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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Ultimate Killer Crab

Text Chapter 66 The giant snake blocks the road

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    After bidding farewell to Senior Xuanwu, Zhang Wei once again embarked on the path forward.  But he soon discovered that it was inconvenient to carry these one hundred fluorescent fish, which made Zhang Wei feel a little regretful.  Since bringing these fluorescent fish with him, Zhang Wei has to stay vigil at the bottom of the sea at night.  Although it's not that I can't sleep, at least I'm not as free as before.  If he hadn't promised Senior Xuanwu to feed them well, Zhang Wei would have even thought of eating them right away.  Xiaobai suddenly shuddered, and then looked back at Zhang Wei cautiously.  Xiaobai was still a little confused about his new owner, so he seemed extra cautious.  "Xiaobai is the big boss-level fluorescent fish. This name was given to it by Zhang Wei.  Among these 100 fluorescent fish, only Xiaobai has some wisdom. After all, it has lived for more than seventy years. It is also a leader-level fluorescent fish, with a body length of more than 20 centimeters.  This is already a big figure among fluorescent fish. Generally, the life span of fluorescent fish is only thirty or forty years, and their body length does not exceed ten centimeters, usually between six and seven centimeters.  Therefore, Xiaobai is already a grandfather-level fluorescent fish among fluorescent fish.  On weekdays, Zhang Wei can have some simple exchanges with Xiaobai, and there is no problem with general dialogue and questions.  Zhang Wei estimates that Xiaobai is almost as smart as a **-year-old child, and is already very smart.  Usually there is Xiaobai taking care of this small fish school, so Zhang Wei can save more effort.  It stands to reason that a big boss-level fluorescent fish can command at least several thousand fluorescent fish, and if there are many, it can even reach tens of thousands.  So asking a novice to manage a hundred fluorescent fish is definitely overkill!  These things are so easy for it, there is no difficulty at all.  Because it is not convenient at all to carry this small fish school, Zhang Wei plans to go back.  It has been several months since I came out this time, and my crab manor should have been completed long ago.  In addition, it was inconvenient for him to move around with these fluorescent fish, so Zhang Wei planned to return to Nagasaki.  Since he needs to carry these fluorescent fish with him, Zhang Wei can only walk through the ocean and cannot set foot on land.  Along the way in the sea, there were many predators who wanted to eat Xiaobai and the others.  For this reason, Zhang Wei had to start killing all the way, which can be said to be a bit slow.  Since Senior Xuanwu taught me the "Mage Meditation", not only has my mental power increased a lot, but my ability to control my mental power has also been significantly improved.  Now if Zhang Wei casts ice ray, his range can reach 10 meters, and the frozen area has almost doubled.  As for the ice bullets, they are awesome.  The range has roughly doubled compared to before, and the penetrating power of the bullet has also doubled.  And now Zhang Wei can fire thousands of ice bullets every day, which is like a small ammunition depot.  If anyone offends Zhang Wei at this time, Zhang Wei can even carry out a small poisoning.  With his current abilities, Zhang Wei is confident that he can protect himself in the sea.  But he remembered what Senior Xuanwu said - there are many powerful guys in this world, so be careful.  When he thought of Senior Xuanwu, Zhang Wei knew that the world was not as simple as he thought.  Senior Xuanwu comes from a magical plane, and it is obviously an alien creature from another world.  There must be more than one alien creature on the earth, and maybe aliens may also be hiding in a certain corner of the earth.  When he thought of these, Zhang Wei's imagination flashed through many scenes involuntarily.  Things like Superman, Spider-Man, Werewolf, Vampire, etc. might all be real!  And they might all be species from alien planets!  Of course, it may also be a strange species on earth.  When he thought of the shikigami he met in Japan, Zhang Wei did not dare to be careless.  Even a small country like Japan has such powerful shikigami and onmyoji, and other countries will definitely have such supernatural powers.  You can imagine that when the dispute occurs in various countries, do these strange people who control the power besieged?  No matter how powerful they are, they still need to live.  And when nations and countries are involved, many things will become complicated.  Zhang Wei estimates that some of the legends about supernatural powers circulating in various countries and regions on the earth must be true. Although they may not be 100% true, there must be some shadow of the truth.  As a country with ancient culture, China has many myths and stories circulated since ancient times. How many secrets are hidden in them!  Thinking of this, Zhang Wei couldn't help but feel a little scared.  This world is like this. The more you know, the more you will be in awe of this world!  On the contrary, the ignorant person is more courageous.  This is where the fearlessness of the ignorant comes from!  Traveling all the way across the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, Zhang Wei picked off many predators along the way.  Many marine creatures run away after being frightened, but there are also some that are determined not to give up, and their final result can only be death.  After strengthening his abilities, Zhang Wei's attack power has made a huge leap forward.  With his current ability, Zhang Wei is confident that he can KO the ten previous selves.  From this we can?He is still very confident at this time. Although the unknown world brings him a bit of awe, at least he has not received many blows so far.  When Zhang Wei took Xiaobai and the others through the Bering Strait, they were attacked by a sea snake.  The Bering Strait is the only channel connecting the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, and is also the shortest sea passage between North America and the Asian continent.  It is located between the Chukotka Peninsula at the northeastern tip of Asia and Alaska at the northwest tip of North America.  It is connected to the Chukchi Sea to the north and the Bering Sea to the south. The Bering Strait is about 60 kilometers long, 35 to 86 kilometers wide, with an average water depth of 42 meters and a maximum water depth of 52 meters.  Since Zhang Wei had to take Xiaobai and the others with him, he had to pass through the Bering Strait this time, because this is the only waterway out of the Arctic Ocean.  Unexpectedly, they encountered big trouble here.  Zhang Wei was in a good mood at the time, but suddenly he felt a slight palpitation in his heart.  He knew this was a mental warning, and Zhang Wei immediately increased his concentration.  He looked around and found no danger.  "No, the threat comes from the bottom of the sea." This was the first reaction that popped into Zhang Wei's mind at that time.  But before he could react, a huge black snake head emerged from the mud on the seabed.  The snake head alone was almost as big as a table. Zhang Wei's expression changed when he saw the snake head.  Just looking at the snake's head is shocking enough. It's hard to imagine how huge the overall size of this snake is!  Thinking of this, Zhang Wei just wanted to run away.  But the snake had already focused on him, or rather on the small group of fluorescent fish.  Because Zhang Wei found that its bloody mouth did not pounce on him, but Chao Xiaobai and the others pounced on it.  It seemed that what he wanted to eat was not Zhang Wei's big crab, but Xiaobai and the others.  "Xiaobai, run away!" Zhang Wei sent a message.  He couldn't just watch these fluorescent fish being eaten by this giant black snake, otherwise he would suffer huge losses.  These fish are great!  Zhang Wei also hopes to reproduce by himself in the future!  Therefore, this giant black snake must not be allowed to succeed, so Zhang Wei released the ice ray without hesitation.  The thick ice quickly blocked the giant black snake, but the guy didn't even hesitate and hit it with his head.  With a "boom", the large piece of ice created by Zhang Wei with the ice ray was directly smashed to pieces by the giant snake.
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