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    Since Hayada Hai had no start-up capital, Zhang Wei first handed over the gold to this little guy.  After all, this kid is now considered his agent. Zhang Wei always feels a little weird when he thinks of the word agent.  It's as if he is an alien now. Although killer crabs and humans are indeed not the same race, Zhang Weiqian always thinks that he is still the same person.  In other words, a human race wearing a killer crab shell.  So sometimes there will inevitably be some ideological conflicts. Fortunately, he still has a son, and the task of carrying on the family line has finally been completed.  Otherwise, based on the traditional Chinese idea that there are three unfilial qualities among Chinese people, the greatest of which is not having children, this kid would not be able to commit suicide!  After Hayada Kai put the piece of gold into his schoolbag, he happily took the bus home.  The little guy was nervous the whole time during the ride.  Because the gold in the schoolbag weighs two to three hundred grams and is worth more than ten thousand US dollars, equivalent to more than one million yen.  Normally, his monthly pocket money is only about 3,000 yen, which means that this amount of money is equivalent to his pocket money for decades.  Thinking of this, this first-grade student from Tahara Elementary School in Nagasaki Prefecture was naturally a little worried.  But the facts proved that his fear was just over-confidence.  Although the underworld in Japan is very powerful, the security here in Nagasaki Prefecture has always been very good, and no one would snatch the schoolbag of a seven-year-old primary school student.  If there is such a person, then we don¡¯t need to tell you, just take a piece of tofu and commit suicide.  Zao Tianhai was almost in trepidation along the way. He didn't even think about it - even a bad guy wants to save face. Who would snatch a seven-year-old child's schoolbag!  Of course, it would be a different matter if they knew there was a piece of gold in the bag.  But as long as Zao Tianhai doesn¡¯t say anything, who will know!  After returning home safely, Zao Tianhai finally breathed a sigh of relief.  ¡°It¡¯s best to weigh this piece of gold first and then take action quickly.¡± Zao Tianhai thought to himself.  The matter of weighing is relatively easy to solve, but the matter of selling gold is more difficult.  If a seven-year-old first-year elementary school student goes to a pawn shop or gold shop to sell a piece of gold worth two to three hundred grams, it is really eye-catching.  Hey, when Hayada Kai thought of this, he couldn't help but sigh.  Sometimes it¡¯s inconvenient for me to do things when I¡¯m young, which is really troublesome!  Mrs. Hayata pushed the door open and came in. Seeing Hayada Hai's bitter and resentful look, she couldn't help but asked with concern: "Hai, why are you looking so sad?" "Mom, it's nothing! I'm fine!" Hayada Hai lied.  .  Because the boy rolled his eyes when he lied, Mrs. Hayata immediately discovered that her son was lying.  She covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Son, lying is wrong! Is there something that you can't communicate with your mother?", "Ah, it was discovered that the lie was lying, and Hayada Kai secretly screamed.  Even though the great mother speaks so softly now, if she doesn't give a reasonable explanation, her firepower will be aimed at her little butt.  Hey, women are so unpredictable!  Seven-year-old Hayada Kai has come to such a conclusion about women from his great mother. He is really speechless!  Although there was a secret threat from his mother, Hayada Kai thought that the big crab was his good friend, how could he betray him?  And this involves his future financial future. If his mother knows about it, his father will probably know about it soon. In his opinion, this means that a lot of yen will fly out of his pocket and then slip into his father's pocket.  Mom's pocket.  When he thought of this, he decided to keep this secret.  "Mom, it's really nothing! Today is Saturday, school is on holiday, what can happen to me? I've always been well-behaved." Hayada Kai pretended to be innocent, trying to get away with being cute.  "You brat, you still dare to lie!" Mrs. Hayata was angry. At this time, she had completely lost her gentle and watery appearance, and she was just like a standard tigress.  It seems that Hayada Kai really knows her mother very well.  "I didn't, don't accuse me unjustly!" Hayada Kai was still trying to argue, but it was of no use.  "Okay, you dare to quibble! You are so courageous. I have to teach you a lesson today!" After saying this, Mrs. Hayata rolled up her sleeves and prepared to flatter her son.  As soon as Hayada Kai saw something was wrong, he immediately prepared to run away.  But the man's calves were short, and in the end he did not escape the claws of his mother.  After the butt blossomed, the guy rebelled.  He told the whole story in detail and betrayed Zhang Wei completely.  Expecting a seven-year-old to keep secrets is a risk!  ¡°At first, Mrs. Hayata didn¡¯t believe her son¡¯s secrets.  What?  A killer crab is intelligent and can communicate with people?  What's even more exaggerated is that he will also trade with others, exchanging gold for water meters.  This is simply??Science fiction movies are even more sci-fi!  But when her son took out the piece of gold, she realized the seriousness of the matter.  The son can lie to others, but the gold will never lie to others.  She immediately called her husband Saburo Hayata and asked him to go home quickly.  As soon as Saburo Hayata heard that there was an emergency at home, he immediately came back from the fishing port.  The last time he was injured by Zhang Wei was not serious, so he was able to go to work normally after being bandaged in the hospital.  And after a week, this injury has almost healed.  "Honey, what's wrong? What happened at home?" Saburo Hayata hurriedly returned home.  After he walked into the room, he saw his wife's face was serious, and her expression seemed to be very shocked.  And his baby son's face was full of tears, looking as if he had just been beaten.  Did his son get into trouble?  This was Saburo Hayata's first feeling.  As soon as Mrs. Hayata saw her husband coming back, she immediately told him exactly what happened.  After hearing these things, Saburo Hayata was also shocked.  "Xiaohai, is it true that the crab that attacked me is intelligent? And it also gave you this piece of gold?" Saburo Hayata still felt that this matter was unreliable, and it felt like listening to a science fiction story, so he needed to repeat it  Making sure.  "Well, big crabs are my good friends." Hayada Kai sobbed while wiping her tears.  "Okay, my precious son. Stop crying now. Can you tell me in more detail?" "Okay."  .  .  .  .  .  .  After thoroughly figuring out the whole story, Saburo Hayata analyzed a lot of situations from it.  It seems that this killer crab has mutated during evolution, so it has become intelligent.  It's all those damn old fools' fault. If they hadn't dumped nuclear waste in Japanese waters, how could these killer crabs mutate?  But now it seems that this matter is not a bad thing for my family, but a great good thing.  Maybe the opportunity for his family to prosper would come. He had already weighed the piece of gold and estimated that even if it was less than 300 grams, it wouldn't be much different.  Such a piece of gold is worth at least more than ten thousand dollars, while an ordinary diving watch is worth at most two to three hundred dollars.  The profit margins are simply astonishingly high!  When he thought of the killer crabs and the treasures at the bottom of the sea, Saburo Hayata's heart suddenly became hot and hot.
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