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Volume 1 Chapter 1053 The most famous trainee lawyer

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    The plaintiff came forward in person, and with such an image, Lawyer Hu's brows immediately condensed together.  The final judgment in a lawsuit cannot be based on the judge's personal mood, nor can he acquit anyone just because he likes someone. It must be based on the evidence. However, it is undeniable that the judge's attitude still plays an important role, especially when both parties have different opinions.  When the evidence is difficult to infer, the judge's attitude is particularly important.  Lawyer Zhao obviously understood this very well and deliberately allowed the plaintiff to attend in person. The sympathy points were already earned.  This is a public trial, and there are some media reporters in the auditorium. They are very interested in the last trial. They are not interested in the plaintiff and defendant, but in the wonderful trial defense.  Journalists know something about all walks of life. Last time, the lawyers on both sides performed very well and attracted a lot of people.  A large part of the reason for this is Zhao Minying's identity. Before the last trial, others did not know that he was the lawyer who advocated making decisions for the people. After knowing it, he attracted several lawyers.  Among these reporters, one is an editor specializing in the legal section.  The second trial will begin soon. Lawyer Hu is fully prepared this time. She already knows the identity of the other party. This is a senior who is much stronger than her in terms of status and strength. It is also a kind of challenge to compete with such a senior.  Glory, even if it is failure.  It's like a martial arts master, everyone wants to compete with him. After going out, at least I can proudly say to the outside world that I have fought against so and so, and even though I lost, it is still an honor.  It¡¯s nothing, but it¡¯s my pride.  "Mr. Judge, we understand the plaintiff's mood, and we also know that the plaintiff originally had good intentions. He just wanted to propose to his girlfriend romantically, and he did not want an accident to occur. However, it is undeniable that his violation of regulations led to this accident.  The fundamental reason is that he did not make an intentional mistake, but he did make a mistake, and this mistake also implicated my client and caused him harm." Lawyer Hu first attacked. It sounded like he was thinking about the plaintiff, but in fact he was still thinking about it.  Defend Zheng Kai and put the responsibility on Gao Shan.  "I have strong objections to the defendant's defender's statement." Zhao Minying stood up, smiled slightly, and continued: "The main reason for this accident is that the defendant Zheng Kai did not pretend to understand, and offered to do something that he could not do at all.  The accident occurred. My client was injured while trying to save him, and my client¡¯s injuries were much more serious than his. This means that my client was indeed risking his own life at the time.  Saving his friend, how can it be called implicated? If it is said to be implicated, it should be the defendant Zheng Kai who implicated my client." "I object" Lawyer Hu stood up again, and they argued about this issue again.  "Zheng Kai, let me ask you, what did Gao Shan say to you when you were on fire?" After two rounds of defense, Zhao Minying suddenly asked Zheng Kai who was in the dock. Zheng Kai was slightly stunned and thought for a moment.  He shook his head again: "I don't know. I was in a panic at the time and I have completely forgotten it." "No, you know clearly. I was panicked at the time. I don't deny it, but we restored the whole thing afterwards. Here, we played it when you appeared.  Unexpected images, you looked very carefully at that time." Zhao Minying took out the video again, and specifically showed the short section when Zheng Kai was set on fire. At that time, Gao Shan was very panicked and shouted.  What he yelled was: Why didn't you listen to me? It was a very simple sentence, only a few words. Under the special editing, Gao Shan's panicked movements, eager and concerned eyes, and the content of the words were all frozen there.  Fixed on the big screen.  This video has been identified as valid and can be used as evidence. This is also Zhao Minying¡¯s trump card. This video is much more useful in his hands than other lawyers.  "What my client is saying to you is, why don't you listen to me? Why didn't you listen to him? Obviously, he has told you that you can't drink alcohol, but you don't listen and insist on doing it. You don't understand.  "Things that ended up causing a disaster." Zhao Minying shook his head and spoke slowly. The image was frozen, coupled with Gao Shan's concerned eyes, and compared with his current image, it gave everyone a great impact, and many in the audience were  Some people even think that everything is Zheng Kai's responsibility, and he would never have caused the accident if he hadn't been.  "No, I didn't. I didn't hear it. He didn't say that to me. Brother Gao, tell me, what did you say to me at that time?" Zheng Kai looked very excited and shouted loudly. Gao Shan looked at it calmly.  He didn't speak.  "No, it is not my son's responsibility. You are confusing right and wrong, and you will not die well." Zheng Kai's mother and grandma shouted together, and the court instantly turned into chaos until the judge maintained order.  ¡°We admit that this is what Gao Shan shouted at that time, but the plaintiff¡¯s attorney¡¯s practice of taking the words out of context seems to be unfair.¡±"The identity of the teacher." Liu Xiaotian stood up, with a smile on his lips, and said softly: "This sentence comes from Gao Shan, but it does not prove that Gao Shan stopped Zheng Kai before. All this is just the plaintiff's attorney himself  We do not agree with what was said, and the fact is that Gao Shan did not stop Zheng Kai from doing this, he was just telling him what to do, and what he said was very simple and could not provide any guidance at all." Liu Xiaotian's side  As he said that, he walked out and submitted another piece of evidence. This evidence was also video material, and it was the same thing that Zhao Minying had let go before. The difference was that it was moved forward. Zhao Minying took out the video last time.  The evidence has been provided, and the video is no longer confidential. Liu Xiaotian also has a copy. You can see that the complete video has also been edited, and there is only a short section, which is what Zheng Kai said before he was burned. He treated Gao Shan.  After asking, Gao Shan said something to him, but the sound was not loud, and the camera was positioned a bit high, so the sentence was not clearly recorded. The video played Gao Shan's speech in slow motion, and only his words could be seen.  The mouth opened and closed, and it was also a very simple and short sentence. "Mr. Judge, according to the spoken language expert translator we found, we finally translated what Gao Shan said at that time. What he said was, 'Be careful when you take the bucket, don't spill it.  "On the ground, this is a certificate issued by a spoken language expert after translation, which can confirm the content of what he said." When Liu Xiaotian handed over the video, he deliberately played it in slow motion. Before, everyone could not understand what Gao Shan said, but after Liu Xiaotian said  Afterwards, through this comparison, it was immediately discovered that things took a complete turn. When Gao Shan said why you didn't listen to me, he didn't mean not to let him help, but to blame him for spilling the alcohol on the ground.  After the burning, Zheng Kai threw the alcohol bucket on the ground in fear, and then caused a more serious accident when he was kicked by Gao Shan. The same video brought completely different results, and everyone in the auditorium was in an uproar.  Many people became more interested, and the reporters from the legal sector also looked at Liu Xiaotian in surprise. They were also semi-professionals, and they knew the result of this round. Liu Xiaotian made a perfect counterattack.  The image that Zhao Minying had created with Gao Shan was completely lost, and the sympathy they had gained was gradually disappearing. The reason was simple. Gao Shan did not stop Zheng Kai, but they themselves said so before. Now that the truth is revealed, everyone will feel betrayed.  The feeling of being deceived made Zhao Minying's eyes widen. He didn't expect that the other party would actually have such a way to crack the evidence he prepared. He was a little confused at this moment.  I don¡¯t know what to say, but it is undeniable that Liu Xiaotian is so beautiful this time. This kind of evidence can only have such a perfect effect after he shows the previous video. The situation has changed, and gradually people¡¯s sympathy began to show up in Zheng Kai.  Here, in fact, Zheng Kai did make a mistake this time. He took the initiative to get the alcohol bucket and added alcohol to the drinking water tank. He was the one who caused the accident, but because of two simple and different sentences.  , but made everyone completely change their attitude, as if Gao Shan ordered Zheng Kai to do this. In this case, all the responsibility for the accident lies with Gao Shan.  Lawyer Hu quietly extended his thumb to Liu Xiaotian, and his eyes became brighter.  Lawyer Hu knew this evidence before, but she didn't pay attention to it. They had mentioned this evidence before, but in a different form. Such a sentence can only prove that Zheng Kai's behavior was allowed.  Such a simple and inconspicuous piece of evidence, when used on different occasions, actually played such a big role, completely turning the situation around. They were passive before, but now they immediately raised their heads. On the contrary, the other party was very  Passive.  Zheng Kai¡¯s mother screamed excitedly again, but fortunately she stopped after just one scream, preventing the judge from expelling her.  Zhao Minying was stunned for half a minute, a smile suddenly appeared on his lips, and he actually cheered for Liu Xiaotian's defense this time.  He didn't expect that the other party would be so careful and even notice such a small detail, but this further proved that the other party was powerful and rare. Even if he noticed such a small detail, he would not take it too seriously. Even if he took it seriously, he would not show it before  This video is not of much use as evidence. Only two videos can be put together to highlight its role.  Based on what the other party did, it was obvious that they had carefully prepared to wait for his evidence. How could the other party know that he would provide such evidence?  Zhao Minying would not doubt the assistants around him, nor would he suspect the other party of stealing secrets. The only possible reason for this was the other party's carefulness. The other party had carefully watched the video and found out all the things that could become loopholes.  Then he added that such carefulness can lead to such results. This time he did not lose unfairly.  It¡¯s just that he lost this round, not the whole lawsuit. Zhao Minying quickly adjusted.Along the way, he conducted evidence analysis again. He changed his strategy and instead of taking out a piece of evidence prepared in advance, he began to provide evidence.  " If you have the responsibility to provide evidence, you must first admit your own responsibility, but the other party is not blameless. This is an accident in which both parties are responsible. The next key is how to determine responsibility, who has more responsibility and who has less responsibility.  Zhao Minying is indeed a famous barrister. This change immediately reversed the situation and made many of Liu Xiaotian's and others' prepared responses useless. However, the other party had already admitted responsibility, which meant half the loss. They also changed their strategies and started  Reduce liability for defenders.  From the very beginning, both sides knew that this could not be a lawsuit with no blame, and that the responsibility could not be all on one person. The previous debate was just a test, and now they began to fight for their own rights.  Agents strive for every penny of profit.  Everyone is responsible, and who is responsible has become the key. The two sides argued with each other, and various excitements continued to unfold. The trial did not end until noon. After the end, both Lawyer Hu and Zhao Minying felt very tired, but Liu Xiaotian was still very energetic.  The appearance has hardly changed at all.  Those who didn¡¯t know thought he was just here for a visit, but those who knew understood that he was the protagonist in this morning¡¯s trial and had a wonderful debate with Zhao Minying.  After the second court hearing, the verdict came out quickly. Both parties were responsible. Gao Shan was the main cause of the accident because he was carrying alcohol, and Zheng Kai was secondary responsible. The ratio of liability was eight to two, that is, Gao Shan  Accounting for up to 80% of the responsibility, Zheng Kai is responsible for 20%.  Eight to two is already a victory for Lawyer Hu. She had thought of seven to three before. To have such a ratio is a victory. Now it is almost a complete victory.  The previous bottom line in Zhao Minying¡¯s mind was five to five, but now it was obviously not reached, which meant that he lost the lawsuit, but he was convinced that he lost.  According to the proportion, Zheng Kai has to bear 20% of Gao Shan¡¯s medical expenses, and Gao Shan also has to bear 80% of Zheng Kai¡¯s medical expenses. The two parties reached an agreement in court and finally reached a settlement. Each will bear its own medical expenses and will not pursue the matter.  The lawsuit is over, and the result satisfies the client. Liu Xiaotian and the others can really win this time, although it is difficult to win.  Liu Xiaotian has also experienced many court trials, and this one is the most energy-consuming and exciting one for him. That little energy is nothing. Even if he goes like this for a month without eating or sleeping, he has no problem. He is a god.  General, his physique is many times better than that of ordinary people.  It was such a rare stimulation that made him feel a little excited.  In addition, the reporters at the trial also returned with satisfaction. They had already begun to think about how to report the trial, especially the two reporters from the legal section. They recorded all the proceedings of the trial and prepared to go back and publish it.  Typical case.  This court hearing is definitely qualified to be used as a case, and it is very exciting.  "Your name is Liu Xiaotian, right? You are a very good young man. I have not lost for several years, but losing to you is not a loss." After the two parties negotiated, Zhao Minying smiled and extended his hand to Liu Xiaotian. They were talking before  They are rivals and enemies in court, but in court this hostility no longer exists, and they can still be friends.  "Thank you for the compliment, senior." Liu Xiaotian acted neither humble nor overbearing, but Lawyer Hu was a little wary.  "I heard that you are a trainee lawyer. How about you join me after the internship period? You will definitely be a formal lawyer." Zhao Minying suddenly said something. He actually openly poached lawyers in front of Lawyer Hu. However, he has the capital. Lawyer Zhao  The firm is not a small firm, it is a large law firm that ranks high in Binhai. There are forty or fifty formal lawyers, which is more than all their employees.  In such a big law firm, it is very honorable to be a formal lawyer, not to mention being a partner.  "Thank you Mr. Zhao for your appreciation. I am very happy here and am used to it. I have no plans to change places for the time being." Liu Xiaotian refused with a smile. Zhao Minying was stunned for a moment, laughed and took out his business card and gave it directly to Liu Xiaotian:  "You should think about it first. It won't be too late to reply to me after you think about it. Zhao will always open the door to you." Zhao Minying and the others left. Lawyer Hu breathed a sigh of relief. It was just fine that Liu Xiaotian didn't agree. She was really worried that Liu Xiaotian would be like this.  Leave them alone.  Although she understood that Liu Xiaotian's family background, let alone the Zhao family, would not be swayed even if the top three largest firms in Binhai invited him, she still couldn't help it when Zhao Minying extended the invitation.  I was a little nervous, worried that Liu Xiaotian would leave.  "Damn it, the person who poached me in front of me is also an old-timer?" Lawyer Hu also said something angrily on purpose, while Liu Xiaotian smiled at him, grabbed him, and left the court directly.  Because the court hearing was too late, we only had a simple box lunch for lunch. Now that the trial is over, the two parties have also reconciled, and their tasks have been completed. Lawyer Hu said?Invited Liu Xiaotian to dinner, and both of them ate a lot.  "Xiaotian, do you think you will leave us one day?" On the way back to the company's car, Lawyer Hu suddenly asked quietly. Liu Xiaotian was a little stunned, why did she say that suddenly if she didn't know him?  "Actually, I know very well that even if you don't have such a prominent family background, you won't stay with us for too long. Our temple is too small to accommodate a true god like you." Lawyer Hu sighed, Liu Xiaotian's ability is better than any of them  Everyone must be strong. Facing an old senior like Zhao Minying today, Liu Xiaotian showed no fear. He even beat Zhao Minying by a margin and finally won. After this lawsuit, I believe his reputation will be even better, and he will be better in the future.  There will be better development, and their small firm cannot accommodate him. Although the firm has developed very well and has reached saturation in a short period of time, lawyer Hu's self-confidence has been greatly inflated, but when she thinks about it,  She was a little discouraged because of Liu Xiaotian's efforts and role. The firm is very good now, but a lot of it is due to Liu Xiaotian. Liu Xiaotian has done more and better than the two bosses in the company. It seems that Liu Xiaotian has done more.  Liu Xiaotian is more like a boss. ¡°Xiaotian, if you don¡¯t want to be a partner, why don¡¯t you just buy our firm and let us work for you?  " Lawyer Hu suddenly said something, and after speaking, he looked at Liu Xiaotian expectantly, which made him even more astonished. " I don't know what Lawyer Hu thought, but he actually asked a trainee lawyer from the company to buy them, and they became part-time workers.  , this idea is very strange. "Mr. Hu, stop joking." Liu Xiaotian smiled bitterly and touched his nose. "I'm not joking. I don't want you to leave. As long as you can stay, I believe in business."  Therefore, it will be better in the future. Even if it becomes a big firm like Zhao's, it is very possible, or even bigger." Lawyer Hu curled his lips and continued: "I know my own abilities and I have self-awareness. If you acquire it,  In the future, if we can work in the largest law firm and still be the founding fathers, it will be better than being a small boss now." Lawyer Hu is a partner of the firm, which is equivalent to one of the bosses. When Liu Xiaotian came to apply for the job at the beginning,  She only kept Liu Xiaotian because he looked good and was young. The treatment for trainee lawyers was not good, and many companies also used trainee lawyers as handymen. But gradually she found that Liu Xiaotian was very knowledgeable, and she began to pay him.  Some real cases were given to her, but what she didn't expect was that Liu Xiaotian did very well in these cases. At that time, she was thinking that she might be able to keep him and become a formal lawyer in the future. But things developed far beyond his expectations.  Imagine, it didn't take long for her to feel that there was no problem with being a formal lawyer, and then she decided to keep him, even if he became a partner, and then later, she decided to make Liu Xiaotian a partner. And now, she has.  She didn't expect Liu Xiaotian to be her partner. She was willing to work under Liu Xiaotian. Thinking back on this change, she found it hard to believe. "Mr. Hu, stop joking, we're at the company." Liu Xiaotian shook his head again, and the car was already there.  When they arrived at the company and entered the parking lot, the two got out of the car quickly. Looking at Liu Xiaotian's back, Lawyer Hu sighed quietly. Everyone in the company was there. They had already received the news that the lawsuit had been won, and they had won.  It was very good, so Liu Xiaotian and the others received congratulations and celebrations as soon as they came back, and there was a lot of excitement in the company. The winner this time was not an ordinary person, but Zhao Minying, a real senior.  It was won in an upright and upright manner. Everyone in the company had a sense of pride. Seeing everyone being proud of Liu Xiaotian, Lawyer Hu suddenly thought again that his previous ideas may have been good. I believe they will be even more confident after Liu Xiaotian becomes the boss.  I am happy. The end of the lawsuit does not mean the end of the work. Liu Xiaotian still has many cases on his hands, and he has become busy again. Time passed slowly, and a few months later, Liu Xiaotian became more and more famous.  Seniors have all heard that there is such a young and outstanding trainee lawyer who has fought many lawsuits before completing his internship and has never lost a single one. There are some real masters among them, such as Zhao Minying, and others like him in the following years.  A famous lawyer fell down in his hands, which made his reputation even more famous. For a trainee lawyer who has never passed the internship period to be known and praised by so many colleagues is a great thing.  ¡°At least in Binhai¡¯s years, this is the first time that a trainee lawyer has become as famous as Liu Xiaotian.
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