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Volume 3 Law Replacement Chapter 1409 to 1410, Ant Crawling

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    To be honest, in the multiverse, many medium-sized gods may not have so many believers.  As for powerful gods, it is normal for the number of believers to exceed tens of billions.  After all, it is easy for any powerful god to rule hundreds of planes.  The spring water of Faith hangs straight down and merges into the lake. Most of it is directly absorbed by the snake eggs.  But a very small amount is absorbed by other organisms in the lake.  Boom boom boom, a series of loud noises came from the side of the lake.  Here, thousands of angels gathered, among which hundreds of heavy artillery angels combined their mana to form a thundercloud on one side of the lake, while the rest of the angels guarded the heavy artillery angels. ?? Continuously, huge water fleas exceeding two meters rushed out of the lake and rushed towards the angels.  These angels are responsible for guarding this lake.  Originally this was a relaxing and satisfying job.  But what the angels never expected was that as the power of faith continued to pour into the lake, some changes began to appear in the lake. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? away from the fish.  And the aquatic plants in the lake began to grow wildly, and seemed to have awakened their intelligence, launching attacks on the fish.  Soon a racial war broke out between the two sides.  Each side of this war has its own advantages.  Aquatic plants grow quickly, even if only a small section is left, they can grow quickly. Their weakness is that they are not strong in combat and are easily eaten by fish.  Compared with aquatic plants, the reproductive ability of fish is weaker.  But on the offensive, after all, most of the fish in the lake feed on aquatic plants.  Naturally, the aquatic plants retreated one after another, and soon they retreated from occupying all the lake water to just a corner.  But at this critical time, water fleas in some lakes mutated.  There is no doubt that the special structure of these giant water fleas makes them more lethal in battle and more bloody and cruel than before they mutated.  This is what will inevitably happen after absorbing the power of faith.  This is why only gods dare to absorb a large amount of the power of faith.  Without the filter of godhead or divine fire, the distracting thoughts of believers contained in the power of faith will also be absorbed by these creatures without reservation as the power of faith is absorbed.  There is only one outcome, or you become a madman.  Or become an idiot.  ¡°Obviously, most of the creatures in this lake have turned into lunatics, and they are fighting each other cruelly as a group.  Those snake eggs.  Its strength level is originally higher than those of ordinary creatures in the water, but those ordinary creatures dare not approach it.  As for the power of faith, the little projection of divine fire suspended in the center of the pile of Ba snake eggs is not just for fun.  Most of the power of faith is absorbed and purified by this divine fire projection and then released for absorption by the Ba Snake Egg.  There is no way Cheng Kong could use his godhead to purify these snake eggs to purify their faith.  But even this little divine fire projection is enough for use.  After all, Cheng Kong is not training a demigod.  It's just cultivating some divine creatures.  Cheng Kong didn¡¯t pay any attention to those lake creatures that mutated after absorbing the power of faith that contained distracting thoughts.  For Him, this kind of thing can be completely ignored, otherwise what would those angels stationed by the lake do for food?  In order to prevent those water fleas from leaving the lake and affecting the safety of believers in other parts of the Kingdom of God, the angels spend almost ten hours a day dealing with those water fleas that want to leave the lake.  Because the time is still short, the water fleas in the lake have only grown in size and have not been activated by the power of faith to activate more abilities.  And the intelligence is extremely low, once a breakthrough location is selected.  It won't be replaced.  Therefore, it is extremely easy for the angels to deal with it.  Hundreds of elemental angels are patrolling around the lake at high altitudes. Once water fleas are discovered, the rest of the angels can quickly arrive to encircle and suppress them.  Boom boom boom, another wave of lightning fell from the clouds, causing the lake water to splash. The electric light jumping around in the lake water was able to electrocute the water fleas that tried to hide under the water into coke in almost an instant.  "It's finally over." After the elemental angel responsible for the eyes sent back the news that there was nothing abnormal, the heavy artillery angels finally breathed a sigh of relief.  Although it is not difficult to deal with those water fleas, as time goes by, the water fleas are getting faster and faster, which puts some pressure on the heavy artillery angels responsible for spell strikes.    After all, with the continuous mutation and evolution, the front claws of those water fleas have become harder and harder, and even when fighting with the elemental angels, they can occasionally block the flaming sword of the elemental angels.  But just when the angels were relaxing, an accident happened.  Tens of thousands of water fleas broke out of the water and rushed out towards the grassland near the lake.  The jumping ability of these water fleas is extremely amazing. They are several meters in size, but they can jump hundreds of meters with each bounce.  "Burn mana!" Seeing so many water fleas rushing out of the water and fleeing in all directions, the commander of this angel detachment, a heavy artillery angel, changed his face a little.  If these water fleas are allowed to escape, the threat to the surrounding believers will be unimaginable.  Although after those believers were reincarnated in the Kingdom of God and had a stable and wealthy living environment, many believers would go to the paladin of the temple to learn some combat skills after praying.  The rise of this trend has made the believers' combat effectiveness much stronger than when they were on earth.  But this kind of power is only for ordinary people.  "It is certain that there can be some martial arts geniuses and masters in it, but most believers just regard it as a kind of leisure and fun.  With martial arts like this used to deal with those water fleas, heavy casualties are probably unavoidable.  The huge difference in size makes the combat effectiveness of these water fleas comparable to those of the paladin attendants.  Well, that¡¯s it.  Need some explanation.  The Paladin is one of the armed forces of the Church of Poseidon. Its full name is Ocean Fighter and Combat Scholar.  Contradiction of War, Death Scythe, Nature's Guardian, etc., each name is straightforward and concise.  The ocean warrior is naturally a paladin who believes in Cheng Kong, while the combat scholar is a paladin who believes in Lao Ma, etc.  These paladins are all elites recruited and selected from the lowest levels.  Most of the children initially recruited are between the ages of five and six. They will attend the pastoral primary school and learn the same knowledge as the five- and six-year-old pastoral children.  But from this point on, they will take several more courses related to combat skills and sexual training than those priest classmates.  The pastor attended primary school for five years.  Pastoral high school for five years.  In ten years, these strong young men of fifteen or sixteen will part ways with their priest classmates and enter specialized paladin schools for further study.  Before this, these young men were called paladin schoolboys.  After entering the Paladin Academy.  Renamed as Paladin Preparatory Attendant!  For all the paladin preparatory servants, the three years of training in the paladin academy is a watershed in their lives.  Within these three years, they must learn enough combat skills, and before graduation, they must improve their perception in order to obtain their first zero-level magic!  You must meet two conditions to become a paladin.  The first is to have sufficient combat skills, and the second is to have the ability to release divine magic.  To put it bluntly, a paladin is a warrior who can release divine magic to assist in combat.  The paladin preparation attendants after graduation.  Those who have obtained their first magic spell will naturally have a bright future.  They will enter several paladin orders of the church according to their beliefs.  Serve as a squire to those who are formal paladins in order to learn practical experience from these senior paladins.  Of course, from this moment on, they can proudly stand up and be called the attendants of the ocean warriors, the attendants of the combat scholar, etc.  If nothing else happens, they will be officially promoted to paladins in three years. Of course, this promotion is also conditional.  The first-level divine skill is the threshold. Paladin servants who have not obtained the first-level divine skill need to continue to work hard.  And those paladin preparatory servants who have not obtained the first zero-level divine spell before graduating from the paladin academy will enter the service of the knights affiliated to the main pastoral areas.  Obviously, the gap between the knights in the main pastoral area and the paladin in the church headquarters is a bit big.  But their future has not been cut off. In addition to being able to accumulate merit and improve their positions in the Samurai Order, if they can obtain the first zero-level magic before the age of thirty, they will be transferred to the Paladin Order.  Act as a paladin squire.  In any case, the emergence of the two church armed forces, the Paladin Order and the Samurai Order, has made the Poseidon Church's supervision of the secular government stronger.  Although the relationship between the Poseidon Church and the secular government is still in the honeymoon period, and judging from the current situation, I am afraid that it will not happen for quite some time.?There won't be anything dirty, but this kind of supervision is necessary.  As the spokesperson of the gods on the ground, the Poseidon Church has the responsibility and obligation to guide and maintain faith. If there are drastic changes in the secular regime that may affect the spread of faith, the Poseidon Church will take decisive action to calm the situation forcefully.  Go down.  It can be seen from this that the strength of the paladin is still very strong. After all, based on the current magic technology of earth civilization, if you want to quickly calm down the situation, you really need strong strength.  We turn the camera back to the lakeside.  After the angel commander issued the order to burn mana, hundreds of heavy artillery angels did not hesitate at all, and their bodies bloomed with colorful brilliance.  The so-called burning mana, to put it bluntly, is to use overdraft of mana to release spells that exceed the normal state. Its power will be increased by three to five times, but the consequences are also relatively serious.  If you are lucky, you can recover within a few months of cultivation. If you are not lucky, you may even ignite the core of your soul.  If not, those water fleas may escape.  But when these angels began to prepare for a desperate fight, a human figure with a faint golden light all over the body suddenly appeared above the lakeside. He couldn't help but let out a sigh when he saw the water fleas fleeing around.  But just after this sound, whether it was the water fleas escaping from the lake or the water fleas lurking in the lake, there was a crisp sound from the body, and a moment later.  The body was like an inflated balloon that was pricked by a steel needle and exploded with a bang.  This golden humanoid figure is naturally Cheng Kong who came to check on the hatching status of the Ba Snake eggs.  Every corner of the Kingdom of God is under his control.  Who knew that the mistake that occurred when the power of faith was poured into the lake also caused holes in Cheng Kong's perception of the Kingdom of God.  Therefore, after seeing these mutated water fleas, Cheng Kong was stunned for a moment, but after a moment, with a slight thought, those water fleas that tried to break through the defense line exploded and died.  Live or die!  Within a certain range around Cheng Kong, all it takes is a thought from Cheng Kong.  It can kill mortal objects, regardless of their number, and can distinguish them according to their race.  This is really scary.     certainly.  This is exactly the power of gods.  Seeing Cheng Kong's arrival, the angels who were burning mana immediately noticed that the commotion of mana ignited in their bodies disappeared.  As a god, it¡¯s just a piece of cake to calm down such a little mana commotion.  "Praise my Lord!" The angels occasionally see Cheng Kong coming, but every time they see Cheng Kong.  Any emotion in these angels will be ignited.  Even some of the slightly more emotional angels were so excited that their bodies were shaking, as if fans had met their most admired stars.  I am almost crazy about you, almost dying for you.  Because of the little emotion that angels possess, they are able to generate some power of faith. Although there are not as many as humans on earth, they are still precious.  After all, angels were originally just weapons of war. Angels in the past could not generate the power of faith, but today's angels are constantly enriched by their emotions.  Instead, it moved closer to humans.  Cheng Kong nodded, indicating that he understood the hard work of these angels.  These angels couldn't help but get even more excited.  When the angels retreated, Cheng Kong stepped forward, crossed dozens of kilometers, and reached the sky above the center of the lake.  As the golden light from Cheng Kong's eyes shot out, all the scenes in the center of the lake fell into Cheng Kong's eyes.  Cheng Kong can know the situation at any time if he is just checking the situation in the center of the lake, but if he wants to penetrate the snake eggshell to see the details, he needs to rush to the scene to check with both eyes.  Cheng Kong was very satisfied with the degree of hatching of the snake eggs.  For these Ba snake eggs, Cheng Kong did not have the slightest power to release time. After all, compared to the Ba snake eggs after hatching, the Ba snake eggs were too fragile. If they were not careful, the eggs would be scrapped.  But after a large amount of the power of faith was poured into it, it also had a catalytic effect on these snake eggs.  The baby snake egg that originally took hundreds of years to hatch was fully formed in just three months under the power of faith.  Of course, the role of the power of faith is not limited to this.  Over the next month, the baby snakes came out of their shells one after another, looking for food in the lake and swimming happily.  " Compared with their parents, these baby snakes are much larger than their parents right from birth, and they grow very fast. In one year, they reach the point where their parents took five or six years to reach.    The most important thing is that these young snakes soon show abilities that are different from their parents.  Some of them can control flames, some can control water flow, and some young snakes can even fly freely at high altitudes in three years.  But they all have one unified characteristic, that is, they have an excellent appetite.  Especially after Cheng Kong released the power of time, they were able to eat hundreds of Bimeng cattle almost a day.  Their growth period is completely about eating and sleeping. They sleep for a long time and eat when they wake up.  As a result, the lake originally prepared for them was no longer able to accommodate them.  As for those aquatic creatures that have been mutated by the power of faith, they have long been eaten by these snakes.  After all, for the Ba snakes, these aquatic creatures mutated by the power of faith are simply delicious snacks that attract them.  Cheng Kong quickly moved these snakes to a newly discovered plane.  There is no ocean in this plane. Sixty percent of the area is water, freshwater lakes, and the total area is only about one million square kilometers.  There are quite a few such small planes in the multiverse.  Although a complete ecological environment has been established within it, and there are many kinds of creatures, it is at best the target of some new gods' prying eyes. After all, for a powerful god like Cheng Kong.  A million square kilometers of land is indeed too small to be worth investing in.  The most important thing is that a small plane like this contains only a small number of rules, making it inherently deficient.  It can be said that even if such a small plane develops for millions of years, it is probably impossible for a god to appear.  It can be seen that due to the small number of contained rules, the development potential of this small plane is almost non-existent.  At most, it is used to trap believers.  But Cheng Kong was interested in this kind of plane.  This can be considered a helpless thing. After all, after those snakes quickly grew to a thousand meters, their movement increased greatly, and there were deep grooves wherever they passed.  It can be said that in less than a week, the area around the lake in the Kingdom of God has changed from a grassland to a water town in the south of the Yangtze River.  The dense grooves form a dense water network.  Although such destructive power is nothing to the Kingdom of God.  But as the Kingdom of God is an extension of Cheng Kong¡¯s body, basically most of the actions taken against the Kingdom of God will attract Cheng Kong¡¯s attention, but those below a certain limit are ignored by Cheng Kong.  The behavior of those believers in the Kingdom of God is like bacteria on the human body, but the behavior of these snakes is different, at least it is like ants crawling.  If one ant crawls, Cheng Kong can still bear it, but if a group of ants crawls, it will really kill him.  It is impossible for Cheng Kong to ignore such a level of behavior. If this is the case, he may not even know about the enemy invasion.  For this reason, Cheng Kong just chose this plane as a base for cultivating Ba Snake.  After all, if a large plane is used to cultivate Ba Snake, the damage caused will be quite large.  (To be continued)
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