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Volume 2: Ignorance Enters the Campus Chapter 102: Don¡¯t Show Your Wealth

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    Zhou Yu was very depressed.  In fact, no matter who it is, if the same story is told twice within an hour, it will still be depressing.  But the problem is, depression is just depression, and you still have to say what needs to be said.  Who would let the father-in-law, who is his boss, live in his family?  What's more, Mr. Tang is here.  Hearing Zhou Yu truthfully tell the story from beginning to end, everyone looked at each other. Lu Ming and others even glanced at Tang Zhigui with their eyes jokingly. The teasing in their eyes really made Tang Zhigui have the urge to spit fire.  Good son-in-law, what a good son-in-law! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Everyone thought that the matter before was in the past¡ªwhat money should a family talk about!  How sentimental!  ¡°I didn¡¯t expect that boy to still think about it. Not only did he think about it, but he actually did it!  Not only did he do it but he actually did it in such a big way!  The Tang Group started its business in medicine, and although Zhou Yu did not belong to the Tang Group, he was considered a minor vassal in the past - Zhou Yu was considered a channel merchant and often got goods from the Tang Group. The relationship between the two companies has always been  It's all good.  Xinyandan is so popular, although it is limited to the upper class society. Due to the energy of some people, there is no report on Xinyandan in the media.  But how could the Tang Group not know the magic and popularity of Xinyan Dan?  The market price is 300,000 pieces, and there is a price but no market. The limit is only 30 pieces per month. Unless you have great reputation, you can't buy it if you have money!  Moreover, the effect of the medicine is miraculous. The skin will start to shed the same day after taking it. The old skin on the whole body will fall off in about a week. The new skin that grows will look at least one or two years younger than before. Not to mention that no side effects have been discovered yet.  Yes, I'm afraid those women who love beauty more than their lives will also flock to it! ????????????????????????????????????????????? Who in the medical field would not be jealous of such a miraculous medicine?  The Tang Group is also jealous!  Didn¡¯t Mei Rou just run to Zhou Yu to buy medicine?  But Zhou Yu, who had always had a good relationship with the Tang Group, suddenly changed his face and refused to give it to the Tang Group, even if he spent money to buy her!  Mei Rou was not the only one to complain about this "villain" behavior behind her back.  If it weren't for the fact that the circle Zhou Yu was currently promoted to was too powerful, and besides the fact that, except for Xinyan Dan, Zhou Yu had always maintained a humble attitude towards people in the Tang Group, he would have turned against them!  "I never expected that such a magical "New Beauty Pill" was actually written by Liao Huang, and Zhou Yu was just a middleman.  This moment made everyone present feel a little proud, but after being proud, they also felt deeply troublesome!  Because Zhou Yu was honest about what he said.  Why did Liao Huang give her the New Beauty Pill to sell?  Don¡¯t you want to make money?  What do you do to make money?  "For the 100 million that I was talking about in anger" Everyone was secretly looking at Mr. Tang. The old man's current expression can only be described as dumbfounding. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? did not cause such a huge turmoil. It seemed that this huge turmoil was just a slight move of a finger by Liao Huang, not even a serious move.  The energy this young man possesses is truly terrifying!  If people thought that Liao Huang and Tang Xin were together before, they might have ulterior motives.  But now it seems that the Tang family has to face up to this young man's energy.  Lu Ming, for one, couldn't help but wonder, what if this young man really became the son-in-law of the Tang family.  If the Tang family masters the formula of this new Yan Dan, then the future prospects of the Tang family are boundless!  Not only Lu Ming, many people present could not help but have such thoughts.  Looking at the different expressions on everyone¡¯s faces, Mei Rou sighed.  It's no wonder that my daughter has a deep love for that boy. To be honest, such a powerful and mysterious young man does have a strong and fatal attraction to girls.  With a sigh, Mei Rou dropped another bombshell: "Actually Xinxin just told me that the New Yan Pill is just the most insignificant thing in Liao Huang's hands." Except for Tang Xin, everyone else  They all looked at Mei Rou in shock.  Mei Rou sighed, pointed to the small medicine bottles placed on the table next to her, and said, "Xinxin brought these medicines back as a way to honor our elders. Xinxin, let's do it for you!  " Tang Xin saw that everyone was looking at her, so she stood up obediently and explained the functions of these bottles of medicine.  "Impossible!" Mr. Tang's personal doctor, Feng Zhihui, stood up first and said loudly: "How can there be such a miraculous drug in this world?! Let's not talk about anything else.Heart diseases such as coronary heart disease can be treated with medicine!  If such a drug existed, its inventor would have won the Nobel Prize in Medicine long ago!  " Everyone had this idea in their minds, but only Feng Zhihui, the nerd, said it out. Everyone looked at Tang Xin, but Tang Xin smiled softly, with a look of disdain on his face. At that moment,  Everyone seemed to have an illusion. Tang Xin's expression was similar to that of Liao Huang in the hotel! Tang Xin smiled disdainfully and whispered: "Nobelwhat is it?"  " Feng Zhihui felt as if he was struck by lightning. He took several steps back and fell on the sofa. "What the hell?! That's the Nobel Prize, the highest honor that all experts in the world dream of! Come to Tang Xin  Here, what is it? ! Tang Xin looked around at everyone, and she felt that something must be said clearly: "Everyone, everyone is my elders. Logically speaking, everyone is well-informed.  At least he knows a lot more than this little girl like me.  However, many things are not absolute.  All I can say is that none of you understand Brother Huang.  She looked at the lost Feng Zhihui: "Dr. Feng, maybe you think that a doctor's duty is to save people and benefit mankind, so miraculous drugs like this should be put on the market so that more people can enjoy them."  To welfare, right?  " Feng Zhihua raised his head in confusion. Although he said nothing, the eyes behind his glasses showed the attitude of this nerd - doesn't it? Tang Xin smiled bitterly and shook his head: "For you, maybe - yes.  But Brother Huang is not a doctor.  " Feng Zhi was stunned for a moment, not understanding the meaning of Tang Xin's words. Tang Xin sighed, picked up a small bottle on the table, and said: "This Strengthening Pill can help people cultivate their origin. Specific Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation or  Although I don¡¯t know the effect of Western medicine on crops, if you take three pills a month as I said before.  Grandpa can live to at least a hundred years old without any disease or disaster, and he is in good health and his body functions are not weaker than those in his prime.  " Tang Xin turned to look at everyone: "Maybe you all have doubts, but if the effect of the medicine is real, then if this medicine is launched, how much do you think it can be priced at?  " Everyone looked at Tang Zhigui. He was the most professional in this field. Tang Zhigui said with difficulty: "If this is what Xinxin said this medicine is probably priceless.  "Many people here swallowed their saliva. "Priceless." It's not priceless in the true sense. It's an arbitrary price. "This is a life-saving thing, and health is priceless!" For a seventy-year-old man with serious health problems, he is watching  I said to a billionaire who has only a few days to live, I can let you live healthy and healthy to a hundred years old, which means I can let you live another thirty years, and you will be healthy and healthy, and your body will live as if you are in the prime of life.  Thirty years, but you have to give me one-third of your property. How many people are willing to do it? I¡¯m afraid at least half of them will agree! If you don¡¯t give it to me in life, you won¡¯t take it with you in death.  , There is only one thing. If it is like what Tang Xin said, then what she holds in her hands is not money, but life! Money can be earned, but life?  Short of money, 100 million is just a small amount to him.  But he is not a doctor, and he does not have such a noble sentiment as benefiting the world.  And on the contrary, in Brother Huang's eyes, many lives are actually equal.  Maybe we all feel that our lives are precious, but in the eyes of Brother Huang, unless it is someone he values, the lives of other people are not much more valuable than other living creatures, such as cats and dogs.  " "You may have forgotten that when you first met Brother Huang half a year ago, Brother Huang gave a harsh lesson to Wu Binguo's family and what he said about his family.  "    "Ants!  " "In the eyes of Brother Huang, except for the people he values, everyone else is just an ant!  "So" Tang Xin looked at the people who had been dumbfounded: "Don't expect to put these medicines on the market. I also clearly tell you the materials required for the elixirs that Brother Huang refined."  , are all things that you have never heard of or seen, and are almost extinct in this world.  Therefore, these drugs cannot be produced in large quantities, nor can they be produced in large quantities.  " "I brought these medicines back because Brother Huang just gave me the welfare benefits of my relatives for my sake.  Everyone can just enjoy these things secretly. Once they are publicized, guess what???How many of those powerful, even extremely powerful people will remain unmoved?  " "Brother Huang is almost fearless in this world, but what about our Tang Group?  " "I understand" Mr. Tang sighed, stood up tremblingly, and glanced around, revealing the majesty of the chairman of the Tang Group: "No matter whether Xinxin is so exaggerated about the effects of these medicines,  However, as the chairman of Tang Group, I ordered that the existence of these drugs is the top secret of Tang Group!  Only the few people in the room know about it now, and it must not be spread outside!  Do you understand?  !  "    "clear!  "Everyone stood up and agreed loudly. "Because everyone knows that Tang Xin is right. If these medicines are fake, it will be easier to deal with, but if they are true, once word gets out, it will probably be the end of the Tang Group.  !
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