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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Ultimate Killer Crab

Text Chapter 54 Little Seal and Little Gray

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    Just when Zhang Wei felt like he was safe, the submarine volcano erupted for the second time.  "Boom!" It was like millions of bombs detonating at the same time, and the entire sea level was overturned.  The large glacier that had been torn apart could no longer withstand the majestic energy of this submarine volcano.  The scattered glaciers were all blown up, and after a loud noise, the entire sea level seemed to have risen by tens of meters.  Then the glacier and sea water fell heavily back into the sea. The scene was really shocking!  It¡¯s too scary!  Zhang Wei was not lucky enough to see such a spectacular scene. This time he was stunned.  He was thrown dozens of meters away like a doll, and then fell heavily into the sea.  The powerful impact made Zhang Wei faint, and then he knew nothing.  .  .  .  .  .  .  Without consciousness, Zhang Wei was pushed by the ocean current to a beach on the Pacific coast.  This should be the territory of the Russian Federation. Judging from the thick glaciers on the shore, it is close to the North Pole.  In other words, it is already within the Arctic Circle.  Zhang Wei was washed up on the ice by the sea water, and then continued to coma.  While Zhang Wei was unconscious, Bing Xin Nei Dan slowly began to absorb the cold air from the ice.  Since it is located near the Arctic Circle, the beaches here are also different.  There are also beaches in the Arctic, but what you see after walking down the beach is not sea water, but layers of thick ice.  Some of these ice layers are tens of meters thick, while others may be only tens of centimeters thick.  Zhang Wei was now pushed onto a piece of ice. If the inner alchemy of Bingxin hadn't automatically absorbed the cold air around him, he would have turned into a big frozen crab.  And because of the Bingxin inner elixir, the cold here not only did not harm him, but instead slowly replenished his body with energy.  He is slowly recovering from the internal injuries caused by the volcanic eruption, and in the process, his physical strength is also improving little by little.  It's been a slow process, but it's been amazing.  There happened to be a group of seals resting on the ice by the beach, and one of the baby seals had already seen Zhang Wei.  He seemed to be very interested in this big crab, so he crawled over little by little.  Seals live in cold temperate oceans. Except for the period of calving, resting and moulting, when they need to go to ice, beaches or rocks, they spend the rest of the time swimming, feeding or playing in the sea.  They do not cluster during the breeding period. After the offspring are born, they form a family group. After the lactation period, the family group ends.  They give birth on the ice, and when the ice melts, the cubs begin to live in the water.  The few individuals whose breeding season has been postponed have to give birth on coastal beaches.  Their main food is fish, but they also eat crustaceans and cephalopods.  So no matter how cute they look, they are very cute!  But in essence - they are actually a predator in the polar regions.  It is said that the largest seal can weigh three to four tons, which is comparable to an elephant.  The little seal that is currently interested in Zhang Wei is probably less than one meter tall, estimated to be about 90 centimeters.  It happily ran to Zhang Wei and pushed its head against the big crab in front of it.  In a daze, Zhang Wei felt as if something of his own was pushing him.  "Stop making trouble! Let me sleep a little longer!" Zhang Wei was confused and thought his family was playing a trick on him.  These illusions are all impressions buried deep in his memory, and his true nature is revealed during this coma.  He really misses the old time, really misses it!  "Yeah!" Zhang Wei opened his eyes in confusion, and he finally woke up.  After being knocked unconscious, he had been unconscious for more than ten days.  If it weren't for the Bingxin inner elixir that provided energy to his body, he would have died long ago.  You must know that he was already seriously ill at that time and had to go without food or water for more than ten days.  If he doesn't die like this, he is already stronger than Xiaoqiang!  "Ah!" Zhang Wei was shocked.  The little seal was hitting him with its head, so the first thing Zhang Wei saw when he opened his eyes was its face.  And because the baby seal is so close, it has a bit of a magnification effect.  Zhang Wei thought it was some kind of monster!  That's why he screamed in fear.  When he came to his senses, he realized that it was just a baby seal.  Zhang Wei couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, but fortunately there was no one nearby, so he quickly forgot about these embarrassments.  "The little guy is quite fat!" Zhang Wei almost drooled when he saw this little seal.  You must know that he has not eaten for more than ten days, so he will naturally be very hungry after waking up.  So the little seal about 90 centimeters in front of him seems to be a delicious meal, but Zhang Wei can't bear it now.  The little guy is not only cute, but also very friendly.  The little seal was startled after seeing Zhang Wei wake up.  Later, it was discovered that Zhang Wei did not attack it, and the little guy pestered it again.  "Okay, little guy. Don't bother me, I'm injured. I'm here??Needs healing!  "Zhang Wei used his spiritual consciousness to tell the little seal the meaning of these words. Although Zhang Wei didn't know whether it understood it? But at least he didn't disturb Zhang Wei anymore, which also gave Zhang Wei the energy to concentrate on  Healing. Although Zhang Wei is awake now, he finds that he is seriously injured. It is estimated that there are cracks in the bones all over his body. The attack force was too powerful, no matter how powerful Zhang Wei was, it was inhuman.  The power was transferred to him. Even if only a small part of the power was transferred, it was enough to kill an elephant. No matter how hard Zhang Wei's carapace was and how strong his body was, he was still seriously injured!  So at this time, Zhang Wei could only use his Bingxin inner elixir desperately to absorb as much cold energy as possible. In this way, his injury could be recovered faster. During the few days when Zhang Wei was recovering from his injury,  The little seal soon became a good friend. To make it easier to remember, he gave the little seal a name - Xiao Hui. When Zhang Wei was injured and couldn't move, he actually brought him a little one.  Fish. Although this fish is small, it is already very valuable to Zhang Wei. He has not eaten for almost fifteen days, so even if it is just a small fish, it is still very important to him.  It was Zhang Wei's fifth day of recovery, and his injuries were almost healed. He had regained his mobility, but he still stayed at the beach these days, after all, there was his Protestant friend, Little Seal.  Gray. Suddenly, a polar bear appeared in Zhang Wei's sight. He was about four or five hundred meters away from here, and it seemed that the polar bear was heading towards this beach.  The world's largest terrestrial carnivore, also known as the white bear. According to zoological classification, it belongs to the class Mammalia and the family Ursidae. The male polar bear is about 240-260cm long and weighs 400-750kg. The female polar bear is about half smaller than the male.  About 190 to 210cm, weighing about 200 to 300kg. Before the winter sleep time, due to a large amount of fat accumulation, their weight can reach 1000kg. Polar bears have the same vision and hearing as humans, but their sense of smell is extremely sensitive and they are dogs.  7 times that of the world's 100-meter champion, with a speed of 60km/h, which is 1.5 times that of the world's 100-meter champion. Although it looks very cute, few people would call it cute after seeing it.  It's so big! It looks so ferocious!
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