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Text Chapter 1399 [The pattern has changed]

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    Hoover, who thought that he had been in the American political arena for nearly ten years, had a lot of experience and experience. When he faced Wang Xueqian, who was full of firepower, he felt like a newcomer, with flaws everywhere.  .  ¦¤ Wang Xueqian just looked at Hoover, which lasted for more than ten seconds, and his opponent began to feel guilty.  Faced with the possibility that the package of trade agreements proposed by Hoover might have a bad impact on Japan-US trade, I asked Hoover two tricky questions.  "Mr. Clark, you are a businessman. Of course you are not a pure businessmanbut you should know the two most basic principles of a businessman: do not do business that makes you lose money, and do not do business that is forced to buy or sell for a long time."  Wang Xueqian's opening remarks left Hoover speechless for a while, but he was unable to refute.  After all, his business is exploration and mining, and he owns coal mines in many places. He also has shares in coal mines in the northern part of the Republic of China.  But the biggest weakness of mining bosses is not that there is not enough money or that the business is not big enough, but the structure When it is a buyer's market, the mine owners can weigh gold and silver lying down at home. Money is like a flood that bursts a bank.  If you flock to him, you don¡¯t have to worry about not making money.  ¡°But if it¡¯s a seller¡¯s market, it¡¯s almost difficult for mine owners to find any other way out besides laying off workers and closing mines.  This is the pattern, the consequences of too single a business approach.  Just like the coal bosses of later generations, their experience in shopping malls is almost the same as that of street vendors.  It is absolutely impossible to train a top businessman in a business model that lacks in-depth understanding and research of business and has too single methods.  Unless you are like old John Rockefeller, who used oil as an opportunity to monopolize most of the crude oil and refining industries in the United States, the world's largest oil producer, and created one business miracle after another.  But there is only one Rockefeller, and for oil, there are coal mines and iron mines almost all over the world. It is almost impossible to control it in the hands of one person or a few people.  So in the mining industry, most mine owners lack a keen sense and understanding of politics.  Although Hoover has magnificently transformed from a large mine owner who owned multiple mining companies to a popular politician in the United States.  However, his political wisdom is not as powerful as people see.  On the contrary, he is still very immature, and even according to his abilities, he has no possibility of governing at all.  If it were a businessman from the Republic of China, a big businessman who started as an apprentice, he would definitely look down upon such a situation. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? You panic first, what¡¯s going on?  ¡°Besides, business requires the confidence of a businessman. As a politician, Hoover could not realize the advantages of the United States.  Japan imports the most products from the United States, including refined oil products or crude oil.  For other industrial products, it is steel.  Japan has no choice in importing these two major commodities.  Wang Xueqian stretched out two fingers and said in an almost educational tone: "Two advantages. The first advantage is that Japan-US trade will not have a unilateral tilt. In other words, the initiative lies entirely in the hands of the United States. Special commodities Japan  Unable to meet the import quota from other countries; the second advantage is price, except that the Japanese do not believe in the protective armor of the United States on battleships, ordinary steel is used for infrastructure, and it is the same from any country, but the United States has a price advantage  With convenient transportation, Japan has no reason to buy more expensive British steel to show that it is not short of money" "Well, Hoover was also confused about the idea of ??not being short of money, but he soon understood.  .  And quickly filtered out the fact that Wang Xueqian said that high-end products and American products did not pass the test.  In fact, even if the Americans want to refute, there is no way to refute. There are only two manufacturers of protective armor for heavy warships that are recognized as the best in the world, Germany's Krupp and the British Vickers Factory.  Even when the British were building warships, they imported protective armor from Germany because of insufficient domestic production capacity and even high costs.  At this stage, Japan is still unable to produce high-strength protective armor for heavy warships.  But for a warship that costs tens of millions to build, no matter how stingy the kid is, he won't save this money.  In other areas, Japan simply has no choice.  Japan cannot enjoy Europe's share of oil.  ??As for the oil-producing areas in Asia, which opened relatively late, they still have to supply Europe. Shell, at most, just because it is an ally of the British, will leak a little to the Japanese.  Therefore, the main trading party for imported crude oil is the United States.  In the 1920s, the United States had actually choked Japan's industrial exhibitions.  Under this situation, Hoover, who wanted to run for president, was still timid and had an attitude of being weak and bullied. Both Wang Xueqian and Wang Xueqian could educate him.So much.  Perhaps Hoover felt that he had lost face, so he still had to retort: ??"It is undeniable that American steel plays a huge role in Japan's infrastructure. But Mr. Governor, you may not know that Japan also imports iron ore from India.  Shi, if there is a huge gap in trade, you may not be responsible, but it¡¯s hard for me to say!¡± Wang Xueqian sneered and said: ¡°The share of the total is very small, isn¡¯t it?¡± ¡°Okay, Hoover feels like continuing.  If he goes down, his face may be thrown to the ground, but Wang Xueqian has no intention of stopping: "After Japan occupied the Korean Peninsula, iron ore and coal mines were discovered in northern Korea, and the Japanese did not want to use them.  They can easily obtain foreign exchange in exchange for these materials that they can produce on their own territory." "I believe that it won't be long before the amount of steel imported by Japan from the United States will decreaseunless" "Unless what?" Hoover is a little dissatisfied.  He snorted coldly. He found that the opportunity to talk was always in Wang Xueqian's hands, which he was not used to.  "Unless a war breaks out and the scale of the war continues to escalate, Japan will no longer be able to meet its steel needs, so it will need to import a large amount of steel from the United States." Wang Xueqian is not alarmist, this is an inevitable law of development.  There are no steel resources in Japan, and even coal resources are pitiful. There is only one medium-sized coal mine in Hokkaido.  Almost all industrial materials need to be imported, and although North Korea is also lacking in resources, it has large coal mines and iron mines in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula, which can meet basic industrial needs.  In peacetime, when the demand for steel is not very large, it can fully meet the development needs of Japan's economy.  Therefore, if the Japanese are not stupid enough, the trade relationship with the United States will not change, and Japan will even take the initiative to show goodwill when threatened by trade competitors.  Not for anything else, because the trade between the two sides is not equal.  The United States does not have too much urgent need for Japanese exports. From this point of view, Japan is very similar to the Republic of China.  Facing Western powers, Japan exports a large amount of agricultural products and raw materials rather than industrial products.  In terms of industrial products, Japanese products cannot enter the Western market at all, and can only be reduced to pure importers of industrial products.  This cannot be reversed for at least ten to twenty years.  The answer given by Wang Xueqian made Hoover very dissatisfied. Analyzing trade relations was not difficult for him as the Secretary of Commerce. At least he had enough analysts to deliver the report to his desk.  He is worried about diplomatic conflicts between the two countries and even military conflicts.  However, Wang Xueqian also gave an explanation for this. Of course, the method of explanation made Hoover speechless: "Next door to the porcelain store is a glass store. The owners of the two stores are ready to take action because they are unhappy. Do you think we should take action in the porcelain store or in the glass store?"  Is it better to go to a utensil store? "This question is very simple. Hoover didn't even have to think about it and gave the answer: "Both stores have fragile goods, and there will be a fight in either store.  An unstoppable disaster. But your Excellency, Governor, what do you mean by this?" Wang Xueqian spread his hands and said innocently: "Since we can't do it in the store, but we can't get rid of the anger in our heart, we can only do it on the street.  "On the street? What do you mean?" Wang Xueqian felt that Hoover's thinking was too complicated. The conflict between Japan and the United States has been going on for a long time, and the two sides have been fighting openly and secretly in the waters near the Philippines, which once led to the fight for islands in the Pacific.  In this contest, no one won, and finally during the Washington Conference, the two sides signed a memorandum on the construction of a naval base.  But Hoover couldn't see this clearly, and you can't blame him. After all, he was the Cabinet Secretary of Commerce, not the U.S. Secretary of the Navy.  Wang Xueqian didn't mind explaining the contradictions between Japan and the United States to Hoover. Of course, it was inappropriate for an outsider to say some things to him. However, if he wanted to eliminate Hoover's concerns, he had to make it clear: "The territory of the United States in the Pacific  , especially the island chain, is like several blockades, used to protect the security of the east coast of the United States, and has absolute hegemony in the South Pacific. ""Aleutian Islands extended from Alaska, to the Polynesian Islands, all the way to Hawaii.  The islands, the Mariana Islands, and further east reach the Philippines. These islands form a thorough defense circle in the Pacific Ocean, which is the chain of islands, locking the Japanese combined fleet in the Pacific waters north of this area.  Both sides are building military bases in areas where their forces overlap" Having said this, Wang Xueqian came to the conclusion: "You see, the only good news is that the conflict between Japan and the United States in the Pacific has never ended.  "It's just that both sides have restrained themselves from taking action." "Now you still think that Japan and the United States are unbreakable allies."Does it matter?  " Wang Xueqian's sudden question made it difficult for Hoover to answer. This may be true, but what made Hoover wonder was that Wang Xueqian was too unprofessional. Isn't this guy a politician? His job should be to develop the economy  But you are paying attention to the strategic layout of the navy, and they are two countries that have nothing to do with the Republic of China Is this appropriate? Hoover thought sourly that he himself had not seen that the relationship between Japan and the United States was so different.  Subtle. So much so that he simply thought that Japan was a good trading partner. After struggling for a while, Hoover finally nodded: "I admit that you are very good at talking.  Although many aspects need to be confirmed, I accept your proposal to sign a package of trade agreements. Of course, the trade volume needs to be reached after both parties agree.  " "There is no doubt about it.  Wang Xueqian agreed. Three days later, the two sides signed a package trade agreement in Hangzhou. The signing of this agreement officially started the trade competition between the Republic of China and Japan. In the Republic of China, the national industry advocated by Wang Xueqian did not exist at all.  I thought about competing with Western powers for the high-end market. The initial goal was to target Japanese goods, especially the textile field where Japan had the largest dumping volume in the Republic of China. But when Wang Xueqian pried open Japan's raw material market for export to the West, Japan  The domestic economy will undergo a subtle shift due to the reduction in foreign exchange income, first economically, and then gradually permeating into every corner of society, becoming an indelible disadvantage. This point was discussed in Shanghai when negotiating with the British.  The head of the fiery Japanese diplomatic delegation, Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Baron Kijuro Higahara, also knew that he could not sit still for the first time. If his subordinates had not stopped him, he would have even rushed to Hangzhou to start negotiations with Hoover.  . The person who negotiated and signed the document was Gu Weijun, and he was the one who signed it. Although the person who finally executed it was Wang Xueqian, the document signed by Gu Weijun was in a sense equivalent to the diplomatic document signed by the Republic of China and the United States.  After the trade volume increased and the scope of the document of intent became wider, even the British saw the possibility of the Republic of China forming an alliance with the United States. Although the person in charge, Baron Lee Farrar, absolutely did not believe that the Americans would choose to form an alliance with the Republic of China.  There is only one window left for the cooperation and alliance between the two sides. Once the two sides show close military cooperation, even the last layer of window will be broken. This is a result that neither Britain nor Japan is willing to see.  But the United States is not like other countries. The British can use tough diplomacy to ask the Americans to surrender. In fact, it is very possible to come back. The United States is the largest creditor of the United Kingdom, and people are still very simple these days.  The relationship between countries is much simpler, and the creditor can still be the boss. After much deliberation, Baron Lee Farrar and Kijuro Shitahara came up with a way to invite Americans to join in diplomatic mediation But originally there was something wrong with this.  Nothing happens to the Americans. Even if two American companies suffer losses, it is not enough to involve the United States. But with the frequent actions of the United States in Zhejiang, the British and the Japanese cannot sit still.  This is the best strategy to bring the Americans to the negotiating table, and then watch the development of diplomatic relations between the Republic of China and the United States under their supervision to avoid the threat of losing control again. (To be continued.) 8
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