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Side Story Chapter 640 - Escape

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    The underground cave space is cool and deserted. The crystal wall cage emits a faint light, illuminating a small area around it.  Just in this area, there were several ghost-like figures standing, whispering a few words in panic.  As the behind-the-scenes BOSS of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce, Gao Nehra Mukesu also feels powerless. No matter what his previous identity was, he is now just a prisoner, a prisoner held by a crystal wall cage. The scope of his real influence  Only a few hundred meters around the cage.  The Zenith Chamber of Commerce has fallen apart. These are the last few senior executives. It¡¯s not that they don¡¯t want to leave, but they have nowhere to go. It¡¯s impossible for other organizations to accept them.  Gao Nehra Mukmasu didn¡¯t even have the energy to curse. He felt that he must have stayed with these carbon-based organisms for too long, so that his intelligence level had been seriously degraded!  Otherwise, how could this situation happen now?  The Zenith Chamber of Commerce was also vigorous and vibrant in the first twenty years, but the environment of the wasteland actually affected it in turn. It only took a few years for it to fall from the top to the bottom.  General Chairman Wayne Rooney was robbed at the Chamber of Commerce headquarters, and the newly appointed Chairman Dr. Kurt Connors died of exhaustion in the space-time gate link room due to mental and physical exhaustion.  Each bad news has taken a heavy toll on morale, and now everyone is looking forward to the 'Sky Raider' returning from the enemy's time and space and bringing good news of victory in the war!  Only in this way can the Chamber of Commerce¡¯s predicament still have some room for recovery.  Otherwise, everyone will wait to die!  But it's a pity After a long silence, Gao Nehra Mukemasu said dejectedly: "The time and space gate has opened again, but I did not sense the control authority that belongs to me. It can be confirmed that the 'Sky Raider' failed  ." The group of lonely ghosts in the underground began to cry uncontrollably, making Gao Nehra Mukesu irritated, "Get out of here! All of you incompetent reptiles!  Hang you all!" After saying this, the Zenith star left these men alone, and the high platform where the crystal wall cage was located suddenly sank, and it fell into a deep pit with it.  After falling hundreds of meters into the deep pit, the crystal wall cage fell onto a previously configured floating car, and a strong light lit up around the car, illuminating the surrounding area for hundreds of meters.  This place is already in the deep sea. The aerial vehicle has its own force field shield to repel the sea water, carrying the crystal wall cage slowly forward. After traveling for tens of kilometers in the sea, a huge spacecraft wreckage appears in the lonely sea.  In the deep sea.  This is the spaceship of Gao Nehra Mukmasu. It used to be its biggest support in traversing the universe, but now it is in a dilapidated shape and has been soaked in sea water for more than fifty years.  When he was being punished, the spaceship was destroyed by the Arbiter, and it crashed here. It was here that Gao Nehra Mukemasu himself emerged from the sea, and relied on bewitching a few people to sneak into the ruins of New York to pick up trash.  He started as a homeless man and eventually established the Zenith Chamber of Commerce.  And now it has to return to this place that makes it sad and disgusted. This is its final foundation.  "And Zhou Qingfeng arrived at an unusually fast speed. He was like Hu Hansan, dragging the returning group back to his hometown, and driving the Pioneer in the wasteland with great arrogance.  As soon as they left the space-time gate, a large number of flight detectors were launched, flying around the world!  The purpose is to find targets.  The New York area is a key exploration area.  The 'Pioneer' ran murderously from the west coast of North America to the east coast. Over a distance of hundreds of kilometers, it received a ground-penetrating radar report from the flight detector. The underground headquarters of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce was basically intact, but there were a large number of people.  Escape.  Although the lowest cave space has been discovered, the alien has not been found.  "Take off a squadron of 'Shock Riders', Catherine, you lead the team. Mr. Geddy, be ready to fire the main gun at any time." Zhou Qingfeng sat in the captain's position in the control tower and issued the order.  In order to vent her anger and show off her strength, Catherine drove the 'Flying Armor' and led a large group of subordinates towards New York, thousands of kilometers away, at extremely high speed. She arrived near New York in a few minutes and directly used the weapons on the armor.  The magnetic field cannon attacked ground targets, and the 'Shock Riders' following her madly used Gauss weapons to ravage the earth.  The small amount of defensive force deployed by the Zenith Chamber of Commerce on the ground was destroyed almost instantly, which intensified the speed of its personnel's escape.  Gao Nehra Mukesu, who was hiding on the bottom of the sea, had no reaction. It had already entered the wreckage of the spacecraft and tried to hide temporarily by the barrier of the sea water.  It was unwilling to use the wreckage of the spacecraft until the last moment, which could mean a sentence of tens of thousands of years!  The wreckage of the spacecraft still retains the force field shield, isolating the sea water, and Gao Nehra Mukemasu's floating vehicle carried it into a broken hall, this hall used to be the control center of the spacecraft, but now the original armor shell has disappeared, leaving the entire control center completely exposed.  Gao Nehra Mukma Su intends to just wait. It understands that the task of the 'Chosen One' is time-limited. Although it is not clear how long the current 'Chosen One' can last, it does not know how long it will last.  I think I need to suffer for a long time.  But this kind of hardship was ruthlessly deprived of it. The Pioneer was not a decoration. It had a complete set of geophysical detection equipment. The wreckage of the spacecraft that crashed into the sea was also under hundreds of meters of sea water, and it had already  Stopping work is not an undetectable target.  When the detector's seabed scan revealed anomalies, Zhou Qingfeng simply fired at the seabed.  The Pioneer is not equipped with the magnetic field cannon used on the flying armor. The shooting distance has not changed significantly, but the firing power is far beyond it.  Because it was a rough launch, under the action of gravity, the entire seabed was pulled out, and a large amount of sediment and seawater rushed into the sky like a volcanic eruption.  This scene was like the end of the world. One shot shook out the wreckage of the spacecraft. The thin force field shield may be able to withstand the attack of nuclear bombs, but it is also fragile when faced with weapons of the Star Destroyer level.  Like a layer of paper.  "This reptile, he actually dares to attack the noble Zentraedi people!" Gao Nehra Mukmasu was immediately angered. It had been wronged enough by hiding, but now it was beaten up.  If you can¡¯t hide, why bother hiding?  Gao Nehra Mukesu restarted his spaceship with the most tragic mood. The severely damaged spacecraft began to slowly leave the seabed, "Tens of thousands of years, tens of thousands of years! This insignificant  The planet has to rotate tens of thousands of times before I can be freed from these despicable carbon-based creatures!" "It's really down there," Zhou Qingfeng, who was sitting in the control tower, looked at the display on the light screen.  Through the perspective view of the seabed, a shadow that is more than ten times larger than the Pioneer is moving, "Ascend, let's go to the geosynchronous orbit." Zhou Qingfeng was frightened by the "Sky Raider", and after confirming the target  The first reaction is to keep the distance, and at the same time, do not forget to use the fully charged super magnetic field cannon to hit the opponent again. "Take off another brigade of 'Shock Riders' and let them bring nuclear bombs."  When Muke Masu's spaceship rose from the sea, he found that dozens of aircraft were rushing towards it at a high speed of more than ten Mach. With the support of various countries in the main space and time, the number of nuclear bombs was sufficient, and hundreds of them could be released at once.  The bomb flew over.  These hundreds of nuclear bombs were fired in multiple batches, hitting the spacecraft of Gao Nehra Mukesu from different angles. Most of these kiloton-level nuclear bombs were appetizers, tentatively looking for the enemy's weaknesses.  Groups of mushroom clouds exploded on the sea, and the 'Shock Riders' flew past the wreckage of the spacecraft at high speed. Several beams of light were emitted from the wreckage of the spacecraft wrapped in flames. Three of them were immediately hit and exploded in the air.  "Oh, oh, oh! Let's run!" Zhou Qingfeng shouted. The Pioneer was currently in the ascending stage of escaping gravity. When he saw that his opponent was not powerless to fight back, he  The first thing that comes to mind is to become invincible first.  After all, everyone can see the dilapidated appearance of the wreckage of the spacecraft. This thing must have the same fatal flaws as the Sky Raider.  "Wait!" Before Zhou Qingfeng's order was fully issued, Mr. Alonso Geddie ran out, "This spaceship is very precious, it would be a pity to destroy it like this." "I know, alien technology, although  It's a bit rotten, but we are not picky about it. But now they can shoot one at a time. If we get too close, our people won't be able to hold on for long. " "So we have to rush forward. I guess there won't be many weapons that can be used on the wreckage of the spaceship.  , We overwhelm it with numbers. If we can get close, the situation may be very different. This will avoid the embarrassing situation of fighting, and it is not a good thing to lose both sides.¡± Alonso Guedi¡¯s opinion is not without his opinion.  It makes sense, Zhou Qingfeng immediately ordered to take advantage of it. In the eight months since the Pioneer was refitted, he had accumulated thousands of army cannon fodder, and the Pioneer alone had five to six hundred.  "Okay, we can afford it no matter the cost, let's all attack!" With this order, the brainwashed puppet soldiers immediately drove their 'Shock Riders' towards the wreckage of the spacecraft.  Seeing this scene, Gao Nehra Mukesu had to sigh. These reptiles were already truly intelligent creatures, but they discovered their own problems so quickly.  There are only a few weapons for self-defense on the wreckage of the spacecraft that can still function normally, but their killing efficiency is very high. Facing the besieging 'Shock Riders', they can almost hit them one by one.Pretty neat.  The 'Pioneer' had already hid outside the atmosphere. Zhou Qingfeng looked coldly at the screen in front of him. The number of 'Shock Riders' launching a desperate attack was rapidly decreasing. The flying armor driven by Catherine had been ordered to leave the war zone immediately.  , Alonso Geddy had to sigh and said: "My estimate was somewhat wrong. It seems that only our main gun can threaten the opponent." "Then fire." Zhou Qingfeng ordered again, "Pioneer"  The magnetic field main gun on the Zhe'er once again vented its accumulated huge energy. This time it hit extremely accurately. The alien spacecraft under siege seemed to have been whipped in the air and twitched hard.  Gao Nehra Mukesu was shaken off the float vehicle by the violent vibration and hit the corner of the spacecraft. It yelled angrily at the sky, but the main control system of the spacecraft alerted it, and it was being violently attacked.  Weapon attack.  "Sink, sink, sink into the sea, that little reptile named Victor, I will drag you to death!"
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