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Side Story Chapter 629 - Crazy Plan

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    Not to mention the chaos caused by the aircraft crash incident in the capital, all kinds of ghosts and ghosts came out, intending to find out the so-called truth.  The truth that kept countless people awake at night was actually that a third-rate pilot used too much force while driving. He actually bent the control stick when accelerating to escape, which also damaged other systems in the cab.  "Mr. Geddy, the bargain you made is too cheap! The operating rod was actually bent by me. At that time, I was still wondering why there was something wrong with the attitude of the aircraft and it could not be adjusted. The push rod could no longer reach 'levelling'  In this state, I had to use the ailerons to let the aircraft float slowly, and then waited for the speed to slow down before trying to take off and land vertically. In the end, it hit a big hole on the ground. " Zhou Qingfeng stood on the docking platform of the Pioneer.  with his hands spread out, seriously indicting the harm of inferior products. He was much taller than Alonso Guedi, and he had to bend down and look down to increase his momentum.  But Mr. Geddy glanced at him sideways, "Your strength is more than ten times that of normal people, and your explosive power is almost thirty times. It is inevitable that you will be somewhat damaged when you are excited. This is normal. I also want to ask you how the test went.  "Is this normal?" Zhou Qingfeng threw the helmet in his hand to Alonso Geddy, "Generally speaking, this thing is only suitable for raids.  , the one-hit-and-go tactic is appropriate. " "You should try to get more nuclear bombs. When you went to test the simplified version of the aircraft, Catherine and Jill had already made several trips.  More than fifty nuclear warheads came. "Is that an exaggeration?" Zhou Qingfeng thought he was doing a cool job by smashing an aircraft in the capital of China.  But considering the loss of a large number of nuclear warheads, this news is probably what panics the whole world.  "It's not an exaggeration at all." Alonso Gedi waved his hand, and a virtual light screen was displayed in mid-air, with boxes listed on it, each box showing a looted nuclear warhead, "We  Find the SS-29 "Yars" ballistic missile deployed by Russia. This missile uses railway maneuvers and can be easily intercepted once discovered. "Stop, stop, stop!"  "Leave it to Catherine and Jill. I'd better go to the wasteland and have a look." Zhou Qingfeng turned and left, passing through the time and space gate to the No. 7 shelter in the wasteland.  Now that the space-time gates are open in all three spaces, the flow rate of time is already the same. Although this accelerates the consumption of time, the work efficiency is increased many times.  The wasteland is still the same as before. No matter how the Armed Sisters build it, they still lack the foundation. Not far from the base, it is desolate.  Zhou Qingfeng wanted to ask Xue Su some questions, but finally found her at the new airport on the ground.  "What do you want from me?" Xue Su asked. She always wore a military uniform and always looked heroic.  This clean and tidy appearance coupled with that smiling face that was both angry and happy immediately made Zhou Qingfeng feel relieved, "I originally wanted to discuss a troublesome matter with you. Just looking at you makes me feel very happy." "Young Master.  You're so glib." Xue Su said with a deliberately straight face: "What are you doing with me?" Zhou Qingfeng could feel the joy in Xue Su's heart, and gently reached out to hold her crotch, stroking the thin layer in his palm.  "In terms of force, I believe we have achieved an overwhelming advantage, but before we can completely eliminate the Zenith Chamber of Commerce, there is still a problem that needs to be dealt with." "Isabella Fairman?" Xue Su asked  road.  Zhou Qingfeng nodded.  "You bad guy!" Xue Su hit Zhou Qingfeng's ribs hard with his elbow. Seeing that he didn't react, he increased his strength and hit him a few more times. "I should have destroyed all your controlled tricks back then."  "No, I will be sulky every day." "Don't be angry. I will always remember the fierce look you had when I took you to training."  You're such a gangster now." After the two of them chatted warmly for a while, Zhou Qingfeng took Xue Su's hand and pointed at the airport under construction and asked, "When will this new airport be completed?"  The take-off and landing point is considered to be a key project of the Armed Sisters in the near future. The modified flying armor has an almost unlimited range and can fly around the earth at will.  So now the travel groups believe that as soon as the attack is launched, everything will be over. ? Or a new beginning is coming.  Xue Su was also tired of this ten-year battle and eager to end it. She pointed at a row of construction machinery and said: "In ten days, the flying armor basically does not need ground support, even if something goes wrong.  We also need to send it back to the Pioneer for processing, so?The facilities here are simple.  " "Then before launching the general attack, we need to conduct a large amount of investigation on the headquarters of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce, and I also need to arrest Mr. Wayne Rooney.  Help me prepare, I want to go to New York as soon as possible.  " "Do you want to go first?  Or should we wait until a few days before the general offensive is launched?  "Xue Su asked. The current schedule of the Armed Sisters is based on the improvement speed of the flying armor. Once the flying armor is completed, it is time to launch a full blow. "How is the Zenith Chamber of Commerce doing during this time?  ?  "At the last moment, Zhou Qingfeng did not dare to be careless. Mei Xiang's investigation team has been the most expanded recently. It was so embarrassed last time by Isabella Fairman's alien impact gun. He  I don¡¯t want any more trouble to happen. ¡°It¡¯s peaceful, at least on the surface.  The Brotherhood of Steel is more active than us now.  Geographically speaking, they are closer to the Zenith Chamber of Commerce. According to the news, the Zenith Chamber of Commerce has shrunk across the board and even abandoned a large number of peripheral cities and strongholds. Even the mountainous military bases they had been fighting for were abandoned.  " "I'm a little worried that they will carry out a nuclear bomb attack again. Last time they wanted to get rid of me once and for all, so they hesitated to take action without being sure of the target.  Now I'm afraid they'll lose their minds.  "Zhou Qingfeng's worry was not unreasonable. But Xue Su smiled when he heard this, "People are about to perish, so they will inevitably go crazy!  " "So I want to strike first, disrupt the opponent's rhythm and internal deployment, and cannot give the opponent time to adjust.  More importantly, if I can control Mr. Wayne Rooney, I can safely use the alien blaster in Isabella Fairman's hand one day earlier.  " After all, Zhou Qingfeng is still keen on the extremely powerful impact gun, but that gun can be used or not. Only Isabella Fairman can operate it, which is quite depressing. Seeing that Zhou Qingfeng has made up his mind.  , Xue Su said no more, but she grabbed Zhou Qingfeng's clothes and said with a pitiful look: "Let me follow you this time, okay?  You only take Catherine and Jill with you every time, and I haven't followed you around for a long time.  " "Stop being naughty!  Obediently stay behind and prepare for support. I may need it at any time.  " Even if Xue Su acts coquettishly and cutely, Zhou Qingfeng will never let go. From the bottom of his heart, Xue Su has a more important position in his heart. He does not want Xue Su to appear at the forefront. But this time, the Zenith Chamber of Commerce is really like this  Xue Su said that there was some madness before death, and even the top star Gao Nehra Mukesu was repeatedly weighing whether to use those restricted equipment that were powerful but also caused trouble. Because of these equipment?  Each item seems to be very useful, but the more useful it is, the more prison terms it will bring. No one likes to stay in a crystal squash ball for tens of thousands of years, and according to the current development trend of the 'chosen ones', the more  The more powerful the 'Chosen One' is in the later period, the longer it takes and the more trouble it becomes. Maybe you can use the 'Sky Raider', but that will also increase the sentence of two hundred years. Hesitation comes and goes, Gao Nihe.  La Mukemasu couldn't make a decision no matter what. Even his boss was like this, and the people working below were even more confused. However, as the Prime Minister, Mr. Wayne Rooney had no way out and took charge every day.  As a supervisor, he urged his subordinates to work night after night to produce weapons and equipment, as well as prepare personnel and supplies. Dr. Kurt Connors saw that the organization was gradually running out of money, but there was nothing he could do. He could only sigh in his heart, even if he could survive this time.  After passing the crisis, the Chamber of Commerce is on the verge of collapse. ¡°Kurt, how is the production plan?  "His Excellency the General Secretary comes here every day to ask about the production situation. He has not told anyone about the time and space gate raid plan in his heart, but has begun to prepare according to the progress of all aspects. There are several key links that require close cooperation.  , if anything goes wrong, his position as Chairman will really be over. Dr. Kurt Connors's face also showed an unhealthy flush. Generally, an old man of his age has long been old and frail and needs to cultivate himself.  Now he works like a young man and is just as tired. Anyone with some common sense understands that this is a waste of life. ¡°Very good!  Our recent production schedule is going perfectly!  "Dr. Kurt Connors himself is also deeply satisfied with the completion of the task of rearmament in recent times. In order to achieve the goal, the Zenith Chamber of Commerce has plundered all the resources of all secondary cities and strongholds. Zhou Qingfeng should be proud.  Now, he has seriously damaged a large organization with hundreds of thousands of people, and has reached the point where he is desperate. Dr. Kurt Connors simply reported a few data, but then frowned and said in a deep voice:  "Our shrinking defense plan still has some flaws. Most of the resources in the outer cities have been brought back, but 30% of the personnel have fled. Others?There is no shortage of senior intellectuals and managers, it should be the Brotherhood of Steel who are actively encouraging our people to defect.  To be honest, I'm worried.  " "Don't worry about it, as long as we can win, all problems will be solved; if we can't win, then we don't need to solve these problems.  Lord Wayne Rooney waved his hand contemptuously, as if the news he just heard was just air, "I am only concerned about whether your combat readiness can be completed on time?"  " " Half a month later.  " "Half a month?  OK!  Kurt, let's make one final push, I have a crazy plan for you  "
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