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Text Chapter 1402 [A militant]

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    Keninghan, the U.S. Consul General in Shanghai, also said tactfully: He would notify the British Diplomatic and Consulate as soon as he learned the news.  This is due to the value of friendship between friends.  Well, I let Keninghan talk. In the end, Sir Considine, who was hacked, had to thank Consul General Keninghan for his generosity and friendship.  "Damn friendship, these damn Americans!" Sir Considine became furious after Cunningham and others left. Baron Lee Farrar went to the Navy Club that day and has not returned yet.  As the Minister of the Navy in the cabinet, Baron Lee Farrar naturally cannot forget his subordinates when he comes to the Far East.  Especially when he knew that the morale of the British Empire's naval officers in the Far East was low, his intervention was even more needed.  Although in the UK, civilians serve as Lord of the Admiralty, which is different from other countries where the Admiralty is generally a marshal.  It is undeniable that Baron Lee Farrar is the highest official of the Royal Navy, and his appearance is very useful in boosting the morale of naval soldiers.  You know, not long ago, the British Navy suffered the biggest defeat in the Far East at the mouth of the Yangtze River, and this defeat is still an unsolvable tactic for the UK.  Although the scale of air combat during the European War was also considerable, the development of air defense weapons was still relatively lagging behind.  Baron Lee Farrar, on the one hand, expressed concern and condolences to the soldiers on behalf of the Queen, and at the same time, he also had to give a certain degree of confidence.  Tell the navy soldiers that the empire has found a way to restrain aircraft, and that all new warships will be equipped with new equipment to defend against air strikes.  "Great, we no longer have to worry about the harm of aircraft to warships. That scene is simply too scary" A drunken naval officer shouted, almost crazy nonsense: "The aircraft of the Republic of China attacked the warships of the Empire.  , it was not a dive attack at all, but an aircraft and a bomb were made together, and then it was equivalent to a 16-inch caliber shell hitting a destroyer" Such rumors are common among British sailors.  The naval officers and soldiers who have witnessed the war have changed their defenses and gone to India, but there are more and more versions of rumors about the war.  This made Baron Lee Farrar frown. He could not imagine that that inconspicuous small-scale naval battle could cause such a huge double trauma to the hearts of the imperial naval soldiers.  A suicide attack?  Will Wang Xueqian really use such tactics?  Baron Lee Farrar found it unbelievable. This was not only contrary to the spirit of humanitarianism, but also inhumane.  A mission that requires an extreme fanatic to complete.  Baron Lee Farrar did not think that the people in Zhejiang had reached this level of fanaticism. He did not even think that such an army would really appear in the world.  Although the effect of the condolences was not ideal, Baron Lee Farrar's face still maintained the demeanor of an imperial minister, which also gave confidence to the British naval officers and soldiers stationed in the Far East, at least he thought so.  But when he returned to the consulate and learned from Sir Considine that the Americans wanted to return the American Concession in Xiamen to the Republic of China government, the grace on his face could no longer be displayed, and he suddenly said angrily: "Why?  Our intelligence agency has never received any news about this? Why is the situation in the Empire getting increasingly tense? Why are the Republic of China people so close to the Americans, and why don't you find anything?  ? "Why?" "The eyes of the British Consulate General in Shanghai seemed to be cannibalistic, but the eyes were as sad as an aging lion.  Baron Lee Farrar, who was already full of anger, finally broke out. He felt as if his chest would explode after he yelled a few words.  Obviously, he did not show unbearable anger at the incompetence of British officials. The fundamental reason was that he could not accept that the Republic of China would get so close to the United States This was a very subtle hint, indicating that the United States would  It is possible that one day in the not-too-distant future, it will be involved in Far Eastern affairs.  Thinking of this gave him a headache.  Don¡¯t think of international affairs as complicated. Diplomatic relations between countries are the same as between people. Whoever is more powerful will be the boss.  The weak ones serve as followers and younger brothers.  That's all.  Since Britain ended Spain's maritime hegemony, and then jointly defeated France, it not only became the European hegemon, but also pushed itself to the throne of the world's hegemon.  And this time is nearly a hundred years Based on the calculation of 20 years per generation, it is five generations.  In other words, the oldest grandparents in the UK, where the average age is only over 50 years old, have heard and told stories since they were children: The British Empire is the greatest country in the world, bar none.  So much so that from the day they are born, British citizens are citizens of the greatest country in the world, possessing the highest honor.?This sense of honor did not inspire, but made the British more arrogant and arrogant.  Until they met a powerful opponent, Germany.  The domineering diplomatic methods allowed Britain to attack everywhere, and the colonial economy allowed Britain to gain greater benefits.  But all this is quietly changing after the world enters the electrification era.  The rise of Germany is what the UK does not want to see, but the UK needs a country on the European continent to suppress France, so it tolerates the rise of Germany.  But during World War I, the British really felt the coldness of war.  Since the beginning of human history, there has never been a war on a scale comparable to the First World War. Tens of millions of troops fought, hundreds of millions of tons of steel were poured out, and ultimately led to the tragedy of 30 million deaths This war  The 'straight man' of Britain was forcibly bent in front of the horrific scene of rivers of blood and mountains of corpses. ??????????????????????????????????????????? Out of the blue, the British are still flexing their muscles everywhere, with new warships being launched one after another, but if they want to tell the British that there is a war the whole of Britain will be in turmoil.  This is the same as the silent Soviet Union in the 1940s. The Great Patriotic War was a glorious victory, but the shadow of the war remained.  Any talk of war can drive young people crazy.  The same is true in the UK. On the streets of London in this era, it was very common for young people walking on the streets to be missing arms and legs. The trauma of the war had not faded away at all.  You can¡¯t pretend to be strong. Even if the UK wants to continue pretending, the countries following the UK have become more flexible.  The United States has conflicts of interest with Britain in the Americas, and Britain in the Far East is pulling Japan to join forces to suppress the United States. The two sides can only become allies during the war, and after the war, they will do whatever they want.  But when it came to parting ways, the British began to panic.  This can be seen from the performance of Baron Lee Farrar. The reason why the British have always pretended to be confident is largely because the British have won over the world's top powers, including the United States and France.  But now, when only Japan is still standing with the British, even Baron Lee Farrar feels that he is alone.  As the deputy, Sir Lapson was the first to react at this time. The first thing he thought of was that the Americans were optimistic about Wang Xueqian.  Secondly, he felt that the American concession in Xiamen, and even Xiamen as a whole, was completely meaningless to the United States, because it was reduced to a residential area in Xiamen for businessmen from various countries and foreign companies.  Not only can it not bring trader share to the United States, but it also has to spend energy on management. It can be seen that even when Americans give gifts, they are selective in giving them.  Wanting to understand this, Sir Lapson spoke: "Your Excellency, Americans are not generous. We understand this very well."  The foreign debt has left the British government somewhat breathless. What is even more annoying is that the British Chancellor of the Exchequer was appointed by a layman, Churchill. After he came to power, the first thing he did was to eagerly announce that Britain would return to the gold standard.  In his eyes, it seemed that only the gold standard could demonstrate Britain's strong financial resources.  But in fact, the pound sterling, which was on the gold standard, suffered setbacks one after another, mainly forced by the damn foreign debt during the war.  Churchill, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, did not even calculate how much foreign debt Britain had, so he foolishly fell into the trap of Wall Street and top European financial groups.  There is also a shadow of the US government in this. Of course, no one will expose such a thing.  After all, he has been an old politician for many years. His face is like made of rubber. He can change it however he wants.  I felt that what Sir Lapson said was very reasonable, and reminded him: "Keep going" "Xiamen doesn't mean much to Americans, but it doesn't mean much to us either. It's no longer what it was twenty years ago.  Far East, although the Republic of China is still a backward agricultural country, it is undeniable that this country's army has used European infantry weapons. If the Japanese" Sir Lapson said regretfully: "It is a pity that Japan.  This warlike nation has no intention of launching a war, which makes it impossible for us to estimate the true combat effectiveness of the People's Liberation Army. ""The Americans are sending it, so are we?" Baron Lee Farrar's first thought was: By the way.  What?  From the bottom of his heart, he felt that this suggestion was ridiculous. Britain had suffered a loss in the Far East. Didn't it take a huge advantage? Wang Xueqian was already doing a good job without undercutting him, so why should he return the concession?  Isn't this a slap in the face?  But in fact, Baron Lee Farrar also had difficulties. The Far East was a very important trading area for Britain, especially the Republic of China and Japan.  In contrast, the importance of the Republic of China was much higher than that of Japan, because Britain's trade exports to Japan were also technology exports.  Soon, Japan will no longer import similar industrial products from Britain.  But the Republic of China was different. It was an agricultural country, and it lackedIt lacked an industrial foundation and almost all of its demand for industrial products relied on imports, and Britain was the number one dumping country in trade during the Republic of China for many years.  ¡°If after Baron Lee Farrar took a spin in the Republic of China, Britain lost the Republic of China¡¯s trade share, this would be a political stain that could not be erased for him.  Baron Lee Farrar rarely looked directly at Sir Considine, which made the latter feel uncomfortable and nervous.  "Sir Considine, how do you evaluate Wang Xueqian?"  Sir Considine was very curious to be asked such a question. Wang Xueqian's character is clearly a militant!  Otherwise, during the Republic of China, that local warlord or even the head of government in Beiyang would have dared to declare war on the British Empire?  " But Wang Xueqian dared to do so. Of course in Guangzhou, Mr. Sun Da also did the same.  But the situation in Guangzhou is different from that in Shanghai.  It was more because of the split opinions within the Kuomintang that Mr. Sun Da had to take drastic measures to deflect internal criticism. The British had already figured this out, but in the face of Wang Xueqian's approach,  The British were completely baffled.  "For Sir Considine, not understanding Wang Xueqian at all is a dereliction of duty in his work. He must have an affirmative answer.  After careful consideration, Sir Considine spoke: "Wang Xueqian is an extremely dangerous militant and a very stubborn nationalist who has a deep hatred for the British Empire" Baron Lee Farrar guided.  : "So" So what?  Sir Considine had no direction at all and could only look at Baron Lee Farrar stupidly. It was much better and safer to act stupid than to make mistakes in his official career.  Sure enough, Baron Lee Farrar's next words made Sir Considine's heart skip a beat: "Therefore, if the British Empire wanted to resolve the troubles in the Republic of China, it had to adopt relatively soft political methods." Baron Lee Farrar seemed to have forgotten  He was planning to join forces with Japan to put pressure on Wang Xueqian, but instead he spoke of Sino-British friendship without blushing or heartbeat.  The most important thing is that Baron Lee Farrar finally set the tone: "The Americans will give away the concession, and we will give it away too." Sir Lapson originally wanted to stop it, but Baron Lee Farrar still said it.  Of course, as the plenipotentiary representative of the British Empire in Shanghai, Sir Considine still agreed with this initiative. Ever since Wang Xueqian sent troops to the Hongkou Concession, he had often thought of running away.  I am deeply afraid of going to war and being trapped in the Consulate General. Resolving conflicts is much better than tit-for-tat.  This idea became even stronger when Sir Considine thought that even jumping onto a warship was unsafe.  If the national policy were not difficult to change, he would even want to drive the Japanese out of Shanghai.  But he was also curious, which concession did Baron Lee Farrar decide to give to Wang Xueqian?  ??Shanghai Concession Don¡¯t be ridiculous, if Baron Lee Farrar really dares to do this, he will be kicked out of politics after returning to the UK!  But he was also curious, which concession was it?  "Your Excellency, this isn't Wuhan, is it?" Wuhan?  Absolutely impossible, Baron Lee Farrar shook his head and said: "It's not Wuhan, it's Zhenjiang." Is there a British concession in Zhenjiang?  The answer is: yes.  But the British didn¡¯t like the British Concession in Zhenjiang, and even the consul was often away from the concession to manage regional affairs.  It is simply a corner that the British have almost forgotten.  Because of Wang Xueqian, this corner was finally turned out, and the time has come to show his effectiveness.  (To be continued.)
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