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Text Chapter 51: Trip to the North Pole

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    After solving the money problem, Zhang Wei finally let go of the matter.  Now he just needs to wait quietly. After three months, he can move into his crab manor.  When he thought of this, Zhang Wei felt extremely happy.  As for the treasures salvaged from the sunken ship, let Saburo Hayata handle them.  In this regard, Saburo Hayata is undoubtedly more professional, but Zhang Wei himself is not convenient to come forward at all.  He believes that Saburo Hayata will not embezzle his part, after all, no one is a fool!  So when he thought that he had nothing to do in the past three months, Zhang Wei decided to take a polar trip.  Since his Bingxin inner elixir can now absorb the cold air, he should go to the North Pole to absorb more cold air.  I believe that once he absorbs enough cold air, his ice rays will soon have a breakthrough enhancement.  He was quite looking forward to this!  After saying goodbye to Saburo Hayata and Kai Hayata and his son, Zhang Wei decided to set off for the Arctic region.  This time he didn't leave without saying goodbye, it could be regarded as a planned trip.  The Arctic region refers to the area near the North Pole and within the Arctic Circle at 66¡ã34¡ä north latitude.  The Arctic Ocean is a vast icy ocean surrounded by numerous islands and coastal areas of northern North America and Asia.  It is no exaggeration to say that the Arctic is a world of ice and snow!  But that¡¯s not to say that the climate in the Arctic is static. That¡¯s not the case.  There are also seasonal changes in the Arctic, but they are not as obvious as other places!  In winter, the sun is always below the horizon and the sea is completely frozen.  In summer, temperatures rise above freezing, the edges of the Arctic Ocean melt, and the sun stays high in the sky for weeks on end.  The Arctic Ocean is rich in fish and plankton, which provides a rich food source for the millions of seabirds that nest here in the summer, as well as seals, whales and other marine animals.  Much of the area around the Arctic Ocean is relatively flat and treeless.  In winter, the ground freezes and the ground is covered with thick snow.  In the summer, the snow melts, the topsoil thaws, and plants grow and bloom, providing food for animals such as reindeer and musk oxen.  At the same time, carnivores such as wolves and polar bears also rely on preying on other animals to survive.  The Arctic is one of the most sparsely populated regions in the world.  The Eskimos are the only residents here. They have lived here since ancient times and make a living by domesticating reindeer.  Since this time we were going to an extremely cold area, Zhang Wei did not ask Xiao Wu to follow him.  This guy can't adapt to the low temperature there, it's too cold there.  If it weren't for strengthening the ice ray, Zhang Wei wouldn't want to go to that ghost place.  Following the ocean currents on the bottom of the sea, Zhang Wei advanced northward.  This journey may only take a few months, or it may take a year or two.  The Arctic region is also a very unfamiliar place for Zhang Wei, so now he has to wait and see.  Since the ocean current happens to be moving along the north at this time, Zhang Wei saves effort along the way.  He quickly passed through the waters of Honshu Island, and then set foot on the waters near Hokkaido.  If you go further north, you will enter Russian territorial waters.  When he reached the sea area of ????Sakhalin Island, he stopped and took a rest.  Sakhalin Island, also called Sakhalin Island, covers an area of ??76,400 square kilometers and has a population of about 500,000.  This island once belonged to China, but now it is in the hands of Russia.  This just tells us a simple truth - whoever has a bigger fist is the boss!  "But Zhang Wei can't care so much, he just feels a little emotional.  Our country has recognized it, but he is nothing more than a big crab!  Since Sakhalin is close to the edge of the Arctic Circle, it is already very cold here.  In the northern part of Sakhalin Island, the lowest temperature is said to be minus 40 degrees Celsius.  Zhang Wei found a glacier on the island and started trying to absorb it.  As his inner elixir of ice began to absorb waves of cold air, the glacier was slowly melting and becoming smaller.  This glacier is estimated to be several hundred cubic meters in size and can only be regarded as a small glacier.  Zhang Wei lay on it and spent about half a day absorbing all the cold air in the glacier.  "Ah! It's so comfortable!" After absorbing the cold air from the glacier, Zhang Wei stretched his muscles comfortably.  A stream of cold air gradually flowed from the glacier into his Bingxin Inner Alchemy, which also made the power in this Bingxin Inner Alchemy increase bit by bit.  After Zhang Wei absorbed all the cold air from the glacier, he tested the power of the ice ray again.  "Great! There seems to be some progress!" Zhang Wei gestured with his feet. He found that the distance he could fire the ice ray now exceeded 50 centimeters, estimated to be more than 60 centimeters, and it seemed to be more powerful.  A little boost.  In order to feel more clearly how much progress he has made, Zhang Wei found a big fish in the sea and did an experiment.  As a result, a fish about 1.5 meters long was killed by him in one move, which was beyond his expectation.  You must know that this 1.5-meter-long ocean fish weighs at least hundreds of kilograms., the vitality is still very strong.  If it were before, he would have needed to cast ice rays at least twice to end its life.  Seeing how much progress he had made, Zhang Wei became more confident.  He hopes to absorb more of the cold air from the glacier, so that the power of his Ice Heart Inner Alchemy will be stronger.  Once the power of the inner elixir is enhanced, the ice ray will definitely be invincible!  So Zhang Wei quickly set his sights on another larger glacier. The volume of this glacier was estimated to be two to three thousand cubic meters. It occupied almost half an acre of land and was almost ** meters high.  It looks like a hill.  In order to absorb the cold air from the glacier, Zhang Wei lay on it for four days and nights.  As he absorbed the cold air from the glacier, the water caused by the melting glacier began to spread outward.  Although the surrounding weather is very cold, the low temperature will cause the melted ice water to re-condensate into ice.  But as the amount of cold energy Zhang Wei absorbed increased, his absorption ability was also well trained, and the absorption speed was much faster than before.  This caused the melted water to continue to spread outwards, causing many people to notice something strange here.  Chekov was a local Russian hunter. He was curious, so he broke into the glacier.  "Oh my God! What a big crab!" Chekov's exclamation woke up Zhang Wei who was practicing.  When he saw an old Russian guy in front of him, Zhang Wei used the Ice Ray without saying a word.  I saw that he could shoot a blue ray more than one meter away, which instantly froze Chekov into ice.  After absorbing the cold air from the two fast glaciers, the attack distance of Zhang Wei's ice ray has increased to more than one meter.  It can be described as rapid progress!  "Damn, they killed someone again! It seems I can't stay here any longer. I'd better get on the road quickly." After Zhang Wei muttered to himself, he set out on his journey again.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The second update is delivered!  It's so hot!  It¡¯s not easy, brother!  In such hot weather, I work during the day and update at night!  I hope brothers can support me more!  Please recommend!  Please collect it!
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