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Text Chapter 712 The Beginning of Chaos

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    Two hours, three hours, four hours, five hours When a full five or six hours passed and people never saw even a ray of sunshine in the sky, everyone's worries finally became more and more anxious.  got up.  For five or six hours, except for the lights, the surroundings were always dark like night.     No!  It can even be said that it is even darker than the previous nights. Apart from lights, there is no other light source at all.  In the past, at night, there would be some starlight or moonlight, but now, there is not even a hint of these!  Of course, while they are anxious, ordinary people should go home and cook when they should eat.  After all, no matter how worried and anxious you are, you can't help being hungry, right?  However, what is different from usual is that in the past few hours, large-scale panic buying has occurred in various cities.  Almost everything in the supermarket has been sold out by people worried about whether there will really be an 'end of the world'.  A few years ago, there was a "Thunder Night" that lasted for three days and three nights, causing some unprepared people to starve. Many people were violently assaulted and beaten because they went out to look for food.  After the gangster persecution, everyone is now more cautious.  They all adopt the attitude of rather trusting what they have than trusting what they don¡¯t have. No matter what, it is always right to stock up on more food and daily necessities at home.  Anyway, even if the 'end of the world' doesn't come, these things can still be used in the future. At most, they just occupy some space, which is not a trouble at all.  The ¡®panic buying¡¯ crisis has made the owners of supermarkets large and small both happy and worried.  After selling so many products, I made a lot of money, so I was naturally happy.  Butif the 'end of the world' really comes, no matter how much money you have, it will become no different than waste paper.  Everyone knows that in the real "apocalypse", only real materials, especially living materials, such as food, medicine and the like, are "money" in the true sense!  It can even be said to be ¡®fate¡¯!  The turmoil of this kind of 'panic buying' among the people is just a trivial matter. Although some people with ulterior motives want to take advantage of the chaos to do 'illegal things', fortunately, they have experienced the 'thunder' of those three days a few years ago.  After the "Night" incident, the state had already taken precautions against this, and there were police patrols everywhere on the streets.  ??Even, the troops from all major military regions have received orders from their superiors and sent to major cities to be responsible for maintaining order.  The intensive patrols have made many people with evil intentions give up their evil thoughts.  Furthermore, apart from the abnormal ¡®solar eclipse¡¯ that appeared in the sky, which lasted for several hours without re-establishing light, there was no other impact.  Everything around him is actually pretty much the same as a normal night, although the major entertainment venues are destined to be very depressed tonight.  And as the time in China has entered night, people can only learn about the situation through the Internet.  But when people learned that a few hours had passed and the entire earth was still in darkness, with no sunlight shining in any area, everyone couldn't help but feel a little more nervous.  Especially when I see many people talking about the 'end of the world' on the Internet, speculating and exploring various possibilities, and even what will happen if the 'end of the world' really comes, and how people should deal with it.  etc., these topics have undoubtedly deepened people's anxiety and panic about the 'doomsday'.  Although the state wants to ban these "doomsday" remarks, it also knows that these remarks cannot be banned at all.  Because you can't stop people from talking.  No matter how hard you ban it, people will still talk about it in various ways and roundabout ways.  Unless you cut off the mutual network across the country.  However, even so, people will still inevitably talk about these things among their neighbors or friends and acquaintances in reality.  Therefore, it is completely meaningless to prohibit people from talking about topics related to the end of the world.  Moreover, the country has more things to do and prepare for than to "block the people's mouths."  What's more, even the top leaders of the South China Sea are dubious about whether the 'end of the world' will come, and they have even made a lot of preparations for it.  Even shortly after the 'solar eclipse' started, when the 'doomsday' comments broke out on the Internet, the 'No. 1' of 'South China Sea' personally asked his secretary to call Zhao Yang and Song Wu to inquire.  These are two 'cultivators' who have reached a close 'cooperation' agreement with the country.  It¡¯s just that Zhao Yang is now far away in Qingyu Temple in ¡®Wangwu Mountain¡¯, where?There is no signal and the call from ¡®China South Sea¡¯ cannot be received.  Therefore, the South China Sea only contacted Song Wu.  Song Wu did not hide anything about the matters asked by the South China Sea and told everything he knew.  He didn't say anything about 'doomsday', but he confirmed that this 'solar eclipse' was indeed closely related to the 'great changes in heaven and earth' that he and Zhao Yang had told the two big bosses of 'South China Sea'. It was even a 'change in heaven and earth'.  'The beginning.  As for whether it will cause the so-called 'end of the world', Song Wu is also unsure about this.  After receiving the reply from Song Wu, the South China Sea also urgently raised the national alert level by two levels and ordered all major military regions across the country to be prepared to enter the highest alert level at any time in case something happens.  event!  ??The reactions of other major countries in the world are similar to those of China.  These include the Mi Empire and major countries on the Europa continent.  In fact, these Western countries have not experienced a "solar eclipse", and ordinary people have not seen a "solar eclipse" occur.  When the 'solar eclipse' occurs, it is still night in the west, so it is naturally impossible to see the sun.  However, when people in the West woke up and found that it was still dark outside the window, they did not notice anything strange at first. They thought they woke up too early today and it was still dark, so they continued to sleep.  However, when a long time passed and these people woke up here and saw that the sky outside the window was still dark, they couldn't help but start to have doubts in their hearts.  Some people quickly took the alarm clock or mobile phone or watch next to them and checked the time. When they saw that it was already past ten in the morning, they were shocked.  Everyone sat up from the bed suddenly, then strode to the window and looked at the dark night outside the window, with a dull expression on their faces.  It's already past ten o'clock in the morning, but it's still dark outside This situation makes those people in Western countries who don't know what happened after a night's sleep are shocked and at a loss.  .  After a while, after they came to their senses, they quickly turned on their computers and checked the information online to see what happened.  When people in these Western countries learned about what happened on the Internet, they couldn't help but stay in front of their computers.     What's happening here?  A solar eclipse?  What kind of bullshit ¡®solar eclipse¡¯ will stop the entire earth from getting any sunlight?  What kind of 'solar eclipse' can last for more than ten hours without disappearing?  This is what almost everyone thinks after learning about the situation.  Then, people in these Western countries immediately noticed the "doomsday" remarks on the Internet, which were second only to "solar eclipse" in popularity.  The end of the world?  It's the end of the world again!  Will the end of the world really come?  People in all Western countries who saw the "doomsday" remarks on the Internet began to panic.  Compared with China, in the minds of people in Western countries, it is easier for them to be 'convinced' by such 'apocalyptic' remarks.  In particular, the 'Thunder Night' that lasted for three days and three nights a few years ago and the language about 'the end of the world' that broke out at that time these things are still clearly left in their memories.  middle.  "Is the 'end of the world' really coming? No! Regardless of whether this is true or not, I have to hurry up and buy more food and other necessary supplies before I come back!" There are no people who hold this idea.  few.  Therefore, as people in Western countries woke up from their sleep and discovered what had happened, the originally quiet streets and alleys, especially the supermarkets, immediately became extremely noisy.  ??Even, many supermarkets have not even opened, and they are already empty inside.  This is because the staff working in the supermarket woke up early in the morning and discovered the 'solar eclipse' and 'doomsday' remarks that were going viral on the Internet, so they went directly to the supermarket where they worked without saying a word, and then directly opened the door to the supermarket where they worked.  All their belongings were moved out and brought back to their respective homes.  As for whether there is such a thing as paymentit's already this time, who cares so much about him!  Of course, there are some conscientious staff who will directly pay with their cards at the checkout counter according to the items they have moved, but such people are in the minority after all, and most people will just hurriedly move the items home.  !  As more and more people wake up, more and more people are rushing around to buy various supplies.More and more, gradually, violence began to appear in many supermarkets.  Some people fought directly to snatch food and various necessities!  There are also some people who have no money themselves, but they just grab supplies for supplies. After grabbing a bunch of things, they run away. This also triggers more people to follow suit, and they turn from 'snatch buying' to 'robbery'.  '.  Suddenly, the streets and alleys began to be filled with noises, screaming, robberies, and even more violent and extreme events that gradually evolved, such as rape, murder, smashing, etc The chaos was rapidly expanding and spreading  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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