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Side Story Chapter 664 - Life and Death (3)

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    The remnants of the floating island, emitting thick smoke, were sliding down from the sky, leaving a black trail that looked particularly majestic against the light of the sun.  Gao Nehra Mukmasu watched this scene quietly, speechless.  It has always believed that time is on its side and it cannot lose no matter what.  But the desperate fight of the 'chosen one' deeply shocked him.  "You can't call the humans on this planet reptiles." The moment Gao Nehra Mukemasu saw the crash of the floating island, he began to deduce the future battle situation. The winning rates of both sides actually returned to the same level.  status, but time is more beneficial to the 'chosen ones'.  The key is that the 'chosen one' actually found the energy wave amplifier, and with that instrument and equipment, it has become impossible to hide safely on the seabed and develop. The biggest role of the thinking thread is not to attack, it  It has strong resolving power and can easily find alien spacecraft from seabed obstructions.  That ¡®Pioneer¡¯ ship will drive it nowhere to escape, and the other party also has a smart factory. The longer it delays, the stronger the other party will become.  "Take off! Let's fight!" Gao Nehra Mukemasu almost said this order in the most tragic mood. Being forced to such a point by a low-level intelligent creature on a primitive planet made it feel humiliated.  The bottom of the Pacific Ocean is boiling, and submarine factories hidden everywhere are releasing their own weapons and equipment. Some are warships equipped with electromagnetic rail guns, and there are also 'X' fighters that are being mass-produced.  As for the highly damaged spaceship of Gao Nehra Mukmasu, it was slowly docked at the bottom of the sea. The back of the spacecraft held a huge bulge, which was obviously a secret weapon specially prepared by the Zentraedi people.  Above the sky, Zhou Qingfeng had just taken a few breaths. Just a few minutes ago, the life and death battle was completed in just a few seconds.  The reflective shell of the Pioneer turned red due to the high temperature and was on the verge of vaporizing. When the liquid nitrogen cooling could not curb the increase in heat, the only way was to kill the radiation that was shining on the Pioneer.  A dozen super lasers.  "Hahaha." Zhou Qingfeng laughed stupidly for a few times. He only felt that his brain was swelling and painful, and he felt dizzy. The interface of Pip-Boy showed that the brain had been damaged to a certain extent, and some capillaries were damaged by blood.  The overloaded supply caused him to burst, causing his consciousness to become a little unclear.  "Anna, the battle is over, right?" Zhou Qingfeng felt that he could no longer think. He could only call softly to his companions in his mind, "Anna, Anna?" After calling several times in a row, he got a response, Anna. Cha.  Puman is even more unbearable than Zhou Qingfeng. Without a physical body to rely on, she is a purely spiritual existence. Her mental power is stronger and her injuries are more serious.  "Stop arguing, let me rest for a while. Come back, I feel like I'm about to die." Listening to Anna Chapman's feeble reply, Zhou Qingfeng was about to ask Alonso Guedi.  It was not possible to return, but Mr. Geddy took the initiative to send a warning, "Victor, all the enemies are out. They are not hiding at all. I think they want a decisive battle." "Decisive battle?! Now?!" Zhou Qingfeng immediately took out  Pricking himself with a therapeutic needle, the nanorobot immediately began to speed up the repair of his damaged brain tissue.  "Yes, I just launched some detectors, and the answer I got is that the seabed is now completely boiling. Preliminary detection shows that there are thousands of large warships and thousands of 'X' fighter planes." Alonso  .Geddy sent all the information he obtained to Zhou Qingfeng.  "There are no perverted guys like Floating Island, right?!" The tough battle just now made Zhou Qingfeng hate super lasers.  But the image sent by Alonso Geddy showed a huge spaceship floating to the sea. As soon as he saw the appearance, Zhou Qingfeng shouted, "Ana, Anna, wake up quickly, we are not sleeping now."  At that time, the alien bastard actually came out. "Ah!" Anna Chapman came out of Zhou Qingfeng's body and saw the virtual screen in front of them. The huge gray shadow was not outside.  That shabby spaceship of the Starman?  "What are you waiting for? Retreat quickly, how can we fight in this situation?" Anna Chapman was more anxious than Zhou Qingfeng, and she wished she could give Alonso Guedi direct orders.  As he was talking, 'X' fighters began to emerge from under the sea. Zhou Qingfeng still remembered the horrific scene of being bombarded by a gigaton nuclear bomb, and immediately ordered to escape and retreat to the smart factory area on the west coast of North America. At the same time, he also ordered  The 'automatic doctor' is ready for air defense and is determined not to let these wasp-like little guys get close to him again.  "The Pioneer" began to escape at full speed, and groups of fireworks began to explode around it. This was the full counterattack of the short-range defense system.?As a result, Zhou Qingfeng asked Alonso Gedi: "Can we fly outside the atmosphere first? We are a spaceship after all!" "No, the current spacecraft is in bad condition, and the right wing is even broken.  There are big holes and all the heat-resistant coating is lost. If we really go into space, all kinds of deadly cosmic rays will kill us." Alonso Geddy's explanation made Zhou Qingfeng very disappointed, and the high-speed breakthrough made the whole team very disappointed.  The hull became extremely bumpy.  All the hundreds of Shockwave Riders carried on the ship were released to intercept the rapidly approaching 'X' fighters.  "When we return to the smart factory later, we will immediately bring the 'automatic doctor' and the two smart construction machines, and we will return to the main time and space immediately." Zhou Qingfeng now realized that he was in urgent need of rest, rather than fighting the other party desperately.  "Understood." Alonso Geddy naturally agreed. In the current situation, hiding first is a very correct decision.  In terms of speed, the 'Pioneer' is really much stronger than the 'X' fighter. A few minutes later, it ran back to the west coast of North America. The 'automatic doctor' who had already received the news was also ready to board the ship at any time.  The huge space-time gate opened in the sky, and the Pioneer was about to drill inside. But at this moment, thousands of kilometers away on the sea, Gao Nehra Mukmasu and his spaceship finally surfaced.  , the round-shaped object towed by the spacecraft slowly opened, and a white light shot out directly from the inside, passing through the barrier of the sea, and directly hit the Pioneer in an instant.  Zhou Qingfeng and others still had no idea what was going on, and were still waiting to drive the spaceship to appear in the main time and space.  But the next second he discovered that he had suddenly crossed thousands of kilometers from the west coast of North America and appeared in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, right in front of the spaceship of Gao Nehra Mukher Masu, surrounded by its surroundings.  Big ticket battleships and fighter planes.  "Damn, what's going on?" Before Zhou Qingfeng understood what was happening, the 'automatic doctor' who had just boarded the ship shouted, "Hide in the sea immediately." Already existing as the master control intelligence  Alonso Geddy did not hesitate at all. He immediately followed the advice of the 'automatic doctor', lowered the bow of the ship, and plunged into the sea.  And at the moment the Pioneer entered the sea, a circle of electromagnetic railguns that had been waiting for a long time erupted, and thousands of heavy artillery shells gathered at their original positions. Although they maneuvered in time, they were still hit.  Hundreds of shots.  Excluding those that bounced off the armored shell, a dozen projectiles penetrated the hull of the Pioneer. The Pioneer almost disintegrated after the hit.  What's even worse is that as soon as he entered the water, Alonso Geddy shouted, "What the hell is going on? Our spaceship does not have the ability to navigate underwater, so it won't last long!" "This is Zentraedi research.  The space movement technology developed by this plane moved us directly from thousands of kilometers away. I think it must have dismantled an important part of its own spacecraft, otherwise it would not have this ability. " '  The automatic doctor was still explaining, but Zhou Qingfeng roared: "Stop talking nonsense, Alonso, how long can we last?" "Thirty seconds, thirty seconds at most, the spacecraft broke several big holes, everywhere.  If there is water, we will sink to the bottom of the sea like a stone!" The situation was urgent, and Alonso Geddy screamed at the top of his lungs.  "Hold on!" After Zhou Qingfeng said this, he immediately opened a temporary space-time door, connected to the main space-time door that had just been opened in the smart factory area on the west coast of North America, and jumped through.  As soon as Alonso Geddy saw Zhou Qingfeng leaving, he immediately understood what he was going to do. At the same time, he cursed anxiously: "Victor, please hurry up, we really can't hold on for long!" See 'Herald'  After the Zer' was forcibly pulled over, in the face of this abnormal situation, it actually dived into the sea without hesitation. Gao Nehra Mukema couldn't help but cursed: "These humans are too cunning." But that's right.  Because of this, the Zentraedi star also panicked. It had now exhausted its means and even boarded its own spaceship. If it could not kill the Pioneer with one blow, it would be at the end of its rope and could do nothing.  "Everyone enters the sea and launches into the water. The 'chosen ones' must be killed and must not be left behind!"  The crude product produced can sail underwater, but it also has no underwater combat capabilities. One shot is equivalent to sinking a ship.  But Gao Nehra Mukesu, who was afraid that the Pioneer would slip away again, could no longer care about it. Seeing that his opponent was already planning to use the space-time gate to escape, he knew that if he couldn't stop him this time, he wouldn't even think about it again.  There's another chance.  "At this time, Zhou Qingfeng passed through the temporary time and space door and appeared outside the main time and space door. He first put away the main time and space door, and then opened another temporary time and space door.??, connected to the already opened door on the Pioneer, and quickly jumped in.  At this flashing moment, the Pioneer had reached the final moment of diving into the seabed. Alonso Geddie was complaining even more. All the systems on the ship were reporting errors frantically, and all the warning lights were flashing randomly, but he  But completely unable to handle it.  As soon as he discovered that Zhou Qingfeng had returned, Alonso Geddy shouted: "Victor, hurry up, unfold the main space-time gate right in front of the ship." Thank God, Zhou Qingfeng, who has an energy wave amplifier, can use his own thinking to complete it.  After all this, the huge main space-time door opened again, and the 'Pioneer' filled in together with the sea water.  When he found out that his target had disappeared, Gao Nehra Mukmasu could no longer suppress his manic emotions and roared heartbreakingly, "No!"
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