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Volume 3 Law Replacement Chapter 1329 to 1330, Miscellaneous Thoughts of Faith

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    To be honest, when Lao Ma heard about this condition, he couldn't help but be surprised.  ¡°The sects that can be established as state religions are all traditional sects that have been preaching in the local area for hundreds of years.  Although Poseidon Church is spread all over the world, its influence in some places is still a bit lacking.  Of course, faced with such favorable conditions, Lao Ma will naturally not refuse.  After regaining his youth, Lao Ma immediately fell into a busy state.  As the first Patriarch of Poseidon Church, there are too many important matters in Poseidon Church that need him to handle.  The first thing is negotiations between countries. Well, this is easy to say. After all, Poseidon Church is not pursuing economic interests. As long as countries open up their missionary rights, negotiations will be easy.  The second step is to appoint the pastor of each diocese.  Since the clergy above the chief pastor level have been appointed by Cheng Kong himself, Lao Ma can only appoint clergy at the level of chief pastor, while the presiding pastors at the regional level are appointed by the two patriarchs who assist Lao Ma.  The pastor of the next church is appointed by the parish pastor.  Such an appointment system is enough to ensure that future patriarchs and patriarchs will not be nepotistic.  Of course, even so, Lao Ma is still very busy.  Lao Ma is also responsible for the current main pastoral division of Poseidon Church.  In the era of Poseidon Les Ambry, every main pastoral district or bishopric was divided into countries as units.  But this division method does not apply to the earth.  In the heroic world, the countries used to be basically the same size, with a population of one or two million people per country.  But things are different on Earth. Small countries have hundreds of thousands or millions of people, medium-sized countries have tens of millions of people, and large countries have hundreds of millions or hundreds of millions of people. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? being divided into dioceses according to the country has no meaning.  Therefore, during this period, while he was busy negotiating with envoys from various countries around the world, Lao Ma's daily job was to check the world map and world population distribution map, trying to divide the main pastoral areas from the perspective of population, land area and even economic factors.  Gotta be more reasonable.  The population of each main pastoral area is about 50 million. Depending on economic factors or area adjustment, the population may be as high as 78 million or as low as 20 to 30 million.  As a result, some countries need to be divided into a dozen or even more main pastoral areas, while smaller countries have a single main pastoral area, and for smaller countries, several countries are merged into one main pastoral area.  Of course, in this case, the number of main pastoral areas divided into two hundred in the world.  ?That is to say, after Lao Ma divides the dioceses, he needs to appoint two hundred bishops!  This is a rather troublesome appointment.  First, you need to wait for the two patriarchs to select qualified senior pastors and appoint them as the presiding pastors of the regions under each main pastoral district. Only then can Lao Ma select the presiding pastors from these regional pastors for appointment.  To be honest, just looking at the pastor¡¯s files gave Lao Ma a headache.  "But we have to read these information. It's impossible to make arbitrary appointments, right?"  There are at least hundreds of pastors under each pastor. If you make a bad choice, it may cause big problems in a parish.  Therefore, it is necessary to check the other party¡¯s temperament, experience, etc. from the file information in order to arrange the appropriate candidate and pastoral area.  Not to mention that Lao Ma and others were busy with the affairs of the Poseidon Church, but at this time, Cheng Kong was in the Island Turtle Palace.  At this time, the Island Turtle Palace is completely bathed in a milky white waterfall.  Countless waterfalls composed of the power of faith poured down from the top of the palace, almost submerging Cheng Kong inside.  The crystal on Cheng Kong¡¯s forehead directly absorbed all the power of faith.  For Cheng Kong, the number of believers under the Poseidon Church now exceeds one billion, and the power of faith gathered in this way is constantly being absorbed and transformed by the five gods.  By this time, Cheng Kong's soul was already full of divine power, so the extra divine power was condensed into divine power crystals of different colors according to the different attributes of the godhead, which slowly fell down and hit the ground.  , making a crisp sound.  At this time, on the ground on the top of the mountain below Cheng Kong's throne, the crystals of divine power had piled up like a mountain.  These divine power crystals are of great use to Cheng Kong.  In fact, the transformation of the power of faith into divine power by the Godhead is a purifying effect. The power of faith, which was originally mixed with various distracting thoughts of believers, is transformed intoAfter gaining power, it was greatly purified into a divine power that gods could use more easily.  Well, in essence, there is not much difference between the power of faith and divine power. If there is a difference, then it is the distracting thoughts of believers mixed in the power of faith.  Those distracting thoughts of believers can affect the consciousness of the gods. If they are directly absorbed and used without purification, the impact on the gods will be great.  There is such a record in the remaining memory of Poseidon Leis Ambry.  When the heroic world was relatively ancient, some strange objects became the objects of worship by the ancient people.  For example, there are strange rocks, twisting streams, and even some statues made by the ancient people themselves.  Under the long-term influence of the power of faith, these objects gradually gave birth to spiritual intelligence and became divine creatures. Some of the more powerful ones even became demi-gods.  But such demigods have been affected by the distracting thoughts of those believers from the beginning. Therefore, after possessing their own spiritual wisdom, their thinking is composed of more unified distracting thoughts among believers.  For example, a stream god will usually drive more fish to the shore for those believers, while a mountain god will make believers stronger within their own territory, and so on.  But this is not the care of the believers by the demigods, but the things they do under the influence of the believers.  To be honest, this kind of thing is quite scary for the gods.  Gods can actually be influenced by believers and do some things spontaneously.  ?Perhaps this is the so-called camp.  For a god like this, if its followers are good, then the god is good; if its followers are evil, then the god is also evil.  However, in Cheng Kong's view, this kind of god is completely a puppet of believers. If someone uses some skills to control the thinking direction of those believers, I am afraid that the demigod will not be far away from falling.  It is precisely because of this lesson that the demigods behind continued to explore, and finally discovered the method of the godhead to filter out distracting thoughts of faith.  Of course, those distracting thoughts of believers are not without benefit to the gods. Appropriate exposure to these distracting thoughts of believers can temper the soul and make the soul stronger.  But no matter what, Cheng Kong would not find anything for himself to come into contact with the distracting thoughts of those believers at this time.  Well, Cheng Kong had tried it once before, but the moment he came into contact with the distracting thoughts of those believers, Cheng Kong felt like his mind was exploding.  The more believers have distracting thoughts like this, the more powerful they become.  With Cheng Kong¡¯s massive number of believers, it is enough to overwhelm Cheng Kong¡¯s mind.  After all, those so-called distracting thoughts of believers are actually the thoughts that pop up in the minds of believers.  ¡°For example, what are you going to eat tonight? There is a beautiful dress in the store. It would be great if you could buy it. Things like that.  The number of thoughts in the minds of one billion believers is conceivable.  In fact, if Cheng Kong¡¯s spiritual power hadn¡¯t retreated quickly, he might have died immediately.  Well, this is not something that I have to endure at this stage.  And after getting rid of the distracting thoughts of faith, the divine power becomes much purer.  But Cheng Kong discovered that if the excess divine power is directly condensed into divine power crystals, then after the divine power crystals are converted into divine power again, the divine power will be purer.  This is the benefit brought by condensing the divine power without attributes into the crystallization of divine power with attributes.  Although this will consume a little extra divine power, in this way, these divine power crystals can be used as a reserve of divine power for use at critical times.  Of course, for now, Cheng Kong¡¯s main focus is on the Island Turtle Palace.  After intervening in climate change in North America, Cheng Kong noticed that the entire earth was slightly repellent to him.  This is an inevitable phenomenon. Normally, the gods after being enthroned will be gradually excluded from the original world.  No way, any world has its own perfect rule cycle system as long as it is not on the verge of destruction, but the influence of gods on the world is too great.  Especially when using divine power, the world itself will reject the gods just like the immune system rejects viruses.  This process usually takes five hundred years, but if the gods frequently use divine power to interfere with changes in the rules of the world, then this rejection process will be accelerated.  After understanding this, Cheng Kong did not dare to interfere in the world's rules easily.? was running smoothly, but focused its attention on creating the Kingdom of God.  The Kingdom of God is an extension of the god's body. Gods can exert their greatest power in the Kingdom of God. In terms of defense, a well-constructed Kingdom of God can resist enemies that are much stronger than itself.  For example, back then, Poseidon Reis Amboli blocked the joint attacks of several gods in his own kingdom. Unfortunately, he missed the move in the end and was beaten to pieces.  No matter what, the Kingdom of God is the place where the gods after being enthroned can settle down and live their lives, and there is no room for Cheng Kong to be careless.  But if you want to build a kingdom of God, there is a lot of knowledge involved.  The so-called Kingdom of God is a territory transformed by gods using rules.  There are usually two better options for building the Kingdom of God.  One is that the gods go to the void alone, looking for a growing demiplane or a smaller plane, as a support for their own divine kingdom, so as to build the divine kingdom.  The second is to build the kingdom of God in the main material plane, and finally take the built kingdom of God to the void to settle down. Well, this is the so-called raising the throne.  In fact, these two methods each have their own advantages and disadvantages.  The first method is relatively simple for gods, and consumes less divine power initially. It is suitable for gods with a small number of believers, and can build a kingdom of gods more quickly.  But this method has a disadvantage, that is, the built Kingdom of God has fewer rules due to the demiplane and smaller planes, so the defense of the Kingdom of God is weak, and if you want to make up for this disadvantage, then the gods  It takes a long time and a lot of divine power to continuously construct new rules.  The second method is to build the Kingdom of God in the main material plane.  There are an extremely large number of rules in the main material plane, because the essence of building the Kingdom of God is to twist the original rules to the extent you need, or add new rules to serve yourself.  Therefore, there are so many rules that need to be twisted, and the amount of divine power consumed in this way is naturally frightening. If you want to build the Kingdom of God without twisting the rules, it is not impossible, but the number of loopholes in the Kingdom of God is also outrageous.  of. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Lifting the throne at the end will also consume a lot of divine power.  In short, the second method is completely prepared for those gods with a huge number of believers.  And Cheng Kong naturally chose the second method.  Well, Cheng Kong also noticed that there is no so-called demiplane or plane in the universe where the earth is located.  If there are, then maybe those planets are?  ??Is Jupiter considered an atmospheric plane?  Is the white dwarf considered the earth plane?  Is the yellow dwarf a mixture of the plane of light and the plane of fire?  And the earth is considered the main plane?  "Compared with building the Kingdom of God on the demiplane, there are great benefits to building the Kingdom of God on the main plane, well, on the earth.  Cheng Kong took the time to break through the atmosphere and went directly to Venus and Mars to check out the two closer planets.  The result made Cheng Kong quite disappointed.  These two planets are not very suitable for building the Kingdom of God. Mars basically does not have many atmospheric rules and water rules, while Venus now has too strong atmospheric rules.  It would be quite appropriate for a planet like this to be given to gods with strange origins.  For example, Venus is given to the god of the air element, Mars is given to the god of drought, etc. It is good.  But Cheng Kong is not one of those gods with weird origins, and Cheng Kong¡¯s followers are all humans and are not adapted to that extreme environment.  Therefore, Cheng Kong¡¯s final plan is to build the Kingdom of God based on the Island Turtle Palace.  The Island Turtle Palace was originally a small part of the Kingdom of Poseidon Reiss Amboli, but the Kingdom was shattered by the gods, and now only this little bit remains.  After Cheng Kong ignited the divine fire and took over the remaining remnants of the Kingdom of God, he had already enjoyed the benefits of the remaining power of the Kingdom of God.  If it weren¡¯t for the added power of the Kingdom of God, Cheng Kong would never have been able to analyze the rules as fast as he did.  Another twenty years passed as Cheng Kong continued to analyze the rules.  In the past twenty years, with the support of the true God, the Poseidon Church has developed faster than in the previous fifty years.  For the development of faith, the initial period is the most difficult.  As I said before, this is similar to doing business. It is not easy to make two hundred yuan with a capital of one hundred yuan, but it is much easier to make two million yuan from one million yuan.  The number of believers in Poseidon Church has reached one billion, and various countries are competing to support Poseidon Church under the shock of divine punishment.Religion, with the two combined, the number of believers suddenly increased dramatically.  There is a saying in China since ancient times: Those who are close to ink are black, and those who are close to vermilion are red.  If everyone around you believes in Poseidon, then it will be difficult for non-believers among them to resist the infection of this belief as time goes by.  After these twenty years have passed, the number of believers in Poseidon Church has exploded to nearly seven billion.  You must know that the current global population is only about 9 billion, and the number of Poseidon believers accounts for more than half.  With such a proportion of believers, even if the pastors of the Poseidon Church stop working hard to preach, it will only take up to ten years. I am afraid that there will not be many humans left in the world who do not believe in Poseidon.  In the Island Turtle Palace, Cheng Kong was surrounded by countless storms and rays of light, and his feet were covered with colorful divine power crystals. This carpet of divine power crystals even spread out.  With the throne peak as the center and hundreds of square kilometers of seabed surrounding it, divine power crystals are spread to a thickness of ten meters.  Cheng Kong¡¯s eyes were also closed for twenty years.  Suddenly, the light of the storm surrounding Cheng Kong suddenly dissipated. At this time, Cheng Kong slowly opened his eyes.  In the past twenty years, Cheng Kong, in addition to continuing to analyze the rules, has also been accumulating the crystallization of divine power needed to build the Kingdom of God.  Building the Kingdom of God is like assembling a computer. It requires various hardware to be combined, and these hardware are the rules. All the rules are either twisted from the existing rules, or they need to be created by yourself.  But all this requires a large amount of divine power as a consumption basis to achieve.  Therefore, Cheng Kong needs to reserve a large amount of divine power crystals for backup. Otherwise, when building the Kingdom of God, if it fails due to insufficient divine power, Cheng Kong will vomit blood.  Of course, considering the number of Cheng Kong¡¯s current followers, such a situation should not happen, but just in case, the more divine power crystals the better.  But by this time, Cheng Kong already had a lot of magical power crystals in reserve.  Each divine power crystal requires about a hundred believers' one-year share of the power of faith to be condensed into it, and the number of divine power crystals in the seabed under Cheng Kong's feet is probably no less than five or six billion.  To be honest, it would take ordinary gods tens of thousands of years to successfully condense such a quantity of divine power.  From this we can also see that Cheng Kong is uniquely blessed to be able to become a god on earth.  "Chi!" Cheng Kong shouted softly, and aqua blue ripples rushed out of his body and spread around.  In the blink of an eye, aqua blue ripples covered the entire island turtle palace, and then transformed into a rough wave.  This wave spread and the sea surface around the island turtle was suddenly raised one level.  Then a cloud of mist rose from the sea to cover the rising sea surface, and then, there was a shaking sound from the bottom of the sea.  If someone dives into the seabed at this time, they will be horrified to find that a huge crack has opened in the seabed under the Island Turtle Palace. Countless magma rolled out under high pressure and solidified immediately after encountering the seawater, but the seawater  It continuously boils on top of the hot magma, forming steam that continues to rise upward.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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