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Volume 3 Law Replacement Chapter 1435 to 1436, Seeds of the World Tree

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    You must know that although the mother of nature, Vidayamimi, is a powerful god, her fighting power cannot be complimented.  Lathander's current power has almost declined to half of its former power, and Vidayami is still somewhat suppressed by Lathander. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? And Lathander also felt very depressed. Although he killed Qidare, he failed to destroy his clerical crystal, which did not increase Lathander's power much.  What made Lathanda suffocate the most was that during the period when the mother of nature, Vidayami, was chasing him to fight, his power continued to drain. This allowed Luosanda to seriously injure Vidayami several times at first.  Later, I could only gain a slight advantage. I couldn't defeat the opponent, and I didn't even have a chance to escape. I was completely held back.  In this way, Luosanda not only failed to gain from killing Qida Lei, but also suffered a lot because of Cheng Kong's incarnation of light.  As a result, Lathander hated the thief who didn't know the details even more.  But for a being like Cheng Kong, even if Luosanda stabbed a villain, it would have no impact on him at all.  Curses may be of some use to mortals, but to gods, they are of no use at all.  On the other hand, Cheng Kong¡¯s incarnations have all been re-condensed, and these incarnations are currently busy collecting the World Tree fruits from the converted tribes. ??????? If those World Trees were directly dug away, the effect might be much better, but this would undoubtedly weaken the strength of those tribes that believe in themselves.  Even weakening their faith.  Besides, the most critical point is that these World Trees are the sons and goddesses of Qidare and have their own consciousness.  Even if Cheng Kong had the priesthood of World Tree, he would only be able to get them a little closer at most. It would be unrealistic to want to command them like Qida Lei.  Therefore, the best option is to collect the fruits of those World Trees and cultivate them yourself.  ¡° Among the treasures that can enhance the strength of civilization, this World Tree is among the top treasures.  Light continuously enhances the physique, strength, intelligence, etc. of intelligent creatures.  It was enough to make many gods envious.  Before, Qida Lei protected these World Trees very well, and no one had a chance.  But now, Cheng Kong is the first to get the moon, so he will not let it go.  Since the ripening cycle of World Tree fruits is slow, Cheng Kong¡¯s incarnations could only collect more than two hundred World Tree fruits after harvesting all the tribes. ???????????????? Even the fruits of the World Tree mature slowly.  It shouldn't be so few.  Unfortunately, after the World Tree fruits of those tribes mature, they will split the tribe once, and let the new tribes take away the World Tree fruits and plant them. In this way, only the newly ripe World Tree fruits hanging on the branches can be harvested.  .  Of course, more than two hundred World Tree fruits are considered a lot.  Cheng Kong does not intend to use the power of time to accelerate the growth of these World Tree fruits, let alone plant these World Tree fruits in the multiverse.  First of all, if the fruit of the World Tree uses the power of time to accelerate its growth, it may drain Cheng Kong's divine power.  They may not be able to grow to maturity and bear fruit.  The World Tree is different from those Ba snakes. The divinity in those Ba snakes is comparable to that of the World Tree.  It¡¯s literally the difference between a creek and the ocean.  As for the plane occupied by Cheng Kong in the multiverse, those intelligent creatures are much stronger than humans on earth. Besides, the piety of these intelligent creatures is not enough for Cheng Kong to be willing to invest such expensive resources.  So Cheng Kong finally decided to plant all these world tree fruits on several planets on the earth.  After all, as I said before, humans on earth are much weaker than intelligent creatures in the multiverse. Therefore, if there are the same number of believers, the power of faith contributed by humans on earth will be much less.  At the headquarters of the Poseidon Church on Achilles Island on Earth, during a routine mass ceremony led by the Patriarch, Poseidon performed a miracle and bestowed more than two hundred World Tree seeds.  The church¡¯s top leaders naturally attach great importance to the World Tree seeds given by our Lord.  Originally, it was up to the Patriarch to decide how to distribute these seeds, but due to the leak of the news, various pastoral areas petitioned for a seed.  No way, this world tree is too magical, no matter who is the chief pastor, he doesn¡¯t want to be scolded by the believers.  Although it may be possible to obtain it in the future, the benefits of being one step ahead will definitely be much greater than those of being late.  ¡°As a result, even the Patriarch cannot make a final decision.  After all, the worldThe emotions caused by the seeds are too intense. If the Patriarch suppresses them forcibly, the consequences may not be good.  In order to ensure openness and fairness, cameras were installed for the next joint meeting of the chief pastors to distribute the seeds of the World Tree, which was broadcast live to believers around the world.  After several days of meetings, the distribution list of World Tree seeds was finally released. As the home planet of mankind, the earth was naturally allocated the largest share, a total of eighty seeds. ???????????? Venus is allocated sixty, Mars is thirty, and the moon is five.  One hundred and seventy-five seeds were separated here, and the remaining thirty-odd seeds were sent to colonies developed by humans in several other star systems through space gates.  Well, as for the Orion civilization, it is impossible to get this first batch.  After all, in the heart of the church headquarters, there is no way that the Orion civilization can be compared to the humans on Earth. Since it is a semi-independent state, these benefits need to be satisfied by humans on Earth before they can be shared.  Although magic technology has been popularized in the human world on earth, it has to be said that this world tree is considered a miracle in the eyes of humans on earth, especially after it is planted.  County a, this is Cheng Kong¡¯s hometown, and because of this, it has become a holy place.  Of course, all places where the gods have left their footprints or stories have been designated as holy places, but County A is definitely second to none on the entire earth.  The number one holy place.  No way, Cheng Kong was born and grew up here.  Reading, etc. is enough to give County A the laurel title of Christmas Land, Holy Practice Land, Holy Walking Land, etc.  So now County A has endless food and drink just because of its reputation as a holy land.  You must know that just because believers from all over the world come here every day to worship and pay homage to the holy relics, the rent in County A has increased more than ten times compared with before.  No way, with such a huge flow of people, the dozens of hotels in County A are not enough.  But in order to ensure the original condition of the holy land, no more hotels are allowed to be built.  This also allows the people of County A to enjoy the benefits of the holy land. Even in private houses in the countryside, pilgrims ask about staying, eh.  Of course this is paid.  As one of the holy places, County A naturally also benefited from this seed distribution.  As the chief pastor of the A1 pastoral area, Mr. Yang Tianxin came to County A with the World Tree seed assigned to the pastoral area.  Out of more than 200 main pastoral areas in the world, only 75 main pastoral areas have received World Tree seeds.  As the headquarters of the church and one of the sacred places of the sea, Achilles Island is understandable in planting a World Tree seed.  And the main pastoral area of ??A1 also received one more World Tree seed because of the holy land of County A.  It really makes other main pastoral areas that have not been able to obtain the World Tree seeds envious and jealous.  Around County A Square.  Hundreds of thousands of people were densely packed, crowded into a circle.  These people¡¯s faces were all red at this time. As people of County A, they had absolute confidence and sense of glory.  Poseidon Mixia is from our County A!  This sentence alone is awesome wherever you go. Normally, people in County A only need to show their ID cards when traveling.  You'll get preferential treatment, of course.  This is not a compulsory preferential treatment, it depends on the yearning of believers everywhere for the Holy Land.  Wearing a navy blue pastoral robe and followed by more than a dozen senior pastors, Yang Tianxin was the presiding pastor. The more than ten senior pastors were carrying a wooden box on their shoulders.  This wooden box contains the World Tree seed, which is six meters long, three meters wide and two meters high. Compared with the thick leaves of the World Tree, which are more than ten meters long, it is one size smaller.  Seeing the appearance of Yang Tianxin, the hundreds of warriors who surrounded the square to isolate the people immediately became energetic, and the people all knelt on the ground, touching their chests with their left hands and praying to the god.  The servant salutes.  And Pastor Yang Tianxin, like those senior pastors, knelt on the ground and returned the gift.  Although believers respect God¡¯s servants very much, God¡¯s servants cannot despise believers. This is an iron rule.  Arriving at the center of the square, there is a large flower bed with a hole already dug.  Yang Tianxin and a group of senior pastors personally took out the seeds of the World Tree, planted them in the pit, covered them with soil, and poured water on them.  After doing all this, Yang Tianxin led the senior pastor to start reciting hymns to Cheng Kong.  The seeds of the World Tree will not germinate if planted directly. This requires the guidance of Cheng Kong¡¯s divine power.  Seeing the chief shepherd begin to praise Poseidon Mixia, the believers around the square also followed suit.  Soon, when the praise reached its climax, a slender golden lightShooting down from a high altitude, it shines directly on the flower bed.  Suddenly the praises of the believers became louder and louder.  As the Church of Poseidon gradually gained dominance in human society, Cheng Kong rarely performed miracles anymore.  There is absolutely no need to waste divine power.  To this day, these believers have not seen a miracle appear for hundreds of years, so when they see a miracle at this time, they can't help but be ecstatic.  As this golden beam of light shone on the flower bed, the believers felt that the ground seemed to be shaking, and soon some sharp-eyed believers whispered: "Look, the soil in the flower bed is moving." It is true,  The soil in the flower bed was like soup from a boiling pot, constantly gushing out.  After a few breaths, a huge green shoot emerged from the soil and grew rapidly.  In less than ten minutes, the bud grew into a tree more than ten meters high. The branches were as thick as thighs and stretched towards the sky. Hundreds of palm-sized leaves were hung on it, and the list goes on.  Growing.  This scene really stunned the believers present.  Although the current magic technology has developed very advanced, believers have never seen plants that grow so fast. The crops grown in the hero world can be considered to grow very fast.  But compared with this world tree, it becomes a tractor.  Of course, the World Tree seeds grow extremely fast during the germination stage.  It's not because Cheng Kong wasted his divine power.  An hour has passed. The growth rate of the World Tree seedlings has slowed down compared to before, but it has already grown to a height of thirty meters.  "It's just that the height of thirty meters is just a seedling for the World Tree.  As long as no accidents occur, when the World Tree reaches maturity, its height will exceed one thousand meters.  By this time, there was silence all around the square.  The only sound was the roots of the World Tree seedlings squeezing through the concrete floor.  At this time, the square was in a mess. Countless tree roots grew from the bottom of the trunk of the World Tree sapling. They grew along the cement floor for a distance and then plunged into the ground.  These tree roots are as flexible as giant pythons, which is really scary.  As the World Tree seedlings continue to grow, a little bit of faint green light falls from the branches and leaves of the World Tree seedlings, falling towards the surroundings of the square.  Yang Tianxin looked at this dream-like scene.  I can't help but feel a little crazy.  When a little green light fell in front of him, Yang Tianxin couldn't help but stretched out his right hand to gently grab the light spot.  Just when Yang Tianxin stretched out his hand to grab the light spots, he couldn't help but laugh at himself. He was considered a high-ranking figure, so why did he still act like a child? To be sure, this was true. In Yang Tianxin's view, these light spots were nothing like those of a child.  Soap bubbles don't make much difference.  But just after Yang Tianxin¡¯s palm came into contact with the light spot, Yang Tianxin¡¯s self-deprecating expression suddenly solidified.  He could clearly feel that the light spot turned into a coolness after touching his palm, spreading along his body.  But it dissipated in the body soon.  This light spot can actually enhance the attributes of the human body in all aspects!  It would be fine if it were an ordinary believer, but Yang Tianxin could clearly analyze the information contained in it.  At this time, many believers also came into contact with these light spots. They stretched out their hands to grab these light spots with excited smiles.  Soon, they discovered the benefits of this light spot.  Although they did not know that these light spots could enhance various aspects of the human body, they clearly felt that some of their ailments tended to be quickly alleviated after the green light spots were integrated into the body.  Soon, the news spread.  Suddenly, the town of County A began to boil. A large number of believers who were far away from the square crowded towards this side. They were really excited about being able to cure their illnesses.  Although the healing skills of priests can cure some illnesses, this is not absolute. Moreover, many people with minor illnesses and pains ask priests to release healing skills for themselves. This is too disrespectful of treating priests as human beings.  You must know that the number of priests is much less than that of doctors.  What¡¯s more, some believers who absorbed more green light points made new discoveries. After these green light points entered their bodies, they could feel their bodies slowly strengthening.  Seeing that the crowd around the square became more and more crowded, and the samurai who maintained order in the square were swayed, the situation suddenly became very critical.  Fortunately, Yang Tianxin did not just bring more than a hundred warriors with him on this trip, but also a group of warriors stationed in the temple of County A, and then?Deployed.  Of course, it is basically impossible for more than two hundred warriors to stop these believers who have become somewhat crazy.  In desperation, Yang Tianxin had to lead the senior priests to jointly release a range of magic to calm the mind.  As this magical power was released, a circle of aqua blue halo swept out, shrouding most of the believers inside.  With the effect of this magic, coupled with the fact that the green light spots falling from the World Tree have a calming effect on the mind, the two-pronged approach finally restored calm to the believers who had fallen into madness.  But after just such a commotion for a while, the World Tree grew a few more meters.  Since this day, there has been a constant flow of people around the square, and believers will squeeze in here to enjoy the green light.  But after January, the flow of people around the square became less and less.  At this time, the World Tree has grown to a height of more than 300 meters. The huge crown is like an umbrella that continues to extend in all directions, covering more than one square kilometer of land.  Although the crown and leaves of the World Tree are extremely thick and absorb all the sunlight, the land covered by the World Tree is not dark.  There is a green light shrouding the bottom of the World Tree. Countless green light spots continue to fall down and scatter in the wind, causing the entire county to be shrouded in these green light spots.  The world tree has not grown to the end. The standard for it to enter the juvenile stage from the infancy stage is more than one thousand meters.  However, I don¡¯t know if the earth is particularly suitable for the growth of these world trees. Most of the world trees planted on the earth have grown to more than 300 meters. If this trend continues, I am afraid that in less than a year, these world trees will be  It can grow to more than a thousand meters.  By then, I¡¯m afraid each World Tree will be able to cover an area of ??a county.  Cheng Kong is not worried about the failure of crops on the land covered by the World Tree. You must know that in this month, the Poseidon Church has already conducted experiments. All plants planted on the land covered by the World Tree, regardless of crops  Or fruit trees, etc., all growing well.  What surprises the people the most is that the air around the World Tree has begun to change continuously. In some places where industrial pollution was originally serious, after the World Tree was planted, the soil, air, and water began to be purified.  Compared with the World Tree on the earth, the growth trend of the World Tree on Mars, Venus, the Moon and other planets is slower. Of course, this is considered a more reasonable range. After all, compared to the earth, the growth trend of the world tree on these planets is slower.  The environment is much harsher, so the World Tree uses more power to transform the surrounding environment while growing, making the growth slower.  (To be continued)
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