles and is good at specializing in business.  He is also talented, but he has an almost crazy obsession with being an official.  He finally entered the Ministry of Education as a senior official, how could he tolerate students causing trouble and ruin his future?  So he secretly found Professor Zhou Shuren and promised: "If you can appease the young students, let him be the president of the Women's Normal University." But who is Professor Zhou!  He also has a backer, okay? Cai Yuanpei, the former director of education and now a top celebrity in the education industry, is his senior brother, and his teacher is Zhang Taiyan.  Professor Zhou, whose personality was already too rigid, gave Zhang Shizhao no room to relax and refused on the spot.  Next, he wrote an article accusing education officials of suppressing academic thought.  Zhang Shizhao felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly.  As Zhang Shizhao¡¯s close friend, Chen Xiying naturally had to stand up and refute.  Let¡¯s talk about the reason for the disharmony between the Zhou brothers at the beginning. This is due to the feud between the parents. Although Professor Zhou is not a generous person, as he said: "Those who hate me, let them hate me! I don¡¯t hate any of them."  Forgive." But as a scholar, he would not fight to the death with Chen Xiying.  Chen Xiying punched out, as if hitting the air, but failed.  How could his proud character endure this kind of loss?  There happened to be a student who reported that Professor Zhou's book "A Brief History of Novel" was suspected of plagiarizing the "Introduction to China Literature" written by Japanese writer Shiotani On. Chen Xiying, who could not find strong evidence to refute it, did not dare to tell the truth. At that time, he wrote in "Modern Times"  Commentary" signed article ridiculed Professor Zhou.  In the world of intellectuals, it is very common to quarrel with each other, but if you really question the work that you have worked so hard on, you will be a life-and-death enemy.  Professor Zhou immediately wrote an article describing Zhang Shizhao's use of his official position to bribe him, and then ridiculed the other party as a servant of a powerful man, with a slavish look on his face.  Needless to say how mean Professor Zhou¡¯s words were, the scolding war between the two began to escalate.  Professor Zhou's position is "Yu Si", and Chen Xiying's position is "Modern Review". After the scolding war escalated, other authors of the two magazines were involved.  In fact, there were people who tried to persuade them to make peace, but both of them were already angry and ignored them at all.  Anyway, Zhang Shizhao said: "Professor Zhou has not been in class recently and lost two teeth." (This is too vicious. In Chinese medicine, it is said that teeth are nourished by the kidneys, which is equivalent to calling a man a kidney deficiency) Professor Zhou is not in a hurry.  , the next issue of "Yu Si" wrote about the origin of human race. From the historical analysis of the racial character of Zhang Shizhao and others, it cannot be found among people, nor can it be found among animals. Professor Zhou said  Very confused.  (Calling people bastards)  Anyway, this scolding war was seen in two magazines shortly after Hu Shi arrived in sh.  Although Hu Shi is a person with an out-of-touch personality, he still has a very strong sense of nationality.  He was once enthusiastic about officialdom, but if he was asked to be an official, he would have to be a person of low character, and he would not agree to anything.  The reason why he stood up to support Wang Xueqian was not because of his friendship with his classmates. Of course, there were reasons for this, but the biggest reason was that he believed that Wang Xueqian was the best person among the politicians of the Republic of China today.  For this reason, Hu Shi did not hesitate to bring together the entire northern cultural circle to support Wang Xueqian.  Unexpectedly, the people on his side had not yet coordinated well, and they started fighting among themselves.  Especially when I saw Zhang Shizhao writing angrily in "Modern Commentary" about the four words "someone and so-and-so".  It can be seen that Chen Xiying and others are really alone in the scolding battle with Professor Zhou.  They didn't even think about it. Professor Zhou had enemies all over the world. He was a tried and tested 'old martial artist', scolding him?  Who has he been afraid of?  In the ideological and academic circles of the Republic of China, whenever a war broke out, Professor Zhou stood alone at one end, looking at his opponent coldly, with disdain in his eyes: "Is it a one-on-one fight or a group fight?" "Single fight?"  What do you mean by a group fight? " "It's a single fight.You and I will die together; a group fight means a man facing off against a group of you" "Whoever has the courage and confidence must be a hero!" In the sarcastic business, Professor Zhou said that secondly,  Who dares to say that it is the first? Chen Xiying ran into it without knowing what he was eating, especially when the two magazines with the highest status in the ideological world, "Yu Si" and "Modern Review", turned against each other.  Let him complain secretly. He knew very well that it is the behavior of scholars to take revenge after ten years. If this stalemate continues, there will never be peace in the Yanjing academic world. Hu Shi stamped his feet and shouted: "  A bunch of rabble, a bunch of rabble!  "But his people were already standing on the Shiliupu Pier in SH. No matter how fierce the scolding war in Yanjing became, he could not calm it down. (To be continued.)
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