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Side Story Chapter 545 - The Collapse of the Expedition (1)

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    The space-time gate disappeared, and the most unlikely thing happened. Commodore Bombardier felt the world spin, the stars and the moon falling, and he sat down on the sand.  "How could it be? How could the space-time gate disappear? I didn't put it away! There is no twenty-four-hour time limit now. It should be erected here safely! How could it disappear?" Brigadier General  The husband was finally helped up by his adjutant, but his hands and feet were still weak and he could not believe the facts before him.  As the only passage between the camp and the headquarters, the space-time gate is an important pillar to ensure the safety of thousands of soldiers in the camp. Without the space-time gate, they would become rootless duckweeds who might be killed at any time. This place is thousands of kilometers away from the headquarters.  , can't even escape.  "What happened? Where are the soldiers guarding the space-time gate? What's going on with the explosion that just came out?" Brigadier General Bombardier asked anxiously.  It¡¯s just that the other soldiers near the space-time gate didn¡¯t understand what happened. They only knew that there seemed to be a sudden explosion inside the space-time gate, and then the space-time gate itself disappeared.  The matter has come to this, and it is useless to talk more. Brigadier General Bombardier tried to calm himself down, panted and called the communications officer, and ordered: "Contact the headquarters immediately for support. It is best to find a salesperson nearby. As long as  It¡¯s good to have an empty door, otherwise we don¡¯t have to fight with others. Our food and water are not enough to last for two days!¡± But the communications officer also looked pale, and with one sentence, Brigadier General Bombardier¡¯s idea was shattered, ¡°Sir, we don¡¯t have any troops at all!  With a high-power radio, we can only contact people within a maximum distance of 500 kilometers. ""What?" Brigadier General Bombardier almost fainted, but he couldn't, so he had to call the adjutant, "Give me the map, I want it.  Map! " Before the map was brought, the sound of rotors buzzing was heard in the silent night sky. A group of soldiers all looked in the direction of the sound. Only the anti-aircraft missile troops immediately consolidated their positions and moved the radar trucks.  The technical officer stared at the scanning screen.  "The enemy should be coming by helicopter. They are making a low-altitude breakthrough. The height is no more than fifty meters. There is too much clutter on the ground and our radar cannot identify it." The radar report made Brigadier Bombardier look livid. No one wanted to experience it again.  The encounter during the daytime air raid, "How many anti-aircraft missiles do we have?" "Including spare ones, there are thirty-six in total." The officer of the air defense battalion reported.  "Let six 'Walkers' advance two hundred meters out of the camp to provide air defense support." Brigadier General Bombardier had no choice but to make this decision. He was even prepared to lose these precious war weapons. At the same time, he ordered: "Form a  Armored detachment, prepare to raid the opponent's base. No matter whether the opponent is extremely powerful or not, we have to fight for our own survival now! " Forced into a corner, Brigadier General Bombardier plans to take a risk, which is also a benefit for the entire expeditionary force!  Retreat to provide cover.  It¡¯s just that the battle started faster than he imagined. As soon as he arranged the tasks of the troops, the sound of gunfire came from the air defense battalion.  The person who took away the temporary space-time gate was naturally Zhou Qingfeng. His Pip-Boy had the ability to deprive low-level time-space gates of control authority. His move directly cut off the escape route of all the soldiers in the camp.  And his stealth time finally came to an end. The matte armor was hidden in the dark corner of the camp. At the same time, he used the radio to contact Xue Su's troops squatting outside the camp, and at the same time called Catherine and Jill who were on standby at the No. 7 shelter airport.  Let them drive the 'Cannon Bird', and the three parties plan to cooperate internally and externally to clean up the camp.  If you want the "Cannon Bird" to join the battle, killing the opponent's air defense force is the key. The "Walker" is difficult to deal with at first sight, but the stupid and stupid "Hawker Three" is much easier to deal with.  Looking at the nine triple missile racks scattered in a plum blossom shape in the air defense position, Zhou Qingfeng stared at the three missile illumination radars in the night vision screen of the armored light screen. Air defense missiles without radars are blind.  The air defense positions were guarded by powered armor. Ordinary subsonic ammunition would be intercepted by their active defense system. Cornets and RPGs could not be used. Zhou Qingfeng thought about his equipment and had no choice but to bite the bullet.  After inserting five 'broad swords' on the road where the enemy's reinforcements would pass, and switching the trigger mode to infrared, Zhou Qingfeng jumped out of the darkness and ordered: "Anna, keep an eye on this side, these mines can't stop you.  The power armor can only scare them for a few seconds. If someone comes, you must first remind me to escape." The white shadow floated out, said a confession, and hid on the ground.  Zhou Qingfeng picked up his 'Big Viper', reached outside the air defense position, and aimed at the radar control vehicle that was rotating its antenna about three hundred meters away, "Xue Su, I'm ready to take action."   "Understood! Catherine has already set off, please be careful." Xue Su responded on the radio.  There are hundreds of armored soldiers guarding the air defense position. There are two levels of light and dark sentry posts outside the position. The attacks during the day made these soldiers who had not experienced much war quickly grow up. They stared vigilantly at the green picture displayed on the night vision device.  .  Three hundred meters is already the detection limit of ordinary individual night vision devices. Compared with Zhou Qingfeng who can detect high-end goods at one thousand meters, the equipment they use is generally out of date.  It¡¯s just that the sudden explosion of flames in the darkness is still very clear. While the ¡®Big Viper¡¯ produces deadly projectiles, it also creates a dazzling fire.  "Enemy attack!" The soldiers on the position reacted quickly. An armored vehicle equipped with a 20mm machine gun quickly drove over and fired desperately at the place where the flames were lit in the darkness.  But the latter didn't care at all. The 25mm high-speed projectile easily crossed a distance of 300 meters. At the same time, it penetrated the protective wall made of sandbags, broke through the thin protective steel plate of the radar vehicle, and shot the delicate electronic equipment inside thousands of times.  It was riddled with holes and was killed along with the radar operator inside.  Due to the low rate of fire of the 'Big Viper' when it was modified, Zhou Qingfeng had to continue shooting on the spot for four or five seconds before changing positions, and the radar vehicle that was his first target was already on fire.  Zhou Qingfeng put away the Big Viper and ran quickly. The armored vehicle that had just shot at him had already blasted a piece of explosive reactive armor on his arm. He could even hear the ricochet of the underlying armor as it resisted the shells.  Voice.  The armored soldiers and cannon shooters in the position quickly lost track of the enemy, and they had to risk turning on searchlights to try to find the opponent.  Just chasing the searchlight is a fatal projectile for the opponent.  The wheeled armored vehicle that posed a threat to Zhou Qingfeng received priority. The armor that could protect against large-caliber machine gun bullets failed to protect against larger-caliber armor-piercing bullets. The vehicle, which had just shown its power just a short time ago, was set ablaze.  Zhou Qingfeng ignored the remaining power armor soldiers. The six-barreled Gatling posed no threat to him at all. He ran hard in the direction of another radar vehicle.  But before he could reach his destination, a tank suddenly rushed out of the chasm, followed by more than a dozen powered armors. The turret was rotating around, and the commander's periscope was trying to capture the target.  Zhou Qingfeng immediately knelt on the ground, and the 'Big Viper' was placed on his knees. He turned his hand and found an RPG-27. He aimed at the track of the tank and fired.  With a loud bang, the tracks detached from the guide wheels with a crash. Driven by the tracks on the other side, the car body with strong kinetic energy spun in place. Not only did it block the power armor behind it, it also blocked itself.  Vulnerable sides exposed.  After throwing away the empty launch tube, Zhou Qingfeng took out another one. Without changing his posture, he steadily fired another armor-piercing bullet at the opponent.  The metal jet penetrated the opponent's armor and probably hit the ammunition rack. The explosion-proof door in the turret did not work. With a violent roar, the detonated ammunition package directly rushed the entire turret into the sky.  The tons of metal flew hundreds of meters away and hit the ground heavily.  At that moment, all the armored soldiers who followed were frightened. When they mustered up the courage to rush forward again, the second radar vehicle had been destroyed.  When Zhou Qingfeng ran towards the third radar vehicle, Anna Chapman quickly floated back and warned loudly: "Those mines you laid are of no use at all. What the other party is charging at is not powered armor at all.  But there were four or five armored vehicles, and they didn't even stop. "Shut up!" Zhou Qingfeng looked at the third irradiation radar that was nearly 500 meters away, and then looked at the armored vehicle chasing after him.  He took out a plasma grenade, timed it for about five seconds, and threw it toward the back.  Then with the huge force of the fire-type T51-B, the heavy plasma grenade was thrown high, thrown more than 150 meters, and hit the sand.  The armored vehicles were almost rampaging through the camp, heading towards Zhou Qingfeng in a straight line. The first armored vehicle passed over the grenade without stopping, and the second one even crushed the grenade into the sand. However, when the third armored vehicle, the grenade exploded.  It opened and turned into a ball of blue plasma flame.  The high temperature quickly ignited the fuel tank of the third armored vehicle, and the explosion of flames even overturned this light vehicle weighing about ten tons to the ground. Several armored vehicles behind immediately braked and stopped, looking at this in horror.  A ridiculously powerful high-explosive weapon.  However, the first two armored vehicles were not affected by this at all. When they rushed towards Zhou Qingfeng, the two machine cannons opened fire in succession, and Zhou Qingfeng could only run away desperately.  Zhou Qingfeng¡¯s continuous harassment completely brought out the ferocity of the soldiers in the camp. These soldiers who had no way to retreat showed terrible courage and continued to attack during the day.The frustrated 'Birds' detachment took the risk of taking off regardless of the dangers of flying at night. They used the searchlight on the helicopter to scan the ground repeatedly, and used 30mm cannons to attack suspicious places. They didn't even care whether there were friendly forces on the ground.  He was trying his best to kill Zhou Qingfeng.  Zhou Qingfeng scurried around, trying to bully the opponent's powered armor firepower into not threatening him. He took advantage of any openings he found, and even charged against the opponent's Gatling firepower. Several armored soldiers did not die in the enemy's hands.  Instead, he died under the reckless shooting of his own people.  After walking around the air defense position, he found that almost the entire camp's reserve forces had been mobilized. Only then did Zhou Qingfeng see that no one was guarding the third illumination radar vehicle. An armored vehicle that was originally guarding the area was now  Don't know where to go.  Zhou Qingfeng, who was overjoyed, ran straight towards the radar vehicle, but suddenly a low-altitude flying bird jumped out from the opposite side and opened fire at him. Zhou Qingfeng saw the gun barrel pointed at him and jumped away easily.  The radar of the car in the line of fire was completely destroyed.  Mission accomplished, there was a major loophole in the opponent's air defense firepower.
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