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Volume 1 Chapter 1046 A chance encounter seeking revenge

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    Time flies. It has been a year since Liu Xiaotian and the others returned to the secular world, and more than half a year has passed since he and Chen Bing's mortal life. The two of them have now fully integrated into the mortal world. From the beginning, they were slightly uncomfortable, to now  It makes it impossible for people to see their identity as gods and men.  Although the two of them are still interns, their respective reputations have already been established and they are the top talents in their own units.  In the hospital where Chen Bing works, she has undoubtedly become the most famous surgeon in the hospital. Even people from other famous hospitals are aware of her existence. There are also many hospitals who want to poach her and have prescribed very good medicines.  Welfare, but all were rejected by her.  Now she has completely adapted to this hospital. She just wants to experience life. The treatment is not important to her. She doesn't want to change in a place she is used to.  What's more, the people here are very good to her and truly believe in her. It would be impossible to have such an environment no matter where she is in another place. People who are used to a place and don't want to change are not just mortals, but gods as well.  , besides, she is just a mortal now.  Chen Bing is not leaving, but she is naturally happy because the hospital has continuously improved her treatment. Now even the director smiles when he sees her. He has always been kind and cheerful, which is completely inconsistent with his stern image in front of other doctors.  .  Everyone in the hospital can understand this. Because of Chen Bing's existence, the hospital's business has improved a lot now. Especially some patients with money and status come here for Dr. Chen. Without Chen Bing, it is equivalent to  That's all gone.  Although Chen Bing has been criticized for his age and has always been distrusted by others. Many of the patients he heard about have not come for treatment, but those who come to the hospital for treatment have already made Chen Bing very busy and he has to work overtime almost every day.  .  The hospital is very satisfied with this. They are not a large hospital per se, and their current efficiency is much better than before. People must be satisfied.  Liu Xiaotian's firm has developed very well in the past six months or so. Boss Zhao's case has indeed improved their reputation a lot. Many companies and enterprises began to take the initiative to approach them, and then they took on several more lawsuits. After winning,  The fame became even greater.  The previous divorce case filed by Pu Haitai was completely won or lost. Liu Fei had nothing and left the house. When she heard the court's decision, Liu Fei burst into tears. She said she regretted it and she was willing to follow Pu Haitai all the time.  She broke off the relationship with Zhu Zhiwen, but it was a pity that Pu Haitai did not give her this opportunity.  After leaving Pu Haitai, she realized that her comfortable life was gone. She returned to the way she was before, running around for life without a stable place to live. Her boyfriend of ten years broke up with her because of disappointment, and brought her with him.  Gone all her jewelry.  Fortunately, Pu Haitai did not ignore her completely, and finally introduced her to a job that could support her.  The insurance case has also been settled. They produced enough evidence to prove that their client was not defrauding insurance, but that it was just a coincidence. The insurance company could not provide any evidence to refute it, and ultimately lost the case and compensated their client for a year.  Ten million, this money also became life-saving money for their client.  In fact, Liu Xiaotian could have treated the client's illness, but that would have violated the regulations, and he would not be able to live completely as a mortal. In the end, he endured it and did not use his divine power, but he still provided assistance in other aspects.  They are great support.  In addition to these two cases, Liu Xiaotian also helped Lawyer Hu fight several lawsuits in the past six months, and he won all of them, which made him famous in the legal circle. With the development of the company, there are now nearly 20 people in the company.  Employees, good profits and good development, Lawyer Hu also expanded the company, leaving a separate office for Liu Xiaotian in the newly expanded office.  It is absolutely unimaginable for a trainee lawyer to have a separate office. This also shows that Lawyer Hu attaches great importance to Liu Xiaotian. Everyone also understands that after Liu Xiaotian¡¯s internship period ends, Lawyer Hu will definitely hire him, and there is a huge opportunity for him to be hired.  The most likely thing is to recruit Liu Xiaotian as a partner.  Liu Xiaotian¡¯s ability has been recognized and admired by everyone.  "Xiaotian, please take a look at this case." Lawyer Hu walked into Liu Xiaotian's office, holding a document bag in his hand. This was an accident dispute case. Two good friends went on a wild adventure together, and an accident occurred.  , both of them were injured, but one was slightly injured and the other was seriously injured. The seriously injured person sued the slightly injured person. They were the defenders of the slightly injured person.  "Okay, Mr. Hu" Liu Xiaotian took the document bag and didn't ask anything else. Lawyer Hu nodded with satisfaction before leaving his office.  In addition to Liu Xiaotian¡¯s ability, Lawyer Hu recognized his work attitude even more. Liu Xiaotian never declined or had any objections to the cases she handed over. He always took them directly, no matter how difficult the case was.  I believe any boss would like this kind of attitude. She really has the idea of ????making Liu Xiaotian a partner. She understands Liu Xiaotian's ability.??Becoming their partner is only good for them. Liu Xiaotian's ability is stronger than anyone here, including Lawyer Hu herself.  Lawyer Hu also has many advantages. She can recognize herself and her shortcomings, and she can correct them. This is not easy.  It was too difficult for Liu Xiao to open the document bag and quickly looked at the case.  The two are good friends and travel friends. There is always a shortage of people who like to travel. Over the past few hundred years, the country has increased environmental protection, and some of the wild environments have been preserved. It has also become a favorite place for travel friends.  .  "These two people went to a nearby mountain together. They brought their own tents, sleeping bags, and heating equipment. There was no problem sleeping in the wild. However, these two people were a little too playful, and something happened.  The plaintiff brought a pot of alcohol. Alcohol was originally a restricted product and he was exposed to it in his work, so he brought it here in a very practical way. He wanted to use the wild terrain to burn out a heart shape for his girlfriend to propose to.  The defendant helped him film.  Everything was fine at first, but when the defendant helped the plaintiff add alcohol to burn, some alcohol splashed on the defendant's body, and the defendant's body immediately burned. The defendant was also burned, but less severely. The plaintiff suffered severe burns on 30% of the area.  .  After being admitted to the hospital, the plaintiff took the defendant to court because of medical expenses, asking him to bear all responsibilities and pay all medical expenses, lost work expenses, escort fees, and later recovery and recuperation expenses, etc. They are now the defendant's  Defense counsel.  Liu Xiaotian understood this case at a glance. It was an accident in which both parties were responsible. It was impossible for their clients to completely distance themselves from the relationship, but it was even more impossible to take full responsibility. How could they reduce their clients' responsibilities and reduce losses?  That's their job as advocates.  This kind of lawsuit is not big. After reading it, Liu Xiaotian put it aside temporarily. He still has three cases on hand, one of which is legal aid. However, these cases are not in his name. He handles them in the name of assistant.  Before his internship period is over, he cannot take on a case alone, no matter how good his ability is, he must go through this one-year internship period.  Lawyer Hu has comforted Liu Xiaotian many times about this, but he doesn't care about it. It doesn't matter whether he can take the case on his own. Liu Xiaotian enjoys the process of litigating, helping clients, upholding justice for them, and getting a fair process.  , it doesn¡¯t matter whether it¡¯s his name or not.  This feeling of not relying on physical strength, relying purely on legal ability, and helping others within the law is different from the feeling he usually used to defeat powerful opponents with force. He gradually understood some of what his father said before, that power is not omnipotent.  In fact, there are better solutions to many things, but people with power are usually so obsessed with power that they often make many mistakes, resulting in consequences that should not have occurred.  "Xiaotian" Just as Lawyer Hu left, another head popped up at the door. Zhou Qiang was looking at him with a smile outside. When he saw no one in the office, he walked straight in.  Zhou Qiang is also a trainee lawyer, but he does not have as good treatment as Liu Xiaotian and does not have his own separate office.  Since the last time he went to Liu Xiaotian's home, he has never been entangled with Liu Xiaotian and Chen Bing. He has also completely given up on Chen Bing. The experience that day was too terrifying for him. He can't figure out whether he is real.  Entering hell is still completely in a dream.  But he knew that Liu Xiaotian's family was very scary, which also made his relationship with Liu Xiaotian slightly alienated. Liu Xiaotian was a little helpless about this. This was not the result he wanted, but compared to Zhou Qiang's entanglement all day long, this  The results were slightly better.  "What's the matter?" Liu Xiaotian put down the document in his hand, raised his head and asked with a smile. He actually didn't have many friends in the company. Zhou Qiang's relationship was better. At least they could talk and get close.  Some.  "Are you okay after get off work tonight? Do you want to go have a few drinks?" Zhou Qiang came over and sat across from Liu Xiaotian.  "Okay, where to go?" Liu Xiaotian nodded directly.  "We met in a bar, let's go together after get off work." Zhou Qiang looked at Liu Xiaotian's desk, turned up a pen in boredom, said other non-nutritious words, and quickly left Liu Xiaotian's office.  "Yu Yu Bar" Liu Xiaotian chuckled and shook his head. He had been to Yan Yu Bar several times, always with Zhou Qiang. There was a resident singer there who was very good and looked very pure. Because of her presence, the bar business also  much better.  Zhou Qiang fell in love with that girl. Liu Xiaotian also persuaded him before, saying that there was no possibility for the two of them, but he just didn't listen. However, Zhou Qiang didn't stalk her this time. He seemed to have learned the lesson from last time. This time he was a gentleman.  I've heard a lot, but I only come to cheer for you every now and then.  The reason why Liu Xiaotian persuaded him was that he had long seen that the little girl was not an ordinary person, but a cultivator, and she had reached the seventh level of spiritual power.Practitioner.  With level seven spiritual power, Liu Xiaotian is basically no different from a mortal, but in the secular world she is already a very powerful master and has no problem dealing with ordinary people.  As for Zhou Qiang, he is completely an ordinary person. The results of his pursuit of cultivators can be imagined. As a friend, Liu Xiaocai persuaded him to change his goal. However, although this guy's pursuit method has changed, his attitude has not changed at all and he is stubbornly stubborn.  , I don¡¯t know how he got unlucky. This time he was an impossible target.  Soon it was time to get off work. Liu Xiaotian organized the work documents and quickly left the office.  Unlike Chen Bing, he gets off work on time and never works overtime unless necessary. Because he is very organized, he has very little overtime time, and his work efficiency is much higher than others.  Zhou Qiang was already waiting for him. Everyone in the company knew about the relationship between the two, so it was not surprising to see them leaving together.  They were a little strange at first. Liu Xiaotian and Zhou Qiang were trainee lawyers who joined the company at the same time, but their work attitudes and remuneration were completely different. They were in the same world as before. In the past six months, Zhou Qiang was still the same as before.  Even the trainee lawyers who came in later were super impressed by him.  Lawyer Hu has mentioned more than once that the two of them are completely different people. I really don¡¯t know how they got on such a good relationship and became good friends.  The Yanyu Bar is not big. After the two cars were parked, Zhou Qiang walked in first. They had simply rested their bellies before, so there was no need to worry about drinking on an empty stomach.  There were many people in the bar, and the resident singer was already singing softly. The good seats were occupied by people who came early. Zhou Qiang and Liu Xiaotai sat aside.  The wine in the bar is real, but the taste of this wine is completely incomparable with the wine in the divine world. It is far worse than the wine in the fairy world. Liu Xiaotian is not very interested in the wine here and only orders it every time.  A prepared cocktail, at least the wine still has some flavor, he never drinks beer.  Being used to drinking wine from the divine world, the secular world was a kind of torture for him. Zhou Qiang ordered a dozen beers and drank them slowly. He knew Liu Xiaotian's habits and did not dissuade him.  He sat facing the stage, squinting his eyes and looking in front of him. Looking at him, Liu Xiaotian could only shake his head again.  Zhou Qiang's Jiajing is actually very good. His mother is an executive of a listed company, and his father runs a consulting center. He is very famous. Both parents also have a certain social status. With conditions like his, he wants to find a beautiful and suitable man.  The girl has no problem at all.  But he was not interested in the girls introduced by his parents and had to look for them on his own. He had fallen in love with Chen Bing before, and now he has fallen in love with the girl in front of him, both of whom are unlikely to succeed.  Fortunately, Chen Bing is at least a doctor. His family will never allow him to find a girl who sings in a bar. After thousands of years of development in the secular world, the concept of being well-matched has never really disappeared, but has become more and more serious.  "Miss Yingying, one more song." The girl singing on the stage has finished singing. Someone immediately went up to send flowers. There were already a lot of flowers placed next to her. After she finished singing, the entire stage would be covered with flowers. This bar was just  I made a lot of money selling flowers.  "Thank you everyone, I'll sing an old song again." The singing girl smiled sweetly, which made Zhou Qiang even more fascinated. Zhou Qiang had already called the waiter at home to buy flowers and wait to send them to the stage as soon as possible.  Her singing voice was indeed good. Liu Xiaotian also smiled and admired it, and even picked up the cocktail glass on the table. As soon as he picked up the wine glass, he suddenly glanced back. A man in black clothes came from behind. Find one by yourself.  The table was seated.  There are often all kinds of weirdos in bars, which is okay, but the one who came in is not an ordinary person, but a demon cultivator, and his cultivation level is much higher than that of the girl singing on the stage. This is a demon cultivator with spiritual power reaching level nine.  .  Demonic cultivators rarely enter the city. Over the past hundreds of years, the conflict between good and evil has increased again. With the complete departure of the older generation, good and evil have begun their struggle again and wars have begun. There are many disputes, but most  There are few conflicts on a large scale, and the Demonic Path does not have a real leader now.  " However, it has always been taboo for demonic cultivators to enter the mortal world. This place has been regarded as its own territory by Xuanmen righteousness since ancient times, and demonic cultivators are strictly prohibited from entering.  Not to mention, there is now a high-level practitioner of the Xuanmen righteous way.  The girl singing suddenly paused, and her singing stopped there. She looked straight at where the man in black was. She also noticed the arrival of the man in black. It was impossible not to notice it. The man in black deliberately leaked it.  A trace of devilish aura completely revealed his identity.  "Miss Yingying, why don't you sing?" The guests in the audience didn't know the reason. They were listening comfortably and happily when the singing suddenly stopped and they all asked, wanting her to continue singing.Many people were shouting loudly there.  "Who is your Excellency?" The singing girl ignored the shouting people and asked softly. The man in black raised his head and laughed.  "Kuo Noise" The man in black suddenly shouted, and the entire bar immediately changed and turned into the sky above a black sea. Those who were shouting before all screamed and fell into the black sea water, struggling in the water.  With.  Including Liu Xiaotian and Zhou Qiang, they were also in the water. Zhou Qiang looked very panicked. He remembered everything he encountered last time at Liu Xiaotian's house. Could such an encounter happen again? Thinking of this, Zhou Qiang screamed loudly.  Just as he screamed, he drank a few mouthfuls of black water with a strong fishy smell.  "Don't move." Liu Xiaotian grabbed him. The water was an illusion, but it could still drown people. Liu Xiaotian was not at home, and was restricted by the agreement with Ouyang Xuan, so he couldn't use his divine power here.  "Enchantment, you are not Chinese to me." The singing girl shouted, and ribbons suddenly flew out of her hands, pulling up all the people who fell into the black water. These people were pulled up in the air, and they were all panicking.  Screaming.  "That's right, I am Yamamoku Chengichi. You should know why I am here, right?" The man in black smiled sinisterly. He is not from China, but a demon cultivator from abroad. Liu Yiyang has seen such a demon cultivator before.  One time, when I was with Ouyang Xuan, the demon cultivator also had a barrier, but in the end the barrier was broken by them, and the demon cultivator was killed by them.  Liu Xiaotian knew about this, but he just didn't expect that he would encounter such a demonic cultivator. However, his current cultivation level is much stronger than Liu Yiyang's back then. Even if he doesn't use his divine power, the demonic cultivator can't do anything to him.  "You are here for Yamaki Shiro." The singing girl's eyes flashed, and she said slowly, Yamaki Shiro is a seventh-level demon cultivator, a foreign demon cultivator, who came to China to do evil before, and it was she and several others who captured him.  Death, killed the younger one, now the older one comes to take revenge.  "That's right. That's my son, my only son. You all have to die." The man in black had a face full of resentment. He is a demon cultivator in the island country and has a certain influence in the island country. His son is also a powerful person in the island country.  He wanted to do whatever he wanted, but he never expected that his son suddenly got interested and ran to China, where he died tragically.  He came to avenge his son. After a long investigation, he found out who had killed his son. One of the disciples of the Xuanmen Sect was in the city, and he was also disguised as a singer, the girl who sang in front of him.  Her real name is Zhu Zihan, Yingying is just her stage name. She likes to sing, and she is also a member of the Special Operations Division, so she pretends to be a resident singer and lives in the city. Unexpectedly, she was targeted by this demon cultivator.  Still attacking her here.  She has advantages in the city. Binhai is a big city, and the people in the Special Operations Office are very powerful. Moreover, it is very close to the capital. This demon cultivator will definitely be discovered by their people if he uses the barrier so aggressively. She only needs to delay  At a certain time, her reinforcements will arrive, and then we can eliminate this person together.  ¡°So the man in black is stronger than her, so she doesn¡¯t have much to worry about now.  "Don't think that you can escape with help. I can tell you that no one can be saved today." The man in black suddenly took action, and a circle of black waves headed towards Zhu Zihan. Her strength was only level seven, and she was already in the  Downwind, and with many people around her, she was overwhelmed by the attacks of the man in black, and the people she was protecting fell into the water again, screaming loudly.  "This, what is this?" Zhou Qiang and Liu Xiaotian were also pulled into the air before, and now they also fell down. Zhou Qiang was still crying and asked Liu Xiaotian in a low voice.  He is a person who has experienced depression once, and he can bear what he is seeing better than others. He is very scared and panicked, but he will not lose consciousness or reason, unlike some people who will be completely scared out of their wits if they all urinate and excrement.  Know what to react.  Liu Xiaotian frowned. The man in black was stronger than the girl. The most important thing was that he also had a magic weapon on him, a real magic weapon. The girl was definitely no match for him, and he couldn't even accomplish the purpose of delaying time.  "If he didn't take action, something would happen to the girl, but if he took action, it would violate the agreement. His mortal life would probably be over. This was not the result he wanted.  Just as he was thinking, Liu Xiaotian suddenly raised his head, a black light flew quickly from the sky, and a delicate figure appeared in mid-air. Seeing this person appearing in the air, the corners of Liu Xiaotian's mouth raised slightly. This girl will be fine.  Nothing will happen to these people.
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