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Volume 1 Chapter 1067 The New World (Finale)

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    Outside the God Realm, the five supreme gods flew to the place where they had just fought.  They had clearly seen the two people entering the space black hole before. They thought they would come out immediately after entering. Although the space black hole was not a place where they could live, there was no problem when they entered and came out once. They did not expect to wait for a long time.  When the space outside was repaired automatically, no one inside came out.  The space outside has been restored, but it is still unstable. Normal gods, men, and generals cannot come here, but this threat has no effect on the Supreme God. The five Supreme Gods stand here, their brows tightly condensed.  .  "Open it and take a look." Liu Yigang suddenly said something. As he spoke, a powerful force in his hand had already cut through the space. The space here was torn apart again, and the black hole in the space was exposed again, but there was no one inside.  It is impossible to use spiritual consciousness in the black hole of space, even if they are the supreme gods. Liu Yigang flashed and entered the black hole of space. However, it was dark inside. Apart from the pressure and strong wind that stopped him and made him uncomfortable, there was no other way.  Nothing at all.  After only going in for a while, Liu Yigang walked out and shook his head outside.  These two people just disappeared.  "Let's wait for now." Liu Yigang sighed after coming out. Even they couldn't stay inside for long. Now that the two of them had disappeared, they could only wait outside.  Deep in the black hole of space, Hu Ming was kicked out again and again. Here he couldn't even scream, and could only stare at Liu Yiyang with burning eyes.  He now regrets in his heart, regrets why he followed Liu Yiyang into the black hole of space. If he had not gone to this place with great restrictions on him, he would not have suffered such humiliation. At this moment, his mind was full of hatred, and he did not go there at all.  I wonder why Liu Yiyang can move freely here, but he can't.  "Liu Yiyang, I tell you, as long as I go out, I will kill you and kill everyone around you." Hu Ming screamed loudly, Liu Yiyang's raised leg suddenly stopped there, and his eyes slowly  It became extremely cold.  Hu Ming has been practicing hard and Liu Yiyang knows it, and he also understands the contradiction between the two. Even this time, Liu Yiyang did not intend to really kill him. He did not fight back before. He was introduced into the black hole of space just to teach him a lesson.  After all, Hu Ming has endured a lot of pain in these millions of years.  "It's a pity that Hu Ming didn't know this, let alone that his words offended Liu Yiyang's inner feelings. This is what Liu Yiyang cares about the most, and the one who is least allowed to accept threats.  Liu Yiyang cares most about his family. Anyone who dares to threaten his family will not show any mercy.  "Hu Ming, I remember you said this once. I have spared you once, but there will not be a second time." Liu Yiyang stood there and spoke slowly, his body slowly exuding a  There was endless killing intent, and even the powerful wind of the black hole in space seemed to be driven away by this killing intent. Hu Ming's red eyes finally became clearer, and he was looking at him with wide eyes.  Hu Ming had been thinking about revenge and killing Liu Yiyang before. He was full of obsession. Even the Supreme God would fall into a state of obsession if he only had obsession in his heart. The Supreme God is not omnipotent. After all, they are also human beings, they are just the strongest.  Just big people.  Strictly speaking, Liu Yiyang is not to blame for the conflict between Liu Yiyang and Hu Ming. In the beginning, the demon tribe invaded the human race, and he happened to meet Liu Yang. As the god king of the human race, Liu Yiyang could not watch the demon tribe slaughter his compatriots. This was  Race wars, nothing else.  Liu Yiyang took action, punished the demons, killed three demon kings and many god generals, and attracted Hu Ming to take action. At that time, the two did not have conflicts, they could only be said to be from different races.  We just have to face it, just like people from two different countries in the secular world arguing for their own countries.  That time Hu Ming didn¡¯t do anything extraordinary, he just asked Liu Yiyang to stop, and Liu Yiyang didn¡¯t continue to kill those demons and let them all go.  This matter can be said to have ended normally. There is nothing wrong with it. It¡¯s just that Hu Ming couldn¡¯t think about it and thought that he had lost his worth. He was the Supreme God. Liu Yiyang was just a God King at that time. Even the most powerful God King was more powerful than the Supreme God.  Low, so Hu Ming felt resentful in his heart.  It was this resentment that made him agree to King Hu Shen's plan and let the demons set up a plan to kill Liu Yiyang, and he was ready to stop Liu Yigang.  It's just that Liu Yiyang's power was beyond his expectation. The Demon Clan's Disha Formation failed to kill Liu Yiyang, but was controlled by Liu Yiyang. However, the Demon Clan's God King was killed by Liu Yiyang many times, forcing him to take action in the end.  Liu Yiyang was left with a threat, forcing Liu Yiyang to leave.  It was that threat that made Liu Yiyang practice harder and eventually became the Supreme God.  Next, Hu Ming himself wanted to have a trump card in his hand and asked Liu Yiyang to throw a rat weapon, thinking about controlling Zhou Shenwang and others, and finallyUnexpectedly, Liu Yiyang had already mastered the three laws and became the real Supreme God. Not only was his plan shattered, but he was also severely punished by Liu Yiyang. If other Supreme Gods had not come forward, he might even have been killed.  Death, and that time was also the most humiliating time he thought he had suffered.  That¡¯s all the conflicts between the two people. In real terms, it¡¯s Hu Ming who comes looking for Liu Yiyang¡¯s trouble every time, not Liu Yiyang¡¯s initiative.  "You, what are you thinking about?" Hu Ming, who was more awake, felt Liu Yiyang's overwhelming murderous intention and couldn't help but ask. He knew very well that Liu Yiyang had the intention to kill him at this moment, and he finally  Understand that even if he absorbs those two powers, he is no match for Liu Yiyang now.  "I once said that anyone who dares to hurt my family will not be spared by me to any end of the world. No matter who it is, the same goes for you." Liu Yiyang said slowly, whether in the secular world or the fairy world, Liu Yiyang  His temper has always been like this. When he was not the Immortal Emperor, but just an ordinary Golden Immortal, because Yang Gutian threatened his family, he chased Yang Gutian into the demon world and wanted to kill him.  Yang Gutian did not die because of other reasons, because the two of them went through the tribulation together and had the experience of sharing weal and woe, and Yang Gutian also retracted his words.  But Hu Ming is different. Hu Ming is the one who did it again and again, and he really did it, but was finally stopped by Liu Yiyang. Now that he said this again, Liu Yiyang has no chance to forgive him.  thought.  The strong killing intent finally made Hu Ming wake up. He finally understood that even now he was no match for Liu Yiyang, and when he entered the black hole of this space, even his fellow Supreme Gods could not help him, let alone  Maybe to save him.  "Space" Liu Yiyang raised his hand, and a powerful force of law appeared in his hand. This was the black and purple space law.  "Time" Liu Yiyang stretched out another hand, and the same law of time also appeared in his hand.  "Natural" Liu Yiyang spit out two more words, and the colorful laws of nature appeared in front of him. Looking at these three powers of laws, Hu Ming's eyes widened a lot. These are the strongest and most primitive powers of laws.  , in addition to controlling the laws of space, he only understood, not controlled, time and nature.  He finally understood why there was such a big gap between himself and Liu Yiyang, and now he felt regret in his heart.  If he hadn't been blinded by hatred, he wouldn't have rushed here. He should have truly mastered these two laws before coming back. He has already understood it, and it doesn't take much time to master it.  "Life" Liu Yiyang said again, surrounded by a mysterious power of law, which is stronger than the other three.  The three forces of law suddenly came together and condensed quickly. The power of law around Liu Yiyang continued to shrink. Hu Ming's eyes widened even more. He thought that Liu Yiyang, like him, was a person with three powers.  , Unexpectedly, Liu Yiyang also possesses a fourth kind, and it is one that he has never seen before, which is more powerful than the other three powers.  "What, what is this?" Hu Ming couldn't help but ask, Liu Yiyang's eyes flashed, and the four condensed laws of power suddenly flew away from him, flashed quickly in the black hole of space, and rushed directly into Hu Ming's eyes.  Ming's body.  "That is the law of life, a more powerful power of law." Liu Yiyang said softly, Hu Ming's eyes were rounded, and he looked at Liu Yiyang blankly. After a few seconds, his body suddenly exploded, and the powerful force completely  Tear him apart, along with his powerful soul.  Dead, Hu Ming is dead, a powerful Supreme God has fallen, and the five Supreme Gods in the God Realm suddenly felt their hearts move, with horror in their eyes.  After all, they and Hu Ming had been together for so long, and they all felt the death of Hu Ming. They did not expect that Liu Yiyang really killed Hu Ming and really had the ability to kill the Supreme God.  Hu Ming died, but Liu Yiyang did not leave, and his brows were still furrowed.  In the black hole of space, Hu Ming's broken soul slowly flew back and slowly gathered together, while Liu Yiyang kept staring at the front, not even looking at the soul that was being spliced ??together.  "It's you, it turns out you're hiding here" Liu Yiyang suddenly spoke, and not far in front of him, a man slowly walked out. He was not tall and looked like an old man in his seventies.  "I didn't expect your growth, but since you have punished him and killed him once, let him go now." The old man walked over slowly and pointed at Hu Ming, who had already condensed into shape.  Soul, said with a smile.  This old man is the previous owner of the cave. Liu Yiyang has been looking for him but has not found him. Now Liu Yiyang finally understands why.I can't find it. This old man is not in the divine world or the secular world at all. He has been living in seclusion in this black hole of space.  Even Liu Yiyang never imagined that this place could hide people, and that there were really people here.  "Okay, but you have to answer me a few questions." Liu Yiyang nodded slowly. Hu Ming's soul is a kind of law force that is reuniting. This kind of law is not unfamiliar to him. It is the last law of life he understood. This shows that what is happening in front of him is  The old man also controls this law.  Liu Yiyang was not surprised at this. He could control the laws, not to mention the original owner of the cave. As for the laws of nature and the laws of time that Hu Ming understood, they were simply wrong. He just forcibly possessed those two powers.  , was not a true realization, so his appearance changed and he appeared with a red cloud.  "No problem" The old man nodded happily. In this black hole of space, Liu Yiyang and the old man talked slowly. This chat lasted a long time.  Hu Ming's soul also opened his eyes and looked at Liu Yiyang and the old man in confusion. After staring at the old man for a while, his soul trembled suddenly. Soon, he slowly knelt there, lowered his head and faced  elder.  Not only him, Liu Yigang and others who had been waiting outside the God Realm were also violently entangled. The five of them took action together, cut through the space together, and entered the black hole of space together. No matter how great the resistance was, they all moved forward together.  Moving, he finally came to Hu Ming's soul and knelt with him.  And Liu Yiyang finally understood all this.  This old man is indeed the master who lives in the cave. To be precise, he is the first person in the entire firmament world. It is even said that he created the entire firmament world.  He was born in nothingness, with nothing around him. In this black hole of space, nothing can be seen, no life, and no objects. He is the first life in nothingness, a life with wisdom.  , after gaining wisdom, loneliness has always been with him. In this endless darkness, there is only one person, knowing nothing, and understanding nothing. Living in this environment, the results can be imagined.  Even the old man himself didn't know how long it took. In this void, he finally found a place, a purple place, which contained the strongest power of space laws. The old man absorbed the power of these laws,  And released the power of the law, forming a large space.  This space is the prototype of the divine world and the secular world. The earliest divine realm and secular world were formed by the power of the most primitive laws, and they were connected together, completely different from now.  At that time, there was no earth or any planets in space. It was just a place with air, no different from nothingness.  But the old man was naturally dissatisfied with such a place. He continued to explore in the void, and finally found the power of time and the law of nature. Both powers were introduced by him to the place created by the law of space, forming the Tiangang and Earth Evil layers.  The formation of Tiangang and Disha layers can be said to be created by the old man.  After that, the old man created the stone through his own exploration. From then on, this space owned the earth, the cave, and the three wells of law. In fact, the well of law connected to the void.  The power of law is the most primitive and pure power of law.  God-kings all have the power of creation, not to mention this old man. After possessing the three laws, he began to use his imagination to create. Gradually, there was light, earth, mountains and rivers, and the old man would also create the whole world.  The space is divided into two parts, one on top and one on the bottom. The one above is the divine world, and the one below is the secular world.  It can also be said that the sky named by Liu Yiyang is the world, which was created by the old man.  With all this, the old man was not satisfied. It was still too deserted here, but at this time he had no choice but to continue searching in nothingness. Finally, he found another power of law, which is the law of life.  The old man used the law of life to create six souls according to his own appearance, and gave them the power of the law of space. They are the six supreme gods.  It is not easy to directly create souls. Even he was extremely exhausted after creating these six people and fell asleep in nothingness again. However, the six supreme gods slowly woke up on their own, saw the divine world, and saw everything.  There were only six of them, and they were extremely lonely at the beginning.  Even the old man himself did not expect that when he created these six people, a large amount of the power of the law of life leaked out and reached the lower space. In the lower space, he slowly gave birth to life, gave birth to souls, and gave birth to intelligent life. These lives are still alive.  I learned to use the various powers left in this space, learned to practice, learned to create the origin, and thus entered the divine realm.  This is what it will be like in the future. After a long period of development and the joint efforts of the six supreme gods, there are five realms and the current pattern.  The old man said slowly,Yiyang's eyes kept flashing. He understood that what the old man said was right, and the looks of the six people completely proved it. As soon as the old man appeared, the deepest touch in their souls occurred. The old man created  It is not an exaggeration to say that he is their father, so they are like this.  It is precisely because of this that the old man took action to rescue Hu Ming. After all, this is the life he created, just like his child, and he cannot bear to let him disappear like this.  It didn't take long for the old man to wake up. To be precise, Liu Yiyang woke him up after he understood the law of life. Only then did he realize that another person like him was born in the world he created, but he didn't come out at that time.  , Liu Yiyang didn't find him either, and it wasn't until Hu Ming died that the old man appeared here.  Liu Yiyang chatted with the old man for a long time, and Liu Yigang, Hu Ming and the others were sent out of nothingness by the old man, and they have been waiting outside.  The six supreme gods finally found the answer they wanted to know most. They knew how they appeared and how they came into being.  Three years later, Liu Yiyang returned to the God Realm from nothingness. Hu Ming had reshaped a physical body, but he no longer wanted to seek revenge on Liu Yiyang. He also understood that Liu Yiyang was much stronger than him and had already  They are not on the same level as them.  After Liu Yiyang came back, he didn't say anything. Even Ouyang Xuan and the others didn't know about the old man's existence. The entire God Realm returned to its original state.  Time always passes quickly in peaceful days, and millions of years pass by again.  In an empty, endless place with nothing, Liu Xiaotian and Chen Bing were holding hands and looking at everything curiously.  "Dad, is this the world you created?" "Yes." Standing in this empty nothingness, Liu Yiyang was smiling. After talking to the old man, he had the idea of ????creating a similar world, but he really couldn't.  After doing it, he realized how much of a man he was, and he admired the old man even more.  "Will this become a new world of gods in the future?" Chen Bing also stared curiously. The two of them were the first people to come to this world. Even Ouyang Xuan had never been there.  "That's right, it just takes a long time before this place can truly take shape." Liu Yiyang nodded slightly excitedly, spending countless amounts of law power. He even found the place of law in the black hole of space. Even so, he still couldn't  It took so long for a template to appear here, an empty template.  The template is already available. I believe it won¡¯t be long before a new world is born.  Hundreds of millions of years later, a new continent of the gods appeared on this template. Liu Yiyang had already considered the difficulty of creating a new world, but he did not expect that it would be so difficult. It took hundreds of millions of years, and he almost died.  Let him lie there tired, and this new world finally takes shape.  It is just taking shape and has no new life yet, but it is no different from the original Cangqiong World. Liu Yiyang¡¯s family also moved here and set up their first home here.  In Liu Xiaotian¡¯s words, this is the place they created, and it is naturally their home.  Liu Xiaotian, Chen Bing, and Ouyang Xuan now also have the power of laws and have become supreme god-level existences. However, they can only have one kind, not the second, even if it is Liu Yiyang's law that brings them into the black hole of space.  The land didn't work either. After studying it for a long time, Liu Yiyang had no choice but to give up.  Just like the original six supreme gods, although Hu Ming absorbed other powers, he only absorbed them, not controlled them. He was practicing in the wrong way. Even if Liu Yiyang didn't kill him, he would eventually harm himself. Fortunately, he  His body was destroyed, and his soul was reshaped by the old man. All other powers were washed away, which was equivalent to a new life.  Another hundred million years passed, and on this day, Liu Xiaotainan and Chen Bing suddenly screamed with excitement.  There was an illusory mirror in front of them. A planet appeared in the mirror, and the first life was finally born on this planet. It exhausted the power of Liu Yiyang's four laws, forcing him to enter the sleeping world, and finally fully formed.  (Complete book)
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