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Text Chapter 753 Space Collapse

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    "Who is he? Can't help but go in finally?" "That's good, let him go and explore the situation for us first to see if there is anything special about this pavilion!" Everyone looked at the direction.  Zhao Yang from Linxian Pavilion was discussing in a low voice.  Zhao Yang naturally didn't pay attention to the comments of those around him, but when he walked to the 'Linxian Pavilion' and was about to step into it, a huge roar seemed to come from far away in the sky.  Come.  The loud noise reverberated throughout the world, and the entire sky shook violently with the loud noise, including the mountain peak that was 10,000 meters above the ground beneath the feet of Zhao Yang and others, which was also affected by a huge sway!  "What's going on?" "What's going on?" "What happened?" Everyone on the mountain peak raised their heads and looked at the sky in surprise.  Zhao Yang was no exception. He was about to step into the 'Linxian Pavilion' and stopped involuntarily. He suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky At the same time, over the 'Black Earth Continent' which was very far away from the land of China,  A truly 'earth-shaking' scene is taking place.  The terrifying whirlpool that enveloped the entire 'Black Earth Continent' now seemed like a ferocious and ferocious monster, with the dense and mysterious formations, and the glowing, dark red talismans.  It's like the sharp claws of a monster, ruthlessly tearing apart the sky above the 'Black Earth Continent'!  That terrifying power constantly collided with the space above the 'Black Earth Continent', erupting with huge rumbling noises, and dark red lightnings kept dancing like electric snakes in the huge vortex, just like a  Terrifying scenes of the end of the world.  The space above the ¡®Black Earth Continent¡¯ was gradually distorted by the impact of the terrifying whirlpool, and then tiny cracks gradually began to appear.  Then, the formation patterns and talismans in the vortex immediately penetrated into the space cracks like tarsal maggots, and then quickly tore apart.  Destroy those originally small space cracks even larger!  In less than half an hour, the space above the 'Black Earth Continent' turned into a mirror covered with spiderweb-like cracks, and it seemed that it would completely collapse and shatter at any time!  In fact, the space above the ¡®Black Earth Continent¡¯ cannot last long.  As below, the Xingluo Soul-Slaying Formation and the seventy-two Blood Spirit Flags suddenly erupted again with a powerful force pouring into the huge dark red vortex, the center of the sky over the 'Black Earth Continent'  The large space that was already covered with countless small cracks could no longer withstand the impact of such a force.  With a burst of shattering sound so intense that it almost spread throughout the entire world, the space finally shattered like a shattered glass mirror! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??The so-called loud sound makes a sound, but the elephant is invisible!  The moment when the space over the ¡®Black Earth Continent¡¯ shattered was a phenomenon similar to this.  The sound caused by the collapse of space turned into huge wave-like ripples that surged in all directions The sound of shattering spanned a long space distance.  After being weakened step by step, it was finally heard by people on other distant continents!  But the scene at the moment when the space above the Black Earth Continent was shattered was just a vast white void!  At this time, all the staff of observatories from various countries who had witnessed this change in the sky over the 'Black Earth Continent' through satellite monitoring had dull expressions on their faces, and their eyes were extremely shocked as they looked at the picture information sent back by the satellite.  , full of incredible!  "What, what is this?!" "Just now I seemed to clearly see the space above the 'Black Earth Continent' completely collapse and shatter like a mirror? Is this true?" "And now this  What¡¯s a white scene?¡± ¡°What is going on? What happened on the Black Earth Continent?¡± Everyone was shocked.  But, right after, a scene that shocked them even more happened.  I saw it in the information sent back by the satellite.  The space above the 'Black Earth Continent' that had turned into a vast expanse of white suddenly appeared with countless turbulences, and then a colorful scene appeared in front of them "Is thisspace turbulence?" "  Is that colorful area a 'space tunnel'?" The staff at observatories in various countries were staring closely at the information sent back by the satellites. At this time, they felt that their brains were not enough.  Everything that happened over the Black Earth Continent was really shocking!    The space fragmented, and then space turbulence and space tunnels appeared No one knew what was going on!  It is even more impossible to deduce the cause.  He could only stare stupidly at the information sent back by the satellite and watch the developments over the 'Black Earth Continent'.  Of course, this situation was quickly reported to the top leaders of their respective countries by the staff of various observatories.  However, after experiencing large-scale disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and typhoons in the past few days, all countries are now involved in post-disaster relief and reconstruction.  In addition, it is to prepare for the ¡®end of the world¡¯ or other disasters that may actually come.  At this time, there are not many countries that have the energy to pay attention to the situation in the "Black Earth Continent", only those few big countries are left.  However, when the leaders of those major countries learned about the situation above the Black Earth Continent, they couldn't help being surprised. They immediately rushed to the observatory to personally check the situation above the Black Earth Continent. ? This naturally includes the Huaxia Kingdom.  "What's going on? Do you know the reason?" In the China National Observatory, Hua Nanhai No. 1 and No. 2 came here at the same time, looking at the picture information returned by the satellites.  He couldn't help but frown and asked the staff around him.  "Two chiefs, we don't know the cause of the situation on the Black Earth Continent. We have reported before that a huge dark red vortex formed over the Black Earth Continent. According to the data returned by the satellite, the current situation on the Black Earth Continent is  These conditions over the mainland should be caused by the dark red vortex. "As for how the vortex was formed, there is no way to guess. We have also contacted the Academy of Science before and asked them to send scientists.  Take a flight to the Black Earth Continent to check out the situation. However, the surroundings of the Black Earth Continent are now blocked by an invisible force, making it impossible to get close to it!" The staff of the observatory quickly replied.  For these situations, these two people from South China Sea naturally understand it.  They had visited the observatory before when the huge whirlpool first appeared in the 'Black Earth Continent', but they were busy dealing with other things, so they left.  However, he ordered the observatory to pay close attention to the situation in the "Black Earth Continent".  Report any changes immediately.  "Alas, it seems that there are too many things we don't know" 'No. 1' and 'No. 2' looked at each other, couldn't help but stretched out their hands to rub their foreheads and sighed.  'No. 2' couldn't help but sigh when he heard this, and said: "Yes! This world is no longer the world we knew before. I really don't know what will happen in the future." "Well. Now.  We couldn't find anyone to ask about these situations. The two practitioners couldn't be contacted. Most of the other sects who had reported it were also unable to contact them, and those who could be contacted were basically evasive.  Sigh" 'No. 1' couldn't help but sigh again.  ??Since this period of time, the two leaders who hold the highest power in China have been torn by all kinds of endless events and changes.  The entire land of China was severely damaged by the previous wave of earthquakes, typhoons and other disasters, and the casualties were even heavier.  In addition, people are panicking about the ¡®doomsday¡¯.  The chaos of order, the shortage of supplies in various places, the inconvenience of transportation caused by the destruction of roads after the disasteretc., etc., have all brought huge troubles to post-disaster reconstruction and ensuring the people's minimum 'survival' supplies.  Yes, survive!  Now for people in most places, the only word "survival" can be used to describe today's life.  Even areas that were not devastated by disasters were not much better.  Now the whole country.  In other words, it can be said that the entire world's economic system has completely collapsed, and all currencies have been reduced to a pile of waste paper.  Only physical objects are real ¡®money¡¯!  The impact and chaos caused by the complete collapse of the entire economic system is unimaginable.  It is almost no lighter than those disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, etc.  If military control regulations had not been activated in various parts of China, all public supplies would be distributed on a regular basis according to people, especially necessary living supplies, such as food, drinking water, etc., to ensure people's most basic survival needs.  I'm afraid that everything has been completely chaotic, order has collapsed, and morals have been lost!  Now, although most people in various parts of China, especially those in cities, can barely maintain a state of food and clothing, they can at least survive, and the entire social order is relatively stable.  Relatively speaking, people living in rural areas are much better off.  After all, if you live in a rural area.  The most basic foodThere will be no shortage at any time.  This is much better than the residents in the city.  No matter how much food is stored at home, urban residents are still far from being able to compare with those in rural areas.  Even so, compared to before, all parts of China are still quite chaotic.  There are endless robberies.  More importantly, people's spiritual world has become extremely sensitive and fragile, and many people are on the verge of collapse at any time.  It can be said that with regard to the current situation of this country, the entire South China Sea has felt "exhausted".  Everyone is like a tight string, especially the two leaders of the Huaxia Kingdom, who are constantly overloaded with work.  It has been just over a month since the 'solar eclipse' began.  Both of them were obviously much older.  But there is no way. They are the helmsmen of this country and this nation. No matter how hard it is, no matter how "desperate" the future is, they must grit their teeth and persevere, inspiring the entire nation to persevere!  "Otherwise, once they can no longer hold on and fall down, then the future of this country and this nation I am afraid it will be even more uncertain!"
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