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Side Story Chapter 531 - Invasion of TM877 (2)

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    Xie Jiawen was so anxious that sweat broke out on her forehead. After careful consideration, she said: "Uh, hello, I'm Anna Chapman. My spaceship was hit by some meteorites before, and some equipment was damaged, so the video message  Unable to send. " "Oh, that's really bad!" The two male astronauts on the opposite side were immediately discouraged. The guy named Schiff said, "Ms. Chapman, don't worry, we just sent some for you.  There are maintenance robots on the cargo ship to help you repair the damaged facilities. " "Oh, thank you very much! Thank you very much!" Xie Jiawen thanked her for a long time without knowing what to do.  He spoke downwards, fearing that he might get into trouble if he said the wrong thing.  It happened that Zhou Qingfeng was busy at the moment, and the real Anna Chapman was unable to communicate with her.  "Uh, have you eaten?" After Xie Jiawen said this greeting with Chinese characteristics, she suddenly felt that she had said it wrong, but could she still talk to the other party about the weather in space?  That¡¯s even more outrageous!  It¡¯s just that the two astronauts opposite were also exhausted by the long space flight. The two began to talk endlessly about the various inconveniences and pains they had experienced in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation.  Only then did Xie Jiawen find a topic to talk about.  After just chatting for a few minutes, the two astronauts opposite asked again, "Can we meet? Ms. Chapman, do you see how rare it is for us to meet in the loneliness of space?!" Currently busy  When Zhou Qingfeng opened the personnel passage, his first reaction was, "Okay! Come on, hurry up! I'm worried that I can't catch you?!" But Xie Jiawen was frightened, and she subconsciously refused.  : "Oh, I don't want it anymore, I like to be alone." The two male astronauts opposite suddenly felt very strange. No matter who they were, they would fall into deep loneliness after staying alone in space for several years. At this time  It will be very nice to have companions come to visit.  But the woman opposite refused. The astronaut named Charlie pulled up Anna Chapman's information, and what appeared on the screen was a beautiful young woman with a smile.  The two astronauts have been having sex with each other in space for a long time, and they really hope to have something pleasurable with a real woman.  "Why is this?" Charlie asked his companion Shiv after temporarily cutting off the call.  Schiff shrugged and said with the same confusion: "I can't explain it, but this woman is quite beautiful and her voice is very sweet. It's a pity that we can't communicate with each other." The two male astronauts didn't care whether they were beautiful or not.  Seeing the real person, Xie Jiawen's disguised voice could be heard clearly, and it was indeed very pleasant. However, Charlie stabbed his companion, pointed to an item on the light screen and said: "The voiceprint recognition is wrong.  The computer didn't think this was Anna Chapman's voice. "Hill was also confused. After connecting the voice again, he asked: "Ms. Chapman, there seems to be something wrong with your voice?" Xie Jiawen also subconsciously made excuses.  Said: "Well, I have been feeling a little unwell these past few days and my throat is inflamed." If we were in the main time and space, this would be a good excuse, but in 2100, especially on a scientific exploration ship, this would be a very lame excuse.  La.  "Can't your medical device help you recover?" Schiff continued.  Xie Jiawen also realized that the reason she was looking for was unreasonable, but she could only continue to make up, "Well, the nano medical robot is almost used up."  The more the astronauts asked, the more suspicious they became, and the computer also gave the analysis results, "The voiceprint analysis showed that the other party was very nervous. What happened to Ms. Chapman?" The more suspicious the more flaws were discovered, and soon the two  People discovered something unexplainable, "Look here, the surveillance system shows that someone is trying to manually open the personnel channel. Ms. Chapman should be talking to us in front of the control console right now. How could she be opening it again?"  Personnel passage? "And she just rejected our request for a meeting." The two male astronauts were puzzled, and the conversation naturally stopped. Xie Jiawen didn't know what to say.  The astronaut named Charlie floated to the porthole of the cargo spacecraft with suspicion and looked at the Bruno 171 that was connected to them.  After seeing it, he was shocked and hurriedly called astronaut Schiff and shouted: "Look, look at this spaceship 'Bruno 171'." "What's wrong? What did you find?" Schiff also  Then it floated over.  ¡°This scientific exploration spacecraft is a standard model of the European Aeronautics and Space Administration. The fuel tanks are all external.The information we received before was that its fuel tank was destroyed by a meteorite, so we rushed to the rescue.  But you see, its two fuel tanks are intact and there are no problems.  " Both astronauts felt something was wrong, and this was a warning from the spacecraft's computer that the personnel passage was about to be opened. Please be prepared. " Both astronauts were a little panicked at this moment. Who was deceiving them?  , who lied about the accident, and who wants to enter the cargo spacecraft? "Quick, quick, disconnect, we can't let it come, something abnormal is obviously happening on the other side.  "Charlie, the astronaut Charlie, shouted quickly. "The invasion of extraterrestrial creatures in space has always been a classic theme in film and television creation. Although both astronauts believe that science fiction works are very unreliable, they feel that ensuring their own safety is the most important thing.  Important. The Schiff astronauts quickly stopped the supply of supplies and wanted to disconnect the cargo spacecraft from Bruno 171. On the Bruno 171, the alarm also sounded, and the intelligent computer began to sound.  Warning. Anna Chapman glanced at the light screen on the console and immediately shouted to Zhou Qingfeng: "They want to leave and are trying to escape.  " Zhou Qingfeng was currently in the final steps of manually opening the personnel channel. When he heard the news, he immediately knew that if he was separated by the two guys on the opposite side, he was afraid that he would never be able to find the Pioneer again and would use up most of it.  The fueled 'Bruno 171' will become garbage floating in space. "Stop talking nonsense and tell me what to do?"  "Zhou Qingfeng roared. "There is no way, they control the channel connection.  We are not as fast as them.  Moreover, the personnel passage is not completely closed yet. When it is opened, our area will be evacuated into a vacuum.  " Zhou Qingfeng's brain was running at high speed, and he immediately shouted to Xie Jiawen: "Jiawen, leave here immediately and return to the shelter.  Anna, go through the passage immediately and stop their operation.  Quick, move quickly!  " As soon as Xie Jiawen heard the order, she immediately fled in panic. And Anna Chapman shouted: "You are crazy!  It's possible that the channel was broken and I would have been exposed to high-energy cosmic rays, which would have been fatal to me.  " "If you don't want to die in the end, you must take risks!  "Time is very urgent, Zhou Qingfeng's tone became extremely stern, "I order you to hurry up!  " Anna Chapman floated around in the air a few times, then floated to the light screen on the console to check the docking status. Finally, she braved her scalp and got through the personnel access hatch that had not yet been opened.  After setting the command, Charlie and Schiff on the opposite side quietly waited for the spacecraft to disconnect from the 'Bruno 171'. But the separation process had just begun, and they saw a white shadow floating over.  Both of them shouted in panic: ¡°Oh my God, aliens!  There really are aliens!  " Anna Chapman was just congratulating herself that her adventure was a success and that she did not die from cosmic rays. When she saw the two guys shouting in front of her, she was so bold that she rushed over with a curse, "  Who asked you two to come?  Who asked you to cause trouble?  "The two astronauts watched the white shadow floating over, and ran away screaming, while throwing everything they could find at the white shadow. But Anna Chapman was completely unhindered by physical entities and didn't care.  The nausea that penetrated into other people's bodies first floated into Astronaut Charlie's body, freezing him half to death. The moment Astronaut Charlie was attacked, he felt stiff all over and felt cold in his heart, floating in the air.  Shivering, he waved his hand and shouted to his fellow astronaut Schiff: "Help me, help me quickly!"  "But how can this be just a rescue? Astronaut Schiff didn't know how to rescue him at all? After he hurriedly escaped from the control cabin, he was thinking about how to find a weapon to resist this terrible alien. "He said  While running away, I wailed in my heart, "Oh my God!  Why is it happening like that!  One of our scientific exploration spacecraft was occupied by aliens, but we hurriedly sent it to the door to be captured. Why!  This is something that only happens in movies!  Oh, God!  Oh, God!  Have you abandoned us?  " At this moment, Xie Jiawen had already returned to the wasteland and was looking at the space-time door nervously, with the same panic in her heart. " Zhou Qingfeng finally used manual control to re-apply to the 'TM877' to open the cabin for personnel access.  The air on the Bruno 171 immediately rushed into the passage that was not completely closed. Zhou Qingfeng, who was wearing a space suit, was pushed out by the airflow and directly entered the cargo spacecraft. The moment he entered the spacecraft, Zhou Qingfeng let out a long breath.  After a breath, I felt that this plan was finally half successful. Then I saw a person floating not far away, and Anna Chapman floated from that person's body.He came out, rushed into Zhou Qingfeng's body and shouted: "Close the hatch, otherwise he will suffocate to death." Zhou Qingfeng followed the instructions and closed the hatch of the personnel passage, which made astronaut Charlie's eyes so  It had bulged out like a goldfish, with more air coming out and less air entering. When he saw Zhou Qingfeng in a space suit floating in front of him, he said with a pale face: "Aliens are going to invade us!" (There is a fool.  .I said in the book review section that I named the pig's feet 'Victor Hugo', which offended France's national dignity. I was really scared to death! I have always had a good temper, and most people disagreed with it!  Most of them just scolded me for writing lewd and lascivious things, but I just pretended not to see it. But to label it for the sake of "national dignity" really challenged my imagination! I have seen a lot of people who worship foreigners.  This is the first time I have seen a foreign master defend himself like this. I just want to say this to that idiot: No matter how good you are at licking your master¡¯s ass and eyes, others will treat you like a dog.
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