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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> 三国之最风流

Volume 1 Fan Yang Pavilion 33 Cheng Yan

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    After staying at home for one night, Xun Zhen went back to the pavilion early the next morning.

    Tang Er got up earlier than him, before dawn. He took away the clothes Xun Zhen had put on and gave him a new one. He cooked half a pot of carved rice, a dozen eggs and packed them in advance.  I brought a jar of sauce and asked him to take it back to the pavilion to eat.

    When Xun Zhen left, she reluctantly sent him out of the hospital and told him: "Next time when you come back, remember to bring back your change of clothes and don't leave them in the pavilion. I heard that the pavilion father is already in his fifties. I guess he is in his fifties."  I can’t even wash it for you I need to eat more in the pavilion and dry out the bed when the sun comes up Young Master, when will you come back next time?”

    "The shortest time is five days, the long time is ten days."

    "Slow down on the road. It's dozens of miles long. Don't run all in one breath. Take a break when you're tired."

    No matter what she said, Xun Zhen agreed with a smile, led the horse out of the yard, and said, "I'm not at home. If anything happens, you go find my brother Zhong. You are usually at home alone, even though your neighbors are all  Tribe, but the door must be closed at night," and so on, he also told Tang Er a few words.


    Because he was delayed talking to Tang Er, it was almost noon when he returned to the pavilion.

    As soon as he entered the dormitory, he saw Cheng Yan, shirtless, lifting weights in the yard. He was lifting a large, rugged stone from his lower abdomen to his chest repeatedly. He must have been lifting it for a long time. The top of his head was steaming with steam and his back was covered with sweat.  His face was also red, and the scar on his cheek was filled with blood, like a blood centipede. It would scare a group of children if he took it out.

    Xun Zhen led the horse into the stable and said with a smile: "Ayan, a farewell is better than a wedding. You stayed in the pavilion for more than ten days and finally went back. I thought you would come back in the afternoon at the earliest, but I didn't expect you to be better than a newlywed."  I'm still early." Du Mai's horse was in the stable. He looked into the house in the front yard. The door was ajar and he couldn't see the people inside. He asked, "Is Mr. Du back?"

    Du Mai and Huang Zhong came out of the house.

    After not seeing each other for a day, Du Mai's attitude was obviously different from before. I don't know if the birthday gift Xun Zhen gave his son the day before yesterday had an effect, or if he figured something out when he was at home. He responded with a smile: "  Back. , only a moment earlier than Mr. Xun, and just arrived at the house Oh, by the way, the Fan brothers haven't come back yet, but they will be soon."

    "Mr. Huang, I worked on you yesterday, and I'll work on you again today. Just pack up and go home."

    Huang Zhong asked diligently: "Mr.

    "Have eaten, where is Ah Bao? Have you left?"

    "Let's go. We'll go back after having dinner in the morning.  He wanted to wait with me until you come back before leaving, but I didn't let him wait. Two people are waiting, and one person is also waiting. It's better for me  One person is waiting." Since Xun Zhen had finished eating, Huang Zhong had no need to stay any longer. He went back to the house to get a windmill and said with a smile, "A businessman passed by the pavilion yesterday. I saw that this thing was very well-made and the price was good.  It’s fair, so I bought one and took it back to my grandson to play with.”

    Huang Zhong had a grandson who was two or three years old. Xun Zhen heard him talk about it on the first day he came to Tingshe.  As the saying goes, "kissed only one generation apart", Huang Zhong felt very sorry for this little grandson. In addition to providing for his own food, Huang Zhong spent the rest of his meager monthly salary on his grandson, and even talked to Xun Zhen.  After discussion, they agreed that when his grandson would be one or two years older, Yang Xunzhen would teach him how to read.  Xun Zhen had no objection and readily agreed.

    Hearing what he said at this time, Xun Zhen smiled and said: "Huang Gong, the proverb goes: 'When an orphan touches the breast, a proud son scolds his mother'. You love your grandson so much, but be careful not to be filial to you when he grows up!"

    Huang Zhong was very happy when he mentioned his little grandson. He was so happy that he couldn't be filial.  It’s all up!”

    Huang Zhong had no brothers or sisters. He was the only one. After getting married, he gave birth to five daughters. Until twenty years ago, he finally gave birth to a son. In order to continue the family line, he got married to his son early.  As a result, his son had one son a year, but like him, he had daughters in succession. After giving birth to two daughters, he finally gave birth to a grandson.  How could he not feel pain?  ——Speaking of which, his son was about the same age as Xun Zhen, but he was already the father of three children.

    Xun Zhen took out the horse again, gave it to Huang Zhong, and said, "Huang Gong, I want to see your little grandson so much. You can ride back. At least it will be faster." He took off the packages he brought from home and cooked Tang'er.  He took out half of the eggs, "On my way back to the city yesterday, I was thinking about buying something for your precious grandson. After meeting with the elders, I forgot everything and there was nothing good. These eggs  , you take it back and give it to him.”

    "How could this happen!"

    "Take it! Take it!Xun Zhen couldn't help but push the egg to Huang Zhong.

    Du Mai heard him talking about "meeting the elders" and asked: "Mr. Xun, how are the elders in your family doing?"


    Du Mai's question was just to express his attitude, to show his "concern". He nodded and said with a smile: "I have admired Mr. Xun for a long time as an elder in his family. If I get the chance, I should pay my respects."

    Since arriving at the pavilion, I have known Du Mai for many days, and this is the first time I have heard him speak thoughtful words.  Xun Zhen was a little surprised. She glanced at him and thought to herself: "It's strange. Is it true that he is 'soft on others and short on others'? This old Du has always been lukewarm in the past, but in the past  My son gave him a ring and took away his coldness and exchanged his heat?"

    How did he know that although Du Mai’s change was due to the ring, the ring was just the straw that broke the camel’s back.  Although he felt that Du Mai had changed too quickly, there was no strange look on his face.  But no matter what, he came to the pavilion for a clear purpose. It would be best if everyone in the pavilion could be harmonious.

    He turned around and looked at Cheng Yan. He had been talking to Huang Zhong and Du Mai for a long time, but Cheng Yan didn't say a word, which was not like his character.

    Cheng Yan was like a sullen gourd, his mouth tightly closed, as if he didn't hear them at all, he just lifted the stone again and again.

    "Xiao Cheng, do you have any grudge against Shitou?"

    Cheng Yan remained silent and continued to lift.

    Huang Zhong grabbed Xun Zhen, walked aside, and whispered, "He is in a bad mood."

    "What's wrong?"

    "I don't know either. Didn't he go home yesterday? Who knew he would come back in the evening! I asked him what happened? He looked like this now, with his mouth closed and not saying a word. ,  Even when Ah Bao teased him, he didn't say a word."

    Cheng Yan has always been unable to hold back his words. He talks about whatever comes to his mind. He is not a well-educated person.  What caused him to become like this?  Xun Zhen turned her face to look at Cheng Yan, then glanced at Du Mai, and thought to herself: "After only one day at home, two people have changed. One is no longer lukewarm, and the other has turned into a stuffy gourd. Hey,  "The Fan brothers have also returned home. I wonder if there will be any strange changes?" He asked Huang Zhong, "Is it possible that there was a quarrel or quarrel with his family?"

    Huang Zhong shook his head and said: "There is no one else in his family. The family was separated a few years ago, and his mother lived with his brother. Now he and his wife are the only ones in his family. , quarrels, and quarrels.  ? Ah Yan is a filial child, so he will definitely not quarrel with his mother, and his brother will not quarrel with him. If this is the reason, it has to do with his wife. "

    If this is the case, it will be difficult for an upright official to deal with household affairs, and no one in the pavilion can help.  Xun Zhen looked at Cheng Yan again and said: "A Yan is a straight-tempered person. He can hold it in for a day or two, but never for three. Since he doesn't want to speak, just wait for what he wants to say before asking him.   "Huang Gong, it's almost noon. You can come back later tomorrow. Just come back before nightfall."

    Huang Zhong took the things and said goodbye to everyone.

    Xun Zhen and Du Mai sent him out of the pavilion. They waited until he rode away and then returned to the courtyard.  Cheng Yan was still lifting the stone, as if he didn't feel tired, lifting it high and lowering it, lifting it high and lowering it.  Xun Zhen and Du Mai looked at each other and gave up the plan of talking to him.

    "Aren't grandma and Youjie here?"

    Du Mai followed Xun Zhen's call and also called Xu Mu and Xu Ji "Amu" and "Youjie", and replied: "When Amu and Youjie came, they didn't bring many clothes. The weather was getting colder and colder.  , I heard from Lao Huang that he went home in the morning of Youjie and said he wanted to pick up some clothes. "

    "His home has been sealed off. How can I get the clothes here?"

    “I don’t know about that.”

    Xun Zhen walked towards the backyard. Du Mai followed him and asked, "Is Mr. Xun going to find his mother?"


    "I'm with you Speaking of which, grandma has been coming to our pavilion for many days, but I haven't spoken much. It's rare that I have nothing to do today, and I just happened to bring some honey syrup from home, so I can invite you.  Mother, try it.”

    Du Mai asked Xun Zhen to wait a moment, then ran to the house and brought out a wooden bowl.  This wooden bowl is much smaller than the copper bowl Xun Zhen and Xun Qu used when drinking.  The copper rice bowl of Xunqu's family has a capacity of one bucket, while the wooden rice bowl has a capacity of two liters, which is equivalent to 400 milliliters in later generations and less than a pound.

    Du Mai smiled and said, "You don't know, Mr. Xun, that I mixed the chaff with good honey, and everyone who drank it said it was good. My brother-in-law went to my house a few days ago, and he didn't take anything else, just some."  Honey. I will mix the chaff into honey and bring it to the pavilion for Mr. Xun and my mother to taste."

    As he said this, he brought the wooden bowl to Xun Zhen.  Xunzhen looked around and saw that the honey was golden in color.After sniffing it, he praised: "It's really good I don't care, my grandma will like it."

    Du Mai carefully held the wooden bowl and followed Xun Zhen, and the two of them went to the backyard.


    Xu’s mother was sitting in the room, taking a piece of clothing and mending it.  Her eyesight was not very good, so she looked very close and struggled.  Xun Zhen hurriedly stepped forward, grabbed it, and said, "How can I let my mother sew? I can do this kind of work myself."

    The clothes belong to him. When I went to the countryside two days ago, they accidentally got caught and the waist was torn.  After he came back, he was too busy to pay attention to it, so he took it off and threw it into the house where he lived.  Xu Ji, who lived with him, might have seen it and brought it to Xu's mother.

    Seeing Xun Zhen return from home, Xu's mother was very happy, but she pretended to be unhappy and said, "What? Do you think I'm old, have clumsy eyes and dirty hands, and are you worried that I won't be able to sew well?" Elderly people sometimes  They will be very sensitive and always think that young people will find them dirty, slow and unable to take care of themselves.  Of course, Xu's mother was obviously joking and should not be taken seriously.

    Xun Zhen said with a smile: "Who said that my mother is old? She is not deaf, her eyesight is not blurred, she walks with her back straight. Look at you, your body is better than that of a young girl!" She refused to put on her clothes.  He gave it back to her, took the wooden rice cake from Du Mai's hand, changed the subject, and said, "Mrs. Du Jun made some honey syrup. Because I heard that my mother was in the house, I asked Du Jun to bring it to my mother to taste.  ”

    With this change in mentality, Du Mai had his eyesight and hands ready. He cleverly took a drinking cup from the table, held it in front of the wooden bowl, waited for Xun Zhen to fill it, and then  Bending down, he offered it to Xu's mother and said with a flattering smile, "Mom, please try it and see if it suits your taste."

    "Here we are serving soup, and there are footsteps outside the door over there."

    Xunzhen looked back and saw that it was Xu Ji who had returned, followed by two other young men.  Xu Ji's hands were empty. The young man took clothes, shoes, socks and other items, as well as a basket of eggs and some food.

    Putting the things in their hands inside the house, the two young men respectfully knelt down and saluted Xu's mother. They blamed themselves: "We didn't think of it and made the old lady suffer. If you need anything in the future, just tell us. Brother Zhong is not here."  It's up to us to serve you wholeheartedly." After that, he bowed to Xun Zhen and said, "The old lady is in the pavilion. We can't serve you day and night. Please take care of me."

    Xun Zhen did not return the favor.  He didn't know the names of the two young men, but they looked familiar. They seemed to be the ones who had surrounded the pavilion that night. He said, "Are they from the king? It's hard work for walking so far. Let's sit down and drink some warm soup."  Moisten your throat. "The warm soup is just boiling water.  Boiling hot water is called "soup".

    The two young men said: "Don't dare to disturb me. Brother Zhong told us before he left that in order not to cause trouble to Mr.  If you don’t dare to come, leave now I heard from Sanlang that in order to prevent the Dongyue bandits, Mr. Xun plans to summon people to prepare for the bandits?”


    "I wonder if there is still a shortage of manpower?"

    "What do you two mean?"

    "If we are short of manpower, we can call on a few brothers to help Mr. Xun."

    They are from the royal family and are not in the same pavilion as Xun Zhen. How can they come?  He expressed this concern tactfully.  The two young men looked at each other and smiled, and said: "Our pavilion is connected to Fanyang Pavilion, and we should look at each other and protect each other. As long as Mr. Xun doesn't object, we will naturally have a way."

    Xun Zhen "prepared for the invaders" was to build a team. Since they said so, there is no reason why they should not allow it.  The two young men knelt down to Xu's mother again, said goodbye and left.

    After they left, Xun Zhen looked at the pile of clothes, shoes and socks, as well as eggs and food, and asked Xu Ji: "The house was sealed off. How did you get these things?"

    Xu Ji replied: "I didn't get it from home. I went to find some of my brother's friends and they made it up."

    Xun Zhen immediately looked at him with admiration.  It is said that "the poet's family is fortunate when his country is unlucky", and the same is true for people. People who grow up in good times are far inferior to those who grow up in adversity in some aspects, such as flexibility and dealing with others.  Xu Jiben was just a bookworm with his head buried in scriptures. After experiencing this setback, and after experiencing what happened in Jinglaoli the day before yesterday, he had obviously changed. He learned how to use the influence of his brother Xu Zhong.

    Xu Ji seemed to sense Xun Zhen's surprise, his face turned red, and he changed the topic and asked: "Did something happen to Mr. Cheng? I saw him lifting stones in the front yard when I went out earlier, why are you still there now?"  Lift it there?”

    Xun Zhen was considerate and stopped asking questions. She followed his topic and said, "Maybe I had a quarrel with someone. Ask him, but he won't tell."

    Du Mai smiled and said: "Sanlang, come and taste the honey."

    The topic quickly changed from clothes and Cheng Yan to the other partyOn the evaluation of pulp.


    In the afternoon, Brother Fan came back.

    The next morning, Huang Zhong came back; towards noon, Chen Bao came back.  Everyone gathered in the pavilion again and had a careful discussion on the matter of "preparing for the invaders".  Du Mai and Fan Shang suggested that before the residents gathered together, it would be best to go to the Feng family to say hello and collect the rice they should produce this year.  Xun Zhen followed the good example and immediately agreed. However, he never expected that this time, he would experience what it means to sit in a well and watch the sky.
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