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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Ultimate Killer Crab

Text Chapter 41 Ice Ray

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    When Zhang Wei breathed the cold air of the last layer of mysterious ice covering his body into his ice heart, he finally broke through the ice and came out.  After this mutation, the color of Zhang Wei's carapace changed.  His color was originally light red, but now it has turned into light cyan.  Moreover, his body shrank a bit, from the original body length of 1.2 meters to about 1.1 meters.  Just because you're smaller doesn't mean you're weaker.  In fact, it's just the opposite - after this change, Zhang Wei's strength has made breakthrough progress.  The reason why his body shrunk was because when Bing Xin and Kappa Lingu were fighting, the two forces washed out part of the magazine in his body, making Zhang Wei's cells more closely arranged at this time, and the strength of his body was further improved.  of reinforcement.  This also makes Zhang Wei's physical foundation much stronger. With a solid foundation, his future potential will naturally be stronger.  "Now this ice heart is under my control, this thing is almost the same as my inner elixir. Haha, am I really going to become a monster!" Zhang Wei thought happily.  In his opinion - once an animal has an inner elixir, it is already a monster, and one with some strength.  Since I am now considered one of the monsters, do I need to know some magic?  Otherwise, if you encounter a fight and always fight hand-to-hand, it will be too shameless.  "Damn it, where can I learn magic? It seems that you can only rely on yourself for magic. The kappa I killed has the ability to control water. Although it is not very strong, it still belongs to the category of magic.  By the way, I have Bing Xin now. Bing Xin can absorb and release cold air, can I use my brain in this regard?" Zhang Wei thought wildly.  Thinking of this, Zhang Wei felt that this direction should still be feasible.  He tried to release the cold air from Bing Xin, and this method indeed worked.  But the problem is - the cold air slowly seeps out from Bing Xin, and apart from being an insurance against objects, it doesn't seem to have any offensive power!  In order to form an attack power, this cold air must be able to be shot out quickly.  At such a slow speed, even a snail might not be able to freeze.  Is it possible that when you want to freeze an enemy to death, you must first paralyze him, then slowly wait for a few minutes and then freeze him? This is not taking off your pants and farting - it is unnecessary!  "Human beings have eight extraordinary meridians that can channel internal energy and even true energy, so I can also use it as a reference." Zhang Wei thought.  What meridians does this crab have? I guess no one in the world would be bored enough to study this knowledge.  It is estimated that even if you study it for a lifetime, it will have no practical meaning.  But Zhang Wei himself is a big crab now, so he can only rely on himself to explore.  Fortunately, he has spiritual consciousness and can look inside his body.  After looking inside, he discovered that there were actually many small meridians in his body, but they were all very small and messy.  Only the meridians inside the two large claws are relatively strong, and perhaps a breakthrough can be found from here.  When he thought of it, he had to do it. Zhang Wei controlled the cold air in Bing's heart to slowly spread from his nearest meridians towards the big claw on the left.  Due to the nature of the experiment now, no matter how courageous he was, he would not dare to test the two large claws together.  Otherwise, it would not be courageous, but stupid.  At first, Zhang Wei controlled a small stream of cold air to slowly flow from the meridians to the meridian of the big claw on the left. As soon as this cold air was injected into the meridians, Zhang Wei felt that the big claw on his left side lost consciousness.  Moreover, through spiritual introspection, it can be found that when cold air passes through, this meridian shrinks.  "Ah! It hurts so much!" Zhang Wei felt that the big chela on his left side was in great pain. He kept slapping the ground, stirring up waves of sand on the seabed.  Suddenly, the surroundings became turbid.  Zhang Wei quickly interrupted the flow of cold air, and the pain disappeared immediately. However, the movement of the left big chela was still very inflexible, as if it was disabled.  These meridians refer to the channels through which Qi and blood circulate in the body, just like traffic roads.  Once there is a problem with the road, transportation will definitely become a problem.  Therefore, Zhang Wei's rash attempt was actually a very dangerous move, and it might even cost him his life.  But the vitality of crabs is inherently stronger than that of humans, and Zhang Wei is also an evolved killer crab, and his vitality is very powerful.  Coupled with the fact that I have been taking a lot of energy and blood recently, and eating the flesh and blood of kappa and the inner elixir, the energy stored in my body is actually very huge.  If we use a number to compare, it is estimated that the energy contained in Zhang Wei's body at this time is at least ten times that of an ordinary person, and this does not include Bing Xin's energy.  If the energy contained in Bing Xin is included, then this value can be increased by at least ten times.  Such huge energy also means that Zhang Wei¡¯s recovery ability is very strong at this time. After the pain passed, he continued to try without giving up.    "Ah!" "Ah!".  .  .  .  .  .  With bursts of screams, Zhang Wei continued to experiment on his body again and again.  If you look at it from the perspective of an uninformed person - this big crab is definitely abusing himself, and he hates himself very much!  Otherwise, why would you abuse yourself like this?  Amid the screams, the tests on the meridians continued.  With repeated failures, the resistance of the muscles and veins in Zhang Wei's body to the cold air is rapidly increasing.  After several days of experiments and hundreds of failures, Zhang Wei finally succeeded.  He smoothly conveyed a small stream of cold air to the large claw on his left side.  Although the amount of chill is very small, it is a good start.  Ten days later, Zhang Wei¡¯s experiment has made good progress.  I saw this guy waving his big left claw, screaming in a crab language that humans couldn't understand, and streams of white cold air spurted out from his left claw.  Although the distance of these cold air jets is not very far, only thirty or forty centimeters at most, the power is still enough.  I saw that once hit by this cold air, no matter whether it is coral, stone, plant, or animal, it will be frozen immediately.  Of course, the scope of this freezing is relatively small.  For larger marine creatures, the destructive power of this move is not as great as imagined.  But this is already the result of Zhang Wei's half-month-long effort and thousands of self-abuses.  He named this move Ice Ray, which was a pretty cool name.  He was mumbling just now, but he was actually shouting the name "Ice Ray" non-stop.  It's just that there are no humans here. He is just talking to himself, so naturally there is no need to consume spiritual consciousness so that humans can understand.  After half a month of hard work, the meridians on his left chin have basically been opened.  Now he can directly carry the cold air from Bing Xin through the meridians and shoot out from the left chela, which feels a bit like Dali's Yang Finger.  It¡¯s just that the time to create the ice ray is still short, so the attack range is a bit short now.  Zhang Wei's next goal is to expand the distance of the ice ray from the current thirty or forty centimeters to about three or four meters.  In this way, the ice ray can be regarded as a bit of a magic.
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