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Text Chapter 734 The sky is full of colorful clouds

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    A few hours later, the colorful light group had become as scorching as a scorching sun.  However, the colorful rays of light in the light group seemed to be controlled by an inexplicable force, and were firmly bound within the scope of the light group, and did not shine further.  Seeing that the light contained in the light group became more and more intense, it seemed that it had gradually reached a certain extreme, and the world gradually began to be filled with an inexplicable strange aura.  That kind of breath is a little dull and depressing, just like the heavy feeling before a violent storm.  At the same time, there is a faint feeling in that breath that is completely opposite to dullness and depression. It is difficult to describe it in specific words. It is just like the air after a heavy rain, which makes people feel different.  of comfort.  This somewhat ¡®contradictory¡¯ feeling is not only pervasive, but also getting stronger and stronger.  Soon, nearly an hour passed.  At this moment, everyone can already sense that some kind of brewing has reached its peak, and some changes are about to come!  The entire atmosphere between heaven and earth is like a prelude to the coming storm, with an unusual silence and tranquility. It seems that the only thing left in the entire world is the light group in the sky that is changing slightly, and everything else.  Everything has stopped, including space and time Buzz!  At this moment, the light group in the sky suddenly trembled, and at that moment, the whole world seemed to tremble along with it.  Immediately afterwards, a sound like breaking glass suddenly erupted from the light group. The sound seemed to ring in everyone's ears, and it was transmitted to everyone's ears very clearly.  ¡®Bah!  ' Just after this sound, the light group was like a broken egg, and many cracks began to appear quickly on the 'surface' at the edge. The cracks snaked and extended, and they were all filled up all of a sudden.  The entire light group.  At the same time, wisps of colorful rays of light began to transmit from the cracks on the surface of the light group Bang!  A moment later, there was another loud explosion, and the light group finally exploded completely, and endless colorful light bloomed instantly, shining in all directions!  The ten thousand feet of rays of light even completely illuminated the entire sky, turning the dark sky that had lasted for more than a month into something as bright and dazzling as day.  However, those rays of light are all gorgeous and colorful rays of light, like endless colorful neon lights that fill the entire sky, turning the entire sky into colorful!  This sudden change stunned everyone.  Regardless of the other things, after the light group exploded completely, the ten thousand feet of glow that bloomed was really too magnificent and spectacular.  ¡°Imagine the scene where the entire sky is completely enveloped in colorful rays of light. The splendor, the magnificence, the magnificence It¡¯s simply beyond words to describe.  Even the most sci-fi movies cannot present such intoxicating and gorgeous scenes.  Everyone was staring blankly at this scene in the sky, looking at the magnificence that they would never forget!  At this moment, in front of this unparalleled beauty, people even forgot that the glow covering the sky might even be fatal, and it might be a disaster caused by the 'doomsday'!  Everyone was staring at the sky motionless, refusing to blink, for fear of missing any beautiful and spectacular picture!  Some people who responded quickly had already taken out their home cameras and stood on balconies and rooftops to shoot the sky constantly.  However, when these people pointed their cameras, cameras and other shooting equipment at the sky, they suddenly discovered that the camera lens was blank, with nothing in it!  Not to mention the extremely gorgeous scenes that are being staged at this moment.  In fact, a few hours ago, when the light group just appeared in the sky, someone was already taking photos of the light group with camera equipment.  But they also couldn¡¯t see anything in the camera lens, only a blank space!  It seems that the light group and the endless rays of light in the sky at this moment can only be seen by the naked eye. These scenes cannot be seen through the lens of any camera equipment, and the photos taken are also blank and contain nothing.  After discovering this, people could only regretfully throw away the camera equipment in their hands, and look up again to 'appreciate' the magnificent scenery in the sky.  It is indeed a pity that we cannot record this completely unimaginable splendor at this moment.  It's just that the reality is like this, no matter how regretful it is, there is nothing you can do about it.  Those colorful rays of light in the sky enveloped you in a short period of time.?The whole sky.  If you watch it with the naked eye from space, you can find that the entire earth is surrounded by a thick ring of colorful glow at this moment, just like a planetary ring, it is extremely beautiful and spectacular!  While people were marveling at the colorful sky with endless rays of light, Zhao Yang and other cultivators with good cultivation felt countless "mixed" and mysterious auras intertwined with each other from the colorful rays of light in the sky.  Like the waves, the undulating glow gradually distorts the space, forming numerous vortexes of various sizes and incomparable splendor.  This makes the entire sky give people the feeling of being in a "magical foreign land".  "If nothing else goes wrong, these rays of light should be caused by the intertwining of heaven and earth and the harmony of heaven and earth." "I just don't know what kind of amazing changes will happen next, and what kind of amazing spectacle will be caused.  Come out!" While Zhao Yang continued to resist the unabated pressure of heaven and earth, he looked up at the brilliant twisting whirlpools in the sky, feeling amazed in his heart.  Because he once practiced on the ¡®Diyuan Immortal Continent¡¯ to the transitional tribulation period, Zhao Yang is far more familiar with the aura of the laws of heaven and earth than ordinary practitioners.  He vaguely felt from the rays of light in the sky that they were formed by the intertwining and mixing of countless laws. The aura contained in the rays of light also became extremely complex and obscure, and it was difficult to distinguish a single law.  A breath of power.  Compared to Zhao Yang, Zhang Xiansheng¡¯s understanding of the laws of heaven and earth is far less thorough and familiar than Zhao Yang.  However, combined with various circumstances, he still guessed the root cause of all these changes.  It¡¯s just that now, each of them is just a ¡®spectator¡¯.  For this great change in the "general trend of heaven and earth", it is simply not something that any individual's will and ability can intervene in and influence.  What needs to be done is just to wait quietly, patiently waiting for this world to complete this final step, so that all the laws of heaven and earth can completely return to the earth, and completely reintegrate into this world!  When this step is finally completed, everything will be over.  However, it is unknown what will happen during this process and what kind of vision will be caused "Such a scene is incredible! It is so beautiful" In 'Qingyu  Liang Jing and others in the audience also looked up at the sky in the courtyard and marveled.  Such a magnificent scene is truly amazing!  "Yes, it is indeed beautiful! It is so beautiful that it makes people feel a little unreal, as if it is an illusion!" Liang Jing looked at the sky without blinking and murmured in response.  Although the pressure of heaven and earth they have endured these days has made them feel very strenuous, it can even be said to be a kind of painful suffering.  The huge pressure made it difficult for several of them to move. Although they could still move reluctantly, they couldn't do it as freely as normal. Even if they wanted to walk faster or move bigger, it would be difficult.  Hard to do!  However, looking at the breathtakingly beautiful vision in the sky at this moment made them all temporarily forget the pressure they were under, and their originally tortured mood suddenly became much more relaxed.  "So Zhao Yang told us that the laws of heaven and earth are gradually returning. I think these rays of light should also be caused by the return of the laws. I just don't know how long these visions will last" Mu Qing  Lan also spoke up.  As soon as Mu Qinglan finished speaking, a huge bolt of lightning suddenly appeared in the sky and cut through half of the sky. The dazzling electric light was so dazzling that people could not open their eyes.  But the strange thing is that the lightning is not the usual purple, but the same color as the colorful rays of light in the sky!  With the sudden appearance of the colorful lightning, an extremely harsh thunderclap sound also penetrated into the ears, which made people's eardrums feel a faint sting!  Countless people subconsciously covered their ears tightly.  People were startled by the sudden thunderbolt, and many people were even shocked to the point where they jumped up from the ground!  Boom As the colorful lightning flashed across the sky, a huge roar of thunder also reached people's ears.  This roar of thunder was also extremely deafening and strong. It seemed that the entire earth was shaken by this thunder and could not help but tremble.  The sudden colorful lightning and terrifying thunder naturally aroused people's nervousness again.  They all stared at the sky with solemn expressions, nervousness and anxiety, watching to see if there would be any shocking phenomena after the strange colorful lightning and thunder in the sky!    As expected, after the colorful lightning and thunder, there were some changes in the sky.  However, the changes that occurred this time were no longer so incredible and shocking to people.  And it just started to rain in the sky!  At first it was just a drop of rain, a very sporadic raindrop, and people didn't notice it.  But then, when those raindrops soon turned into a drizzle of light rain, people's faces immediately showed a look of surprise, and they suddenly looked up at the raindrops falling from the sky If it was just ordinary rain, then  There is nothing surprising about it.  But when those raindrops falling from the sky are not ordinary rain, but colorful light rain, that is very unusual!  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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