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Text Chapter 709 The strange ¡®solar eclipse¡¯

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    Hearing Zhao Yang suddenly say such a sentence, Liang Jing and others beside him couldn't help but froze for a moment, and they didn't realize what it meant.  Taoist priest Liao Chen also said the same thing after Zhao Yang: "It's coming" As Taoist priest Chen finished speaking, the clear blue sky suddenly became hazy, and then, a trace of darkness  The shadow suddenly appeared on the edge of the scorching sun hanging high in the sky "This, this is" Liang Jing and Lin Xueqi squinted their eyes blankly, looking at the traces of darkness in the sky that were beginning to disappear.  The 'eroding' sun has a nervous and uneasy look on its face.  "It's begun!" "Is it finally starting?" "Are you here? I'm looking forward to it. I don't know what it will be like this time!"  In many corners of the earth, people wearing different clothes are all here.  He let out a similar low sigh, and his face showed various different emotions such as anticipation, anxiety, joy, etc.  At the same time, in an ancient castle deep in the mountains somewhere in the 'Black Earth Continent', the blood clan Grand Duke 'Kudra' stood on the top of the castle, watching the sun in the sky being gradually eroded by traces of darkness, and the corner of his mouth  He couldn't help but outline a faint evil smile.  "Have we finally reached this point? The 'blood' on the 'Black Earth Continent' is almost enough, but there is still a little bit of 'something' missing" At this point, Grand Duke Kudela suddenly turned around and looked  Looking at the two rows of more than 20 vampire counts standing behind him, he then said: "Follow the plan. Let people immediately spread the words of 'doomsday' and create enough panic." "As long as it happens again and again.  Panic is brewing, and when that moment really comes, those mortals will involuntarily think of the words of 'doomsday', and all the negative emotions that have been brewing for a long time will completely explode.  Shrouded in such negative emotions, by then, the 'Blood Sea Spirit Slaying Formation' will be fully activated, maximizing the power of the formation" Part of the following words.  Grand Duke Kudela seemed to be talking to himself.  Immediately after he finished speaking, two blood counts came forward and said, "Yes, Grand Duke Kudela, my subordinates will make arrangements immediately!" After the words fell, the two blood counts immediately turned around and left.  On top of the castle, go and make arrangements.  At this time, Grand Duke Kudela once again raised his head and looked into the sky.  Seeing that a crescent-like darkness gradually appeared on one side of the sun, he couldn't help but open his arms to the sky, raised them high, and said: "The prosperous age of my blood clan is about to begin. It won't take long for the entire  The world will fall into the possession of my 'blood clan'!" "All mortals, tremble and welcome the end that belongs to you, hahaha! And those damn guys in China, you are also well prepared.  Enjoy this 'bloody feast', hehe, hehe" Grand Duke Kudela couldn't help but sneer.  And the vampire earls behind him also cheered and shouted.  "Long live the Vampire Clan! The era of the Vampire Clan is finally coming, let us cheer!" "Soon, the whole world will tremble under our feet, and all mortals, as well as those hateful Chinese monks, will usher in  Their doom! From now on, the earth will be just a playground for our 'blood clan'!" "A 'bloody' carnival is about to begin, and the great era of the vampire clan is coming, hahaha" "Those blood clan count's are about to begin!  They were all shouting carnivally, looking extremely excited.  Extremely excited.  They have been waiting for this moment for too long, and now this moment is finally coming, or in other words, a real beginning has begun. Everything is very close, almost within reach.  This made it impossible for these long-awaited vampire earls to suppress their inner excitement and joy.  Listening to the excited cheers of the vampire earls behind him, Grand Duke Kudela couldn't help but have a faint smile on his face. There was always a hint of evil sneer on his cold face, and his eyes were very deep looking into the distance.  With.  His eyes were deep and distant, as if he were looking at people very far away.  That look was like that of the ¡®God¡¯ who is high above and dominates everything, opening his eyes and looking down at the billions of ant-like mortals at his feet, his eyes cold and ruthless!  "The endless darkness will usher in a new era. After the long night, there will be a time when all laws return" Grand Duke Kudela opened his hands, like a sacred and solemn high priest, and murmured  He murmured some words that sounded like a prophet's prediction.  The corners of his mouth were always slightly?Upturned outline, holding a faint, vague sneer In the world of 'mortals', originally in a hemisphere shrouded by the sun, almost all people outside have discovered the sky  Something strange happened, and suddenly, exclamations of exclamation sounded one after another.  "Look! Is this a 'solar eclipse'?" "It's really a 'solar eclipse'! The sun has been covered a little bit" "I didn't expect that such a rare thing would suddenly appear today."  Landscape'! However, why haven't you seen any news saying that there will be a 'solar eclipse' today? " "No, I finally saw a 'solar eclipse' with my own eyes. Let's take some photos first!  Wrong, take a photo and post it on the scarf to show off the photo, so that people who can¡¯t see the eclipse in other places will be envious and jealous, haha! ¡± Almost everyone in the streets and alleys is there!  There were excited discussions, and some people who were indoors also discovered the 'solar eclipse' view outside, so they ran out through the windows or simply ran out to the balcony, the top floor, or even outside the house to watch this rare sight.  'Landscape'.  At this time, some astronomy enthusiasts even enthusiastically found their own telescopes to witness the entire process of the 'solar eclipse' with their own eyes.  Even after the 'solar eclipse' phenomenon first appeared, some media that reacted quickly began to report on the matter However, when people were happily filming themselves with mobile phones or cameras,  Some scenes about the 'solar eclipse' were uploaded to the Internet, and when they were ready to 'show off', everyone discovered that it seemed that the scope of the 'solar eclipse' this time was not like those in the past.  'Eclipse' is so 'narrow'.  People in almost all places swore that a 'solar eclipse' had occurred there, and they also attached various photos of the solar eclipse and even some video clips Soon after, people discovered that this time  The 'solar eclipse' landscape is not even limited to the 'Chinese Kingdom', there are also some news and remarks about the local 'solar eclipse' landscape in several surrounding countries.  ?Subsequently, people confirmed the news from major portal websites.  This 'solar eclipse' landscape is indeed not limited to a certain region. The entire 'Chinese Kingdom' and even surrounding countries can clearly see this 'solar eclipse' landscape.  Not long after, reporters stationed in some countries and regions further away from China also sent back news that those countries and regions could also see the 'solar eclipse' phenomenon in the sky.  And based on the statistics of some people, people suddenly discovered that it seems that all the hemispheres that can see the sun during the day can see this 'solar eclipse' phenomenon!  After discovering this, people were suddenly shocked and felt that this "solar eclipse" was abnormal.  In particular, when some authoritative observatories announced that they had not detected the occurrence of this "solar eclipse" and that the "moon" had not moved between the sun and the earth, people were suddenly in an uproar. Many people even  I felt that this 'solar eclipse' was unusual.  As we all know, a 'solar eclipse' is formed because the 'moon' moves to a position between the sun and the earth, just blocking the sun's light.  But now, different "observatories" all claim that the "moon" has not moved between the earth and the sun, and astronomical telescopes have not discovered other stars between the sun and the earth.  ¡°In particular, some relevant photos released by some private ¡°observatories¡± have made people feel uneasy.  Because in those photos, the moon is indeed not between the earth and the sun.  And this time's 'solar eclipse' is like a layer of darkness suddenly appearing to block the sun.  The part of the sun in the photo that has not been blocked by the 'black curtain' is still emitting infinite light, while the part that is blocked has turned into a pitch black like void!  Such a strange phenomenon made many people who saw those photos feel uneasy and uneasy.  Although the authorities of some countries quickly came forward to 'refute the rumors' and appease the public, claiming that the photos published by private astronomical institutions on the Internet were not true, when one after another'astronomical institutions', and even some pure astronomy enthusiasts  Everyone swore that those photos were authentic, and when more photos were released, people's worries suddenly became more intense.  And the authorities of various countries where the "solar eclipse" phenomenon occurred are now quite nervous.  The same is true for the Huaxia Kingdom. The top leadership constantly asks the National Astronomical Observatory about this.??The cause of the ¡®solar eclipse¡¯ event.  However, although the 'Observatory' clearly witnessed the gradual evolution of this 'solar eclipse' through astronomical telescopes, it could not find out the reason at all.  Because there is indeed no star blocking the sunlight between the sun and the earth.  The situation they monitored was also the same as the photos released by private astronomical institutions outside, that is, the sun seemed to be suddenly and slowly covered by a layer of black curtain. The part of the sun where the 'solar eclipse' occurred was visible in the astronomical telescope.  Under the surveillance, only darkness can be seen. Apart from darkness, there is no other thing or sight!  Such a situation makes the 'Observatory' simply do not know how to respond to the inquiry from the top leadership, nor how to explain this matter to countless people, because it cannot be explained by 'science' at all.  clear¡­¡­
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