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Text Chapter 1393 [Commissioning]

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    It seemed that it was not an unsuccessful display in everyone's mind, but for Wang Xueqian, this was not important.  He has always been worried about one thing. Zhejiang's aircraft manufacturing factories will not be able to recruit a large number of qualified workers in a short period of time like factories in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Germany. In a few months, or even when the war comes,  , invest in expanding production in a shorter time.  The Republic of China did not.  This is not to belittle the Republic of China, but the industry is too weak.  Most of the 2 million industrial workers in the country are not workers who operate machines, such as dock loading workers, railway transportation workers, and coal mine workers.  These workers are essentially no different from ordinary farmers and cannot participate in complex machinery manufacturing factories.  The number of workers who can operate machine tools was in short supply in the Republic of China.  The largest group of workers who can operate machines is probably miners and textile workers.  Neither of them has the conditions to switch careers and enter a mechanical processing factory to operate machine tools, assemble and other tasks.  Even training is not that easy. It can take as little as one or two years and as much as three or four years.  If a country's defense industry needs three or four years of training to produce qualified guns when facing a war, the country is basically on the verge of destruction.  ¡°Moreover, operating machine tools requires a certain amount of cultural knowledge and proficiency in the use of measuring tools. In this way, if ordinary farmers want to become manufacturing workers, they must go through a process of reinvention. This is culture.  Breaking away from the illiterate ranks is the most important environmental factor for industrial workers.  As a highly educated cultural person, Zeng Yijing was still struggling with the fact that the first civilian engine he led and developed had embarrassed Wang Xueqian. Even though Wang Xueqian was very enthusiastic and happy, he could still see it on the American's face.  expression of disdain.  He worked in a large factory in the United States for a period of time, doing R&D and design. In order to become familiar with the factory environment, he even went into the workshop to learn basic machine tool operating techniques.  Curtiss is also one of the top aircraft companies in the United States, with thousands of workers and a large R&D and design team.  As a person from the Republic of China, I am inherently very out-of-the-way and easily excluded.  Of course, the people of the Republic of China also had their own way of impressing their peers with their knowledge and talent.  It was in such an environment that he and Bayama Zao gained a certain reputation.  Bayama is an expert in aircraft design, and he is an expert in aircraft engines.  But even if they have a certain reputation, as long as they make a slight mistake at work, they will be magnified.  This kind of prejudice was so familiar to Zeng Yijing that he could sense the meaning in the eyes of Americans looking at Wang Xueqian without even thinking about it.  Contempt.  Even disdainful.  "Zigao, although this engine is low-cost, it has many shortcomings. Ifif you trust me and my team, give me three months, we will develop a better engine than this one."  product." Zeng Yijing is prepared to learn from shame and then be brave. In the field of civilian engines, especially automobile engines, there is not much difference from propeller aircraft engines. ? This is especially true when it comes to the use of inline engines.  There is no talk of changing careers at all, it¡¯s just that the high-power engine is made smaller to make it more economical and practical.  In this regard, Zeng Yijing is confident enough to develop a product that will surprise Wang Xueqian and even Americans. Of course, the premise is that he is given enough time.  But Wang Xueqian smiled and waved his hand, as if he didn't care at all about the Americans' disdain: "This engine is very good!" "Very good? What's so good about it?" Even the developer Zeng Yijing had doubts in his mind, but he didn't  Can you see the charm of this engine?  The data is so bad that it makes the research and development personnel feel ashamed.  Had he not focused his main attention on high-power aircraft engines, he would never have allowed such an engine to be developed within his team.  Originally, he planned to use it as a tool to train team members, mainly the research and development capabilities of some of the students who followed him.  Unexpectedly, Wang Xueqian immediately promoted this engine to others after hearing about it.  Even in front of Americans, Zeng Yijing originally lacked confidence, and because Americans made a fool of themselves at the scene, he lost even more confidence.  But Wang Xueqian gave a completely different answer: "First of all, this is an engine that is very easy to process, and the requirements are relatively low" "What is the advantage of this!" Zeng Yijing found it strange, simple  The things must be cheap, so Wang Xueqian should be worth it!  But how should we look at the problem?  ?Of course, the low cost means that it is easy to promote, but do products with low added value really have such a big market and appeal?  This is still a matter of benevolence and wisdom.  Well, as an engineering man, Zeng Yijing simply realized his mistake under Wang Xueqian's burning eyes: "Simplicity means low prices. Only low prices can meet the reality of the Republic of China. At the same time, simplicity is also easy.  Processing can expand the scale of production in a short period of time and seize the market; in addition, you may have overlooked one point. The agricultural structure of the Republic of China, especially in the south, was dominated by paddy fields, and it was difficult for large machines to complete mechanized farming on small plots of land.  , and the advantages of small machines are highlighted. Therefore, the small engine power is also an advantage" "Is this also an advantage?" After Zeng Yijing repeatedly subverted his three views, he couldn't help but express his own opinion.  idea.  What he considered to be a disadvantage, Wang Xueqian insisted was an advantage.  This made him wonder if the world around him was still the same as before?  "Of course!" After Wang Xueqian gave an affirmative answer, he mysteriously said: "That's not the key." "Is there another key?" Zeng Yijing already felt that his IQ was in danger of plummeting under Wang Xueqian's deception.  He simply did not see that an immature engine would definitely be a failure in the Western world.  But in the Republic of China, it became a great invention.  Zeng Yijing stubbornly believed that there must be something wrong.  This is the difference between technical men and politicians. What Zeng Yijing sees is technological improvement and catching up, while what Wang Xueqian sees is talent reserve.  Germany¡¯s technology is advanced, but if its production capacity cannot meet demand, it will still be overwhelmed by the Soviet Union¡¯s cheap technology. ??????????????????????????????????????????? In the initial period of great development of any industrialization, the most important thing is not how advanced the technology is, but how the production capacity must keep up.  What Wang Xueqian saw was production capacity, which was closely related to issues such as workers, factory facilities, and energy.  If there is a star product that can greatly accelerate this pace, it will be a big step towards industrialization for the entire Republic of China.  The key issue Wang Xueqian sees is people. Talent is the biggest problem that dominates production capacity: "The first phase of the engine factory has been put into production, but you find that it is difficult to recruit workers. Not only that, there is also the issue of training. Even if it is recruited,  If the training period for a sufficient number of workers is too long and the workers cannot master the skills of precise processing, they will be wasted. And we don't need to mass-produce aircraft. "Zeng Yijing was worried.  Wang Xueqian believes that the aircraft industry cannot bring profits and can only continue to invest, which will cut off some projects.  After all, it is difficult for Zhejiang¡¯s finances to support a world-leading aerospace dream.  But he didn't expect that this day would come so quickly: "Zigao, listen to me, many workers in the aircraft factory are indeed not qualified for their current jobs, but the production capacity will soon catch up." Wang Xueqian said heartily,  What do you need so much production capacity for?  He can't let the aircraft factory produce hundreds or even thousands of aircraft a year.  In the Republic of China, there were four to five hundred military aircraft, which was enough, especially in peacetime.  Even when warlords are fighting in a melee, there is no need for more.  Because of the intensity of the battle, the army simply cannot consume such a large amount.  If it is a war period, especially a national war, then there are two reasons.  However, the scale of the aircraft factory, especially the engine factory, must be guaranteed. So how to train workers, how to accumulate experience, and how to use civilian products to continue the development of the factory have become Wang Xueqian's top priorities.  After he threw these questions to Zeng Yijing, the latter lowered his head and thought carefully for a while, and suddenly the hut suddenly opened.  Wang Xueqian has no intention of cutting off aircraft research and development, and the scale of the factory will not be reduced. With this assurance, more than half of his worries have been put aside.  Especially what Wang Xueqian proposed, using simple parts processing to allow workers to get started as soon as possible and increase the speed of worker training.  Zeng Yijing strongly agrees with this point.  "What was the most expensive thing in the 20th century?" Wang Xueqian asked Zeng Yijing in a confused tone.  After receiving a lot of lies, Zeng Yijing was obviously enlightened and immediately said: "Talents!" "Yes, they are talents." Wang Xueqian clenched his fists excitedly and said: "Highly educated technical personnel and R&D personnel are talents; but  It is undeniable that workers and technicians with rich manufacturing experience are also talents, and they are indispensable talents in the manufacturing industry. The large-scale manufacturing of this engine can just solve the work proficiency of skilled workers, so you can kill two birds with one stone.  After that, Mashan allocated manpower to improve the technology and strive to finalize the product in the shortest possible time. This is the tractor factory.??We must prepare immediately and strive to put it into production within two months.  " In Zeng Yijing's circle, Wang Zhu, Bayuzao and others are all developing aircraft developing tractors Even Zeng Yijing's confidence is obviously insufficient: "But, we have no experience in developing tractors!  " "You can't do it the simplest way, right?"  "Wang Xueqian asked tentatively. Zeng Yijing replied dully: "These are two completely different fields. Our current work is on how to make the aircraft more stable and faster, but there is no tractor in the factory.  People are familiar!  " In the end, Zeng Yijing said something very unconfident: "I have never even seen an American tractor!  ¡± This made Wang Xueqian feel aggrieved because he was rushing to sell products. His company can even produce high-end fighter jets, but he can¡¯t even design a qualified tractor. Isn¡¯t this a joke? Wang Xueqian, who recognized this problem,  He replied in an almost heroic tone: "I'll do it!  " "Don't" Zeng Yijing stopped talking in time. He must have wanted to say, 'Don't be ridiculous.' Industrial product design is a very serious matter. You are a person who engages in theoretical research, how can you help yourself? Especially.  Wang Xueqian has no factory experience at all. Can the product he designed work? Wang Xueqian is such a thief! How could he not see that Zeng Yijing¡¯s expression was more distrustful of him? It is not difficult for him to compose the picture.  Wang Xueqian decided to show off his skills, and was determined to use a product that transcended the times to make Zeng Yijing understand that laymen can also make amazing achievements across industries. But watching Wang Xueqian's serious painting, Zeng Yijing was all set.  The questions could only be kept in his stomach. Within a minute, Wang Xueqian lowered his head and glanced at his work. His first thought was that he had not practiced recently, but it was still easy to identify.  It was a walking tractor from later generations, so simple that it was so simple. As expected, the moment Zeng Yijing got the drawing, he felt bad. Could this be a tractor? What kind of tracks were needed?  It is operated by the driver, but what is such a board? It is a seat, but there is no steering wheel! The whole design is very familiar to people in the Republic of China, and it is like a triangular millstone frame. And the engine.  It's just exposed on the iron frame, and the brakes are the same as those on bicycles The whole design seems unreliable except for the tires. But why are there only two tires? For a moment, Zeng Yijing's face changed.  He was so excited that he was so rich, not because he was excited, but because he was angry He started questioning mode: "Why are there only two wheels?  " "Tires free of charge?  There is a plate design under the seat with a guide wheel installed underneath, which is enough.  " "Why not design a pay-off reel for the tractor?  " "To save money!  " "Why are even the brakes so crude?  " "To save money!  "  As one of the richest men and politicians in the Republic of China, when Wang Xueqian said the word "saving money", he took it for granted, as if he had always lived a tight life. Zeng Yijing was helpless in the end, and said euphemistically in a low voice:  "How about I take it and change it?  " "The appearance cannot be changed.  " Wang Xueqian's words have only one meaning. He is a person with a bottom line. Zeng Yijing was about to reject Wang Xueqian, but he did not expect that Wang Xueqian threatened him with an administrative order: "I have thought about it, except that the tires need to be booked, but Ningbo  The rubber factory has been put into production, and it will take up to two months to design the mold.  Other Jinhua factories can manufacture it themselves.  When the tires arrive, I want to see them in action.  " In other words, Wang Xueqian gave Zeng Yijing only one month. This made Zeng Yijing very hurt. If he, a distinguished master of engineering from MIT, really wanted to design such a thing, and the school knew about it, would he?  Will his degree certificate be confiscated? (To be continued.)
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