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Volume 3 Law Replacement Chapter 1351 to 1352, Planet Transformation

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    But in the eyes of these alien priests, their actions are to save the civilization of their motherland that is falling into darkness. Only the great Poseidon Mixia can protect his civilization.  ??Besides, Poseidon Mixia was originally the patron saint of his home planet, but he drifted outside due to some accidents. Anyone who worries about hindering Poseidon Mixia's return is his mortal enemy!  These aliens are actually good materials for pastors. After they repeat lies like this several times in their hearts, they become convinced.  After more than one million alien priests boarded the ship, these battleships began to float, and then flew towards the space gate that opened to a high altitude.  Of course, Cheng Kong couldn't let these aliens spend thousands of years slowly sauntering back in battleships, so after spending some time to lock the location of the Orion civilization based on the information provided by the alien believers, Cheng Kong directly started  A space gate.  This space gate leads to a void outside the Orion civilization¡¯s home galaxy. After passing through the space gate, these warships only need to sail continuously for three months to return to the Orion civilization¡¯s home galaxy.  And it may take a thousand years for the fleet commander who is still escaping to return to the Orion civilization. In this way, by the time the fleet commander returns to the Orion civilization, I am afraid that the Orion civilization has already been involved in the process.  In Sora's arms.  Precisely because of this consideration, when these alien priests returned to the Orion civilization, they placed all the blame for the defeat on the poor lieutenant general commander, and also tampered with the location and cause of the defeat.  Attributing this rare fiasco of the Orion civilization to a sudden appearance of a cosmic beast.  Well, in fact, when these alien priests returned to the Orion civilization, the senior officials did not raise many questions about the reasons for the destruction of the alien expedition fleet.  The reason is very simple. At this time, the term of His Majesty the current emperor of the Orion civilization is about to end. Both the current emperor and other families qualified to run for the throne of the emperor are now focusing on competing for more supporters.  As for the destruction of a small expedition fleet due to such trivial matters as the cosmic beast, it can be completely ignored. After all, for such a loss, even if you want to take revenge, it is difficult to find an enemy.  This is just like a tiger eating a man. If it is not absolutely necessary, there are more important things that need to be dealt with by these higher-ups of civilization.  Even the commander¡¯s family tried their best to cover up this loss, fearing that their family would be besieged and decline due to this battle loss.  As for the poor commander, no one cares about his whereabouts at all.  After the quarantine period ended, millions of aliens returned to their homes and quickly integrated into the Orion civilization with a total population of more than 10 trillion, without even a splash.  As time goes by, an undercurrent gradually surges in the Orion civilization, which has a highly developed material civilization.  For the Orion octopus people, due to the highly developed material civilization, they do not need to worry about survival from the moment they are born.  The only problem is that due to the system, this civilization is extremely underdeveloped in terms of entertainment culture.  The octopus people who join the expedition fleet are lucky, and they can get some entertainment pleasure during the expedition. But for ordinary octopus people, after becoming extremely rich in material, life becomes extremely boring.  It can be said that the Poseidon Church, which secretly preaches, has brought a fresh spring of water to these octopus people who feel that life is numb and dull, making them dive into it like moths to a flame.  Time passes bit by bit, almost two hundred years have passed since Cheng Kong became a god.  In the past two hundred years, as alien technology has been continuously analyzed and applied in various aspects, the productivity on earth has experienced an explosive growth.  In terms of energy alone, the micro-nuclear fusion generator has thrown away the non-renewable oil buried underground for countless light years.  This miniature nuclear fusion generator is easy and safe to use, and the raw material for generating energy is ordinary water. The bread-sized miniature nuclear fusion generator can decompose water into hydrogen and oxygen, and then use the hydrogen to perform nuclear fusion, releasing stable  A small bowl of water can generate enough energy to power a city of 100,000 people for a year.  Of course, there are also flaws here. Due to the large-scale application of this kind of micro-nuclear fusion generator, the oxygen content of the earth's atmosphere has increased by one ten thousandth.  If this situation continues, I am afraid that in less than a thousand years at most, the oxygen content of the atmosphere will increase to the point of explosion.point.  ¡°Well, this is just a small flaw.  Breakthroughs in energy and advances in biogenetic technology have also led to the emergence of the hyperphotosynthetic farm model.  Various crops have been perfectly genetically improved. A farm of a thousand acres can produce tens of thousands of tons of food every month under the constant illumination of a miniature nuclear fusion generator and thousands of solar lamps.  This breakthrough makes it possible that there will no longer be famines on the earth, and only one percent of the previous arable land can be used to produce enough food to feed all humans and even industrial production.  Of course, it is also worth mentioning that nanorobotics technology has greatly improved industrial production capabilities.  Although the energy consumption of nanorobots when used in industrial production is enough to drain the entire earth's oil, with micro-nuclear fusion generators, the problem is much simpler.  Many machines needed for industrial production in the past are no longer needed. With nanorobots, as long as raw materials and energy are provided, you can easily produce the products you need in a short period of time.  In addition, the application of technologies such as super optical brains makes it possible to easily handle both industrial and agricultural production on earth with only one percent of the previous population.  ¡°The remaining population, after being injected with longevity medicine, can receive benefits from the state every month to purchase various extremely cheap commodities.  For humans on earth, their current life is simply paradise. As long as it does not violate the law, and as long as it performs the prescribed quota of prayers every week, no one will care about what they want to do.  Believers who have a lot of free time naturally extend their prayer time.  Of course, in a life of eating and sleeping, praying after sleeping, and then wandering around or being an otaku playing games and reading novels, etc., the number of human beings on the earth continues to increase dramatically.  No way, after being injected with longevity medicine that has been improved several times, the life span of humans on earth has been increased to a few thousand years.  In other words, within a thousand years, the number of human beings on the earth will only increase, not decrease.  So after the earth's population surged to 30 billion, with the help of Cheng Kong, humans on earth began to immigrate to other planets.  The first immigration target is the moon, which is only 380,000 kilometers away from the earth.  The moon is the planet that humans on earth know best.  Since ancient times, there have been countless myths and legends related to the moon.  ??For example, what about Chang'e flying to the moon, what about Wu Gang conquering Gui, what about the Jade Rabbit, what about the Tengu eating the moon, etc.  In short, in human hearts, the moon is a paradise in myths and legends.  Of course, this dream was shattered after humans landed on the moon for the first time. As we all know, the moon has no atmosphere, has a pockmarked face, and is riddled with bumps and bumps from meteorites. Even its gravity is only six times that of the earth.  One-third, humans can easily jump up to a height of six or seven meters on the spot.  And Cheng Kong came to the moon for the first time at this time. In order to solve the human population problem on earth, he had to come here.  Like the photos I have seen before, the moon is covered with large and small craters and has no atmosphere at all.  To say that Cheng Kong didn¡¯t have to go through such trouble originally, the Orion civilization had the technology to transform the planet, but those alien priests had not yet had access to such high-end goods, so Cheng Kong had to transform the moon himself.  When Cheng Kong was suspended about a hundred kilometers away from the moon, he closed his eyes slightly and thought for a moment. Then he pointed towards the moon, and the magma core inside the moon that was about to solidify began to boil.  As the temperature increases, a large amount of internal moon rocks continue to melt, causing the internal pressure of the moon to continue to increase. Eventually, the unsuppressible magma burst out along the cracks in the crust, forming volcanoes.  Because the moon's gravity is too small, the erupted magma directly breaks through the shackles of gravity and spreads out into space.  Cheng Kong frowned and lightly grabbed it with his right hand. A thin transparent barrier immediately appeared on the periphery of the moon, intercepting the magma.  The eruption of the volcano caused the surface of the moon to begin to fill with yellow gas, which was a mixture of sulfur and water vapor, and a sheet of hot magma flowed in all directions along the crater.  In the blink of an eye, the surface of the moon was almost the same as when the earth was first formed.  Under Cheng Kong¡¯s control, the temperature of the moon¡¯s surface began to drop rapidly. As a result, a large amount of water vapor began to condense into raindrops and fell towards the hot surface, forming a downpour.   Cheng Kong has long been proficient in these things.  Soon, the solidified magma on the moon's surface began to change into rough gravel soil, and as volcanoes continued to erupt, the moon's atmosphere began to gradually take shape.  Cheng Kong doesn¡¯t have to worry about the atmosphere drifting away from the moon. The transparent barrier formed previously can restrain all the atmosphere.  Gradually, the environment on the moon became more suitable for the growth of plants, with sufficient sunlight and moisture, as well as suitable atmospheric composition. If there were no plants on the moon, a thick layer of plants would have grown on the surface.  There's moss.  Cheng Kong touched the space ring on his right hand, and then threw the space ring towards the moon.  Wherever the space ring passed, a dense patch of seeds spread.  This space ring is filled with various plant seeds from the earth.  Of course, for Cheng Kong, this space ring seems a bit small, but it is enough to hold these seeds.  As soon as the seeds fell, a hurricane blew up on the moon, rolling up some gravel to cover the seeds, and then a dense drizzle fell.  Soon a patch of green appeared on the surface of the moon and spread out to the surroundings. Grasses, vines and saplings grew vigorously.  ??The raindrops that continue to fall gather in the recesses to form lakes. After the lakes cannot accommodate it, the excess rainwater flows to lower places, forming small streams.  Well, the creek is the limit of the moon.  In any case, the surface of the moon is much flatter than that of the earth. Even if volcanoes everywhere erupt randomly, the impact on the surface of the earth will not be great. In addition, the surface area of ??the moon is too small, making it difficult for it to form the same shape as on the earth.  of big rivers.  As plants grow rapidly and continue to convert carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into oxygen and carbohydrates, the oxygen in the moon's atmosphere begins to increase.  Of course, this is also due to Cheng Kong. He used his divine power to transport part of the rapidly increasing oxygen in the earth's atmosphere, so that the atmosphere on the moon quickly reached the level of human breathing.  After a few puppies were thrown on the surface of the moon and lived without incident for a few days, Cheng Kong went straight to open the space gate between the earth and the moon.  With the opening of the space door, the containers filled with various animals and insects were immediately carried to the moon by the heroes.  The first group of people to move to the moon were those heroes.  This is an inevitable trend. Although the current heroes are all Poseidon believers, this does not mean that the influence of these heroes on the surroundings has disappeared.  In the process of getting along with ordinary humans, it is easy for heroes to harm ordinary humans unconsciously, not to mention that in many cases, it is not uncommon to commit heinous crimes out of anger.  In recent years, more than one million ordinary humans have been killed or injured every year because of heroes.  This also makes ordinary humans have more and more opinions on heroes. In order to avoid some accidents, Cheng Kong is not allowed to develop the moon and use it as a residence for heroes.  And the military units living on the earth will also leave the earth for the moon along with the heroes.  In the future, the earth will only have no way out, and the population will remain below 10 billion.  In the next ten years, the two planets Mars and Venus were also transformed by Cheng Kong to adapt to human habitation, allowing humans to truly step out of the earth for the first time and begin to colonize other planets, which greatly eased the population on the earth.  pressure.  The only problem is that after this, there will be no more planets in the solar system that can be transformed. After all, except for the three planets in the solar system, Earth, Mars, and Venus, which are more suitable for human habitation, the rest of the planets are either gaseous planets.  Either it is too cold or too hot, completely unsuitable for human habitation.  Of course, if Cheng Kong is willing, he can also transform Jupiter, Saturn and other planets, but in this case, the divine power consumed will be too much.  Cheng Kong feels that he should wait for the Orion civilization¡¯s planet-transforming technology to be transmitted back before terraforming several planets in the solar system.  Of course, what would save more time would be to transform the planets in several nearby star systems.  However, after the transformation of Venus was completed, and when humans on Earth took root on several planets and reproduced, Cheng Kong's long-awaited promotion to the divine level began.  In fact, thirty years ago, Cheng Kong showed signs of being promoted to the level of godhood again. The power of faith gathered by tens of billions of believers was enough for Cheng Kong to continuously jump from a weak god to a powerful god in one breath.  If it weren¡¯t for his insufficient analysis of the power of rules, Cheng Kong would have been able toRising.  After realizing that he was about to be promoted, Cheng Kong did not hesitate at all, opened a space crack and returned to the volcanic island.  After returning to the palace, Cheng Kong sat directly on the throne, and a golden light spread out from his body towards the surroundings.  Just when Cheng Kong began to advance to the level of godhead, the giant elements of the four series that were wandering around leisurely immediately became alert. They rushed towards the Island Turtle Palace like guards one by one. After arriving at the periphery of the Island Turtle Palace,  Then the surrounding area was alerted.  Any creature that wants to enter this area will be attacked mercilessly.  Seeing this scene, the believers felt a little hesitant. They dropped their work one after another, knelt down on the spot, and began to pray devoutly in the direction of the Island Turtle Palace.  Not only the believers in the Volcano Island God entered a state of prayer, but also the believers on the four planets of Earth, Mars, Venus, and the Moon quickly gathered in the temple under the notice of the Poseidon Priest.  Even believers who were too late to get to the temple and church knelt down to pray on the spot, no matter where they were.  The power of faith gathered by tens of billions of believers is like water from a waterfall, sloping down from above Cheng Kong's head.  The five godhead crystals inlaid on Cheng Kong's forehead also detached at this time and floated around Cheng Kong. At the same time, more than 20 crystals that were much smaller than the five godhead crystals also came out of Cheng Kong's body.  emerge.  These crystals are the product of the localization of the priesthood held by Cheng Kong.  The waterfall-like power of faith was swallowed by these crystal whales, and Cheng Kong fell into a deep sleep.  As time went by, the golden light outside Cheng Kong's body became more and more dazzling.  Finally, after a wave of waves that made the believers' souls tremble swept away, Cheng Kong opened his eyes and woke up from his deep sleep.  The moment Cheng Kong woke up, he realized that more than fifty years had passed.  To be honest, after waking up, Cheng Kong was a little scared. He would fall into a deep sleep when he was promoted to a higher level of godhead. This really caught Cheng Kong off guard.  If Cheng Kong hadn¡¯t rushed back to the Divine Palace in time and fell into a deep sleep outside, the joke would have been a big joke.  After all, after falling into a deep sleep, Cheng Kong will be ignorant of external stimulation. If he encounters danger, he may become the most miserable god in history.  Of course, even if Cheng Kong rushed back to the Divine Palace, if an accident happened, the giant elements guarding the Divine Palace might not be able to protect him.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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