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Text Chapter 57 Chess Fight

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    Gao Ruitong's grandmother was busy cooking in the kitchen, while Gao Ruitong's grandfather Gao Jianguo was reading the newspaper in the study.  Hearing that Mu Tianfeng had arrived, Gao Ruitong's grandmother and Gao Jianguo walked out of the kitchen and study room respectively and greeted Mu Tianfeng warmly.  Mu Tianfeng and Tang Yaqi are friends as equals, and now Gao Ruitong calls him brother, which makes him a generation shorter than Tang Yaqi invisibly.  Therefore, when he met Gao Jianguo and Grandma Gao, Mu Tianfeng didn't know what to call them, so he had to greet the two old people with a very casual smile.  After saying hello, Grandma Gao returned to the kitchen to continue her work, while Mu Tianfeng was pulled into the study by Gao Jianguo and asked Mu Tianfeng to play chess with him.  Whether it is chess or Go, he has reached a very high level at a young age. Even the old man who taught him the skills will lose to him if he is not careful when playing chess with him.  Gao Jianguo¡¯s chess skills are extremely limited. He is far from the old man who taught Mu Tianfeng the skills. Compared with Mu Tianfeng, he is far behind.  Mu Tianfeng and Gao Jianguo playing chess are like a chess master playing against a beginner. There is no comparison at all.  However, Mu Tianfeng did not show off his chess skills when playing chess with Gao Jianguo. In the first game, Gao Jianguo won with a very small advantage. In the second game, Mu Tianfeng won with a very small advantage.  The pawns crossed the river and rushed to the opponent's base camp before moving back to one plate.  Gao Ruitong, who was watching the match from the sidelines, was very surprised when she saw that Mu Tianfeng had beaten her grandfather. She shouted excitedly: "Brother Tianfeng, you are so powerful. Even my grandfather can win. Do you know that my grandfather  When I play chess with some domestic professional chess players, I always win a lot. My grandpa and I have never won. At your level, you can definitely become a professional chess player and make a name for yourself in professional chess competitions.¡±  The game I won was really just a fluke. If you know chess, you can naturally see that it was very hard for me to win. The only advantage was the pawn crossing the river." Mu Tianfeng said with a smile.  "If you win, you win. There is no luck. If you can beat grandpa, it is enough to prove that your chess skills are at least on the same level as grandpa. I can't. I never win when I play chess with grandpa, even if I am lucky.  There is no chance of luck, this is the difference in strength," Gao Ruitong said.  "Okay, old man, stop playing chess. Xiaotian and the others will be back soon. Come out and help set the table for dinner." Gao Jianguo, who was in high spirits, ignored what Mu Tianfeng and Gao Ruitong said and was busy setting the table.  He was about to fight Mu Tianfeng for another round, when Grandma Gao's voice sounded outside the study door.  "Okay, I'll come out to help." When Gao Jianguo heard the shout, he quickly stood up with a smile. After responding, he waved to Gao Ruitong to play with Mu Tianfeng, and he left the study.  "Can Aunt Tang play chess?" After Gao Jianguo left, Gao Ruitong, perhaps feeling that it was not good to leave Tang Yaqi aside while playing by herself, asked Tang Yaqi before sitting down in her grandfather's seat.  "You only know a little bit, and you will definitely lose if you play against him. It's better for you to play." Tang Yaqi said.  "He and I are not the same level of chess players. How about you and I working together to deal with him?" Gao Ruitong smiled and put his hand on Tang Yaqi's shoulder.  "Okay, you are the leader and I will assist you." Tang Yaqi nodded.  After they agreed to join forces to play a game of chess with Mu Tianfeng, Gao Ruitong did not hesitate, sat down opposite Mu Tianfeng, and then started busy, reaching out domineeringly to directly move the rooks, horses, and cannons on Mu Tianfeng's side of the chessboard.  , plus two pawns to remove.  After removing "half of the people" from Mu Tianfeng's side, Gao Ruitong actually said loudly to Mu Tianfeng: "Red first, black later. This is the rule. Mine is red, and yours is black. It's my turn to go first."  After that, without waiting for Mu Tianfeng's reply, she made the first move.  Seeing that Gao Ruitong was so domineering and asked Mu Tianfeng to leave "half of the people" alone and leave first, Tang Yaqi, who was sitting aside, was amused by Gao Ruitong's domineering behavior in dealing with Mu Tianfeng. She secretly laughed and said: "Deal with mediocre people."  Man, I believe you are fully confident, but I want to see how you can deal with such a domineering and unreasonable person." Mu Tianfeng remained silent, looked at the layout on the chessboard, and smiled helplessly.  , and then made the first move.  After the chess pieces fell, Gao Xiaotian, who had rushed back, heard that Mu Tianfeng was coming and hurried to the study. When he saw the layout on the chessboard, he frowned and said to Gao Ruitong: "You girl, how can you be so domineering?  What about the bully? When your Uncle Tianfeng comes to our house, aren't you worried that he will scare him away and never come again? " "Dad, you said the wrong thing. He is only two years older than me.  It's only reasonable for me to call him Brother Tianfeng, and I know heYou are a person who will be scared away, so don¡¯t be too careful.  Gao Ruitong glared at Gao Xiaotian who came in, then looked at Mu Tianfeng and said, "It's time to eat now. Let's play fast chess. If you think about it for more than five seconds, if you haven't made the next move yet, treat it as if it has already been made."  If you make a move, you are not allowed to regret it.  " "You girl.  "After hearing that Gao Ruitong set new rules for playing chess, Gao Xiaotian shook his head and left the study, because in his opinion, if Mu Tianfeng wanted to play this game of chess according to the rules set by Gao Ruitong, he would definitely lose.  After Gao Xiaotian left, Gao Ruitong and Mu Tianfeng continued to play chess, and they were playing fast chess according to the rules set by Gao Ruitong. Soon, after thirty moves, several of Gao Ruitong's pawns were captured by Mu Tianfeng.  , Mu Tianfeng did not lose a piece, Gao Ruitong was a little anxious, worried that the time was up, and hurriedly took a step. As soon as the piece fell, Mu Tianfeng hit him with the cannon on the other side.  After eating the car that Gao Ruitong had just left, Gao Ruitong immediately took back the car that was eaten by Mu Tianfeng and put it in a position where she was not walking. She conveniently returned Mu Tianfeng's cannon to its original position, and then said with a smile: "This one  No, I regretted my move.  " After saying that, she didn't walk on the cart, but jumped on the horse on the other side. "You girl, you set the rules. You are not allowed to regret the move, but you broke the rules first and regretted the move at such an important time. You  This is obviously a scam.  "Mu Tianfeng frowned, did not argue with Gao Ruitong, and then continued to play chess. After more than ten quick moves, Gao Ruitong lost one cannon and two horses in a row, and the price Mu Tianfeng paid was just a pawn who crossed the river.  The pawns crossing the river are extremely important for Mu Tianfeng who already has few chess pieces. However, by replacing Gao Ruitong's one cannon and two horses, Gao Ruitong's advantage over men and horses becomes more obvious than before. The food has been placed outside.  After serving the table, Ouyang Di, who originally didn't want to come into the study, saw that the food was ready and Tang Yaqi, Gao Ruitong, and Mu Tianfeng still hadn't come out, so he went into the study after looking at the chessboard.  After the layout, I felt that Gao Ruitong's chess pieces had a certain advantage, but the layout was messy, so he immediately volunteered to give Gao Ruitong advice and began to give Gao Ruitong guidance on the layout. I originally thought that under his guidance, Gao Ruitong could successfully capture Mu Tianfeng and defeat him.  After one game, he discovered that Mu Tianfeng's chess style suddenly changed. From playing steadily and steadily with Gao Ruitong, he went straight to Huanglong and defeated Gao Ruitong in just thirty moves.  Death. "I really thought you were a master, so I just listened to you. I didn't expect that you would be killed so quickly. If you followed my routine, you might even be able to draw a tie with him."  " Gao Ruitong had never played chess with Ouyang Di, but she knew that he had played with her grandfather Gao Jianguo several times. She thought he was a master, so she accepted his advice. After losing the chess game, Gao Ruitong knew in her heart that Mu Tianfeng was playing with her  When playing chess, he was just playing with her. It wasn't until Ouyang Di started gesticulating that he showed his true skills. In his heart, he was very impressed by Mu Tianfeng's chess skills, but he was unwilling to admit defeat.  He just put all the responsibility for the loss on Ouyang Di. "You and his chess skills are not at the same level. You have to understand that he gave up half of your men and two pawns.  "Tang Yaqi shook her head, patted Gao Ruitong on the shoulder, smiled and told Ouyang Di the inside story that Ouyang Di didn't know about. Tang Yaqi said this at this time to remind Ouyang Di that Mu Tianfeng's ability is better than his.  He expected that he would be much stronger. If he wanted to challenge Mu Tianfeng, he would only be humiliating himself. Let him stop when it is hard and stop looking for trouble. After listening to Tang Yaqi's words, how did Gao Ruitong feel?  None, because what Tang Yaqi said was true, and she was playing chess with Mu Tianfeng just for fun. She didn't really want to bet with Mu Tianfeng, she just wanted to see how good he was.  It was different. After he knew the truth, he felt very awkward and didn't know where to put his face, because in his opinion, if this matter spread, others would laugh at him for playing chess for a girl who had half the advantage.  Despite the situation, he still lost the game, which made him feel particularly humiliated. What made him find it most difficult to accept was that the one who defeated him was Mu Tianfeng who ruined the relationship between him and Tang Yaqi. At this moment, Ouyang.  Di Lian had the intention to kill Mu Tianfeng. If this was not Gao Xiaotian's house, he would have already attacked Mu Tianfeng because he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart. "Brother Tianfeng, Aunt Tang, let's go to dinner.  "Ouyang Di looked extremely ugly and wanted to say something, but he didn't know how.When they were having sex, Gao Ruitong called out to Mu Tianfeng and Tang Yaqi, then stretched out his hands, pulled Mu Tianfeng and Tang Yaqi respectively, and left the study, leaving only those who wanted to show off in front of Gao Ruitong and Tang Yaqi.  , defeated Mu Tianfeng in a game of chess, which made the two of them think that he was better than Mu Tianfeng in chess skills. However, Ouyang Di, who felt extremely humiliated by losing after his suggestion, stayed in the study.
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