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Volume 1: Bathing in Fire Chapter 432: Sudden Collision

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    Chapter 432: Sudden Collision An Feng nodded: "The police took away the nearby surveillance data. This is nothing. We only have one task left now, to find out the exact time when the incident occurred, and then search for nearby people.  Supermarket - these two people must have been on the nearby supermarket road before. They were out to do errands. They would never wander around aimlessly It would be better if they lived in this area. " Susanna looked excited:  "Then we have to hurry up. They just had an accident and the police have been alerted to deal with the aftermath. Maybe after they wake up, they will avoid this area and escape quickly from this area - we have to intercept them quickly."  Work is a pure hacking mission.  An Feng and Susanna were like a couple, walking hand in hand in the nearby streets, familiarizing themselves with the terrain and searching for the locations of nearby large supermarkets. Every time he selected a supermarket, he would definitely notify Yasegawa Moto to use hacking skills to remotely  Sneak into the security system of this supermarket, collect surveillance videos in the supermarket, and look for suspicious targets.  An Feng is now 80% sure that the weirdos who committed the crime are Experimental Subjects No. 3 and 4. He is also 80% sure that these two people have just arrived in Tokyo.  Because if people who have just arrived in Tokyo want to purchase daily necessities in large quantities, the types of goods in small stores are monotonous and cannot meet their special requirements. The training these people endure is: large supermarkets are full of people coming and going, but it is easy to hide the origin.  , and small shop owners are one-on-one with customers, and it is easier to remember the appearance of customers afterwards.  Tokyo is a bustling metropolis, with more than one large supermarket on each street.  But if these two targets go shopping, according to their caution, they will not stay near the areas where they have been. Therefore, the two nearest supermarkets are not the focus of observation. The other two large supermarkets beyond these two supermarkets  This is most likely where the two targets shopped.  In this way, after two people go shopping, they walk for a while and use the anti-tracking technology to check whether there is tracking during the walking time. They will not stay for a while until they confirm that they are safe.  Susanna and An Feng returned from two supermarkets respectively and exchanged information with each other. Susanna whispered a number: "1835 steps." An Feng immediately responded in a low voice: "My place is 17 steps." The two exchanged information with each other.  With a knowing look, An Feng immediately sent a message to Yasegawa Moto: "The distance from the night shop to the two suspected supermarkets is 1835 steps and 17 steps respectively. At normal pace, each step takes about one minute - quickly  Search all customers in the two supermarkets within minutes before the incident, paying special attention to the flow of people at the counters of sporting goods. "This task is actually not simple. There are 1 million nightclubs in Tokyo, mainly concentrated in the vicinity of Ginza in Tokyo.  street. ??????????????????????? However, most night workers are very nervous during working hours - if it is not forced, who would want to work when others are sleeping?  Therefore, with work in hand, the night people are eager to go home and go to bed earlier.  As for those who work leisurely at night, most of them are security guards in the building, but they will not leave their posts at will and run into the supermarket to shop.  Therefore, in the supermarket at night, the flow of people is not as sparse as during the day, and not many people can visit the sporting goods store.  Yasegawa Moto only spent a little time cracking the firewalls of several supermarkets. After the firewalls were cracked, he quickly identified two suspected targets and sent the information to An Feng.  In the supermarket video, a white man and woman appear. The man has short, platinum-blonde hair. His hair is very shiny, his complexion is very pale, and his skin appears to have very little pigment.  This man had very high cheekbones and deep eye sockets. At first glance, he looked like a ferocious man with a towering head. He exuded a ferocious aura, and even the salesperson was too scared to approach him, even though this man kept speaking in a gentle voice.  Accompanying this platinum short-haired man is a red-haired woman. Judging from her appearance, this woman has some Spanish ancestry, her skin is slightly darker, and her eyes are also black.  Like the men traveling with her, this woman has very little excess fat on her body and is covered in muscles, including her face.  Therefore, although this woman looks beautiful and moves with charm and beauty, she does not make people feel close to her.  "Something's wrong. They also trained a man and a woman. I can understand this pattern. The man should be trained as a powerful assaulter, but the woman's role" An Feng glanced at Susanna beside him and finished the rest of his words.  Swallowed it back.  In this world where faces are valued, female spies are sometimes more useful than men. Her beauty is her passport. With her beauty, she can freely enter and exit many situations that men cannot enter.  Therefore, unlike the scenes depicted in movies, most female agents do not look like girls. They dress up in very seductive and charming ways - such as the Swallow of the Soviet KGB, or the German belly dancer Mataha during World War II.  Li, and the American and British female spies who were also exposed during World War II. ???????????????????????????All female spies are, without exception, as beautiful as flowers, with voluptuous figures and charming figures Susanna is also this type. Although she is a powerful assassin, she is also as beautiful as a star, with a mouth-watering figure.  .  Once dressed up, her beauty is her own weapon.  ¡°But the woman in the supermarket video, although she looks very good and her measurements are acceptable, her face is skinny and skinny, and her face is full of coldness, meanness, and ferocity.  Such a female agent is not easy to mess with at first sight, and makes people more vigilant at first sight, so how can she undertake an infiltration mission Well, most infiltration missions are actually seduction and seduction missions.  This is a female assassin specially trained for assassination.  The target finally has a specific image, and the next thing is easier to handle. Therefore, most hackers received a task: graphic search for a man and woman.  Accompanying the task is a nine-second video signal of the man and woman. From the video image, it is not clear that there is anything weird about the man and woman. However, such a task gives the hackers a sense of mission. It is really like catching  spy, or hunt down terrorists.  So the hackers braced themselves, took control of the city's police and civilian surveillance videos, and searched for traces of the man and woman.  At this time, An Feng and Susanna were still wandering on the street. Susanna asked thoughtfully: "When those two people came to the alley, what else would they do besides going to the supermarket to buy some sporting goods? Oh, the training manual requires people to  To improve efficiency, it is best to do two things at the same time. Don't leave both hands empty, so that you can operate efficiently" It has been found out that the man and woman went to the supermarket, in addition to buying some food and drinks, they also  They went to the sports station supplies counter to buy a morning jogging outfit, as well as a rappel rope about 300 meters long, and a large number of auxiliary climbing supplies. At the same time, they also ordered two paragliders in the supermarket.  To be honest, An Feng and Susanna are not completely sure that the man and woman are the target persons at present, but they are 80% sure in their hearts, especially after seeing them buying rappelling ropes, they have vaguely guessed: this pair  The men and women probably already know the specific location of An Feng and Susanna, and those rappelling ropes can only be used to climb the building.  Of course, maybe these two people bought the rappelling rope purely for physical exercise, but Japan does not have too high or steep peaks, and rock climbing is not popular here. On the contrary, this kind of sport is more popular in Europe and the United States.  This pair of white men and women came to Japan specifically to buy rappelling ropes, and they purchased more than 300 meters of rope at a time If they were not going to climb the building, An Feng and Susanna would never believe it.  Today¡¯s surveillance system is so pervasive that An Feng did not identify a specific target at first. Now, once the specific target is identified, traces of the activities of this white man and woman are gathered from all directions.  In terms of airport entry and exit management, hackers discovered the entry information of this man and woman. They actually flew directly from New York to Japan without concealing their route of action at all, and the time happened to be just after An Feng sent out the signal for a fight  ¡­that day.  At the same time, in a certain park, hackers found traces of the man and woman's activities on the day after the man and woman entered the country.  On the third day after entering the country, the man and woman purchased two cars. The transaction was reached with members of a violent gang. The two acted very covertly. During the entire transaction, they tried to avoid the eyes and ears of others and the capture of surveillance cameras.  The two cars they bought have not yet transferred ownership, and are still in the names of the original owners.  The hackers also searched for footage of the couple withdrawing money from banks, as well as footage of them appearing in all entertainment venues Of course, the couple are absolute nocturnal people, and all their activities are carried out at night.  , there is almost no trace of them during the day - except for that entry.  The strangest thing is that no matter how the hackers searched, they could never find any information about the man and woman renting a house.  At the same time, there was no trace of the two cars bought by the couple.  As for those two cars, one is a Toyota sports car and the other is a Dodge Ram business sedan.  It is conceivable that the Dodge Ram is used to place monitoring equipment, and the Toyota sports car is a means of transportation for two people.  The hackers also found some images showing that this man and woman were forming a gang. Most of the people they came into contact with were people with backgrounds in violent gangs or the intelligence system. An Feng couldn't help but wonder when he saw these images.  Wiping a cold sweat, fortunately he did not follow the usual path of recruiting intelligence personnel to join the team, otherwise he would have been tracked by the enemy from the beginning.  Of course, seeing these actions of the other party, An Feng felt a little relieved. He was originally very worried about his fate after the fight, but when the matter came to an end, he could only take one step at a time and wait and see. But now, after seeing this series of actions by the other party,  After taking action, he was completely relieved.  People with high IQs will never push a powerful enemy to a corner. They believe in the supremacy of interests and can compromise and make deals for this purpose.  An Feng and Susanna are a pair of powerful enemies. They are very good atThey are hiding and are familiar with all the other's operating methods. If these two people completely regard their original "company" as their unrelenting enemy, then the "company" will get into a lot of trouble and may be injured.  bone.  Of course, the power of the "company" is very powerful. They can break the taboo at any time and create many upgraded versions of An Feng and Susanna.  An Feng and Susanna also absolutely believed in the power of the "company" and admitted that they might not be able to hold on for long under the encirclement and suppression of the other party.  But they absolutely believe that this will be a lose-lose battle, and the "company" is also clearly aware that once the war is protracted, the money and time they consume in order to eliminate the two so-called hidden dangers will be very huge -  ¡ªInstead of spending money and energy on An Feng and Susanna, it is better to try to compromise with each other and reach a deal.  Why do both sides have to fight to the death?  An Feng and Susanna once created a lot of wealth for the "company", but now they just don't want to be in it. As long as An Feng and Susanna are willing to remain silent, then the "company" does not have to spend a dime on these two troubles. This is a compromise.  And trading, isn't it good?  This should be the solution with minimal loss.  This should be a result acceptable to both parties.  So as soon as the "company" came up, it resorted to the last resort. For example, the two people didn't even hide their appearance and came to Tokyo from the headquarters in a completely arrogant manner. They finally went straight to the Central District - this was based on An Feng's pursuit of enjoyment in the past.  Pursuing a comfortable character, he delineated areas where An Feng might hide.  The first search yielded no results. The two men continued to contact local intelligence agencies and local violent groups without concealing themselves. This was still in accordance with An Feng's past habit of searching for An Feng's whereabouts.  After the second search failed, they began to recruit talents from these two areas to form their own team, and immediately used their last resort to delineate the approximate area where An Feng and Susanna were hiding.  This is the ultimate battle. The opponent has not hidden any trump card and has put all the bets on it.  It can be imagined how eager the "company" is to test the true level, gap, and pros and cons of the two generations of experimental subjects in this public duel.  On the other hand, they are bound to be very eager to use public competition to kill the two major defectors in their "company".  Since the other party seems so eager, once the other party's "clearance operation" fails, the resulting losses will definitely make the other party calmly consider whether to continue to invest resources in retaliation, or to reach a compromise and reach a deal.  to settle this matter.  We all come from a mathematical society, and we never rely on emotions when considering problems. Whether to continue doing something depends only on whether the investment is commensurate with the return. When the investment is not commensurate with the return, or even when the return is negative, An  Feng absolutely believes that the other party is willing to liquidate and leave, and then abide by the peace agreement.  How eager the opponent is to kill An Feng, and how eager they will be to liquidate and leave the game afterwards.  For this reason, the other party should be worried about An Feng's refusal to compromise.  An Feng took a deep breath and told Susanna everything he had considered. At the same time, he said with a suspicious expression: "Be prepared to risk your life. Those two people are Experimental Subjects No. 3 and 4. They did not hide themselves at all.  , Their mission is to kill us, they are very powerful, it is simple and direct. We must survive this duel before we can think about other things. " Susanna also sorted out the situation at this time, and she clicked.  Nodding: "The two people went to the park on the second day after entering the country. They should have gone to buy weapons. They traded with weapons dealers in the park. We can trace the corresponding weapons dealers and see what weapons they prepared.  In addition, the transaction actions of the other party have revealed the character and hobbies of the man and woman. "Okay, let's take action." It was already midnight, and everyone walked around and returned to the nightclub where the accident happened.  In the alleyway, the two of them walked hand in hand towards the wine flag of the shop. At this time, An Feng and Susanna were very vigilant. They deeply suspected that No. 3 and No. 4 were hiding in a nearby house. If this was not the case, then there must be three people nearby.  No. 4, the safe house set up.  Maybe the other party is behind the window, peering into the dimly lit street. Maybe the other party, through some unknown surveillance equipment, is paying attention to the movements in the alley. Maybe everything that happened in the nightclub is an act of alerting the other party. The real purpose is  I want to draw out An Feng and Susanna.  This night, many people will stay awake all night.  Kataoka's night shop was particularly lively tonight, and some young people kept coming in to chat and rest. Because Kataoka denied the waitress incident, the customers who entered the shop had a tacit agreement not to talk about the poor petrified woman, but their  The topic always revolves around the night before and the customers that night.  Kataoka is also an experienced person. He can see the disguises of these people at a glance. However, due to the police's interaction,??, he could only use his usual silence and reticence to deal with the endless stream of curious customers in the store.  At two o'clock in the evening, An Feng and Susanna also showed up. Susanna wore a blue wig, disguised as a nightclub, and brought a guest: An Feng, who came here for a temporary rest.  Because they were in a dangerous situation, An Feng and Susanna were holding hands when they entered the store. They always maintained the sharing of super-vision and super-hearing senses.  After entering the shop and sitting down, An Feng and Susanna immediately felt something was wrong. They followed their feelings and looked around. There were two things that made them feel wrong: one was one of the two lights in the shop.  One place is a bamboo pole on which a wine flag is hung.  This is indeed a trap.  There is a wireless surveillance probe in the light bulb; a bug is hidden in a certain part of the bamboo pole.  After No. 3 and No. 4 caused a strange incident, they have been monitoring this place, waiting for An Feng and Susanna to be arrested.  An Feng and Susanna imagined thousands of ways to start the battle, but they did not expect that the collision between the two sides would be so direct.  I thought this war would be protracted, but I didn¡¯t expect that the two sides would come into contact at the first trap.  Of course, the reason for this collision is that An Feng and Susanna are two absolutely confident people. Even though they know that the upgraded versions of No. 3 and No. 4 are absolutely dangerous people, there is a kind of fear in their characters.  The more fearful they are, the more difficult and dangerous the situation becomes, so the two of them must face it head on.  The nightclub owner Kataoka is also an expert. When he saw An Feng and Susanna sitting on the bar, the two people suddenly tensed up and exuded a dangerous atmosphere. Kataoka completely felt the danger of the two of them.  At that time, An Feng and Susanna's disguises were nothing, but at this moment, Kataoka was not the protagonist.  It is said that Kataoka is a black belt in judo and a rare master in kendo.  However, seven years of cooking has reduced his physical fitness.  As a descendant of an ancient warrior, he does not have much scientific knowledge to understand the rapidly changing world.  He had no idea that his light bulb, wine flag and bamboo pole had been tampered with.  Purely due to his body's instinct, he felt that the man and woman on the other side were in danger, but for some unknown reason, the other side was on guard.  Are you wary of an old man like him?  Kataoka smiled. As a man in his forties, he already regarded death very lightly, so he had no fear.  In order not to cause a strong backlash from the other party, he did not walk into the counter, but stood by the stove, holding a spatula, and asked calmly and steadily: "What does the guest need?" Susanna did not say anything, and An Feng jumped in and said: "I want pan-fried butter?"  Squid roe, half-cooked; add a glass of sake - double portion, double portion. "The boss turned around to cook, and after a while, the sound of frying Zrazzla filled the shop, and the smell of butter wafted.  There was a sweet smell An Feng didn't let go of Suzanne's hand. He looked around and saw that there were four customers in the small shop. Two teenagers looked like they were dressed as hackers, and they were full of secrets.  Unconventional atmosphere.  Another customer was a middle-aged man wearing sunglasses who looked like he was collecting protection money.  In addition, there was a woman sitting in front of the counter eating fish steak. Judging from her dress, this woman seemed to be a bartender in a nightclub because she smelled of strong perfume and alcohol.  An Feng raised his eyes and looked at the ceiling of the restaurant. The ceiling of the small restaurant was made of cloth curtains. Above the ceiling was the space of two buildings. The folding ruler-shaped counter in the small restaurant was opposite the wall of the other building.  There are also a few tables placed, but the Japanese-style Kokura table is not much bigger than a small square mold.  Nowadays, all the small warehouse tables are empty, and customers are gathered around the counter.  Tonight¡¯s night sky is very bright. There are no dark clouds in the sky, and the moon only has a hook, so every star has a chance to show its light.  It¡¯s already December, and the night temperature in Tokyo is around minus seven or eight degrees Celsius. The air is not too cold, but it¡¯s still a bit tactile, and the breath one exhales is a cloud of white mist.  After drinking a glass of warm sake, the blood all over your body warms up.  The signal transmission distance of the surveillance device and eavesdropping device in the shop is not very far, and it is easily blocked by the building Therefore, the other party must be in the nearest building, perhaps observing the cloth roof of the shop with a telescope from a high position.  On the ceiling, maybe at this moment, there is a heavy sniper rifle aiming at this place.  I have been unable to find the house rented by the other party, and it became clear at this moment.  The computer kitten got the signal and was trying its best to search for the residents of the building. Unfortunately, the nearest building within fifty meters had eighty-two floors and more than ten thousand people lived in it.  Of course, Experimental Subjects No. 3 and No. 4 are two high-tech products. The place where they live must be inseparable from the Internet. Check the data traffic of the residents in the building, quickly screen out a few suspicious targets, and then set some conditions.  computer boy?A household located on the 63rd floor was identified.  This resident used various cover-up methods when entering and exiting the building. The strange thing is that even if the other person did not avoid the surveillance camera, the camera still could not catch the specific image of the other person, because every time the camera illuminated the two people, the camera  Technical image shake always occurs.  The cut squid roe was served. An Feng quickly picked up a squid egg bag and stuffed it into his mouth. His eating posture was not like tasting delicious food, but to complete the task.  Susanna also had the same attitude, so the two people, who were originally leisurely, seemed to be in a hurry at this moment. They quickly finished the two squid egg bags on the plate, then grabbed the wine glasses and drank the wine in one gulp.  Afterwards, the two of them wiped the rim of the wine glass carefully, and Kataoka suddenly understood what the other party meant by doing this - he wanted to eliminate the lip marks left on the rim of the wine glass and the rhythm of DNA fragments.  So, Kataoka immediately raised the dishwashing liquid bottle, dropped some dishwashing liquid on the tableware used by the two of them in front of their faces, then quickly soaked the tableware in water, and started washing without stopping.  Sure enough, he saw the satisfied expressions of the two of them.  The woman spoke, with a nervous accent, so that she spoke a strong foreign language: "How much is it?" Kataoka stood there steadily and answered calmly: "UU yen, one share." Still.  It was the woman who took action. The man folded his hands and placed his right hand on a blue moon ring in his left hand, looking suspicious.  The woman reached into the man's arms and took out the man's wallet. The man was as motionless as a wooden clay doll.  Susanna paid 50UU yen, she put her wallet into An Feng's arms, gently pulled An Feng to stand up, and responded: "No need to look for it." For extra tips, others  The boss would make a gesture of thanks, but Kataoka looked indifferent. He silently put away the money, and then watched Susanna and An Feng walking out of the shop side by side.  On the way out, An Feng stretched out his finger and quickly poked the two hackers. Because the boss had been paying attention to An Feng, he happened to notice An Feng's little move.  When Susanna walked out of the store, Kataoka kindly reminded the two hacker teenagers: "You two, what are you putting in your breast pockets? Take them out and show me." One hacker teenager subconsciously touched the breast pocket, and the other  A hacker boy quickly covered up: "No, it's nothing." Kataoka suddenly burst out with a frightening momentum, and he gave a gentle but absolutely cold order: "Take it out and take a look." Two hacker boys, one of them  One was hesitating, and the other couldn't hold his breath. He unzipped his clothes and shyly took out a mobile phone from his breast pocket. There was an optical fiber cable on the mobile phone that extended to the hacker's chest.  Collar - the end of this thread is a pinhole camera.  When another young hacker saw the other's actions, he suddenly realized, and couldn't help but blurt out: "So you also accepted the forum task, so happy. May I ask, what is your online name?" Kataoka caught a glimpse of the hacker boy's hand.  He suddenly took a breath of cold air. He interrupted the mutual self-introduction of the two hacker teenagers and urged the other teenager: "Hurry, take out yours too." The hacker teenager was also dressed in the same attire and had a mobile phone.  An optical fiber cable is connected to the collar, and a pinhole camera is also pinned to the collar However, this person's phone is relatively fragile. The screen of his phone has been shattered, and the powerful impact has destroyed the memory in the phone.  The card turned into a pile of fragments.  At this moment, it was the hacker boy's turn to gasp. The hacker boy who took out his phone first quickly lowered his head to check his phone.  The casing of his mobile phone was still intact, but there was a burnt smell coming from the phone.  After opening the phone, he found that his phone's battery deflagrated at some point, or that a large current was output, so that a large area of ??the original circuit components in the phone was burned out - and the memory card was naturally not spared.  Seeing this scene, Kataoka sat down again, with a look on his face that the matter had nothing to do with him.  He finally understood. The man who came in just now was an absolute master. He didn't even damage the other person's clothes. When the owner of the phone didn't even feel it, this man used force to destroy the phone in the pocket of the two people.  Kataoka asked himself that he couldn't do this, and he couldn't do it by a long shot.  In this case, why would Kataoka tell the other party off?  Talking about heroes means heroes, talking about heroes is scary.  At this time, An Feng and Susanna walked out of the shop with black bulletproof umbrellas in their hands.  The two of them entered the shop empty-handed. The umbrella appeared in An Feng's hand out of nowhere, but who cares?  Under the bright starry sky without rain, a man and a woman hold black umbrellas. This behavior is very strange. You must know that Japanese people are popular in using transparent umbrellas. However, this man and woman have a heroic look, and their hands are intimate.  Holding hands, they walked steadily towards the nearby building.  At this time?, The two of them clasped their hands together, sharing the super-visual feeling and the super-hearing feeling.  They saw the sixty-three-story building and heard the sounds inside.  There were a total of eleven people in that room.  The layout of the room is actually almost the same as that of An Feng's gallery. They are both large enough to be used as a studio, and then divided into semi-open studios.  Targets No. 3 and 4 are in front of the window of the building. Target No. 3¡ªassuming that the man is Experimental Subject No. 3, and the woman is Experimental Subject No. 4.  He wore a pair of tactical glasses over his left eye, and he was capturing An Feng and Susanna's black umbrella through the scene on the tactical glasses.  Target No. 3 also had a heavy sniper rifle on his shoulder. His right thumb was on the trigger. The bullets of the sniper rifle were loaded and the muzzle of the gun was shaking.
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