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Volume 1 Chapter 1050: Very good performance

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    Defendant Wang Changsheng does run some grocery business. He sometimes goes into the mountains to collect goods, and often brings back some game. City people like to eat these things, which are very popular.  "So, you were in the mountains for three days after you got the cash?" Liu Xiaotian asked quickly. Wang Changsheng had a bad feeling, but he still agreed. He knew the seriousness of the court, and he  He has said this before, and it is impossible to deny it now, otherwise what he says next will have no credibility at all, and others may not believe it at all.  "Mr. Judge, fellow jurors, I can prove that the defendant is completely lying. He is a liar. Anything he says cannot be trusted." Liu Xiaotian turned around and spoke slowly to the judge. Wang Changsheng was stunned for a moment and said hurriedly  "Why do you say I'm lying? I haven't been selling mountain goods for a year or two. You can ask about this at any time." Liu Xiaotian turned around and said to Wang Changsheng: "Yes, you are indeed dealing in mountain goods, but you didn't  After receiving the cash, I went to harvest it. My client handed this cash to you on January 20th at the beginning of last year, but you took a train to Beijing on the 22nd and stayed at the Beijing Lanting Hotel.  Checked out on the 24th. This is your record of taking the train and staying in the hotel last year." Liu Xiaotian took the evidence from Lawyer Hu and raised it again. When he prepared the video evidence, he prevented the other party from lying and went to look for it.  He obtained more evidence, which he did not reveal before and did not present until the other party lied. This would have a better effect.  Wang Changsheng was a liar by nature. As expected, he habitually lied to find relief, and he caught him.  Nowadays, even bus tickets require real-name registration when going out, not to mention train tickets and hotel stays. Today¡¯s ID card systems have fingerprint verification, which can completely prove that the person staying in the hotel is him.  When this evidence was taken out, Wang Changsheng was completely stunned. He did not expect that the other party was so well prepared. He even knew where he went and where he lived last year, and there was evidence.  This also made his heart sink a lot. He knew that the rest would be very detrimental to him, and his words could no longer be accepted.  "Defendant, how do you explain this?" The judge asked directly after reading the evidence.  "There are also mountains near the capital, and there are a lot of organic farming there. I just went there because I had other things to do in the capital, so I lived in the capital." Wang Changsheng said quickly, this is really a cunning person, and he is still denying it at this time  , Liu Xiaotian's lips slightly raised, and he continued: "We have long considered that you would say this, Mr. Wang. After all, you have a criminal record and are very experienced in lying. Not only did we investigate that you went to and lived in the capital,  Records, as well as the record of swiping credit cards when you took your little girlfriend shopping in Beijing that day, you spent a total of 550,000 that day, all by swiping cards, and this money was just deposited into the bank. My client gave  Your six hundred thousand, my client believed you and handed over his hard-earned money to you. You squandered almost all of it in one day. Mr. Wang, I won¡¯t tell you exactly what you bought. I want to  You don¡¯t want me to tell you.¡± Liu Xiaotian submitted evidence again. He did not find the other party¡¯s detailed bank records. Nowadays, bank information is kept strictly confidential. He is a lawyer, not a policeman, so he cannot check it directly. However, he can check the approximate consumption through connections.  The direction was still OK, and then he investigated the information from the Beijing Shopping Mall.  Pieces of evidence were like sharp knives, cutting into Wang Changsheng's flesh one by one. He did not expect that the lawyer Zhou Xiao hired this time was so difficult and would investigate him in such detail.  "I may have remembered it wrong. After all, it happened a long time ago. I'm not sure whether I entered the mountains or went to the capital." Wang Changsheng was a little flustered and hurriedly defended himself. However, his defense seemed very convincing.  He was so pale that even the jury was looking at him and shaking his head.  "Mr. Wang, you seem to have forgotten. You were saying just now that you remember clearly that because you used cash to harvest, you took the cash and left for three days. On the fifth day, you returned the cash to my client."  Liu Xiaotian held the table with his hands and stared coldly at Wang Changsheng opposite him. Cold sweat broke out on Wang Changsheng's forehead. At this moment, Lawyer Hu seemed to have woken up and was looking at Liu Xiaotian with some surprise.  She was in a very bad state today. Liu Xiaotian was responsible for producing all the evidence before, and most of the evidence was collected by Liu Xiaotian.  "I, I really can't remember. Maybe I forgot to pay back the money. I will remember the 600,000 and will pay it back soon." Wang Changsheng said quickly. He acknowledged the money.  I also understood that I couldn¡¯t rely on the money any longer, so I simply shouldered it.  "What about the remaining 2.4 million principal and the 600,000 interest that should be paid?" Liu Xiaotian asked again. Wang Changsheng immediately shook his head and said loudly: "I have already paid back those, in two installments.  I said this at the beginning. I may not be able to remember what happened more than a year ago, but there are bank records."I still remember it clearly." "Mr. Wang, are you suffering from amnesia? We have just said that the two transactions of 3 million were transactions between my client and Li Ya. You were only helping to transfer the payment.  "It's not a debt repayment. We have received confirmation from Li Ya that you did transfer the payment for him, not a debt repayment." "Impossible. I have evidence to prove that it is a debt repayment, not a payment for the goods. Mr. Judge, I request  "Submit my evidence." Wang Changsheng walked up to the stage and took out a certificate signed by Li Ya, proving that he had never asked him to transfer any payment. This is the evidence Wang Changsheng prepared for himself. With this evidence  Now he has nothing to worry about. The money has been transferred, and there is a transfer record. With this certificate, no matter how powerful the young lawyer is, there is nothing he can do. At most, he will only pay back 600,000, although he has to pay back this.  Six hundred thousand is a bit of a headache, but it is much better than paying back another three million. This is indeed a certificate. Such a certificate is still very important and has legal effect. If Li Yazhen does not admit it, even if Liu Xiao is too difficult for them to produce it before.  No amount of evidence is useless, this is the key. Wang Changsheng seemed to feel that he could win this lawsuit, and a proud smile appeared on his face. "Plaintiff, do you still have any evidence to present?"  "The judge has asked Liu Xiaotian to prove that this evidence is indeed valid. "Yes, Mr. Judge, I request my witness to come to court." Liu Xiaotian smiled slightly. They had already invited witnesses before, and the witnesses had arrived. Not long ago  He was willing to talk to Wang Changsheng so much before and attack him step by step, partly because he was waiting for this witness. "Invite witnesses to the court." The presiding judge exchanged opinions with the jury and quickly invited the witness to the stage.  Wang Changsheng was startled when he saw the witness coming out. Zhou Xiao also showed calmness on his face. He looked at Liu Xiaotian in surprise. Even he didn't know that this witness was the person they said before.  The key is that Li Ya, who wrote the certificate, knew both of them. He was also a businessman and had frequent business dealings. Moreover, Wang Changsheng owed him a lot of money. Wang Changsheng actually paid him back the three million.  , and then ignored Zhou Xiao's part. "My witness is Mr. Li Ya. Mr. Li Ya, please tell me in detail what happened that day." Liu Xiaotian said slowly, and Li Ya quickly told that Wang Changsheng knew that he was going to enter Zhou.  After I made a batch of goods, how did I find him and how did I ask him to help him get rid of the money? At the beginning, Wang Changsheng owed him seven million and was worried that the money would not be returned, so he agreed in a daze and even wrote it down for him.  That certificate. He also said that the certificate was written under Wang Changsheng's coercion and inducement. It was not his original intention and it was not true. "You are talking nonsense. Why did you collude with them to frame me?"  He roared suddenly, with a look of impatience on his face, but more of a look of panic. "Quietly," the judge shouted fiercely. Wang Changsheng stood there blankly, completely losing his previous complacency and calmness. "Wang Changsheng,"  You really can¡¯t shed tears until you see the coffin. You have already committed perjury once. This will be your second time. I¡¯m afraid this time you will have to go in and reflect for a while before you can come out.¡± Liu Xiaotian looked at Wang Changsheng and shook his head slowly.  Next, another piece of evidence was presented. Li Ya was not an idiot. He knew that there were risks in doing so, so he secretly filmed the process of Wang Changsheng looking for him, how he persuaded him, and how he coerced and induced him to write this certificate.  Come down, that's his office. It's very convenient to take these pictures. This video evidence completely proves that everything Wang Changsheng said was a lie. He never told the truth from the beginning to the end. He just wanted to get rid of Zhou Xiao's three hundred people.  Wan, Li Ya just made a mistake because he owed her a signature and was worried about not coming back. Fortunately, he woke up in time and was willing to testify in court to invalidate the certificate. When the truth was revealed, Wang Changsheng had no choice but to do anything.  He could only stare blankly at Liu Xiaotian. He did not expect that the other party's evidence would be so well prepared. After thinking of everything, he lost this time, but he did not lose unfairly. The other party was definitely not ordinary.  In the law firm, this young lawyer was very powerful. Wang Changsheng no longer thought about why Li Ya would help them deal with him. It was useless to think about it. Li Ya had already submitted the video evidence, and it was impossible to go back and deny it all.  If so, he is a capricious villain, and his evidence will be of no use.  In fact, Li Ya never thought of helping Zhou Xiao. It was Liu Xiaotian who found him and analyzed the stakes for him.  Liu Xiaotian had previously considered that Wang Changsheng would ask Li Ya to help him commit perjury, because this was the only person who could help him. He specifically named Li Ya. If Wang Changsheng's denial was successful and their lawsuit failed, the next step would be to sue them. Zhou Xiao gave  The goods they delivered were out of stock.If Li Ya fails to pay, he can sue to recover the payment, and Li Ya will definitely lose when the time comes.  Not only will you lose, but Li Ya's company's integrity record will be tarnished, and it will be impossible to get a loan from a bank in the future.  In addition, Li Ya really hates Wang Changsheng. Seeing that he is involved again this time, he simply takes out the evidence he kept and turns to be a witness. Zhou Xiao is much better than Wang Changsheng. At least he can live with his conscience.  .  This is the final result. Wang Changsheng can no longer make any distinction, and the court quickly makes a decision.  "The defendant Wang Changsheng forged evidence and deceived the court" The judge pronounced the verdict in court, not only ruling that Wang Changsheng must immediately repay Zhou Xiao's loan of 3 million and interest of 600,000, but also held him accountable for the crime of forging evidence and deceiving the court. He is no longer  Once, he is a recidivist, and his sentence for this crime will be later. According to Liu Xiaotian's estimation, it will not be less than half a year, so he said before that he would reflect on it for a period of time.  The verdict was over soon. Zhou Xiao also came over to hug Li Ya and thank him for his testimony. He didn't even know that this witness was going to court. In fact, Liu Xiaotian didn't know at the beginning. Li Ya didn't fully agree. He kept saying that he would consider it.  Previously only video evidence had been provided.  In the end, he decided to go to court in person to make up for his mistakes. Liu Xiaotian only asked him to appear in court to testify after receiving his text message. However, he had already notified the court that witnesses might come.  If Wang Changsheng does not repay the debt, he will be forced to do so by the court. His company's assets are more than this amount. Zhou Xiao has no worries. As for Wang Changsheng himself, he never expected that he could not leave the court this time.  Jailed by the court.  "Evil people will have their own evil retribution, and everyone let out a bad breath, especially Zhou Xiao."  "Lawyer Liu, thank you, thank you so much. You are really amazing. You have found so much evidence, many of which I didn't know about." At the door of the court, Zhou Xiao thanked Liu Xiaotian, very excited.  "Mr. Zhou, the person in charge of your case is our Mr. Hu. I am just a trainee lawyer and assistant, and a lot of evidence was collected and planned by our Mr. Hu. I am just running errands." Liu Xiaotian smiled slightly.  Lawyer Hu's performance today was very abnormal. Fortunately, Liu Xiaotian was here. It can be said that Liu Xiaotian was completely leading this lawsuit from beginning to end.  It was a very exciting lawsuit. Liu Xiaotian's performance was remarkable and he was better than many lawyers. Not only did Zhou Xiao admire him very much, but so did the witness Li Ya. Zhou Xiao was also thinking about how to invite Liu Xiaotian to be their legal advisor.  Everything about Liu Xiaotian today completely convinced him.  "Yes, thank you very much, Lawyer Hu, thank you." Although Liu Xiaotian said this, Zhou Xiao's attitude was obviously not as enthusiastic as he was towards Liu Xiaotian just now. Most of the people who know the situation these days are Liu Xiaotian. Their performances in court today were completely different, which made them completely different.  There was no way he could treat Lawyer Hu the way Liu Xiaotian did.  "It's already good that he can say thank you. Today, Lawyer Hu didn't say a word."  "I am said to be in charge of this case, but in fact it has always been our lawyer Liu. He just does not have the qualifications to practice law. It will not take half a year for his internship to be over and he will be able to take charge of the case alone. I believe he will be much better than me."  "Lawyer Hu suddenly said something, with a somewhat cold tone. After saying that, he left first. Her appearance made Liu Xiaotian even more shocked, and Zhou Xiao was also stunned.  "Mr. Zhou, I'm sorry. If you have any problems during the implementation, please feel free to contact us. Please pay the legal fees directly to our company's account. Thank you." Liu Xiaotian left in a hurry. What Lawyer Hu just said was too much.  No, this is not only dereliction of duty, it is simply a taboo. The relationship that she has just established with the client may completely collapse in a sudden.  Lawyer Hu used to be a shrewd person and would never do such a thing. I wonder what happened to her today.  Lawyer Hu himself had already left first, and Liu Xiaotian could only take a taxi back to the company. It was a good thing that the lawsuit was won. Not only did Lawyer Hu not look happy, but he also said such words, which was really inexplicable.  Although Liu Xiaotian is a divine general and hundreds of years old, he has been in the divine realm before. There is no such thing as love in the divine realm. He has only been integrated into mortal life for half a year, and his emotional intelligence is basically zero. He has no idea about Lawyer Hu's changes.  It was entirely because of himself. After he returned, he went to see Lawyer Hu and was rejected again. He was very confused. Zhou Qiang didn't come to work. Now he is still building foundations in Mount Tai. He doesn't even have anyone to discuss with, so he can only wait until he gets off work by himself.  leave.  The information on the Internet has been deleted, at least the impact has not spread. Ouyang Xuan is also in Taishan at this moment. Zhou Qiang is her first disciple, and he is quite serious. What's more, to her, Taishan and here are the same. She is the same.  You can teleport back home at any time.  After thinking about it for a long time when he got home, Liu Xiaotian didn¡¯t understand why Lawyer Hu was so abnormal today, but heThere is a vague feeling that Lawyer Hu's change must be related to him, but the specific reason is not clear.  God Realm, Ten Thousand Gods Mountain.  The cocoon around Liu Yiyang was twice as thick as before, and the mysterious wand was still floating outside, chattering, as if this was the only way to highlight its existence. Inside the cocoon, Liu Yiyang's body exuded a strange colored light, hazy.  Hazy, as if with a hint of illusion, Liu Yiyang was already like this half a year ago. At first, the Xuan Magic Wand was surprised for a while, but as time passed and Liu Yiyang didn't wake up, it changed back to its original state.  "It's just that it doesn't have magic tricks. Its body absorbs a little bit of this illusory energy intentionally or unintentionally. However, this energy does not bring about any changes after entering its body, so it is not magic by it.  With his eyes closed, Liu Yiyang looked like he was asleep. The water in the three wells outside had dropped a lot. It was still like filling a cocoon with water, and the cocoon was like a sponge that could never be full, constantly absorbing water.  The energy in these three wells is constantly expanding.  Outside Wanshen Mountain, the God King of the Qilin Clan is still waiting outside. He also specially invited the God King of the Dragon Clan to help intercede for the same reason as last time. Unfortunately, Liu Yiyang never came out, so they could only wait here forever.  Zhou Wangcheng and Zhou Shenwang are now running back and forth between the two royal cities. They are not in Zhou Wangcheng at this time, but are sitting in Liu Wangcheng. Bai Di is here. After the last incident, he went out less often. Every time he went out  There will be a divine general, Dzogchen, following him. He also has a protective artifact given to him by Liu Yiyang to prevent something like the last time from happening again.  Now Bai Di's reputation has been completely spread in the God Realm. Because one of the human god kings rebelled against him, the demons captured him, but the result was heavy losses. In the end, a decisive battle was triggered, which caused the demons to suffer even greater losses.  , Now as long as they don¡¯t purely want to die, people with cramps in their heads will not mess with him.  Bai Di became busier, while Zhang Hui seemed even more bored. Liu Yiyang was not in Liu Wangcheng, and Liu Xiaotian and the others also left. Zhang Hui, who didn't like to practice, simply came to Zhou Wangcheng. For him, both Wangcheng were his home.  , wherever you want to go.  Neither palace would stop him, and there were very few places he couldn't go. This treatment made countless people envious. Who made him have a good relationship with Liu Yiyang? He was the first person Liu Yiyang met when he came to the God Realm, and later joined him.  After joining the Zhou family, he is now considered a disciple of the Zhou family.  Zhang Hui was not in the palace at this time, but in Baidi's mansion, which was also very large, and he was still entertaining two friends.  These two people are his new friends, and they are also related to Liu Yiyang. They are a pair of divine couples, Yang Lei and Ouyang Rong. They met Liu Yiyang and Ouyang Xuan when they traveled before, and they formed a good relationship.  The little thing Liu Yiyang gave them saved their lives. Later, they wanted to visit Liu Yiyang, but in the end they failed to meet Liu Yiyang in person. Later they returned to Zhou Wangcheng and met Zhang Hui not long ago. They and Zhang  Hui also hit it off instantly, and Liu Yiyang's relationship made it easy for them to get together.  "I don't know how Yi Yang is doing in seclusion now. I really hope he can truly become the Supreme God when he comes out of seclusion this time." Zhang Hui put a pot of wine in front of him and drank it slowly. Yang Lei and Ouyang Rong both nodded and said  Unnaturally, he stretched out his hand and touched the small jade pendant around his neck.  As soon as they touched the jade pendant, the two of them were stunned for a moment. They both felt a little heat on the jade pendant, which was a phenomenon they had never seen before.  Not only them, Zhang Hui also took out a personal protective artifact given to her by Liu Yiyang. It was also heating up and emitting a little fluorescence. Bai Di, who was busy, and Chen Kuan, who lived in the Liu Di City Palace, were far away.  In the secular world, Ouyang Xuan, Liu Xiaotian, Chen Bing, and their parents all have at least one artifact that emits heat, all of which are artifacts sent by Liu Yiyang.  All the artifacts sent by Liu Yiyang had the same reaction at this time. Inside the Wanshen Mountain, the mysterious wand was already flying around Liu Yiyang's body in excitement. Liu Yiyang's body finally moved, even if it only moved a little, it did not really wake up.  Come on, this is much better than before.  Being able to move means that there is still a lot of hope for waking up. Maybe one day it will find Liu Yiyang suddenly opening his eyes and looking at it with a smile. Then they will open the damn broken package together and get out of it.  Such a small amount of space almost suffocates it to death.  Liu Yiyang really moved, but he didn't wake up. His consciousness suddenly expanded again. Not only the secular world, but his spiritual consciousness began to invade the rock-like things that blocked him before, slowly extending inside.
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