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Text Chapter 749: Rebirth and Destruction

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    At the 'Kunlun Mountain', dozens of cultivators with cultivation levels above the Golden Core stage gathered together in small groups and discussed in low voices. From time to time, everyone turned their attention to the mountain shrouded in colorful clouds.  The 'Kunlun Main Peak'.  However, the 'Kunlun Main Peak' has not undergone any significant changes. It has always been shrouded in the rich colorful clouds. From time to time, there will be rays of light flowing through it, and the obscure fluctuations have always existed.  But no one dares to enter the range of the ¡®Kunlun Main Peak¡¯ rashly!  But the colorful twisted vortices in the sky began to gradually undergo some changes.  The distortion of each vortex gradually began to relax, and the colorful light rain also showed a weakening trend.  After another two days, the twisted whirlpools in the sky finally disappeared completely, and the entire sky was completely 'smoothed'!  Those colorful light rains also slowly stopped as the whirlpool disappeared.  Along with the colorful colors in the sky, they are also gradually fading away The changes in the sky naturally attract people's attention.  Both the cultivators in the Kunlun Mountains and ordinary people in the world looked up at the sky again.  As the colorful lights in the sky gradually faded and disappeared, the entire world gradually darkened again.  Until the last ray of light in the sky completely disappeared, the entire world returned to the dark scene before.  Almost less than a minute after the last ray of light disappeared from the sky, the dark sky seemed to be suddenly torn open by a big hand. A bright light suddenly bloomed, and the endless darkness briefly disappeared.  They were all dispersed in a matter of seconds!  Light and heat have returned to the earth.  The scorching sun, which had been away from people's sight for more than a month, finally hung high in the sky again.  ¡®Solar eclipse¡¯ is over!  Looking up at the scorching sun in the sky.  Zhao Yang couldn't help but murmured: "Has the power of law finally completely rejoined this world? The era of 'end of law' has finally ended completely? A new era, a new era has begun!" Not only  Zhao Yang, Song Wu, Taoist Master Liao Chen, and all the other cultivators were all looking up at the scorching sun that reappeared in the sky.  Those ordinary people in the world also stared blankly at the bright and blue sun.  Breeze and white clouds, such a peaceful and harmonious sky Everyone has a kind of ups and downs in their heart, and they can't tell what kind of emotion they are.  Especially those who have survived previous earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, typhoons and other disasters, now they see the sun appear again and see the peaceful, clean and clear blue sky and white clouds, and their mood is even more complicated.  The sun reappears.  Not only did it bring light back to the earth, it also dispelled most of the haze in people's hearts.  Especially, after experiencing the colorful light rain that lasted for several days, the entire world seemed to be glowing with an indescribable vitality.  The most obvious thing is that the old feeling of dirty air in big cities is completely gone. Take a deep breath, and there is only a refreshing freshness.  It feels as if the whole person is in a natural jungle with dense vegetation.  The air between heaven and earth seems to be particularly good.  Many areas that were originally heavily polluted by industry seem to have become 'clean' again.  Those places that were hit by earthquakes, tsunamis and other disasters and became completely in ruins have been re-occupied by various vegetation such as plants, vines and so on.  Although the cities that suffered the disaster still look like ruins.  But it no longer feels like a 'dead place' like it did just after the disaster.  In the ruins, people can also feel that the power of life is awakening and glowing quickly It can be said that at this moment, although the entire earth has suffered devastating damage from unimaginable disasters, at this moment, it is glowing  With a positive attitude.  Full of life force.  Even the gloom, fear, anxiety and other negative and pessimistic emotions deep in people's hearts seem to have been washed away by this breath of life, and gradually become cheerful, sunny and peaceful.  Looking at the blue sky, feeling the slightly scorching sunshine on their bodies, and looking at the vibrant vegetation around them, many people couldn't help but smile.  It seems that all disasters have become a thing of the past at this moment, and the so-called ¡®doomsday¡¯ has also become a thing of the past.  At this moment, what is waiting for people will be?Positive ¡®new life¡¯!  However, not every corner of this world is so ¡®harmonious¡¯.  At least, the people on the 'Black Earth Continent' are still shrouded in the haze of fear at this moment.  The huge and terrifying blood-colored vortex in the sky is like a terrifying monster overlooking all the creatures on the entire "Black Earth Continent".  Under the huge black-red vortex, the sunlight that reappeared in the sky could not shine through to the 'Black Earth Continent'.  At this moment.  The entire Black Earth Continent was illuminated by a layer of dark red blood light, and even the air was filled with a disgusting smell of blood, decay, depravity, sin, etc.  Fear, panic, despair and other emotions have always shrouded people's hearts.  Especially, at some point, it suddenly started to rain lightly in the sky of the ¡®Black Earth Continent¡¯.  Raining is nothing, but the rain that falls is not ordinary rain.  But when it is bright red and dazzling like blood raindrops, it is enough to make people feel scared!  At this time, blood-like rain was falling continuously on the entire "Black Earth Continent".  The entire Black Earth Continent was instantly filled with the smell of blood.  The entire earth was dyed red by the falling rain, and even the rivers quickly turned into rivers of blood This was only on the surface.  Soon, the people on the Black Earth Continent discovered the true horror of these blood-like rains.  Those ¡®bloody waters¡¯ are filled with an evil power.  Outside, people who were soaked by the 'bloody water' soon discovered a strange feeling coming from their bodies. Their skin gradually became itchy and became more and more intense.  When they couldn¡¯t help but scratch it with their hands, they were even more horrified to find that the more they scratched, the more intense and unbearable the itching feeling became!  Until a moment later, when they scratched their skin completely, scratching their skin to pieces and covered with blood stains, the itching feeling seemed to have penetrated deep into the bone marrow!  The feeling like countless ants gnawing in the body made those people feel crazy pain.  However, no matter what measures they took, the pain was not alleviated at all.  Not only humans, but also the animals all over the "Black Earth Continent", after being drenched by the "bloody water" falling from the sky, they also quickly felt itching all over their bodies, and then their fur began to fester, revealing  bloody flesh and blood.  Even the plants were not spared.  All the trees began to rot from the surface. The thick bark began to smoke slowly, as if sulfuric acid had been poured on it. The roots and stems were also rapidly decaying, and their vitality was rapidly losing As for those flowers and plants, etc.  The others were even crisper. After being soaked by the blood and water, they quickly became withered and yellow, and then even the roots were completely rotten!  When people discovered the horror of the 'bloody water', they immediately fled into the house one after another.  And those people who were originally in the house were even more horrified as they looked out the window at the people soaked in blood and rolling on the ground in agony. They looked at their whole bodies being corroded and festered, revealing their terrifying flesh dripping with blood.  In some places, dense white bones were directly exposed In the end, in less than half an hour, those people finally completely lost the strength to struggle, and gradually became silent.  Immediately afterwards, their bodies were quickly and completely corroded, including their bones, which turned into a pool of blood and blended into the 'rainwater' on the ground!  Such a terrifying scene naturally frightened the people in the house, and they felt terrified in their hearts.  Many people couldn't help but secretly rejoice in their hearts. They were glad that they had stayed indoors and did not run outside. Otherwise, once they were caught by those terrible 'rains', they would definitely be like those people outside.  In the end, he died in extreme pain, and even his body turned into a pool of blood!  "It's a pity that these people's happiness did not last long.  A few hours later, the 'blood rain' continued to rain across the entire 'Black Earth Continent'.  The bloody smell in the air became more and more intense, and people could even vaguely see wisps of blood floating in the air like light smoke.  At this time, those people hiding indoors gradually discovered that they felt something strange.  It seemed that the skin suddenly started to itch a little, and the itching gradually became stronger and soon became unbearable The real disaster has just begun!  The entire ¡®Black Earth Continent¡¯ is gradually becoming a ¡®Shura Blood Prison¡¯.  The earth is completely stained with "bloody water"??, countless vegetation was rotted by the erosion of "blood water", and its vitality was completely lost and exhausted.  Countless animals, insects and humans!  ¡°All the creatures on the entire ¡®Black Earth Continent¡¯ are suffering from devastating disasters!  Or it can be described as ¡®catastrophe¡¯!  Death threatens almost all living things on the entire "Black Earth Continent".  Human beings, animals and insects all suffered great pain and died under the "blood rain". Their (their) corpses all turned into blood and merged into the "rain", without even a trace of residue.  There is nothing left
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