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Volume 1 Chapter 1061 It¡¯s not that simple

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    Even Liu Xiang himself was stunned for a moment. He had said this before, and even begged, but no one believed him. They just asked him to bear the consequences of this time, and to pursue punishment, but the consequences  He couldn't afford it at all, and as for the punishment, he didn't have the ability to pay any fines. This was why he asked Liu Xiaotian after seeing him if he would go to jail.  In his heart, he was already planning to face the worst consequences.  And the tone of his previous words was also full of grievance, more like sarcasm. He asked if you believe it, but he knew in his heart that no one would believe what he said.  Therefore, Liu Xiaotian's answer made him stunned.  "Do you really believe what I said?" After a while, Liu Xiang asked the question himself. Liu Xiaotian nodded again, believing that he believed what Liu Xiang said, it was true.  First of all, if Liu Xiang sells fake goods, he will not sell them just this time. What Liu Xiang sells is not particularly valuable items, just some household items. However, the buyer this time bought so much in one go. If  If this was Liu Xiang's first time selling fake goods, he wouldn't dare to sell so much.  ¡°If it¡¯s not the first time to sell, then it must have been sold many times before. The profit from selling fakes as genuine is definitely very high. Even if he didn¡¯t sell much and was timid, he wouldn¡¯t be living like this.  Another point, the most important point, is that the grievance and helplessness that Liu Xiang felt when he said this just now cannot be faked, at least not in front of Liu Xiaotian. Even a master liar can't even think of lying in front of Liu Xiaotian now.  Liu Xiaotian can sensitively feel the other person's heartbeat and even every subtle movement.  When people lie, their bodies will inevitably have unnatural reactions. These reactions are not something that individuals can control, but are human instincts. Liu Xiaotian has studied these specifically, and now he is considered a good psychological expert. Based on his observations just now,  Liu Xiang did not have any reaction to lying, which shows that he was telling the truth and was really aggrieved.  "I believe it, absolutely believe it, but it's useless for me to believe it. If we want to clear your grievances, we must find out the truth and publish it, so that everyone will believe you. I am a lawyer, not a policeman, but this case  I am responsible, and I have the responsibility and obligation to ensure that my client receives the fairest treatment. This means that we have a common goal. I want to clear the grievances of the company, and you have to do it for yourself. I believe in you, so you have to too.  "Believe me," Liu Xiaotian said slowly, his tone was unpleasant and his voice was steady, giving people a strong sense of conviction.  ¡°Coupled with his sincere eyes, sincere attitude, and his higher temperament than others, it gives people a sense of nobility, making people unnaturally believe him. Liu Xiang has already nodded along with his words.  Liu Xiang's attitude improved a lot, and he quickly told the story. Liu Xiaotian heard a different version from him, which was completely different from the information brought by Pu Haitai.  Liu Xiang sells overseas skin care products and some health care equipment, because such things are extremely easy to counterfeit, and the profits after counterfeiting are extremely high. His store has always been the focus of the company, and he is very aware of the consequences of selling counterfeit products.  , so he never did this and got the company's integrity medal last year.  Liu Xiangren has reached middle age. It stands to reason that with such a business, his life can be lived even if it is not very good. He should definitely not live in a warehouse as he does now. There is no problem in having a simple and comfortable cabin.  Now is not a few hundred years ago, housing prices were inflated. With the continuous maturity of printing technology in the 30s, coupled with the development of science and technology, the cost of housing is now very low, even lower than before. Coupled with the continuous regulation of the country, the current housing prices  It's not particularly high.  The house price is not high, compared with his income, let alone renting, it is no problem to buy a house, but Liu Xiang's life is obviously very ordinary at first glance. Liu Xiang did not say these things, Liu Xiaotian made some innuendo, and finally asked.  .  Liu Xiang's son committed a crime three years ago and was imprisoned and fined a lot of money. Liu Xiang wanted his son to come out early, so he had to pay all the fines early. He had been frugal in recent years, so that  He lives in the worst conditions, just trying to save money so that his son can come out early, and the same goes for his mother.  This is one of the reasons why the company decided that he was selling fake goods, because he was short of money and needed money. When a father wants to save his son, he can do anything. The company didn't believe him at all after knowing the news, and has never believed him.  They all accused him, but Liu Xiaotian was the first person to believe him and be willing to listen to his explanation.  "You mean, he did buy a batch of goods from you, and what you sold him was genuine, but then he told the mall that these were fakes, and the batch of goods that he proved to be fakes were all from you.  The batch of goods, and the inspection form from the mall." After Liu Xiaotian heard this, his brows had knitted together and he asked in a low voice.  "That's true. If it weren't for this, people in the mall wouldn't completely disbelieve me. After all, I've been working in this mall for many years, and my reputation is pretty good. Unfortunately, this time I also implicated Technician Wang."   Liu Xiang had a grimace on his face and spoke slowly. The technician he was talking about was a staff member of the Ocean Department Store who specializes in testing the products for sale. Liu Xiang¡¯s products must go through his level before they can be sold in the mall. He will let him go.  Only later. Now Technician Wang has been suspended at home. As for whether he accepted Liu Xiang's bribe, it will be investigated next. If there is such behavior, it is not as simple as dereliction of duty and he may be caught.  "I understand, Mr. Liu, my surname is Liu, and we are still the same family. Please believe me. As long as you are innocent, I will definitely help you regain your innocence. I need a detailed account of this matter.  Written summary, I hope you can write it out and hand it to me directly without going through other people." Liu Xiaotian stood up. He already had an understanding here and achieved his goal. It was time to leave.  "Don't worry, I will definitely do it." Liu Xiang hurriedly agreed and sent Liu Xiaotian and the others out. Before leaving, Liu Xiaotian asked for Technician Wang's phone number before leaving.  Watching them leave, Liu Xiang sighed heavily and went back to comfort his mother. This was another heavy blow to her mother. A few years ago, her favorite grandson was suddenly imprisoned, and now her son is facing prison again.  When will this troubled family be free from these disasters?  "Lawyer Liu, you are awesome. You asked everything directly. However, I don't believe what he said. There must be some truth or lies in what he said. I think he colluded with the technician to sell fake goods for profit." After leaving, Zhang Yang  He started talking excitedly, thinking that Liu Xiaotian was deliberately trying to stabilize Liu Xiang and trick him into telling him all this. Although it was all based on Liu Xiang's own words, they also got a lot of useful clues from it.  .  "What are you talking about? The facts haven't been clarified yet. How do you conclude that he is selling fakes?" Liu Xiaotian suddenly stopped, frowned and asked, staring straight at Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang was deeply troubled by what he saw.  Feeling a little weak, I couldn't help but lower my head.  "Isn't this my conclusion? Isn't this what Sino-Ocean Department Store said? They will definitely not be willing to admit such a mistake. Since they have admitted it, it must be a fact." Zhang Yang's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally he himself  I can barely hear it anymore.  "Zhang Yang, I didn't deceive him. Although some lawyers will deliberately deceive others in order to obtain evidence, I have never done that, and we don't need to do that. Before becoming a lawyer, you must first remember one thing clearly. We are  People, upright people, if you can't even be a good person, don't be a lawyer. I like you to remember these words, really remember them." Liu Xiaotian's words were very gentle, but every word was like a stick hitting Zhang Yang.  , Zhang Yang's face turned a little pale, it was the first time he saw Liu Xiaotian so serious.  "Lawyer Liu, I, I know I was wrong." Zhang Yang hurriedly admitted his mistake. He knew very well that following Liu Xiaotian had made many people in the law firm the envy of him. He wished that someone could replace him and follow the most experienced and promising lawyer in the law firm.  Personally it is also a help and improvement.  Not to mention the new employees, even the old employees are envious of him. Even some formal lawyers have said that they are willing to follow Liu Xiaotian and learn from him.  "There is no next time." After Liu Xiaotian said this, he walked forward directly. Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment and broke out in cold sweat. He didn't expect that Lawyer Liu took this matter so seriously that he gave him a warning directly.  This also made him pay more attention to what Liu Xiaotian said just now, and keep it in mind carefully to avoid making such mistakes in the future.  In a cafe, Liu Xiaotian made an appointment with Technician Wang. Technician Wang was a young man, twenty-five years old this year. His full name was Wang Changshun. According to Liu Xiaotian's self-reported age, they were still the same age, and Liu Xiaotian was older than him.  A little bigger.  Wang Changshun also looked haggard. His name was Changshun, but things were really not going well right now. He was involved in Liu Xiang's counterfeit goods case. The company believed from top to bottom that he had benefited from Liu Xiang, and he might even be a suspect.  When he started selling fake goods, he couldn't even explain what he was talking about, and no one listened.  Especially when someone took out a video in which he and Liu Xiang were clearly seen chatting and laughing as they entered a nice restaurant, which made people believe that this was a fact.  He did go to dinner with Liu Xiang. Liu Xiang's goods had to be inspected by him. It was normal to occasionally bring him some food or treat him to a meal. Moreover, the restaurant looked very good and the prices were very good.  It wasn't expensive, and the two of them ate very simply, just a simple lunch.  But when he was taken out this time, the meaning was completely different. He became more passive and depressed now.  Liu Xiaotian is the company's lawyer. He knows this to some extent. After all, he is also an employee of the company. He knows that the legal department has changed its legal adviser to a new law firm. This law firm also has a very young and powerful lawyer.  , but he just heard that this is the first timeMeet this rumored young lawyer.  The first time we met, it was still in this situation.  The content of Liu Xiaotian's questions was completely different from that of people from the previous company. He asked more about the operation of his position and how to verify those inspection orders. Unlike people from the company who came to ask him how much benefits he received and why he helped.  Liu Xiang came to sell fake goods, the company treated him well, why did it harm the company's reputation, etc. This also made him feel a little better, and he answered Liu Xiaotian's questions and was very cooperative.  The two chatted for about 20 minutes, and then Liu Xiaotian said goodbye and left. Technician Wang had already asked him almost all the information he wanted to know, and there was no need to continue asking. He also comforted Technician Wang, saying that he would definitely figure it out.  , let everyone know the truth, and let him not have any psychological burden.  "Lawyer Liu, how are you?" On the way back to the car, Zhang Yang asked carefully. As a paralegal who had not even passed the judicial examination, Liu Xiaotian's previous warning to him was very intimidating. He must be careful.  Be careful again.  "This case is more complicated than we imagined. This is not a simple case of selling counterfeit goods and cracking down on counterfeiting. There may be other conspiracies in it, and there must be insiders in Ocean Department Store who are working together to frame them." Liu Xiaotian shook his head slightly and accepted this  He didn't think much about it at the beginning of the case. Pu Haitai told him that the company had admitted its mistake and was only negotiating compensation. His task was to reduce the losses of Ocean Department Store to a lower level, rather than thinking about helping them win the lawsuit.  It is impossible to win such a lawsuit. If you can recover part of the losses and reduce the amount of compensation, it is already a victory.  "So, what they said is true. Someone has tampered with it?" Zhang Yang was stunned again. Although he had Liu Xiaotian's warning, it was still difficult for him to completely believe Liu Xiaotian's words. After all, he had preconceived these assumptions.  .  "That's true. There is still time in the afternoon. You can make an appointment with the plaintiff to see if you can meet with him and talk about compensation." Liu Xiaotian thought for a moment and then gave the order. Zhang Yang immediately met with the plaintiff, the buyer.  I contacted a customer who had stolen something. This customer didn¡¯t even hire a lawyer. He filed a lawsuit with conclusive evidence. This kind of lawsuit is basically a win. There is no need to hire a lawyer and spend more money.  The other party readily accepted his request to meet, and Liu Xiaotian soon met the plaintiff.  A thin man in his mid-thirties, who looked a bit quiet, Liu Xiaotian didn't say anything nonsense to him, and directly talked to him about compensation according to Pu Haitai's request. Sino-Ocean Company was willing to double the compensation, hoping to get out of court.  This request for settlement was flatly rejected by the other party. The plaintiff insisted that he must pay ten times the compensation, otherwise he would have to go to court.  Liu Xiaotian noticed that when he talked about ten times the compensation, he always got a little excited.  "Mr. Gao, I will convey your intention to the company's upper management, but from my personal point of view, the possibility of them agreeing is very low." Liu Xiaotian looked at the other party and spoke slowly. The plaintiff's name was Gao Shi. According to the information, he was in  He works in a chemical factory and is not a professional in cracking down on counterfeiting. This is also his first time buying and cracking down on counterfeit goods.  The so-called anti-counterfeiting is to buy a large amount of goods knowing that they are fake, and then sue the goods as fake and obtain multiple compensation benefits. This industry has never disappeared since its emergence. Now there are professional  The counterfeit buying and counterfeiting anti-counterfeiting team has dedicated people who come to check and investigate what items may be fake, and then someone checks on the items, and finally someone makes a purchase.  Some buy in small batches first, and then buy in large quantities after gaining trust, and some go directly and buy in large quantities. However, people who sell fakes are smarter now. There are really inexplicable large-order customers who refuse to sell on the grounds that they are out of stock. This is what they are worried about.  people.  The country's attitude towards such people is supportive, so as long as there is such a lawsuit, the anti-counterfeiters will basically win. This also serves the purpose of severely cracking down on fakes. Even if you sell fakes and escape scrutiny, you will have to bear more.  The economic risks will increase the cost of selling fake goods. As time goes by, no one will sell fake goods.  Such people all have a common characteristic, teamwork, they will sue immediately after buying something, waiting for you to negotiate, and then settle out of court. Generally speaking, the compensation can be negotiated. After all, out-of-court settlement saves time, and even if the other party is involved in the lawsuit,  You will definitely lose, and it will take some time to execute.  For them, the most important purpose is to make money, and it is more or less just about negotiation. These people have very high negotiation skills.  There is an obvious difference between Gao Shi and them. Gao Shi is only one person, not a team. Also, his negotiation skills are not very good. He is always seen in court. He insists on ten times the compensation and does not relent at all. It seems that he is sure of the other party.  I will pay this amount as compensation, and I don¡¯t care that I have to wait for the court ruling before I can get the money.  "Mr. Gao, let me ask you a question, do you know anyone in Ocean Department Store?" Liu Xiaotian suddenly asked, which was not related to the case.Gao Shi was stunned when he asked this question, and immediately shook his head: "No, how could I have anyone?" "Okay, I understand, thank you Mr. Gao for your cooperation, I will continue  Mediate and convey your opinions to the company." Liu Xiaotian stood up and said goodbye. Gao Shi was a little flustered just now, but now he has recovered and stood up to send Liu Xiaotian and others away.  Gao Shi was lying. Liu Xiaotian was sure of this. He must have known someone in Ocean Department Store, and it was very likely that he was the mole. Technician Wang said that their review was not particularly strict, especially for those who cooperated.  Businesses with long hours are basically just going through the motions.  He is not the only technician at Ocean Department Store. In fact, his review is the most stringent. He will look at it carefully every time and only release it after confirmation.  The inspection forms of Sino-Ocean Department Store are all the same, but different people stamp different seals. This means that as long as someone can get Technician Wang¡¯s seal, they can produce such inspection forms. According to Technician Wang¡¯s own recollection, he is very familiar with these official seals.  His management doesn't particularly care about it. It is kept in the office and rarely locked. This kind of official seal can only be used to review other people's products. It has no use when taken out, so he doesn't care.  If this is the case, it is equivalent to making it possible for someone to forge the inspection form.  Even inspection forms can be forged, but other items are more likely to be forged. It¡¯s just a few health products, which are easier to forge.  "Go to Ocean Department Store." In the car, Liu Xiaotian suddenly gave an order. He went to Ocean Department Store. This matter was not that simple. To investigate the facts clearly, a lot of evidence was needed. He was just guessing now. He didn't even know the specific candidates.  No, it is still necessary to go to Ocean Department Store.  Sino-Ocean Department Store takes this matter very seriously. This is the first time in several years that they have been targeted by anti-counterfeiters, and they actually bought fake goods from them. Everyone in the company was very annoyed. After several meetings, they were finally willing to agree to the high price.  They were willing to pay ten times the compensation and settle out of court as they demanded at the time, but they were unwilling to let the matter go out.  It¡¯s a pity that things didn¡¯t work out as they wished. As soon as they made the decision, they could still inform Gao Shi, but Gao Shi had already found a reporter and took the initiative to expose the matter.  For a time, the media was flooded with negative news, and the company began to suffer financial losses.  The angry company executives immediately overturned the results of the previous discussion. The other party even called reporters, so there was no need to agree to their conditions. Even if they lose this lawsuit, they cannot get so much. They must follow the minimum standards.  to pay compensation.  They are still sure of this. After all, the top products are sold by partners. Their shopping mall has had a good reputation in the past few years. In addition, their attitude is very positive this time, and Liu Xiaotian's personal ability. Taken together, the court will impose a penalty.  It is entirely possible to do it lighter. Five to ten times the compensation, seven times the compensation is a victory.  In short, we just don¡¯t let the other party get so much money.  Liu Xiaotian was relieved that the lawsuit was still going on. His investigation had already yielded a lot of clues and some clues, and he would soon investigate clearly. At this time, out-of-court settlement was also equivalent to his failure.  Time passed slowly. For a week in a row, Liu Xiaotian focused on the case of Ocean Department Store and transferred another case. Lawyer Hu and the others were very supportive of this. Ocean Department Store was a big client and they were their legal counsel.  Consultants, must do their best to do this.  Soon, the trial of this lawsuit will begin. Due to the previous media exposure, many media paid attention to this matter on the day of the trial. Many media have already called Gao Shi another one of Binhai's dummies who successfully brought down Ocean Department Store.  , lifted the veil of their hypocrisy.  Sino-Ocean Department Store had a good reputation before, but the more this happens, the more severe the media's crusade is. Only in this way can it attract attention and stimulate media sales.  "Lawyer Liu, please." At the door of the court, Pu Haitai said to Liu Xiaotian in the car that the court session is today, but he is not the defendant. The defendant should be the general manager of the company. He did not come in person, but a vice president of the company came.  , can completely represent him.  Pu Haitai is here as a senior manager. He will be in the auditorium. The lawyers who come this time are Liu Xiaotian and Zhang Yang. They have always been responsible for this case, and they are the only ones who know best. The other lawyers have not participated and do not understand.  No one came.  It¡¯s just that Zhang Yang¡¯s identity is a paralegal. He cannot participate in the court defense and cannot speak. This means that this lawsuit has to rely entirely on Liu Xiaotian himself.
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