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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Ultimate Killer Crab

Text Chapter 49 US$9.26 million

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    Zhang Wei looked at Saburo Hayata dancing happily and couldn't help but shook his head.  This guy has never seen anything like this!  There is so much wealth under the sea that ordinary people can hardly imagine it!  After all, this guy Hayata Saburo is also the third son of Hayata Co., Ltd. I didn't expect him to be so miserable.  Zhang Wei made an estimate and estimated that these more than 300 pieces of porcelain may be worth about seven to eight million US dollars.  Among them, more than a dozen pieces of official kiln porcelain from the Ming Dynasty are relatively valuable and may be sold for a large price.  The prices of other porcelain from private kilns are estimated to be similar to those sold last time.  After selling these porcelains, he can start construction on his seaside manor.  Thinking of this, Zhang Wei was still very excited.  After turning into a killer crab, what he fears most is actually the feeling of loneliness.  Suddenly entering a lonely world from human society, this feeling can even drive people crazy.  If Zhang Wei hadn't still had his parents and son as his spiritual sustenance, Zhang Wei would have gone crazy long ago.  Although Zhang Wei liked to read at the starting point in the past, he neither wanted to travel through time nor had any thoughts of transforming.  That sudden disaster ruined his life and ruined his life.  When he thinks about this, hatred is actually tormenting him every moment.  Therefore, his excessive behavior on Okinawa some days ago was indeed due to the cold poison, but on the other hand, it was also due to the factor of venting.  If he didn't let it out, he would drive himself crazy.  So having a platform to communicate with many people is a very important thing for Zhang Wei.  And once this seaside manor is established, this matter will soon become a reality.  Although Zhang Wei can't talk to people face to face, don't forget that there is an artifact called the Internet in this world.  Nowadays, chat software is so developed that you can make many friends on the Internet and even get in touch with your former friends and family.  However, Zhang Wei is still very conflicted about whether to contact his family and friends.  On the one hand he was eager for it, but on the other hand he was a little scared.  He is no longer a human, but a terrifying killer crab.  Can others accept him?  All this is still unknown!  But one thing is for sure, he will go back for revenge soon.  A true man should repay kindness and revenge!  No matter what, he would never let go of the person who killed him.  When he thought of the name Wu Zhenhua, he wished he could get a little straw man to curse him every day!  As for Wu Yutong, this bitch, he will go back to check the situation when the time comes.  If his death was related to her, Zhang Wei would not let her go.  If she had nothing to do with her, even for the sake of his son Xiaolong, he couldn't cause trouble with her.  Although there was something wrong with this woman, when he thought of his son, he was willing to make some concessions in this regard.  But there must be a prerequisite first, that is, her death has nothing to do with her.  Soon after, Saburo Hayata sold more than 300 pieces of porcelain one after another.  As more and more Chinese people come overseas to buy cultural relics in recent years, Japan's cultural relics market has been quite hot in recent years.  Today's China is a bit like Japan more than 20 years ago. As the economy gradually becomes stronger, many Chinese people feel that they are rich.  So they waved big checks and went shopping all over the world.  Whether it is land, real estate, luxury goods, or various antiques, these are the favorite things to buy for these people!  The year before last, something happened in the UK that shocked the world.  A Qianlong vase worth only a few hundred thousand pounds was unexpectedly sold for more than 50 million pounds by a wealthy businessman from China.  Although the auctioneer did not pay in the end, there must have been some loss.  After all, in today's society, there is still a price to pay for a commercial breach of contract like this.  In the smallest case, the security deposit will be lost, and in serious cases, a certain amount of compensation will be required.  Many foreigners took advantage of the growing patriotism of many people in our country, and then set traps one after another. In the end, they made a fortune one by one.  "Zodiac" starring Jackie Chan tells such a story, which shows that this phenomenon is relatively common in today's world.  In modern times, there are still a lot of Chinese porcelain and other antiques spread to Japan, so many Chinese people have gone to Japan to hunt for treasures in recent years.  Some people really find good things, and some people encounter traps.  So although the number of more than 300 pieces of Ming Dynasty porcelain is still quite large, because the antique market is relatively prosperous now, Saburo Hayata sold all these porcelains one by one in just a few days.  In the end, these porcelains were sold for a total of 9.26 million US dollars, which was slightly more than Zhang Wei estimated.  Among them, a dozen pieces of official kiln porcelain were sold for nearly two million US dollars, which was beyond Zhang Wei's expectation.  Originally, he valued these dozen pieces of official kiln porcelain at between US$1 million and US$1.5 million. However, since the price of Ming Dynasty official kiln porcelain has been rising in recent years, it was much more than Zhang Wei thought.  few.  After they got the money, each of them got half of it.  So Zhang Wei got a huge sum of 4.63 million US dollars, and now his estateWork has begun.  Of course, if you want to build a seaside manor, you must first buy the land.  Zhang Wei bought the beach through Saburo Hayata and spent a total of 920,000 U.S. dollars, which was 20,000 U.S. dollars more than the last time he inquired about the price of 900,000 U.S. dollars, but the price was basically in line with the price.  After paying $920,000, Zhang Wei officially owned the beach legally.  The size of this beach is clearly marked on the land certificate. The length is 830 meters, and the width will vary slightly depending on the tide.  At high tide, the beach is only about three hundred meters wide.  If the tide goes out, the width of this beach will be nearly 500 meters.  To be honest, this beach area is still very large, but the location is relatively remote, and the reefs here are dense, so the quality of this beach is relatively poor.  But for Zhang Wei, who longs for privacy, this beach is a treasure.  Now that this beach, which is hundreds of acres in size, officially belongs to him, Zhang Wei is very excited.  What a great feeling it is to own land!  No wonder those landowners in the past were as obsessed with their fields as their lives. Zhang Wei can now more or less understand their feelings.  This sense of satisfaction from owning land cannot be replaced by many other things.  In ancient times, even if your family had a lot of money, it would not be considered a wealthy family if you did not own some land!  Of course, Zhang Wei is just a killer crab now, and he does not have a Japanese identity document.  So he placed the right to use this beach in the name of this little guy Hayada Kai.  At the same time, a large number of construction teams drove into the beach, and the construction of Zhang Wei's manor officially began.
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