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Side Story Chapter 612 - Encounter (1)

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    When Demer Logan got off the Bird helicopter, he stared at the mushroom cloud that was still tumbling in the distance. His heart was filled with infinite joy. Although the outcome of the battle was not yet determined, he believed that no one could survive the attack of a nuclear bomb.  Escape, absolutely not!  "I set up a triple attack method, and it turned out that the least expected nuclear bombs and cannons worked. Our military personnel should be rewarded. They eliminated a powerful enemy for the Chamber of Commerce!" Daimer Logan was in a happy mood.  After getting off the plane, he asked: "Have you sent anyone to search for the remains of the opponent's armor?" The base commander was not in Demer Logan's good mood. In fact, he was in a bad mood, "Sir, we have sent some soldiers to carry out perimeter operations.  Although we fired neutron bombs, the nuclear radiation in the center of the explosion was still excessive. Moreover, we suffered huge losses for the search. How could we still suffer losses?  The war has reached a turning point, where does the loss begin?  "We sent two teams of soldiers to search, but soon one of them lost contact. When the other went to support, he found that they were all killed." The tone of the base commander was full of fear, "We  It was found that the weapon projectiles used by the opponent were very small, but the armor-piercing ability was extremely high, and the power armor could not stop it. " "The opponent is not dead yet? Impossible, the 'chosen one' must have been killed by the nuclear bomb, it should be him.  "But in this case, his followers didn't escape!" Daimo Logan felt incredible, "The drone in the air didn't find anything?" "This is what scares us, the opponent's weapon range is extremely high.  They attacked us from almost two thousand meters away and maintained very high accuracy. We used ordinary artillery to bombard us, but their armor did nothing at all under the bombardment. " "Then again.  Use nuclear bombs to attack them. We have received reports before that the Armed Sisters have at least five armored equipment with force field shields. Those who use this armor are the elites of the other party's military force. "Damer Logan is very comfortable with nuclear bombs.  If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, you want to use nuclear bombs.  The base commander wanted to kneel down when he heard this, "Sir, we can no longer use nuclear bombs. We have just received a report from the Death Claw Breeding Farm. The nuclear bomb attack caused the death of almost one-fifth of the larval Death Claws.  Moreover, if some radioactive dust spreads into the sky, it will definitely have a negative impact on the surrounding environment. The breeding ground has been asked to be moved. "The base commander did not say that the Death Claw Training Ground was originally a temporary place. If it needs to be moved.  , leave as soon as you say.  But the mountain military base cannot be moved, and the headquarters cannot abandon it.  Although the neutron bomb was fired and the radiation dose was small, the base was also close to the center of the blast. Thousands of people would have to deal with nuclear radiation in the future.  "Ignore it! The Death Claw can still be cultivated after it is dead. These two troublesome enemies must be killed." Demer Logan knew in his heart that the new armor of the Armed Sisters is very powerful, and the only one in the Zenith Chamber of Commerce is Isa.  The alien blaster in Bella Fairman's hand can handle it.  But the latter dared to escape in order to get rid of control, even leaving his daughter behind.  Before retrieving it, Daimer Logan could only deal with this armor that posed a huge threat.  The base commander argued to no avail and had to order the preparation of nuclear bombs again. At this time, he hoped that the two enemies could run out of the range of the 155mm howitzer to avoid another mushroom cloud rising near his home base.  Catherine and Jill were already very anxious. The nuclear bomb explosion caused violent vibrations in the earth. When they were hiding in the cave, they felt as if they were on the undulating sea. When they came out and saw the mushroom cloud, they were so scared that their hands and feet were shaking.  soft.  What's even worse is that they were unable to contact Zhou Qingfeng immediately, so they had to send the situation back to Shelter No. 7 through a high-power radio. They originally thought of using the time and space gate to recruit people from the shelter to help search, but then they discovered that the temporary  One of the time and space gates was on Xue Su and the other on Zhou Qingfeng. The two sisters had no choice but to set off to look for them in the direction of the explosion.  The only reassuring thing is that they are all sure that Zhou Qingfeng is still alive, but they don¡¯t know what his physical condition is?  Don't know where he is?  The two of them didn¡¯t care whether the radiation in the explosion core was high or not. After swallowing a few radioactive pills, they entered the explosion crater on the surface of the moon to search.  Not long after they arrived at the explosion pit, they saw the white figure of Anna Chapman floating over. The female ghost immediately twisted her body and connected it into a string of words in the air and asked: "What happened? Where is Victor?"  ?¡± ¡°There is probably a nuclear explosion here, and Victor has lost contact with us.¡± Anna Chapman panicked when she heard this. Her fate was linked to that of Zhou Qingfeng, and it was her who restored her original state.  The only guarantee of life, "we are aparttry to find.  " Two women and one ghost quickly searched hundreds of meters near the explosion center. Catherine even launched several micro drones to conduct reconnaissance from the air, but unfortunately found nothing. Expanding the search range further will not have enough manpower.  Moreover, people from the Shanling military base also came to cause trouble, and the two sisters were hit by several large-caliber grenades. Because they were afraid of another nuclear bomb attack from the Shanling base, the two sisters had to stay away and kept moving erratically.  It does not give the opponent a chance to target. And the efficiency of the search will be even lower. At this time, whether it is Xue Su near the underground bunker city or Meng Hui who is nearly 3,000 kilometers away, it is just now.  Take action and prepare to come to the mountain military base. Antonina Makarova is still in the shock stage after hearing the news. Where will Zhou Qingfeng be now?  After being blown ten kilometers away, when he woke up, he could only feel that his head was still roughly there, and the rest of his body was completely unconscious. After lying on the ground for several hours, his brain slowly recovered.  Gradually, he consciously tried to control his body, but all he saw was darkness. After thinking about it, he realized that the energy armor was probably completely broken. There was no need to shout "open the back armor" now. The armor's intelligent system must have been there.  It was over. It was impossible to accept his orders. He felt the Pip-Boy interface in his mind and found that his body was much better than he thought. He only had many fractures and bruises, and only three points of health left.  One, but he is gradually recovering. It should be said that two things saved his life. The force field shield was direct protection, which offset a large amount of shock wave energy, and the force field shield of Mr. Mike Huaski when the nuclear bomb was launched.  Making trouble also gave him time to go from being invisible to being away from the explosive heart. With serious injuries, lack of strength, and armor restraints, Zhou Qingfeng couldn't even move. He just lay on the ground and waited slowly, looking at Pip Boy.  After a few hours of recovery, he felt something moving around his body, as if some kind of animal was jumping on his armor and tearing at his arms and thighs.  There were only one or two animals at first, but as time went by, he could feel that the number of these animals was increasing, and they even tried to lift themselves up together with the armor, as if a group of ants were moving the found animals.  The same thing as food. In the end, Zhou Qingfeng felt that the whole armor was being lifted up and started to move swaying. "Hey! What's going on? I'm not food! It's just that this movement didn't last for two days."  Three seconds later, he felt a 'bang' and fell down again. The animals seemed to be frightened and all fled in all directions. It was dark inside the armor and the surroundings were quiet. This situation lasted for nearly a minute.  Only then did Zhou Qingfeng feel the ground vibrate slightly, and a heavy footstep was coming towards him. Who is this? Catherine or Jill?  Don¡¯t be from the Zenith Chamber of Commerce. At this time, ten hours had passed since the nuclear bomb exploded. The place where Zhou Qingfeng fell was a dry river beach, and Isabella Fairman appeared about ten meters away from him.  , still wearing armor, she slowly raised her feet, looking strangely at the larval deathclaws that had been trampled into a ball of pulp under her feet.  She picked up the remains of the body on the ground, played with the broken internal organs, and finally turned her attention to the charred armor in front of her.  She is very familiar with this style of armor. Although the appearance has been severely damaged, only one company owns this type of armor, and she happens to be familiar with it.  She carefully turned the armor over, trying to find a way to open it, and finally had to admit that violent disassembly was the only way to open it.  Fortunately, the armor was already badly damaged, which made her very curious as to what made it look like this.  She has fought against this kind of armor many times before, but she knows how powerful this kind of armor is.  Fortunately, the basic structure of this armor is very similar to T51-B. After several damages, she opened a crack in the back armor, and a voice suddenly came from inside, "Hey! Be careful, I'm still alive." Isabella.  Fellman dropped his hands in fright and took a few steps back, but the voice inside continued: "Okay, I'm not a ghost, I'm just lucky to be alive. Who are you? You are definitely not Catherine and Jill, they are  You will scream with joy when you hear my voice. Are you from the Zenith Chamber of Commerce? Oh, it seems that I am really unlucky. Hey, people outside, please get me out first. I think we can have a good time.  Let¡¯s talk about the conditions.¡± Isabella Fairman was convinced that there was indeed a living controller inside the armor.That¡¯s just a lot to talk about.  She stepped forward and continued to tear at the piece of back armor, wanting to see who was inside?  When the back armor was fully opened, Zhou Qingfeng, who was covered in injuries, was lifted out from inside. He squinted his eyes to block the bright light and looked back at the person who came out to save him.  It was also a powered armor with the logo of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce, but the weapon attached to its arm really impressed him.  "Oh, hello! Ms. Isabella Fairman, nice to meet you!"
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