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Pengcheng Hidden Surge Chapter 65: The position of the overlord and queen involves many things

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    Looking at Ling Chang's Confucian dress, Liu Yong couldn't help but think of another Shu Sun Tong who had similar charm to Ling Chang.  Shusun Tong was dressed in Confucian robes, but the four masters of Qin, King Huai of Chu, Xiang Yu, and Liu Bang were not only able to keep their own wealth, but also became more prosperous and prosperous, and their survival wisdom was equally amazing.  Looking at Ling Chang¡¯s complacent look, Liu Yong clearly felt that in the hearts of people in this era, survival is the second most important issue after merit.  There were no righteous wars in the Spring and Autumn Period, and there were even more righteous wars in the Warring States Period. The Chu-Han period, which was a brief revival of the Warring States Period, also had no righteous wars.  Once the Qin Dynasty was destroyed and the reason for resistance for the common people disappeared, war no longer had essential moral value, and all moral slogans were reduced to slogans.  Different from expelling the Tartars and fighting against the Japanese and Japanese, in this era, there is no such thing as loyalty. There are only two major tasks: building achievements and surviving.  Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Xiang Yu, who said "those who are honest and courteous will often return", could not defeat Liu Bang, who said "those who are stubborn, greedy for profit and shameless will often return".  Compared with die-hard loyalty, utilitarianism and survival are the main themes of this era.  Ling Chang continued: "In this way, I have a smooth relationship with many folk heroes, and people from all over the world are willing to give me some respect for this old man. However, the Qin Dynasty is weakening, and all the heroes have risen. Two or three  During the years, all the knights I had made friends with in the past suddenly became important officials in various local governments, and my net worth also increased inexplicably. It was really not what I wanted! " Liu Yong listened to Lingchang's endless chat,  Didn't interrupt, just nodded slightly.  But I thought in my heart that Lingchang did not make friends with government officials, but only made friends with heroes and righteous men. This was not a sign of his clear judgment on world affairs.  Xiao He had the opportunity to be promoted to the central government as a cadre, but he gave it up politely, and An Xinmao stayed in Peixian County; the magistrate of Peixian County proposed to Lu Gong to take Lu Fei as his daughter-in-law, but Lu Gong refused life and death, and instead married his daughter to a man with a similar status.  Liu Bang, who could only be regarded as a temporary worker for the government, had already abandoned Da Qin in people's hearts at that time, which is evident from this.  Ling Chang glanced at Liu Yong: "It has been nearly ten years since I moved to Pengcheng from Ling County. I used to keep my mind on my business, and my friends were just chatting, so I was calm. But the letter that Situ asked Brigade Commander Liu to bring the other day was completely different.  I dug myself out of the ground. I owed Zhang Situ a lot of love and had to repay it, and now I feel a little regretful for involving myself in it!" Liu Yong took a breath and finally heard what Ling Chang said about what he was interested in.  place, then asked: "Mr. Ling is talking about the wedding of King Xiang?" Ling Chang chuckled: "Is there anything else?" Liu Yong's interest suddenly rose, he got straight to the point, and followed up bluntly: "  The junior was about to ask for advice. That day Zhang Situ told the junior that although King Xiang¡¯s wedding was imminent, no one mentioned it for various reasons. However, they didn¡¯t know what kind of clever means Mr. Ling had to facilitate King Xiang¡¯s marriage so easily.  "Marriage?" Although he knew that this idea was most likely Zhang Liang's, Liu Yong still put his hat on Ling Chang's head.  Ling Chang obviously didn't care about the hat, and was surprised: "Zhang Situ only asked you to carry the letter, but he didn't tell you his plan?" Liu Yong nodded: "It was already late, and Zhang Situ had no time to talk to me.  , the junior is still confused, Zhang Situ has disappeared, the junior has always wanted to get the opportunity to ask Mr. Ling for advice. Now that I can see Mr. Wan Wang, I will tell him, so that the junior will not fall asleep thinking about this matter at night.  "Nothing." Lingchang chuckled and said, "Liu Brigade's words are interesting." Seeing that Liu Yong's attitude was extremely sincere, he hesitated and said, "This matter is top secret, but Liu Brigade is a rare person who can talk about it.  Man. It's very simple to do this. Zhang Situ just asked me to lead the way. But if you want to make it clear, I'm a bit talkative. It's natural for me to have more time to talk. If Liu Shuai also has it.  Let's talk about interesting things in our free time, which may be helpful for Liu Shuai's future work. "Liu Yong knew that Ling Chang would not come to him for chatting, but Ling Chang would always reveal his burdens, so Liu Yong was not in a hurry.  Now the topic of Xiang Yu's marriage was something that he had always wanted to understand, so he wanted to ask first before talking about it.  Nod and listen carefully.  Ling Chang was also obviously good at talking. He calmed down and thought for a moment, then he continued: "The marriage of King Xiang is indeed imminent, and the candidates are quite certain. There is no need to go all over the world to choose, but none of the ministers mentioned it. The reason is  The problem is that there are two people who can be King Xiang's queen, but King Xiang has never made it clear who should be the queen. And the corresponding forces behind these two possible queens are not willing to propose this at this time.  "Liu Yong continued: "Are the two people Mr. Ling mentioned Long Pei and Yu Ji?" Ling Chang raised his eyebrows, looked at Liu Yong and said with a smile: "Now that the queen's name has been decided, the name of the queen is unknown.  It's inconvenient to call me casually" Liu Yong also laughed, said he was guilty, and followed up: "Why do you say they are not willing to propose marriage at this time?" Ling Chang said leisurely: "Not willing?I mentioned it, of course because I wasn¡¯t ready yet.  In other words, she is not completely sure about getting the position of queen.  So everyone is just waiting and watching!  "After a pause, seeing that Liu Yong was still confused, he continued: "If we really want to make it clear, we should talk about it separately.  For example, Concubine Yu, for example, is both talented and beautiful, and is excellent at sword dancing. Ever since King Xiang got hold of Concubine Yu, he would not let her go even for a moment. They would eat on the same plate and sit on top of each other. If King Xiang loved her, it must be Concubine Yu.  undoubtedly.  "Although Liu Yong has never met Yu Ji, he remembered the way Gaoling Jun mentioned Yu Ji's wandering expression. It is natural to imagine that Xiang Yu favors Yu Ji so much. Ling Chang smiled again and said: "However, Yu Ji's background strength  That said, it seems a bit thin.  Before Yu Ji appeared, Yu Ziqi was just a general in the army.  King Xiang and Yu Ji did not know each other before.  It is said that King Xiang accepted King Yong and when they crossed the river to go south, Yu Ji went north to find her brother because her hometown in Mucheng was invaded by bandits and her family fortune was ruined. She followed him into the army and met King Xiang. From then on, a good relationship began.  .  " Liu Yong nodded slightly and realized that Yu Ji met Xiang Yu under such circumstances. King Yong was the king's title of the former Qin general Zhang Han, indicating that Xiang Yu's battle against Qin in Hebei had been completed at that time. And Yu Ji  Appearing at this time, Liu Yong couldn't help but think a little. Ling Chang looked at Liu Yong who was thoughtful, nodded faintly, and continued: "I have to say that the timing of General Yu's sister's appearance is very clever.  The war has ended, King Xiang's position has been consolidated, but it will definitely take some time before the world is finally determined that King Xiang will take the throne.  From now on, Yu Ji has been accompanying the army. By the time King Xiang becomes king, she should be able to keep a dragon seed in her belly.  "Liu Yong became clearer and took a breath: "Mr. Ling means that General Yu deliberately arranged for Yu Ji to be with King Xiang at this time to take away the pregnancy first?  Lingchang nodded and said: "Liu Brigade Commander should know that Wu Xinjun had already arranged a marriage for King Xiang before his death, and it was the daughter of the Long family, the future Dragon Queen."  The Dragon Queen has been in contact with the Xiang family since she was a child. The Xiang family has a close relationship with the Long family. In addition, the Long family now plays an important role in King Xiang's army. Therefore, normally speaking, if King Xiang had not made a decision to win over Qin, he would not be destroyed.  Without the solemn oath of Weiweijia, the Dragon Queen should have been a member of the Xiang family long ago.  Liu Yong understood: "King Xiang has never married, so there are various possibilities for the successor."  It turns out that Yu Ziqi saw this opportunity and took action" He thought to himself that it was normal for Yu Ziqi to want to take advantage of such a stunning sister. After thinking about it again, he continued, "Mr. Ling's  This means that although Yu Ji is deeply favored by King Xiang, she is weak compared to the Dragon Queen. If she wants to get the position of queen, she has only one chance, which is to become pregnant with King Xiang before the queen is determined.  Dragon species.  That's why General Yu brought his sister to the army when the war was about to end" Ling Chang said: "General Yu has good intentions.  However, King Xiang and Yu Ji have been in love for more than half a year, but there is still no movement in Yu Ji's belly, which is worrying.  However, General Yu's status in the army has already benefited greatly. After entering the pass, Yu Ziqi was promoted to the rank of Xiaoyin of the two armies, and was awarded the title of Silk. He became famous for a while, and many foreign ministers began to defect to Yu Zi.  Qi's subordinates seemed to be their own faction in King Xiang's army.  " Liu Yong nodded. As the saying goes, no one can succeed casually. The sale of Yu Ziqi's sister was very valuable, which shortened the struggle of at least ten years and made the future more secure. However, Yu Ji did not have a child. After all,  God's wish was not fulfilled, and he said: "Then the reason why General Yu is unwilling to propose marriage is because Yu Ji has never been pregnant" Ling Chang said: "Of course, it is said that Yu Ji did not stop taking medicine and supplements for a day, and she was almost thinking about it.  The child became ill.  The post was originally in the Long family's pocket, but now General Yu's sister is favored. If she brings up the subject of a wedding, she will openly show her intention to seize the throne.  If Yu Ji has a son in her arms, she may not be the opponent of the Long family, let alone if she has no sons in her arms.  " Liu Yong also admired Ling Chang's profound Bagua skills. He nodded, and when he thought about it again, he couldn't help but wonder: "Yu Ji is so favored, how could Long Da Sima not know?  So while Yu Ji was not yet pregnant with her son, Long Da Sima should have quickly proposed to finalize the Dragon Queen's marriage. Why did he keep delaying his words?  " Ling Chang exhaled and said, "That's because of the relationship between the Long family and the Xiang family.  Liu Yong was puzzled and said, "Didn't it mean that the Xiang Long family has always had a very close relationship, and they were close friends with each other?"  Is this a hindrance?  " Ling Chang nodded: "Originally, this was naturally the case. However, after the Qin Dynasty was destroyed and the name of the Western Chu Kingdom was determined, some disputes occurred between the Xiang Long family and the Xiang Long family in the middle of the previous month regarding who should take up the post of Grand Sima.  matter.  "
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